Thursday, September 24, 2009

Free Mini-mountain Film Festival Tomorrow Night

A number of WCF readers will enjoy Steve's stories; and we know you'll love the films that will be screened

By Jeff Lowe

I'd like to invite my WCF friends to a free, mini-mountain film festival, at the Ogden Amphitheater tomorrow, 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM, Friday, Sept 25th.

Several great films will be shown, and our special guest, Steve House, will give a slide show and sign copies of his new book.

Steve represents the best of high adventure, having in recent years completed a number of cutting-edge climbs in Alaska, the Andies, Canada and the Himalaya. These are low-impact trips with one or two partners - sometimes alone - that represent the current state of the mountain climbing art. It's the exact opposite of the commercial Everest extravaganzas.

I think a number of WCF readers would enjoy Steve's stories, and I know you'll love the films that will be screened.

I'm hoping to see you all there.


Paul said...

Thanks for the heads up JLowe. Is this info published any where else? This is the first I have heard about it. See you there.

JLowe said...

It's part of the M2M activities and on their website/flyers, etc. But I just got Steve House's committment in the last few days, so it's an unexpected bonus. Thanks, Paul.

JLowe said...

Thanks, Rudi, for posting this up!

RudiZink said...

No sweat, Jeff. I've always considered you to be a good friend of mine.

Thanks to you for providing WCF readers with a heads-up on what looks to be a great Ogden event.

Shane O said...

I have to attend the Xterra Dinner of Champions, but I'll be there immediately afterward. Wouldn't miss it, Jeff!

ozboy said...

It's good to see that Lowe escaped with his reputation and dignity intact after his close encounter with the corrupt Godfreyite fantasy regime.

I am still wondering how a genuine Ogden boy with a real world resume of great achievements ended up being used and abused by the phony carpet bagger from Harrisville who thinks high adventure is something you do in a penny arcade.

Also good to see he is not being flamed here on the WCF over the ice tower/Godfrey connection.

nice try, Ozboy said...

...until now

Bob Becker said...

Free adventure flix of a cool fall evening in downtown Ogden.

What's not to like?

[Will they be selling suds?]

Anonymous said...

I for one look forward to the construction and tight management of a year round ice climbing tower in Ogden, payed for and operated entirely by private citizen/business owners.

!AdventureCityOgden!...? Yes.

!AdventureCityOgden!, run by a gang of shoddy flim-flam men...?

Bill C. said...

Unfortunatly I cannot attend, bad timing Jeff.
For some real thrills we'll be going to witness the amazing rebirth of football at OHS. They play at Bonneville tonight at 7:00 pm.
It's been years since Ogden has been competitive and you'll find they're really good and exciting.
I highly reccomend you come on out and see for yourselves, the boys would love your support and you will not be disappointed.

Jonathan Hemlock said...

Thank you Jeff Lowe for arranging a wonderful evening. I also want to thank Steve House for an exciting slideshow. The short film revealed a funny glimpse into tent life on the side of a mountain. This is the sort of activity that truly adds value to this town. Thanks.

JLowe said...

Thank you, Mr. Hemlock. Just dropped Steve off at the airport after spending an enjoyable morning comparing notes on the value-added nature of climbing in each of our respective lives. Hosting people like Steve is its' own reward, and introducing them to our little burg is a delight.

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