Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Salt Lake Tribune: Ogden’s 8 Mayoral Hopefuls Vary Widely in Donor Dollars - Updated

For more detail, be sure to check out our brand spankin' new 2011 Ogden Municipal Election campaign financial disclosure page

For those who might have been unaware of today's important Ogden City Municipal Election deadline, we'll inform you that the first set of Mayoral and Council Campaign Financial Disclosure Statements were due for filing by 5:00 this afternoon. In that connection, The Salt Lake Tribune's Cathy McKitrick has been doing some fancy reportorial footwork, obtained a full set of these duly-filed documents from Cindi Mansell's Ogden City Recorder's Office, and appears to be the first Ogden Political Beat reporter already out of the chute and providing informative reporting and analysis on the subject:
The Tribune also provides a handy summary in The Trib's left sidebar:
Campaign cash: how the dollars stack up in Ogden’s mayoral race:
Jonny Ballard » Not yet posted on the city’s website.
Mike Caldwell » Received $45,414, spent $20,302, cash on hand $25,211
Jason Goddard » Received $13,400, spent $9,376, cash on hand $4,074
Neil Hansen » Received $6,395, spent $6,221, cash on hand $174.30
Brandon Stephenson » Received $19,450, spent $16,659, cash on hand $2,791
John H. Thompson » Received $0, spent $2,333
Susie Van Hooser » Received $10,035, spent $6,213, cash on hand $3,941
Steven Van Wagoner » Received $2,702, spent $1,614, cash on hand $1,088
But for those readers who'd like to submit the full array of this afternoon's newly filed Candidate Financial Disclosure Statements (both mayoral and city council) to a little more detailed and careful scrutiny, check out our brand spankin' new 2011 Ogden Municipal Election campaign financial disclosure page to find out, among other things, who the heck paid for that mind-boggling multitude of Mike Caldwell lawn signs which have recently popped up all over Ogden City:
We've also placed these forms in our right sidebar election module (and within each candidate's individual WCF candidate information page) for your convenient future reference, folks. Cathy McKitrick's not the only one who's worked their fingers to the bone to promptly get you the information you need regarding today's campaign finance disclosure documents... of that, we can assure you.

That's it for now folks.

Don't let the cat get your tongues.

9/8/11 8:11 a.m.: The Standard is now carrying Scott Schwebke's writeup:


BlameJohnsonNotMe said...

Just to give readers a small glimpse at what to expect in the contribution disclosures, below are two of the candidates running for Ogden Mayor. 

Mike Caldwell Contributions Highlighted:
$5,000 Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors
$5,000 Alan Hall (Marketstar)
$5,000 Larry H. Miller Group
$2,500 Chris Ford (land developer)
$500 Sonora Grill
$1,000 Elliott Hall Company
$500 R & O Construction
$1,000 Edge Products
Total = $20,500 from large corporations who have most likely benefited from the current mayor the past 12 years. Can you say SOCKPUPPET!
Grand Total = $45, 413.51

Susan VanHooser
Total = $9,464.77

If you believe tax, tax more and spend and spend even more is the answer, I recommend you vote for Mike Caldwell. If you believe in a responsible government with an eye on your tax dollars, vote for Susan VanHooser. Personally I would choose a former school teacher who does not need a job, truly understands the tumultuous business climate, has experience with the current council and appreciates open space issues over a currently tax dollar subsidized sockpuppet hoping the past administration's "lack of momentum" could lead to some heroic ventures.

rudizink said...

"...check out our spankin' new 2011 Ogden Municipal Election campaign financial disclosure page to find out, among other things, who the heck paid for that mind-boggling multitude of Mike Caldwell lawn signs which have recently popped up all over Ogden City."I never cease to be amazed about the effectiveness of campaign lawn signs.  As Winston Churchill quipped, "The Best Argument against Democracy is a 5 minute conversation with an average voter"

Bob Becker said...

In the interest of fairness, you might have noted that Ms. Van Hooser also received $1000 from the Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors.   [They gave $5K to Mr. Stephenson too.]   Looks like the boys and girls of the Northern Wasatch Association of Land Speculators are hedging their bets, laying four figure campaign donations on several candidates. 

