Friday, April 17, 2009

Looks Like Idiots Have Taken Over the Ogden City Website

The new Ogden City website looks aesthetically better than the old one, but someone really needs to watch the content

By Get Real

I've spent an hour or two prowling Ogden City's newly designed website, and suffice it to say I'm not impressed. Here are a few oddball pages from the new site, which in my opinion, seems to have been taken over by idiots:

Extreme! Radical Ride! (those terms have not been cool since I left elementary school)

Off road? Does this mean off trail? I sure hope not. Do we want to encourage parking in neighborhoods, or at established trail heads with parking?

We have sea kayaking? I think they may mean flatwater kayaking Note: there is not a map to the kayak park in Ogden City.

What about real skydiving?

Do you "ride" trails when you hike?

BMX? I don't think they allow bikes in the skatepark.

The Junction has vibrant retail? Ha ha ha!

I will say the new website looks aesthetically better than the old Ogden City website, but someone really needs to watch the content.


pass the buck republicans said...

If the republicans had their way. Noting would get done. Because it would be everybody elses responsibility.

democrat said...

Once again don't attack the messanger. Attack who is responsible.

Oh I forgot. It's a republican it's all O K !!!!

Anonymous said...

A couple of years back, We were discussing with Stan Checketts, owner of S and S Sports Power, the idea of a Base Jumping Air-Powered Sky Catapult, launching people off of the cliffs over 2nd north, just recently.
He was thinking about putting one on top of the Wellsville Mountains in Cache Valley

We both agreed that for a bargain in extreme adventure, it would be hard to beat, cheap to construct, pleasant to run, and impossible to insure.

We might revisit the idea with the appropriate parties. Doesn't the idea of people getting flung off short cliffs wearing glider suits and goggles sound, um, just like Ogden? Ogden, the town we love?

RudiZink said...

Per Svengali: "A couple of years back, We were discussing with Stan Checketts, owner of S and S Sports Power, the idea of a Base Jumping Air-Powered Sky Catapult, launching people off of the cliffs over 2nd north, just recently."

There's definitely "nothing new under the sun":

Ozboy's SLING and SLIDE Yokel mass transit system or SASYMASTS for short (2005)


Bunch of @#%$ said...

How does any other privately owned business get free advertising on a city owned web site? Anyone know?

what would jesus say said...

bunch of @#%$:
Contribute to the Mayors election campaign with some big dollars, and it would hurt to do it while on your knees.

Bunch of @#%$ said...

If I got on my knees I would be looking at his forehead. If I laid on the ground I would be looking at his neck. How would that do any good? Besides, I'd rather burn money that give it to him, oh, wait, he already does that.

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