Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Portland Aerial Tram -- Excerpts, Comments & Links

Over the course of the past few days I've received numerous reader requests for a compilation of some of the comments and research contributed by board regular Dian Woodhouse to Weber County Forum in connection with this recent WCF article, Anti-Gondola Event & Open Thread.

I've spoken with Dian about this, and she has thus very graciously produced a separate article, incorporating her excerpts, comments and links, on the subject of the The Portland Aerial Tram.

This is an interesting compilation, I think; and it should be food for thought for those of us who are contemplating a similarly-financed project in our own area.

If you'd like to offer your comments, simply hit the back button after you've read the archived article. It would be interesting to know what our gentle readers are thinking on this subject, I believe.

Particularly attentive readers will have already noticed that this article was also placed in the right sidebar, under the heading, "Hot Topics," a couple of days ago.

Comments, anyone?

Update 10/20/05 10:40 a.m. MT: WCF readers should take note that Dian has distilled her research into a very nice and concise print media version, which was published as a "guest commentary" in yesterday's Standard-Examiner. You can read it here.


Anonymous said...


If you can fix a route without it changing
From week to week from golf course to the U.
If you can keep yourself from rearranging
From day to day just what you’re going to do

If you can be aboveboard with your planning
Not hint, nor speak of “people in the know,”
Assure us that your project won’t be spanning
The places where we live and like to go

And not allude to all negotiation
As private secrets to be kept from us
Expecting all to shut up and be patient
And ask no questions, wait, and blindly trust

If you can make a bid and then stick to it
With no other plans involving hidden costs
Then shrugging helplessly because you blew it
Leaving us to deal with what should be your loss

If you really knew just what it is you’re asking
If you understood the price we’d have to pay
If you went broke you’d wave at us in passing
But we can’t simply turn and walk away

If your motive here is purely altruistic
With not a thought towards your private gain
Nor plans to become warlike and ballistic
Invoking force of eminent domain

If you can take a look at all the pitfalls
Not only look, but fix them til they’re gone
So this won’t turn out just like Ogden’s old mall
Address things, not dismiss them with a yawn

If the way of private funding’s what is heeded
With future costs in place when it was done
All this -- and much, much more is simply needed
If you’re ever going to have a tram, my son.

Anonymous said...

Bob, "If" is one of those creative masterpieces that falls into that certain aspect we have discussed in the framework of the blog being sport, in many instances. I salute whoever wrote it, as it shows much originality and creativity while delivering its message in chief. But again,

Remember, "if you can keep your head when all those about you are loosing theirs, you'll be a man, my son."