Monday, November 05, 2007

2007 Emerald City Election Cheat Sheets

A choice of material to clip out and take to the polls tomorrow

We got a real chuckle out of this morning's Standard-Examiner editorial, wherein the Std-Ex editors attempt, the day before the 2007 Emerald City election, to squeeze out every possible drop of "political juice" from the farce of a candidate endorsement series which has dominated their editorial page for the last several weeks. What it comes down to this morning, gentle readers, is a laughable rehash of their earlier council endorsements -- in a "handy-dandy" "clip and take to the polls" form. We swear we are not making this up:

"As a service to our readers, we’re presenting a round-up of our editorial opinions on various ballot measures and candidates we’ve editorialized on during this election season. We encourage you to clip it out and take it with you to vote tomorrow." [Emphasis added.]

There you have it folks. The Std-Ex editors evidently think Emerald City voters are nothing but a flock of dumb sheep, incapable of remembering even the names of the people that the Std-Ex editors and their neoCON publisher have selected for the next 4-year reign of terror, under Boss Godfrey's hoped-for 12-year Reich.

We'll note in passing that the Std-Ex did get at least one endorsement right, i.e., Amy Wicks. Of course even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then, according to the olde folke axe. And it's in that connection that we congratulate the Std-Ex for blundering into at least a single intelligent endorsement. We suggest therefore that any voters who are having attention deficit problems cut out the part about Amy Wicks -- and duct tape it to your wrists:

"Vote for: Amy Wicks --

We think the word “independent” best sums her up. If she has any reservations about a decision, she’s not the kind to simply go with the flow. She would like to see a more open, cooperative and informative relation ship between the administration and the council — and so would we."

Having said all that however, and now that "cut and carry" cheat sheets are the order of the day, we'll suggest a couple of other items which "forgetful" readers might alternatively want to clip out, submit to further study and carry into the voting booth:

How about this great endorsement ad from this morning's Standard-Examiner?

Or what about this nerve-jangling mayoral endorsement piece from yesterday's Weber County Forum?

And for great endorsements, this earlier "clip-out" piece would be ideal for readers with slightly longer attention spans.

For those readers who are truly and hopelessly memory-deprived, we of course recommend another helpful "cut and carryable." This one is nice and simple, although we do remind readers that forgetful readers should at least have the capacity to remember that these people are the candidates you should NOT VOTE FOR.

And there you have it, those forgetful ones among us. There are numerous alternative cut and carry pieces that you can take to the polls tomorrow morning.

A Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to Std-Ex Publisher Lee Carter and his merry band of paid Gondolist Lackeys for the great idea, which contributed to this morning's "Cut & Paste Segue!"

Update 11/5/07 4:13 p.m. MT: Some our gentle readers are complaining about the most recent Boss Godfrey mailer, which purports to contain a Jon Huntsman endorsement, similar to the one mentioned earlier here. We've spoken with Lisa Roskelley, Jon Huntsman's press spokeman a few minutes ago, and she reaffirms that Governor Huntsman isn't endorsing ANYOBODY for local political office, including Boss Godfrey. In other words... the latest mailer was again UNAUTHORIZED BY THE GUV.

She did go on to say that the governor's office isn't planning to do anything "proactive" about this... like contacting the press; and that's about it. The governor will continue to sit in his cave, and show his political weakness, we suppose. The governor's office is doing denials to the press one-by-one, as individual members of the press call and ask about this. Please remember THE GUV when you go to vote about vouchers... and don't forget about his similarly wimpy stance on Godfrey today.

If anyone would like to call the governor's office to complain about this... here's the main switchboard number: 801-538-1000.


Anonymous said...

When you are fillling out your reminder list be sure to put down to vote NO on the school voucher proposal and also the tax increase for Weber County.

That tax increase will give the local politicos around 9 million more to use for their empire building.

Have you noticed how the Chamber of Commerce is pushing it down our throats. Time to have a reflux and spit it back in their faces.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully we won't be doomed to several more years of dishonest clowns running our city. And too bad we can't vote out the subjective clowns who are running the only newspaper (if you want to call it that) in town. BTW, Rudi, you should not be congratulating the paper for recommending Wicks, it was nothing more than mere tokenism.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rudi, You forgot the Hansen endorsement.
Now is the time to, Not just shove, kick, slam, push, hit, or belly bump.
But it is time to THROW the bums out, and send them packing so they can hang out with those losers.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that this horrible attack piece against our mayor, that was published in today's paper and written by Jeske, was financed by Tom Owens who doesn't even live in Ogden.

