Friday, October 02, 2009

Council Candidates Schedule 10/14/09 Debate

Open public forum to meet and discuss the important issues facing our city

By Jennifer Neil

This from Bart Blair face book message:
Bart Blair October 1 at 8:35pm
I just returned from the "candidate debate meeting". It was a good meeting and we were able to come up with a very fair and equal forum. We are scheduled to meet at the Union Station Business Building (room 162) on Wednesday, October 14 at 7pm. The moderator will ask each candidate a question and his/her opponent will have the chance to respond also. The candidates will also field questions from the audience. It should be a very positive experience and a great opportunity to meet and discuss the important issues facing our city. All are invited so I would encourage you to try to attend. I look forward to seeing you and meeting with you that night. Thank you for your support.
This is different from Women's Legislative Council's "meet the candidates"; and it is in Ogden.

Update 10/14/09 9:38 a.m.: Please take note that the above referenced debate, which was originally set for Ogden's Union Station, has been reset for the Ogden Applied Technology College Business Building (room 162) on the originally-announced time and date, due to a scheduling conflict.


Anonymous said...

Now, about that cabling problem they have over there at "hardwired for fail" studio, and a choice of a moderator...

Biker Babe said...

There's always YouTube ..

just sayin


ozboy said...

With a legitimate debate now scheduled it will be interesting to see if Mayor Godfrey, Pure Heart Patterson and their own private, but publicly paid for, flack from Ch 17 will tape it and show it seventeen thousand times - like they did the Geiger gondola propaganda piece.

Any bets?

democrat said...

So how many candidates are going to say we need big government, so we can take your guns,and so we can kill your grandma? LOL

Biker Babe said...


um, this is ogden city council -- not national debates ... are you off your meds?

just sayin


Anonymous said...

Until every person on the planet has a guaranteed right to health care, shelter, clothing and food, it would be selfish of us in the USA to have so much while so many go without. Perhaps if more of our grandmothers in the USA were dying at age 47 of preventable diseases, starvation, and general deprivation it would hit home to the obscenely wealthy that perhaps, any granny dead in the road is one too many.

Jennifer Neil said...

Go back to sleep!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Grannies in the USA: important. Grannies in half the world where they die horrible preventable deaths: unimportant because of spatial and emotional distance.

I will sleep when everyone on the planet has the same rights as some fat lazy bigot in the swamps of Louisiana, who claims he was bourne in America because of what he did in some fantasyland pre-existence.

As long as one person is living like a grandama in Haiti, no one is free.

Anyone who does not drop everything they are doing in order to save that Grandma far away, is justifying letting others kill their own Grandma.

Personally, I like the Logans Run solution, or perhaps the Zardoz one.

Humanity: way over-rated.

Democrat said...

Biker Babe, relax... It's a joke!!!

ozboy said...

I think RJ is on the money with his comment Biker Babe. Maybe he can now tell us what we can actually do about the millions of 45 year old grandmas around the world that are dying from preventable diseases - hopefully in a non Henry James style so that we can understand it.

Biker Babe said...


um ... I believe I was speaking to democrat ... and aren't democrats in a panic around here (here = America) because people in their 40s ARE dying for lack of proper care, regardless of the amount of $$$ other people in America have -- RJ seems to have missed that (and BTW, I understood what he said, in a Henry James sort of way) ... unless one of the obscenely wealthy has a grandmother who dies for lack of insurance or $$, they aren't going to see it.

The obscenely wealthy are severely sheltered - and really don't know the meaning of the words "I have no money" ...

just sayin


Anonymous said...

We have a final solution to all of the worlds problems, you can be sure of that. None of them are politically expedient, or indeed palatable.

Change begins with you.

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