Sunday, May 25, 2008

Heads-up on an Ogden City Television Event

Issac Goeckeritz's “Ogden: Junction City of the West” film documentary airs on Wednesday

This morning's Standard-Examiner provides a heads-up on a television event which we expect to be of interest to Ogden City history buffs. We incorporate the lead paragraphs of this morning's Nancy Van Valkenburg story below:

Historically speaking, Utah has a reputation for a pious pioneer past. Ogden, not so much. Sure, many in our early community were industrious churchgoers. But we also had madames, prostitutes, bootleggers, gamblers and all kinds of colorful criminal characters. Ogden filmmaker Issac Goeckeritz, 26, documented it all in “Ogden: Junction City of the West,” which airs on KUED Channel 7 at 9 p.m. Wednesday.
The article goes on to provide "a sampling of five fun things we learned by talking to Goeckeritz and watching his 90-minute documentary, which debuted at Peery’s Egyptian Theater a year ago," including interesting vignettes and photos.

This morning's article is available here.

The Standard-Examiner also provides a short video excerpt from Goeckeritz's film documentary on its live website, to which we provide a link below:

"Junction City of the West" - video clip.

It's a bit slow-loading, (and there's a commercial, of course) but we think it's worth the wait.

This is one TeeVee event we definitely intend to put on our calender. It appears to be an excellent piece of work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Highly recommended, both as history and as documentary film-making. If you didn't get a chance to see it on the big screen at Peery's Egyptian Theater, absolutely see it on the tube.

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