Why is this trouble maker so interested in telling Ogden people how to run our city? Why doesn't he mind his own town's business? Is there nothing wrong in Farmington that he can find to meddle in? Doesn't he have something better to do with a few thousand dollars than pay for false attacks against our fine upstanding mayor?

Get a life Tom your salvation is at stake!

Anonymous said...

Ogden for Ogdenites

Because Godfrey wont tell the truth. He and his lackies have been intimidating, and dividing this community for far too long.

Maybe you should lay off the Godfrey adminstered Kool_Aide for a while, it might help you think straight and clear the cob webs.

Anonymous said...

Don't most of the bums at the Standard who recommended Godfrey, et al, live outside of Ogden? Same w/ a number of developers, realtors, etc. who have all had letters published recently in the Standard. Haven't these "outsiders" heavily financed Godfrey's campaign? Your argument is weak. Plus, Mr. Owens still owns property in Ogden.

Anonymous said...

Jeske letter was great, it shows how she has a grasp on Ogden politics and insight. How many of Godfreys big money donations came from the local community, not much. It will be interesting on the final accounting how much he really recieved compared to VanHooser and who supported him for favors you aren't a FOM for nothing in return. And I for one will remember the businesses that have a Godfrey sign.
I hope there will be a record turnout tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Owens is a business owner in Ogden....That qualifies his right to speak up about what goes on in Ogden. Jeske's letter is the same one the SE wouldn't print! Just like the way they took out a statement I'd made about Peterson: That "in his get richer quest, he lost about a million dollars in Wayne Ogden's ponzie scheme. Is this the man we want handling Ogden's finances, which are convoluted and tangled?"

We all know the Se practices flagrant censureship.
I'm proud of Dorrene for putting her name and pretty face on that letter in the SE today. Courage...the kind Kent aJorgenson displayed also.
Ogdenite, you sound like Allen defending the 'beloved'. Power hungry despots never see anything scummy in their hangers on and cheerleaders.

Rubin...good point...I think only one of the 'editors' interviewing the candidates lives in Ogden!!

So, what gave them the right to ask questons, eh? At least Owens owns businesses here. He's a taxpayer and contributor to Ogden's success. He's also the guy who offered $30,000. MORE for the Wall Ave properties that Godfrey gave away to Peterson, aka, Bootjack LLC...without the properties being on public notice and up for bid.

Go ahead, Ogdenite, and the rest of you LO's, defend the little sneak.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ogden for Ogdenites, if you must know, only one of the standard rag endorsement folks lives in Ogden. Doug Gibson, I don't know if he's been so blatently pushing this lying little matty strategic ommissions thing, but I can tell you that his columns rarely if ever reflect the veiws and tone of the majority of Ogdenites. My guess is he writes more to the Davis county whacko's that seem more akin to his right-wing stupidity reflected in his columns.
You also must concider the fact that Hardman and the chamber are dominated by folks outside of the city as well, thus their
endorsement of the tax to build more roads and encourage further sprawl, that will further reduce reliance on Ogden City by those that live in the surrounding areas. Paid mostly by Ogden residents I may add.
How about the fact that most of the names on lift ogdens' list do not reside in Ogden. You recall this list was those that fully supported selling off the parklands and golf course for an URBAN GONDOLA TO NOWHERE.(I'm not saying that WSU is nowhere, just not a likely destination for a gondola.) A plan which if you've looked closely at all those surrounding the mayor, is still going to be pushed as hard as ever once this election is over, if the lying little peccary manages to survive. His bogus declaration combined with the fact that peterson, eccles and johnson are all still more than open to it, all have said that publicly.
In fact the whole original proposal is still fully endorsed and on display at the un-oposed brandon stephanson website.There, I held my tongue and refrained from just telling you to eat sh## and die. Perhaps we can have civil discourse, as long as you refrain from being nothing but a raving geiger,geiger, geiger, geiger, geiger.

Anonymous said...

Doug Wright is giving people 30 seconds to make a pitch for their candidate....write it 1 801 575 5555

It's 11:45 rite now...DO IT

Anonymous said...

the correct # to Doug wright is just 575 TALK (8255)keep hittig redial

Anonymous said...

what is up w/ all of the local ward bishopric members and high counselors and other local church leaders actively campaigning for certain local candidates? is this not taboo? being a newcomer to the area, i'm still a little bit behind, but it was my understanding that they aren't even supposed to have signs in their yard. do higher up church leaders need to take our local leaders out to the woodshed?

