Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Turn Out the Lights; the Party's Over

Events of the past several days seem not to be working out well for our Emerald City Gondolist Cult. Their grand schemes are suddenly toppling around their gondolist feet.

One of our gentle readers posted a link to this Kristen Moulton story yesterday, reporting that "Weber State University has every reason to say NO to Chris Peterson & Co., and their "plan" to acquire "the large swath of undeveloped land above the WSU campus":

"Why would they give up their property, which is extremely vital for future expansion?" said Richard Kendell, Utah's commissioner of higher education, after
meeting with the WSU Board of Trustees"
Excellent question say we. This is also a question many citizens in the Emerald City community have been asking -- rather incessantly too.

This morning's Standard-Examiner edition follows up yesterday's Salt Lake Tribune story with an Amy Stewart and Scott Schwebke one-two punch. "Gondola plan in jeopardy" blares today's main front page headline. Through the miracle of the electronic on-line medium, our gentle readers can read these two stories just below:

WSU trustees add key parcel to master plan

City leaders, proposal followers wonder if university is ‘posturing’

Curiously, Boss Godfrey refuses to see the writing on the wall, and speculates that the University may be merely "posturing." Posturing is of course something Boss Godfrey knows very much about; but this time we think Boss Godfrey is more wrong than usual. Living as he does in his "visionary" world of alternate reality, we think he's missed something of obvious importance:

Barney Chapman, vice chairman of the Weber State Board of Trustees, said the university would review a proposal from Peterson but likely won’t sell the property.

Our intent is to keep the property,” he said. “We want to make sure that we do what’s best for the students and the university.”
While we realize that our lovable Emerald City Gondolists will be scurrying around, trying to spin something "positive" about these latest developments, we think one thing has now become crystal clear. And we want to be the first to publicly make the call:

Turn out the lights!

The party's over!

Let's move on to making our community a better place to live, sans the gated community and rinky-dink amusement park gimmicks. We've wasted far too much citizen time and public money on this already. Time for the Gondolists to take a dose of reality, we say. Time for Boss Godfrey to call it "quits."

And what say our gentle readers? Could it be that Boss Godfrey and Chris Peterson have another card or two up their sleeves -- or is our gondolist nightmare effectively over?

Chime in please, O gentle readers.

Update 3/8/07 8:27 p.m. MT: The Jackson Hole Star-Tribune gets it right here: College nixes gondolas. Query When will the Geigers, Godfreys and other delusional Gondolists ever seek professional help and get the message? Psychotic delusion is a serious and dangerous symptom. We advise the three G's to immediately consult the mental health professional of their choice.


Anonymous said...

Posturing? What an insulting, but vintage Godfrey, thing to say!
Especially to the very institution Godfrey and Peterson need to capitulate to their 'visions and dreeeeeeams'.

Zoologically speaking, the little man is an ass.

Anonymous said...

Wish it were that easy, Rudi. This was at the least expected, a no-brainer to most. However, as long as Godfrey is Mayor who knows what will be proposed next. Godfrey has said that the plans are evolving. With the latest moves (Bootjack property and review of the golf course last week w/ a supposed top notch designer) who knows what lies ahead.

Anonymous said...

The circle grows tighter.

Having trouble breathing, Curt?

It’s interesting that Godfrey says that the University can't make a decision until it receives a proposal.

Oh, really? I suppose that logic would also apply to the hookers we occasionally run across? We can’t decide until we’ve heard the pitch?

It turns out Matt, that your cronies have been parading themselves around so long we already know a lot. And what we know, we don’t like.

Really, it never was a political issue – just a matter of sense versus nonsense.

But don’t forget, long after Germany had effectively lost the war Hitler was still doing serious damage. Godfrey’s far from done.

Anonymous said...

Well Sharon, you almost got it right.

I think it would be more correct to say the little one in lift shoes is the south end of a north bound ass. An asses ass if you will.

As pointed out above, it might be premature to count these scheming SOB's out just yet. Most every thing they have said in the past has been phony, and I would guess that the "WSC land or bust" statements they have made in the past are also just so many lies.

