Wednesday, February 23, 2011

KSL News: Ogden Ranked Among Nation's Most 'Death Defying' Cities

No doubt about it... it looks like a full employment economy for the Ogden City life insurance and wills and estates planning industries

For those who missed it in one of our comments sections down below, we don't want to let another moment pass without highlighting the latest Ogden-touting "puff piece" from the national media. Thanks to gentle reader Doonie, we learn that Emerald City has been named "one of the Top 10 cities in the country to stare down death and walk away," by some online entity called Livability.Com. Don't miss yesterday's thrilling KSL News story:
Just to put it all in context, Twin Falls, Idaho finished first, with Rock Springs, Wyoming scoring a strong fourth-place rating. With Ogden's #6 finish, we won't hesitate to observe that we're definitely in heady, "white-knuckle" company here.

No doubt about it... it looks like a full employment economy for the Ogden City life insurance and wills and estates planning industries.

A special Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to the drones of the Ogden City Administration, who obviously have their public relations efforts stuck in overdrive.


ND said...

Is blowing 40 million part of the equation?
I heard it on the radio last night and about drov drove into the river...high adventure indeed

althepal said...

What's next? Will Ogden make a Top Ten list of cities where you're most likely to "get your ass shot off in the hood?"

Too funny.

KB said...

Donnie Darko lives in Ogden.

OneWhoKnows said...

The crime fighting blimp will save us all just as soon as Mayor Matt is re-elected again and Greiner pays back the city for his defense funds. Will Patterson finally get out of the back seat and will Scott Brown finally make his name good with Southwick?

There's no crime in Ogden, just ask Matt. Hell, he's been working on it for only 12 years now. Are you safer now or twelve years ago when we were facing that terrible day...Y2K?

He that knoweth said...

It just so so important to be in the top ten in these important rankings. It helps to keep the "vision" thing alive. Without the mayor's vision thing Ogden would be doomed to be just another MoMo town in a long list of boring places. So catch the GTrain, go with the vision thing or we all die.

Gweedo said...

Isn't Scottie Doo sailing somewhere off CA to avoid peeps...??

Unknown said...

Quote from this article in reference to ifly "The tunnel, Wallace said, is the only one in the world purchased by a municipality and one of only 10 in the nation."

Hopefully not a future quote "The fieldhouse, Blain Johnson said, is the only one in the world purchased by a municipality and one of only 10 in the nation".

SCARY? No, terrifying!

North Ogdener said...

Sorry, but Twin Falls, Idaho was first place. Not Idaho Falls. That is where we moved from. Spent many a day watching base jumpers of the Perrine Bridge. I miss Twin....
Guess we moved to a slightly safer place? Doesn't feel that way though.

ozboy said...

And speaking of "Death Defying" - I read this out of the Standard about the only person to ever climb the north face of the Eiger - Ogden's own and genuine sport legend - Jeff Lowe.

The article is here:

North Ogdener said...

Yay! You changed it to Twin Falls. I feel successful today...

AWM said...

Had the following been considered I'm sure we would have been #2 or #3 on the list...Paddling a canoe on Pineview on the weekend, crossing a neighborhood street on Sunday just after church lets out, or riding a bike through Ogden Canyon on ANY day...

you who said...

How about Taxed too death? Or should I say user fee?

Bob Becker said...

Well, it's all good ink for Ogden. If some of the sky diving set elsewhere wants to trek to Ogden, or move here, fine with me. We'll have to warn them about the Inspector Clouseau Blimp, make sure they don't hit it on the way down. But other than that, hope the story brings a few visitors, maybe a resident or woo. Certainly can't hurt.

oboy said...

Damn good thing Ogden and Utah is up there in measurable things that are important - like most death defying fer instance.

Noticed a piece on the net where it writes about the ten smartest states and the eight cities that are best to start a business in. Utah didn't make the ten smartest states and Ogden didn't make the list of eight best cities to start a biz in, but by damn we are in the tops when it comes to most death defying towns! Kind of makes ya proud to be from here and it certainly makes that hundred or so million dollar debt we are looking at all sooooo worth while!

The CNN article is here:

FGM said...

Whats happening with the old Fred Meyer building on 12th street ogden ?

rudizink said...

Whats happening with the old Fred Meyer building on 12th street ogden ?

Nada.  It continues to remain empty, since Boss Godfrey announced he'd lured WallyMart to town.

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