Anonymous said...

Dramatic Squirrel Patrol alert!

The leader of his own famed Squirrel Patrol -- Wayne Peterson -- apparently emerged from his Thorazine cave, donned a Patagonia sweater vest and met with ... Lying Little Matty Gondola Godfrey this weekend (possibly Friday) up at the Earl's Lodge at Snowbasin. Insiders report a very tense and intense discussion between the two gondola-loving psychopathic freaks. Fear the worst, OTown and squirrels, fear the worst!


Anonymous said...

Oh, give it up....the LDS church encourages its members to be actively involved in community affairs. However, the church NEVER endorses any candidate over the pulpit, nor are political meetings allowed in their buildings. But the members, no matter their position, are encouraged to work for,and campaign for any candidate of their choice...including yard signs, etc.

Members are asked to know the issues and vote for those people who uphold their values.

Godfrey is such a slime ball and the A team he's assembled...I know none of these yahoos mirror my values.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention it. I would guess that if local church leaders weren't so busy and had paid attention to what's been going on, they'd be either dead silent or endorse all the women.
All these men pretty much are an embarrassment to the good followers of the dominant local faith.
It's as simple and obvious as taking a walk down the street that eccles resides on. If the simplist measure would be, being a good neighbor, there are many more signs endorsing Amy Wicks, could that be an indicator as to how good a neighbor he is?
And as to the current mayor, despite all his last ditch negative mailings, this guy has covered up porn on City computers, sexual harrasment, repeatewdly lied to the council and public and who can forget, slapped his wife in a squad car, the cop pulled over and asked her to get up front with him for her protection.
Kent Peterson has a reputation for dishonest business dealings stretching decades here in Ogden. His worship of material things and the dollar have made him the successful target of numerous scam artists, a good example for sure.
Blain Johnson is so conflicted it's scary. Could be folks just expect lawyers to behave in such a decietful greedy manner.
I'd say that other than simple name recognition and association, these guys represent the bottum of the rung for members of the dominant faith locally.
I trust that most good faithful members can see thru, and be offended by this use of their religion for personal gain.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Bill C.

The blinders are prominently in place on many of the LDS church members.

"Names" blind them to the real person underneath.

Anonymous said...

Ogden for Ogdenites:

For the record, I'd be pleased if you could spell out what "salvation" actually is supposed to mean and why Tom Owens's share of it may be in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, folks, but I wouldn't feel comfortable judging an LDS candidate [or any other candidate] on the basis of how he or she did or did not fulfill the tenets of their faith.

Mr. Godfrey and all the other candidates, can be, should be, judged by generic standards [decency, honesty, integrity, judgment, intelligence, etc.] that apply, or should, to candidates of all American faiths. Or of none.

I don't care in the least whether a candidate is a good Mormon or a good Catholic or a good Baptist... or a good atheist, for that matter. None of that is any of my business. I care a great deal about whether someone has been and is likely to continue to be a good Mayor or Senator or Councilman. Period.

Injecting religion into electoral politics is never, I think, a good idea.

Anonymous said...

sonja is just a naysayer...nothing more, nothing less...

Anonymous said...


I really appreciate your fairness and even-handedness even on the eve of an election that might not go your way. You have many detractors hear, but you're one the few reasonable persons that post on this blog. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

yes, it will be interesting to see how many people want to be unified if they dont get their way.

Lets see if you practice what you preach.

Anonymous said...

"A compliment"

Curmudgeon's real name is Neville Chamberlain. He is all about appeasement and peace in our own time. He will be arriving soon by air from the Godfreyite camp with a signed document to guarantee everything.

Anonymous said...

Blain Johnson is the lawyer for a slum house near Ogden High that has been reported as a drug house.

Add "crack house lawyer" to the qualifications of that sleazy Godfreyite.

Anonymous said...

twas the night before the ouster
and all thru the town
all the people were ready to throw out the clown
eight years of lies and corruption caused some to throw up
all the BS he fed them had filled up their cup
they're all anxious and ready to head for the polls
just dying to take back the trust that he stole
and who could forget his miraculous flip flop
or his sudden concern when he hired a cop
and he fired a black man for poking around
sexual harrassment and porno on a computer was found
oh the lengths he would go to cover it over
calling himself a saint a high adventuresome rover
while the blood of our children was spilled on the street
he was busy promoting a south Tyrolian retreat
while visions of gondolas danced in his head
two beautiful children were insanely shot dead
oh a chorus of joy will soon ring thru the town
when they announce that lying little matty's gone down

Anonymous said...

