Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Std-Ex; Missions Fulfilled

Families remember teens, urge crowd to hold no ill will, say 'loss is temporary'

By Democrat

Very good article by Deanne Winterton and Scott Schwebke today:
Missions fulfilled / Families remember teens, urge crowd to hold no ill will, say 'loss is temporary'
May God Bless the Jasper and Strebel families; the victims of a high speed crash.



Wm III said...

We all shine on ...

googlegirl said...

Only the Good die young.

Tom's two bits worth said...

Two more precious lives lost based in big part on the arrogant refusal of the Chief of Police and city administration to not change the pursuit policy of the city.

This makes four innocent people who have lost their lives in the last couple of years because of police pursuits in Ogden.

How many lives must be sacrificed before the mayor and chief get their hubris in check and bring Ogden in line with most of the rest of the police agencies in Utah and make some changes in this murderous policy.

Not only are the tax payers of Ogden being fleeced of tens of millions of dollars by this corrupt gang at city hall, but innocent people are also dying because of them.

democrat said...

Thanks Rudi

The Standard Examiner should reprint that article often.

Sometimes things need to be repeated.

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