The prize is the Mount Ogden Park and they are not going to let this latest from the college slow them down. I got five bucks that says they will be back with a new version of their old scam - one that still involves Peterson getting our park land on the cheap.

RudiZink said...


If that "famous golf designer" scales down the "new and improved" golf course to... say a day-glo miniature golf setup... CP could still possibly wedge in his 400 McMansions on the city-owned parkland property.

Maybe ya gots a point there, Oz.

The one thing we do know about Boss Godfrey's MO: "Expect the unexpected."

Anonymous said...

your probably on target, although in all seriousness I'm betting it will be a 9 hole "executive" course. That will allow the McMansions to fit.

Anonymous said...

You know, the sad thing is, it didn't have to be this way. If the Mayor was not in thrall to his obsession with the downtown gondola, I suspect he would be riding relatively high with the general public and the Council about now.

His "outdoor hub" idea has been pretty successful so far. It seems to have traction. If he could just free himself from the downtown gondola chimera, it might continue to be a very successful idea for Ogden.

But so long as he insists on lashing it to the flatland gondola between WSU and downtown, we run the risk of seeing a good idea weighted down and finally sunk by an indefensible [on the evidence] one. For the city to sink 35 to 50 million into a flatland gondola when the city's financial future is already heavily mortgaged [some believe too heavily mortgaged] via the mall and River Project RDAs make very little sense. Especially since such would also involve selling off the city's largest park, and would depend on the success of a subsequent private real estate development, construction of yet another gondola --- this time a private one --- and the success of an as yet unbuilt and unfinanced mini-mountain resort whose ultimate success is, to put it gently, in doubt. The recent WSU report on its land that his co-Gondolista Mr. Peterson says he must have to make the whole scheme work makes it all look much much dicier a proposition.

Perhaps it is time for the Mayor to back off from his characteristic "I have the light and the truth and the way and all opposition to me on this matter is not legitimate and so to be ignored" style. It hasn't worked well for him. It isn't working now. Perhaps it is time for the Administration to call up Kent Jorgensen and ask for a copy of his "Option B" proposal, which the SL Trib published some time ago. The city, under it, would not build the downtown gondola [no one would], and would not sell the golf course and adjacent city-owned open space on the benches to anyone. The city would support selling a small tract --- say five acres --- to Mr. Peterson at the head of 36th Street for a base station for his up-mountain gondola. If he can find financing in the commercial and private finance markets to build it and develop a Malan's Basin Resort, he will then be able to do so.

The gondolistas will get part of what they want: a gondola from Ogden to Malan's Basin [its base will be at the head of 36th Street --- still Ogden, folks --- not downtown.] The city keeps its parkland and doesn't sink millions into the dubious flatland gondola. Everybody gets something.

It's time, Mayor Godfrey. Give it some thought.

Anonymous said...


You make too damn much sense. Godfrey never listens to un-inspired sense makers. If you want to make a go of it in Ogden you need to cotton up to the little pecker wood, take a sip of his kool aid and tell him what he wants to hear, especially the part about looking "up" to him. Unlike Randy Newman, he luvs dem short people.

Anonymous said...

A better way to look at it is to ask "why" is Godfrey so hard over on the gondola.

Is it because he's seen a vision?

Or is it because he's got an angle?

My guess is the latter. After years of doing million dollar deals, all he has to show for it is whatever he could save off a small-town mayor's salary. That's gotta bug him, with his big ego.

So he must have a financial angle in the gondola. He's going down this fall anyway. He might as well keep pushing for that angle.

Anonymous said...

You can bet your bottum dollar there's more to come. Little Matty has neatly dumped all his eggs in one basket. He has wasted all this time,energy and city capital on this,as well as his own political future. He has most likely cost the city years in transportation funding,(may get a clue thur.)as well as sunk the city into a very unhealthy finalcial situation.Bond,Borrow,Bond,Borrow borrow to pay interest,like a child's first credit card experience.Where can he turn? His financial guru just walked the plank. Was Brown taking one for the team?

Anonymous said...

