Monday, February 21, 2011

2010 Ogden City Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

The only clean and professionally audited financial information we'll get from Boss Godfrey for the 2010 fiscal year

For the enlightenment of our gentle readers, we're pleased to be able to link the just now released fiscal year 2010's Ogden City Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which we've obtained from the Ogden City website, and uploaded to our WCF web storage site:
This report, by the way, will also be a topic of discussion at tomorrow night's City Council work session, among other matters financial. We'll accordingly link tomorrow night's council packet, for the benefit of anyone who'd like to attend:
Slice it, dice it and ginsu knife it gentle readers. Consider this our annual opportunity to get an overview, and truly decipher what's really been going on financially with the Boss Godfrey Administration, with a view through the FY2010 rear view mirror, at least.

We've also added a link for future reference in our right sidebar, within our "Government Toolkit" module, supplementing earlier CAFR reports, going back to 2006.

Roll up your sleeves, don your green eye shades and have at it, O Gentle Ones.


Anonymous Employee said...

Here's how well they city has been run the last ten years:

Total Full-Time Employees


Cost per Resident to Run City Government

2003-739.13 (Farthest back the data goes)

The city spent $25,000,000 more in 2010 than in 2009, does anyone know where it all went?

Pages 136-137

RudiZink said...

Interesting angle, AE. Thanks for chiming in.

So who else would like to try their hand with some analysis?

Dan Schroeder said...

It's a frustrating document because so much context and explanation is missing. I also noticed the increase in cost per resident, most of which occurred between FY 2009 and 2010. I would have guessed this had something to do with all the large water and sewer projects, but it says these costs are "excluding capital outlay". So I remain perplexed.

OgdenLover said...

Can anyone say "smoke and mirrors"?

Fireman Joe said...

"Our outlook during the next few years indicates a very slow recovery both nationally and locally. Unemployment continues to be a concern here locally as well as nationally. Consumer confidence must improve before we begin to see revenue relief."

Nothing inspires consumer confidence like a 40 million dollar Godfrey project.

you who said...

Funny, I didn’t notice any entries for the discretionary funds talked about in the email that were GRAMA'd by Dan S.
I believe the mention in those email was around 1.5 mil.
Where are those funds kept and how are they accounted for?

RudiZink said...

you who: Could you be a little more specific about which particular GRAMA produced documents you're referring to?


you who said...

There was something in an email from Pureheart Patterson to the Maoyor about reserve funds for the fieldhouse for two fiscal years to the tune of 750k for each year.
From the thread on January 17th. I thought it mentioned discretionary funds, but it was reserve funds.

I hope this is short and sweet enough. I did not address the $1.5 for the reserve fund (5750 x2 fiscal years). We could do
a quick line or two about the Fieldhouse not needing "last in" cash uftil 2012.

Doonie said...

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