Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ogden's Open Space Still Threatened By the Little Dork From Harrisville

More brilliant insight into Boss Godfrey's "secret" top of 36th Street scam

Gentle reader Dan Schroeder has just sent us a link to a newly posted article on the Ogden Sierra Club web site:
Ogden's open space still threatened
In this masterpiece of amateur journalism, Schroeder skillfully juxtaposes three recent developments that threaten the open space on Ogden's east bench:
1. Three proposed water tanks that will provide water service to currently undeveloped areas.
2. The recent golf course/condominium proposal for the top of 36th Street.
3. Last fall's mysterious clearcutting on the Malan's Basin property.
While the forces behind these developments undoubtedly would like us to think they're unrelated, Schroeder's map vividly shows what a curious coincidence that would be. We'll leave it for our gentle readers to draw their own conclusions.

Don't let the cat get your tongues, O gentle ones.


Rafiki said...

This past Tuesday I passed two men wearing rubber work boots hiking up from 36th street. They had what appeared to be survey markers in hand.

When I stated that they were wearing what looked like work boots they stated "yea we may have to walk through the snow"

I quickly replied that these were the foothills and they should be wearing hiking shoes and not work boots. Neither thought I was clever.

Pretty obvious indication that work will continue this spring in Malan's/Strong's Canyon area.

Anonymous said...

Some people just ought to be shot! Rotton potatoes out of wrist rockets, of course.


blackrulon said...

Here it is, almost the weekend and now you want to make the S-E report on a story they have tried hard to ignore. They will try hard to get what they want. Honesty may be the best policy but it is not the one favored by the mayor. Will we have a new developer without actual financial resources or will we recycle a old friend of matt?


i am going to play in the mount ogden golf tourney today hope its not the last one little puss matty told the city he would get rid of the only thing nice left in o town id love to see him out of the neighboor hood and back in his hood godfrey will not stop until he gets his way with the golf course he is such a prick

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