At this point I honestly have no idea what the gondolists will try next. I doubt that they'll concede defeat. But even if they do, there's lots going on that everyone should pay attention to. In fact, we have two imminent opportunities to participate in making Ogden a better place. As a reminder:

Planning Commission meeting tonight (Wednesday), with Mixed Use Zone coming up for discussion some time after 7:00.

Council work session on transportation tomorrow (Thursday) night starting at 5:00, with open house from 4:30 till 5.

Hope to see many of you there!

Anonymous said...

Dan S:

What might they do next? Well, here's one report. That Ogden's new city logo --- a gondola car draped in WSU colors --- is on display hanging from a crane at the High Adventure Center ---- oooops! Sorry. I mean of course the Soloman Center site downtown.

The Mayor and Mr. Peterson keep saying their plans are "evolving." Probably true because the plans I've heard of so far show no evidence of Intelligent Design.

Anonymous said...

You can bet your bottom dollar that the land sale of our open space is still on with our mayor, with or without Weber State University and with or without Malan Basin, as Malan Basin was only a diversion from the real intent in the first place.

His true interest is that land and that land only, as that is where he will personally get his reward. He will either, after office, end up with a position with the development company (i.e. Peterson or the company the Peterson sells his option off to) of the property which could last for at least 10 years or end up with a sizable option to acquire property on what used to be our open space, (or something like that) for an unbelievably good price.

Anonymous said...

You can bet your bottom dollar that the land sale of our open space is still on with our mayor, with or without Weber State University and with or without Malan Basin, as Malan Basin was only a diversion from the real intent in the first place.

His true interest is that land and that land only, as that is where he will personally get his reward. He will either, after office, end up with a position with the development company (i.e. Peterson or the company the Peterson sells his option off to) of the property which could last for at least 10 years or end up with a sizable option to acquire property on what used to be our open space, (or something like that) for an unbelievably good price.

Anonymous said...

I'll sorta repeat something I said on yesterday's thread.

The breathtaking audacity of Mayor Godfrey sometimes takes me by surprise.

Examine this list of the Trustees of Weber State University.

Note the presence of a half-dozen or so business leaders who made more money last year than Godfrey or his cronies will make in a lifetime. Note also the presence of academic and civic leaders who have more integrity in their little finger than the Mayor has in his entire body (despite last year's protestations).

These people, wise men and women all, voted unanimously to s**tcan your brainless sorta-half-proposal-cum-trial-balloon.

You can call it "posturing" if you want. I call it good business and civic sense. You might take a lesson from them, Mr. Mayor.

Anonymous said...

The article in the paper today mentioned that the university determined that their raw land, (only 58 acres that are developable) is worth at least $10,000,000. You realize that almost 95+ per cent of our golf course is developable as is the additional acres that Peterson wants to buy from the city. Additionally this is a larger more desirable piece of property which means that its worth more per acre than the university property. That would mean that our 180 acres that Peterson wants to buy are worth between $30 and $40 million dollars at least. That’s a lot more than our mayor had suggested that we would sell the property for to Peterson.

I still say though that the hidden cost of developing that property would chew up all of those 30 to 40 million dollars plus some, just to adequately provide the infrastructure for that area if it is developed. The administration refuses to look at these costs as they realize that our systems are just about balance or near capacity as it is now up there. Modest growth can be accommodated in the Mt. Ogden area but not a development the size that Peterson is envisioning. That will require whole new additional systems that would parallel our existing systems, (sewer, culinary water and storm water drainage). We’re talking millions upon millions here guys, I mean really big bucks. Most things flow down hill and we would exceed our existing capacity all the way to the bottom which means we’d need to tear up the whole city to duplicate our existing systems that aren’t great but are adequate for our existing level of use, plus or minus a little. My concern is that the administration will try to convince the residents that the whole city needs these high dollar upgrades that properly belong to the developer and as such will have the city cover the costs that are needed outside of the development's footprint and past those costs onto the rest of us residents.

