Saturday, October 31, 2009

WSU Wildcats v. Montana Grizzlies Game Day Thread - UPDATED

This could indeed be THE BIG WSU college football week of the season -- but make no mistake -- it's NOT about revenge

No need to overemphasize the importance of today's Game. If our WSU Wildcats can hang a loss on league rival Montana, our Wildcats can bring themselves even with Montana at in the "games lost" column and have a shot at controlling their own conference championship destiny from here on out. Here's this morning's teaser from the Standard-Examiner, which hammers a theme we've been thinking about all week ... this isn't really a revenge game, but rather just another waypoint in our beloved Wildcats' game-by-game quest to finish the conference season with only a single loss. We thus believe Jason Asay got it exactly right:
'Cats just want a Saturday win at Montana
As an added bonus, here's the pregame buzz from the Grizzlies' home town newspaper:
Griz, Wildcats ready to roll
So here we go again, setting up another WSU Wildcats dedicated game day thread, whereby we WCU Wildcats fans can comment while viewing today's game, (which will be broadcast online on the Big Sky TEEVEE around 1:00 p.m.,) or whilst listening via the live audio broadcast from KLO radio, WSU's flagship sports radio station.

Have at it, Wildcats fans!

We'll of course be back with the final score later.

Update 10/31/09 11:39 a.m.: Thanks to the recent flurry of comments from SEVERAL sharp-eyed WSU fans downthread, we're now delighted to report that today's game will also be broadcast on KJZZ TV. Special thanks for keeping us on our toes, WILDCAT, Sticky Residue and KJZZ. We're developing a new appreciation for those in the media who compose TV/radio sports-broadcast logs. Thanks for setting us straight, and doing it forthwith!

Update 11/1/09 6:00 a.m.: For those WSU fans who may not have heard the bad news... Final score: Montana 31, WSU 10. Jason Asay provides the post-game lowdown:
Missoula meltdown / Griz take advantage of Wildcat turnovers
For an excellent writeup on what remain of WSU's hopes for a post-season playoff slot, be sure to check out Mr. Asay's companion story here:
Wildcats' playoff chances still alive after loss, but margin for error is slim


sticky residue said...

games on kjzz

WILDCAT said...

GAME IS ON KJZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KJZZ said...


sr said...

where is the rest of the article, stuoid standard didn't put online either.

RudiZink said...

Gotta say I completely agree with ya's, sr. I was astounded this morning that the Standard didn't have it's teaser article on today's game up on its Live! Site.

Proud WSU Grad said...

LOL! This is WSU's opportunity to waltz into Missoula, and take the steam out of everything happening (actually the only thing happening) in that otherwise dried-up old former "wild west" town.

Go Wildcats!

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