What disappointed me most about the S-E's endorsement editorials was the overwhelming feeling that I had, while reading them, that the decision had been made, then reasons supplied to justify those feelings.

It's just not correct to say that both candidates "massaged" crime numbers.

It's patently silly to say that one Van Hooser vote to close records matches up against eight years of coverups and "hide the salami" from the Mayor's office.

It was clear, as some in WCF have been saying all along, that the S-E editorial board had made up its collective mind and the facts or videotaped interviews be damned.

OgdenLover said...

Van Hooser supporters will be out on Harrison in the cold and nearly-dark tomorrow morning. If you see signs and people in red waving at you and you support Susie, show it by honking your horn. What better reason to check that it still is working?

Anonymous said...

Jason's suggested editorial was better.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the quote from Rob Reynolds in Saturday's article on crime statistics, I wondered whether the reporter actually asked him to look over the numbers themselves, or whether she merely asked him a general question about how different people can draw different conclusions from what should be the same data.

This morning he informed me that it was the latter. He was never asked to look over these particular numbers and he made it clear to the reporter that he hadn't studied them.

So the Standard-Examiner really dropped the ball. In an article that purported to be looking into who's right and who's wrong, they actually made no serious attempt to determine who's right and who's wrong.

Anonymous said...

I've just learned that Mrs. Curmudgeon is in McKay-Dee Hospital, in serious condition. Let's all be thinking of her.

Anonymous said...

So I went for a little drive tonight...and counted signs.

While my sampling was by no means scientific, I did try to cover all areas of town by taking one street through each area. Included West Ogden, Inner City, Each Bench, Shadow Valley, Ben Lomond high school area.

It was very interesting to see where the signs were concentrated and where they weren't. It was also fun to see the clustering....if a Godfrey sign was up, across the street would be a Van Hoooser. If two houses had a Van Hooser sign then there would be one across the street with a Godfrey. Neighbor against neighbor.

One other thing I noticed, was that there were many houses that seems to have the Peterson/Johnson combo, but didn't have a Godfrey. And Also a lot of Caitlin signs that had no mayor endorsements.

So without further delay.....

Van Hooser 80 Godfrey 75


51.7% to 48.3%


what most would say, a statistical dead heat.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dan.
we'll keep her and Curm in our prayers and thots.

I've been told of a KSL talk show on til midnite, called Nightside. A # for TV and radio is 575 5555...which should take you to the host.
Try 575 8255 which may take you into the radio studio.

see if you can't get the word out. After all Ogdenites are listners too. Doug Wright cut me off today and used the 7 second delay to remove my comments because I'm from Ogden...and he was letting Salt Lakers have 30 seconds for their SL mayoral candidate. UNfair.

Anonymous said...

here's the number to Nightside:1 888 334 6483;;;you can also do a live to nightside.

Anonymous said...


Wow. Reynolds' comment to you is really interesting. The clear implication of the SE story was that he had seen the numbers and was commenting specifically on them, not making some general statement about how politicians often cherry pick numbers to their advantage.

And the SE Editorial Board used Reynolds' comment to justify claiming that Van Hooser was manipulating the numbers just like Godfrey.

That really was shoddy journalism. And in the news columns.

Anonymous said...

As we approach the Witching Hour on Election Day Eve, time maybe for one more Ogden gun crime story. This from the SE's "Mid Day Update" on its free on line website today:

Police searching for man who robbed Maverick store in Ogden

OGDEN -- Police are searching for a man who robbed a gas station at gunpoint early Monday.

The man, wearing a dark, hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses, went into the Maverik at 1212 Wall Ave. at 5:18 a.m., showed a handgun and demanded money, said Ogden Lt. Loring Draper. The man escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The full story can be found here.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty funny: On Godfrey's campaign web site he claims that he "protected the Mt. Ogden Golf Course". If you click on those words you see a promise that "I will do whatever is in my power to not allow the sell [sic] of the golf course to any developer." And then: "Check back in a couple of weeks for the exact language of that restrictive covenant to protect the golf course and surrounding area." I guess the mayor has been too busy sending mean-spirited attack pieces in the mail to bother with posting the covenant document.

