Thursday, October 01, 2009

Meet the Candidates Night 10/6/09

Everyone's invited to come and meet the candidates; see you there!

By Jim Hutchins

Council At Large Seat "A" candidate Ms. Van Hooser has posted the following to her Facebook Wall:
What: Ogden Council Member Candidate Forum, Hosted by the Weber County Womens Legislative Council
Where: South Ogden City Senior Citizen Center, 580 39th Street
When: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @ 7:00 p.m.
Everyone's invited to come and meet the Ogden City Council candidates; see you there!


OgdenLover said...

This is how it should have been done in the first place. I hope the SE gives it enough publicity that the average voter comes out to listen and learn.

Anonymous said...


If attending, one speculates on our disguise. Surely, if we went commando, we would expect a traffic ticket for an infraction on the way home.

This all starts to sound like a pleasant diversion. And thats the sound of us with bells on; come meet us as well.

Jennifer Neil said...

This from Bart Blair face book message:

Bart Blair October 1 at 8:35pm
I just returned from the "candidate debate meeting". It was a good meeting and we were able to come up with a very fair and equal forum. We are scheduled to meet at the Union Station on Wednesday,
October 14 at 7pm. The moderator will ask each candidate a question and his/her opponent will have the chance to respond also.The candidates will also field questions from the audience. It should be a very positive experience and a great opportunity to meet and discuss the important issues facing our city. All are invited so I would encourage you to try to attend. I look forward to seeing you and meeting with you that night. Thank you for your support.

This is different from Susie's "meet the candidates" and it is in Ogden.

disgusted said...


you need to check your link to suzie van hooser facebook page.

RudiZink said...

I believe you have to join Facebook to view the page, disgusted. I think that's how it works anyway.

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