I know that our existing infrastructure systems are badly in need of attention, but the administration has chosen to ignore them for two reasons, one the mayor is siphoning off funds from every department to keep his business development department going (its budget has exploded from 7.3% of the city’s overall budget in 2002 to over 25% of our 2006 budget and is about 2.5 times as high as most other cities in the area). Secondly I feel he’s intentionally letting our infrastructure systems decline to enable the administration to better hide their intended actions of having the residents of Ogden pay for the majority of the infrastructure requirements for this Peterson development when they suggest grandiose repairs to the overall systems. Some of their proposed solutions to date are examples of just such attempts.

There are certain issues that need addressing such as drinking water quality and low water pressure issues in certain parts of the city that have gone unaddressed for too long. The city could address these issues immediately for not that much money if the mayor would allow the department access to the money to solve the problem but the solution suggested by the city to date far exceeds the actual need of the existing neighborhood or for that matter any growth that would take place up there unless the Peterson development went in,(and at extremely higher costs than are needed to solve the above mentioned issues).

Residents should be on the look out for the administration trying to camouflage the infrastructure costs of this development within our ongoing city budget needs, i.e. Claiming that we need these improvements for the whole city’s benefit when they wouldn’t be required if the Peterson development didn’t happen. Pick the numbers apart, examine the projects in detail, understand what areas of the city would specifically benefit, question what would happen if we didn’t spend the money or didn’t do the project, what area would be most affected, where are the pinch points in the various systems, what are the capacities of the systems?

Before the city were to ever consider any development of the Mt. Ogden open space area a cost benefit analysis should be required (hint, hint, City Council) to determine whether there really is any real financial benefit to the city. Something similar to what Weber State University had done and I would suggest that it be done by the same organization that did it for the University. My guess is that the property is better left as open space, not only for its beauty but also for economic cost benefit reasons.

Anonymous said...

Peterson's ONLY desire has been for our precious open spaces. He knows his 'resort' is a bust...too costly, impractable, and NO SNOW!

A likely scenario for the golf course by the 'famous designer' could be as posted earlier...a 9 hole executive course. A travesty.

We all know that Matt has his fingers securely entwined in several financial deals...and once he's out of office they will come to fruition....and maybe to light.

We didn't hear from the Amen Chorus for quite awhile and now they've resurfaced. The run around Mt Ogden on ATV's...the cheerleaders (and applause) last night at the CC meeting, Bobby and Curt have resumed their postings here and the "Leaders are Forming Envision Ogden".

If the gondola draped in WSU's colors is for real....WHO decides on a change in a city's logo? How much does that cost taxpayers?

Is a gondola representative of what Ogden IS? The average joe says NO!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Anonymous, for your analysis of our precarious situation re: infrastructure and our massive debt.

You are most knowledgable and I urge you to speak out at appropriate meetings....if you haven't already been doing that.

We are on the financial brink just to accommodate a little man seeking a large legacy.

His legacy will be bankruptcy and the disdain of Ogdenites for generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the gondola hanging on 23rd street in front of the Salomon Center today? It was draped with purple for WSU. Just hanging right where it would probably run if it was a go. It was down tonight so not sure if it is a permanent fixture or just a daytime treat for all or perhaps when WSU plays games. I guess the idea is to get the community to start visulaizing it I would say. An email was sent to a friend then forwarded to me which began with Geiger and another from Kris Wilkerson sending photos of it with much excitement. I would post them here but not sure how or if you can.

And tonights City Planning Commission Meeting was a hoot. The mixed use ordinance passed unanimously after several work sessions and revisions. Tonight there was much discussion on it before it met the final vote.

Scott Brown, Geigers, Gadi were all in attendance wearing black like the Soprano boys all night as the mixed use ordinance was dealt with late. They were seen walking down the Blvd after the meeting. What a sight the four of them in a row and heading to see the gondola hanging right downtown after midnight. They were there at the CP meeting all night and left once the mixed use ordinance was passed. That must have been why they were there. Now for City Council to work with it.

Moyal was present most of the night with his petition to rezone his property to allow a restaurant and etc. When it was time for his petition which was also late, John Mayer city planner announced that the petition was pulled after Scott Brown talked to him. I wonder what kind of a deal worked was out there. I hope advantages to him.

