Friday, April 29, 2011

Oops! E-Trade "Baby" (Boss Godfrey Lookalike) Loses Everything

Is your blogmeister the only one who conjures up an image of Boss Godfrey, every time he views the E-Trade Baby?

Anyone who even "dabbles" in securities trading has to love those ubiquitous E-Trade commercials, with the trading-savvy E-Trade baby putting everyone to shame with his online trading acumen. In light of this... and in observation of the slowest Emerald City news week in quite a spell... here's a little something more in line with how the market's been behaving for many traders lately:

Sodden thought... this (Godfrey) kid can invest any amount in ANYTHING! Boss Godfrey can essentially spend massive amounts of Ogden City money with a single "mouse click"... boom, boom, boom... "totally easy"...

Wait! Is your blogmeister the only one who conjures up a mental image of a completly spendthrift Boss Godfrey, every time he views these TeeVee commercials? Is life imitating art once again... or (shudder) vicey versey?

Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones...


Dr. Freud (Vienna) said...

Bad analogy, Herr Zink. Mr. Godfrey is in no way as mature as the E-Trade baby.

rudizink said...


you_who said...

That's too damn funny. It's easy to piss away money when it's not yours, and there are really no consequences, except to the poor idiot taxpayers holding the bag for years to come.

How about that veledrome-field house?

BikerBabe said...

Yes, the E-trade baby actually Knows what it means when the line in the graph goes down ...



Danny said...

So we will not have Godfrey to kick around anymore ... unless he executes his plan to take a high paid deadwood job in the city after one of his cronies gets elected mayor.

This should be of paramount importance: making sure Godfrey is totally gone from Ogden City government, and preferably from all government, and more preferably, gone from the state of Utah itself.

Yes, we will be removing the stitches from the financial wounds Godfrey has inflicted on this city for some time to come.

rudizink said...

Yep... unlike the God-free baby!

rudizink said...

Yes! Boss Godfrey, the little twit who usurps the massage of the E-trade baby...

Oh how delightful it would be... to have a little discussion of thje issues on WCF.


Ozboy said...

Who ever wrote that ebaby commercial must of been readin boss Godfrey's inner most thoughts! In observing the little wizard for 6 or so years now, I must say that by all appearances this baby in this piece does deals with just about the same amount of intelligence and rational thought as the boss hisself.

And Danny, I agreez wid ya on da gettin clean rid of the pest once and for all. Your theory - of say that numb skull Stephenson making mayor and then hiring the Wizard as his CEO - gives me the Whips and Jangles to even contemplate.

Does any one hereabouts have the numbers of how much money the city and the RDA have invested in the River Project - by acre, so that a comparison can be made to what these two new operators are paying for land in the middle of the deal? It would be interesting to see what real numbers these big league dealsters are really doing as they play in the big biz casino with tax payer dollars.

One thing that is very problematic with the limited amount I know of the deal, is the part where they pay for part of the land purchase later with tax deferments. In other words, not only are they cutting a fat hog in the ass with this killer low price deal they are getting on the land, but almost half of that gets to be paid later - by the tax payers! How slick is that for these hustlers to make a pile of dough on the already bent and beleaguered backs of the good old tax payers of Ogden?

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