Friday, July 08, 2005

Too Funny...It's Grondahl Redux

Two reader letters appeared in this morning's Std-Ex, re last week's "Blight Family" political cartoon. Something tells me that our local newspaper of record took substantial heat over that over-the-top illustration:

From Ogden's own Rulon Yorgason:
Reader reacts to 'Blight' family cartoon
Friday, July 8, 2005

After seeing the June 28 cartoon, "Living with the 'Blight' family," first I was angry; second, I was disgusted; and third, I was sorry for the offenders.

Angry at what? Angry that Grondahl would denigrate upstanding, law-abiding, taxpaying citizens who happen to live where they wish -- in peaceful, safe neighborhoods where friends look out for each other. Neighborhoods the city has neglected for years. One can guess why.

I was disgusted because the cartoon assumes we should be alike, and if we aren't like the perfect Ogdenite ideal, then we should be forced to conform or made to leave and be sacrificed for the good of the majority.

Sorry for the bullies? Why not? These are the people who pick on those they assume are defenseless. Sorry, because bullies are really afraid to face their equals; they need help. As it is, they find someone to do their dirty work.

One form of their bullying is: "Do this if you really like your job." We saw this during the petition drive. It doesn't need to be done openly. A hint here and there and a little body language can say a lot.

Do this or you are not patriotic. We are seeing this today when our trusting young people are ordered to kill innocent women, children and other young men they have never met and don't even know. Oops! Now I have strayed onto another stage and another bully.

-Rulon Yorgason
And from the inimitable Tom Owens:
Cartoon was tasteless, warrants an apology
Friday, July 8, 2005

The Standard-Examiner has reached an all-time low with the publication of the extremely tasteless June 28 cartoon "Living with the 'Blight' family," depicting the decent folks who stood up to the mayor and Wal-Mart as a bunch of rabble-rousing scum.

The cartoon may reflect how Lord Mayor Godfrey sees those who oppose his policies, but it was a big disappointment to see you sully the reputation of the great newspaper Bill and Abe Glasmann built with such cheap and biased shots.

I think that you owe the brave people who stood up to this naked land grab a front-page retraction and apology.

-Tom Owens
The reader poll here has 69 votes tallied, by the way, and these are the results, so far:
"What's your take on the 06/28/05 Grondahl cartoon? (Scroll down page)"

Totally innocuous (2) 3%
Mildly insensitive (5) 7%
Grossly insensitive (24) 35%
Accurately describes property rights advocates (2) 3%
Accurately reflects the perception of Std-Ex editors & publisher (30) 43%
Other view suggestions (6) 9%
Total Votes: 69
My initial take was that this cartoon was basically innocuous, but I've changed my mind on that. Grondahl obviously rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Grondahl is a fine illustrator, I think, but you won't see his works hanging in the Smithsonian or the Louvre, so long as he's willing to continue selling his soul to the corporo-fascist "Suits from Sanduskey."

It really was a cheap shot. But I don't think we should hold our collective breath for the well-deserved apologies that would naturally flow forth in a righteous and decent world. The Std-Ex editors and publisher are obviously still too preoccupied with wringing their hands -- and crying towels -- over the Wal-Mart ad revenue that was lost as a result of our local citizens' noble efforts to stand up for their God-given individual property rights.


Anonymous said...

"Naked Land Grab" !!!

I love it Tom. That is in fact what the big guy on nine was trying to do to those folks below Wall. There was a built in two and a half million dollar windfall for the city in the middle of that deal. That is two and a half million genuine american dollars that these arrogant wanna be empire builders were going to take out of the hide of the land owners. Is that chicken shit or what?

I say to to Rulon and Tom - kick ass guys, somebody sure as hell needs to in the land of Oz.

Anonymous said...

I know who this Rulon and Tom are. They are a couple of old over the hill conservatives that don't seem to realize that the world has moved on since Barry Goldwater.

The new conservatism is on the march and we are re-making America for the good of the people. This is long overdue, and if it were left to old rusty anchors from the past like these two ancient coots, nothing that was good for the people would ever get done.

We have been chosen at this moment in our history to stand up for the common good and make government serve our basic needs. It is the city government's role to remake Ogden. Private enterprise can not do it, Private enterprise is as old fashioned as Rulon and Tom and every bit as ineffective I might add. It is only those of us in central planning that have the full knowledge, vision, mandate and ability to re-make Ogden for the good of our citizens.

I think these two dottering old fools should join your occasional contributer Vickter at the rest home.

Anonymous said...

Honest and decent folks like Rulon and Tom have always been the bane of you central planning types, eh, Comrade Grieger?

They're the same folks who blew the whistle on your old Soviet Union. And they're also the ones who've kept similar authoritarian central planning (read socialist) regimes contained and compromised all around the world.

I'm sure it would be reassuring to you if you could believe that these folks are mere relics of the past, fading into historical obscurity. In point of fact though, people like Rulon and Tom are hardly waning forces in politics. In truth, these people -- and freedom-loving people like them -- are on the upswing, both here in America, and elsewhere around the world.

These are in fact the same people who can be found all over the globe, choosing good over evil, right over wrong, and freedom over your central-planning tyranny.

These are the people who will thwart your elitist neoCON utopian plans even now, as you've abandoned the ideas of Lenin and Stalin, and stealthily embraced the "one-world government" philosophy of Leon Trotskey.

You can try to masquerade as politically "conservative" if you like. But take it from me, the millions of Rulons and Toms of the world know who you really are, and what your real agenda is... Comrade Grieger.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Standard Examiner would put up some resistance if the RDA decided that they could make more revenue from a larger business and decided that eminent domain would now be used to take their buildings, at a fair market price, of course, at put WalMart there. Maybe a bed & breakfast on the property of one of their editors? Grondahl's house, yeah, that's the place. We could all go drink beer at the new bar the RDA erects.

I'm sure the Glasmann's are rolling their eyes over some of this.

Anonymous said...

Yo Mr. Ethics:

The Suits of Sandusky are already kicking their 24th of July cowboy boots up on new desks insconsed in new expensive digs supplied by - yup - our very own big guy on nine and his five amigo's on the city politburo under the slightly disengenious name of the RDA. In other words our new news minders from Ohio are already slopping at that grand publik trough known as RDA free money.

Anonymous said...

Think you're right, Thomas. The only thing missing is another fired guy hired guy who will pull down 100K per year to occupy the office next to Matt Hatter the Mayor and continue the "dream." Who'se this Lionel guy, anyway, coming in here and calling anyone who expresses some rational thought a friggin' Communist? Trotsky, Lenin, and Joe "The Guy" Stalin....Gawd-a-mighty!

Anonymous said...

Right on Lionel, Rulon and Tom in the rest home. I thought the cartoon was very funny and for the most part the truth, lighten up people the area is blighted it is the truth, and something has to be done.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to agree with President something has to be done. The President has enlightened us, and sometimes it takes a bigger man to admit that. The cartoon was hillarious. I aplogize that I've been a bit of an idiot lately.

Anonymous said...

Pres. You know what your talking about