Sensitive Overlay was brought up tonight by a few of the commissioners. Ian and others wanted to bring it back to the commission to work on it some more. But it didn't happen. They finally decided to see what City Council will do with it and perhaps they will send it back. Only four of them that voted for it to pass could have brought it back and they never did. Some felt it was not complete as it went and needed some more tweaking such as the foothill overlay ordinance and more discussion on the 30% slope topic. Just a quicky update. I was not there for the full night but got to hear most of it as I came later and got to hear the biggest stuff as I mentioned above. Seemed they had a very late night, I left at midnight and they were still in session. If someone was there for the full evening perhaps they could give a complete and concise report.

ogden iii

Anonymous said...

The Standard comes through big time today. Headlines: Scott Brown's improprieties, he admits. Still attacking Garcia and Wicks. Dean Martinez is looking better all the time. And what about the other sexual harrassment cases? So what happens now? Mayor makes no comment. Who wants to get near this situation? Nobody not even Reid.

SE Photo: Gondola pic with Geiger and SUE Wilkerson (not Kris) showing it off oh so proudly. And Scott Brown putting it up in defiance to WSU even though he says support.

Editoril flash: Guest commentary supporting Brown and RDA and hanging Garcia, Jeske and Wicks out to dry. Elections he says. It is all driven by elections.

Todays paper was worth the fifty cents I paid, finally.

Not a word about the mixed use ordinance passed in Planning Commission last night, but it was late before that decision was made. Rebecca Palmer was in attendance at City Planning all night. Perhaps it will be in tomorrows paper.

Boy things are heating up here in Junction City.

ogden iii

Anonymous said...

What is w/ the Standard publishing pieces by Friends of the Mayor? If one of them has something to say, regardless of how ridiculous it is, the Standard is their open forum? Also, is 'posturing' a new term in the FOM dictionary? I know it is a big word, but every action that doesn't align w/ the Mayor's agenda does not = posturing.

Way to go Scotty (re: showy gondola over 23rd Street). Glad to see your divisiveness continues. Mr. Brown did say something to the effect that he doesn't care, because he cancer, right? (way to play the cancer card, btw.) Does this mean he will do whatever he wants? He always has, does this mean he will be worse? yikes...

Anonymous said...

One thing that has become apparent in observing the Planning Commission and this process.The hurried nature of all of this. I had the feeling, post passage,many of the commission still fails to grasp the real nature and purpose of having a MU zone.Could be that they cannot imagine not using their cars. The ordinance they approved seemed not to encourage small neighborhood village centers,too cumbersome, this thing seems to encourage more of a start from scratch large development with alot of hoops to jump through.Current zoning and processes would be an easier approach for a smaller operator. I did note one little inconsistency last night. Prior to the MU hearing they were discussing a subdivison that involved creating a new road through a building lot of an existing subdivison. The discussion came around to restrictive covenants pertaining to the lot that would become a road. The city attorney and Greg Montgomery concluded the city is not bound by restrictive covenants of individual developments. In this new MU ordinance,section I, Montgomery binds the city and all future owners to any covenants,conditions and restrictions called for by the developer in the development agreement. The most amusing thing, after passage,all the commissioners were making suggested modifcations to the ordinance, most talking at the same time while Greg himself was engaged in private conversation.

Anonymous said...

Gadi was there?

Was his ankle bracelet showing?

Does LA County pre-trial services know he is out visiting the properties he may have paid for with money stolen from the State of California?

Does any one have pic's of this band of brothers in black? Were they carrying violin cases? Did anyone check the locks on the city treasury this morning?

Does the golden trio at the top of the Godfreyite Gang now consist of the little mayor who only lies when his lips are moving, a big talker currently indicted for stealing $11 million from California, and the now confessed sexual harasser and un-confessed porn connoisseur Brown?

Wow, with a line up like that at the top how can Ogden miss?

Anonymous said...

LOL Over like the soccer stadium?

Anonymous said...

I noticed yesterday that F-35 shipment to Hill AFB have been delyed.

HAFB expects delays for F-35

The problem should be obvious:


Wnen will you CAVES wake up?