Wednesday, November 01, 2006

50 pages of Documents for Our Gentle Readers' Morning Reading Pleasure

Two items of particular interest to Weber County Forum Readers appear in this morning's Standard-Examiner.

First, Ace reporter Schwebke has finally caught wind of tonight's Emerald City Planning Commission meeting, in which major planning and zoning changes are being ram-rodded toward approval in obvious connection with the yet-un-proposed Peterson landgrab "proposal." We quote Ace reporter Schwebke's lead paragraphs from this morning's Std-Ex story, in pertinent part:

OGDEN — The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing today on a pair of agenda items that could impact a multimillion dollar proposal for a resort at Malan’s Basin and other potential projects.

One item calls for revisions to an ordinance that regulates development in the city’s geologically “sensitive area overlay zone” along Ogden’s east bench.

Another item deals with the creation of a new mixed-use overlay zone to stimulate and regulate innovative commercial and residential projects throughout the city.
As promised yesterday, we also provide here a link to a series of five dosuments, which have been obtained from the Planning Department, and uploaded to our storage site. We present these documents in raw form, without analysis, and presume that these are the latest versions, although we are aware that these documents were subject to franzied re-drafting until late yesterday afternoon. Those Emerald City Villagers planning to attend tonight's planning meeting, pitchforks and torches in hand, probably ought to at least familiarize themselves with these documents before tonight's fun begins.

In other news, the Standard-Examiner reports that Republican candidate Jon Greiner has now formally re-entered the Senate 18 race, as we've been predicting for almost a week here. Once again the citizens of Emerald City now have a home-boy alternative to the carpet-bagging Godfreyite mastermind Stuart Reid, Emerald City's foremost known carrier of the vile and virulent neoCON RDA disease.

As an added bonus, the Standard Examiner has uploaded Chief Greiner's responsive "letter brief," addressed to the Washington bureaucrat who attempted to decide this race unilaterally, from the plush comfort of her Washington, D.C. desk-chair. Our gentle readers may view that well-crafted document here. We congratulate Chief Greiner for carrying on the fight, compliment attorney Bradshaw for the fine research and writing, and thank the Std-Ex editors for posting Mr. Greiner's letter to its website -- at least.


Anonymous said...

Standard Examiner Editorial Board Wakes Up

My my my, what is going on over at the SE these days? Strong editorial this morning on the mysterious third delay in Mr. Decaria issuing the Vangate report. It restates the Mayor's embarassing performance following a city employee's wife around downtown, his calling Police Chief Grenier [oh, and again, now, active Republican canidate for the Utah Senate] to relay her car license plate, and Cheif Grenier's agreeing to run the plate to identify the woman, who turned out to be wife of Officer Jones of the Ogden PD, who Grenier promptly suspended for "other" reasons, he says. The editorial also wonders what could possibly be taking three months plus to investigate, and it notes that Mr. Decaria has now promised the report would be issued three times, and has renegged all three times. Way to go, SE.

And the news department seems to be waking up as well. There is, front page of the "Top of Utah" section, a story by Mr. Schwebke this morning, discussing tonight's Planning Commission meeting and the proposed changes in zoning ordinances to be discussed, and it describes the proposed ordinances as serving the interests of, and in fact being critical to, Mr. Chris Peterson's development plans for the Mt. Ogden parklands he hopes his crony, Mayor Godfrey, can manage to sell to him, so he can finance his Malan's Basin resort and gondola plans.

My my my, a pissed off editorial board going after political cronyism in Weber County, and a reporter reporting what's actually happening rather than the Godfrey/Champer of Commerce sanitized version.

Imagine that. What is going on at the SE these days? Signs of life, maybe? The first faint evidence of the rebirth of an independent paper for Ogden?

Wow. There's an idea to put a smile on taxpayers' faces, though it is also one likely to keep the mayor, Chief Grenier, and some other local elected and appointed officials up nights sleepless. An independent paper for Ogden. Step one. And then, once the SE has mastered that, maybe even... dare we hope?... an independent crusading paper for Ogden?

Note: I posted this on a lower thread before Rudi put this new thread up, and my post seems to fit better her so. Apologies for the duplication.

RudiZink said...

One of these days these Std-Ex might awaken to the realization that they would sell a helluva lot more newspapers...

If they were publicly perceived as a crusading home-town newspaper...

And not the gummint house propaganda organ.

Anonymous said...

You are losing me on your crusade for Greiner's election to the Utah Senate.

I am the first to admit that Stuart Reid is a despicable lowest scum individual but Greiner is no better.

At least if Reid is elected as a Democrat to the hotbed of right wing Republicans he will be totally ineffective.

Anonymous said...

The only reason the Suits of Sandusky are of late trying to imitate a real newspaper is because they have got wind of the large and diverse number of Ogden citizens that have been lobbying the Salt Lake Tribune to expand their coverage in Ogden.

Ogden is ripe for a real news paper, that is not a lap dog to Godfrey, to come in and take over this town.

Can you imagine the truth that the good people of Ogden would benifit from if the great mass of Ogden citizens were exposed to the writings of Moulton, McKitrick and Rolly on a daily basis?

We can dream, and maybe if we are lucky the Tribune will fullfill those dreams.

Anonymous said...


Well, on this, we disagree. No matter how good the SL Trib coverage of Ogden might become, it will still be a Salt Lake City paper, with its focus way south of Ogden. While increased coverage of affairs Ogden by the SLTrib would be welcome, Ogden needs its own regional/local newspaper for which events happening here are the main focus.

Ms. Moulton does a good job, usually, and I would be glad to see more of her work on Ogden and Weber matters make the trib. But that would be no substitute for an independent Ogden/Weber paper with a committment to keeping a baleful and questioning eye on public officials, appointed and elected, here whether Republican, or Democrat, or Indpendent or chosen in non-partisan races. IMHO what Ogden needs is not an improved SL Trib, but a better SE.

RudiZink said...

"IMHO what Ogden needs is not an improved SL Trib, but a better SE."

WE (all one of the journalistic 2d person plural "us") agree, Curm. (Gawd do we LOVE that affectation.)

We got a taste of that today, when this morning's editorial set Mark Decaria's office scrambling.

Query: Will there be more to come?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I think the point, Mr. Curmudgeon, is that the Salt Lake Tribune should actually dedicates the recourses to become the "Ogden Tribune". Much like the lame "Ogden" Standard Examiner became the voice of the "Top of Utah".

If they (the Tribune) dedicated a couple of intrepid reporters like Moulton and McKittrick, a sports person, and a Obit writer (maybe Schlepke) to the beat, and then complimented that with a small office that went after advertisers and subscriptions, they would most likely kick the Sub-Standard's ass right out of Emerald City and back to Sandusky where they belong.

Bottom line is that the Standard routinely fails in their duty as a proud member of the fourth estate. In spite of an occasional moment of brilliance, like this morning's expose of DeCaria's incompetence, they are nothing more than a limp rag suitable only for the canary cage.

Bird shit and aunt Lucinda's obit is really the only thing they are good for. Oh, I forgot my cousin Luke up in his sheep cabin in the mountains who relies on the Standard for his outhouse reading and butt wiping.

Anonymous said...

Important Update On Tonight's Planning Commission Meeting .

See my post under Housekeeping Note & Planning Commission Contact Information one thread down.