On the same subject, there's a letter in this morning's Standard-Examiner quoting some of the exact language and finding it less than satisfactory.

Here again is the full press release with Smart Growth Ogden's analysis:


November 1, 2007

Smart Growth Ogden has asked several attorneys to review the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Mt. Ogden Park that Mayor Godfrey signed on October 25. Among the attorneys is J. Craig Smith of Salt Lake City, an expert in land use and real estate law. All of the attorneys we spoke with, including Smith, are in general agreement over the following assessment of the Declaration.

While this document appears to be a positive step toward better protecting the park, and we appreciate the mayor's good intentions in signing it, we have four concerns:

1. According to the Ogden City Code, the mayor may not place an encumbrance such as this upon a significant piece of real property without first giving 14 days notice to the city council and the public, and then holding a public hearing on the proposed encumbrance. Ogden City Code 4-3A-5(C). Because no such notice or public hearing has taken place, it would appear that the mayor's declaration was not legally executed. Rather than risk legal challenges to the new restrictions in the future, we urge the mayor to follow the required procedure.

2. This declaration does not and cannot restrict the use of the parklands "in perpetuity", because restrictive covenants can always be revoked through unanimous agreement of the affected property owners. In this case there is only a single property owner--the city--so there is nothing to stop the city from removing the restrictions through the same process by which they are adopted.

3. The language of the declaration contains a significant loophole, allowing any "improvements" to the property (including roads and structures) that are considered beneficial to Ogden City. Any of the existing park features, including the golf course, trails, and open space, could be reduced or eliminated without violating the language of the declaration.

4. The legal description of the affected property contains numerous errors and, more importantly, excludes the area south of Strong's Canyon around the Ogden City water tanks. This area includes a heavily used portion of the Mt. Ogden Exercise Loop trail. We don't understand why this area was excluded, unless the mayor wishes to leave open the possibility of selling this area for private development.

Meanwhile, the city council has taken a positive step toward protecting Mt. Ogden Park, by adopting the Mt. Ogden Community Plan with its new language requiring that the entire park be retained in public ownership. While this provision could also be repealed in the future through similar legislative action, we believe it adds an important check and balance against the mayor's authority to sell city property.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Vote... seven times? Where do you think you are? New Jersey or Louisiana? [grin]

Anonymous said...

Curm, we are in Ogden, Utah. Anything can happen here. All the people who I have talked to wont vote for Godfrey, however he keeps getting re-elected.
Someone is:

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone

Did You see the Eccles sign in front of the door at the Taylor school polling place? It is about 50 feet from the door.
Every one that reads this call 399-8400 and let them know that they should be enforcing the law.

Anonymous said...

Yet another difference between the Van Hooser and Godfrey campaigns:

Van Hooser has been out on Harrison with her volunteers, holding signs and waving to motorists.

Godfrey hired temps to do the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Here is the web site to watch tonights election results:

GO SUSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OgdenLover said...

There are a lot of very nice, smart, interesting people in Ogden. I've gotten to meet and know many of them while helping with Susie's campaign. BTW, this hasn't just been an anti-Godfrey campaign. I think we all have come to admire and respect Susie and have been working so hard because we believe in her.

I think a new, stronger coalition has been formed from the separate individuals who have come together in Susie's support. If Godfrey were to win, he would have an even harder time in the future. People who had been fighting the system independently now know a larger community of like-thinkers and are better organized and better informed.

I hope I can retire my pitchfork and burning torch, but if not, I now know a lot more torch carriers.

Anonymous said...

Thats the unifying spirit!

More torches and boycotting of businesses!!!!

Anonymous said...


I agree: boycotts are not a unifying tactic.

During the campaign I've occasionally heard people mutter the b-word regarding a local business whose owners are known to support Godfrey. And when I hear that, I always wince (unless the business is Descente).

Of course, when given a choice, I'll often support a business whose owners are politically like-minded. I especially admire those businesses that had the courage to display Van Hooser signs during this campaign, given the threats and rumors of threats from the Godfrey administration that are circulating around town.

But an organized boycott is rarely called for. And I'm confident that, whatever the outcome of this election, Van Hooser's supporters will not be engaging in any organized boycotts. Not even of Descente.

I noticed a couple weeks ago that Van Hooser was still being friendly to Bernie Allen. Meanwhile, Godfrey hasn't even made eye contact with me--let alone answered my email--in several months.

Anonymous said...


You always know you're on the right side when you see who your enemies are!

Boy, am I on the right side!

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