Second, I think labeling all those Caldwell contributors you have listed as "large corporations" is pushing it a tad [e.g. Sonora Grill?].  Want to try to make a campaign issue of who is donating to him, have at it.  It's all public record and fair game. But categorizing all on that list as "large corporations" is a stretch.

NB: on the general matter of candidates accepting money from companies that do business with, or are likely to try to do business with, Ogden City, I prefer the Ogden Ethics project's approach:  just say no.  But have to admit, if I were a candidate, like Ms. Van Hooser in this instance,  and companies and lobbies were giving substantially  to my opponents and offered me campaign cash as well, I'd  take it.   Refusing it when it's going to others under such  circumstances would constitute a kind of unilateral [financial] disarmament.   Best if all refused or if such donations were ruled out for all. But failing that....

Seriously... said...

Great job smoking that out.  What you didn't smoke out, quite deliberately, is that the other $25,000 (more than corporate) has come from private donors...many of whom were former VanHooser supporters.  Are you calling these very intelligent community leaders sockpuppets as well?  Look at the list again.  Come on now, really pick it apart this time.  Yes, many were Goddfrey supporters as well.  Whoa now, how can this be?  Is it really possible that one candidate can bring supporters of bitter political opponents together in an election?  YES.  And if you haven't figured it out by now, that's exactly what Ogden needs, and Mike's the only one who's been able to do that.
Interesting that Mike has received more in private donations alone than any other candidate's total combined with corporate donations.  (Not to mention the hypocrisy of your post...VanHooser obviously cashed the checks she received from corporate donors).Your argument, BlameJohnson, if you actually have one, is weak.  If you look at Mike's donor list objectively, on both the corporate and private level, you will see an incredibly diverse group of Ogdenites supporting who they feel best represents OGDEN as a whole, and that includes corporate citizens as well as private citizens.  If you want a candidate to support YOU, and to hell with the rest, then vote otherwise, which I'm sure you already have.

Vilify Mike's fundraising all you like, but the overwhelming truth of the matter is that you don't get that level of support, from such a dynamically diverse group, without having the substance to back it up.

Bullet Sponge said...

Sure you do. Mike is pals with lots of well to do Ogden Mayor sycophants. He comes from money, he rubs elbows with people with money who want influence in the Mayor's office. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he isn't qualified to be mayor. Some people I respect support him, but let's not pretend he's the best candidate simply because he's raised the most money from "diverse" groups. He's got the richest pals. He might make a good Mayor but this time I'm voting for Susie. There's a massive shitstorm leftover from Mayor Godfrey and I think she's better suited to mend fences and clean it up.

Magical Mike said...

"...the overwhelming truth of the matter is that you don't get that level of support, from such a dynamically diverse group, without having the substance to back it up. "

Aha!  It's the old biblical metaphor about the lions lying down with the lambs!

Mike magical!

Magical Mike said...

"...the overwhelming truth of the matter is that you don't get that
level of support, from such a dynamically diverse group, without having
the substance to back it up. "

Aha!  It's the old biblical metaphor about the lions lying down with the lambs!

It's magic!

rudizink said...

"...the overwhelming truth of the matter is that you don't get that level of support, from such a dynamically diverse group, without having the substance to back it up. "

Aha!  It's the old biblical metaphor about the lions lying down with the lambs!

It's magic!

Magical Mike said...

"...the overwhelming truth of the matter is that you don't get that level of support, from such a dynamically diverse group, without having the substance to back it up. "

Aha!  It's the old biblical metaphor about the lions lying down with the lambs!

It's magic!

Dan S. said...

It's interesting to look at the contributors' zip codes. Would be even more interesting to plot the addresses on a map, color-coded by candidate. Any GIS geeks out there?

blackrulon said...

If one were to judge support only on the basis of signs "For Sale" &  "Available" would be the leading choices for Ogden mayor.

Dorrene Jeske said...

When I read the list of Caldwell’s campaign contributors, it was déjà vu of Godfrey’s campaign list of donors.  We know of the special deals he made with Alan Hall (the free downtown parking garage) and R & 0 Construction received a lot of construction contracts even though they weren’t the lowest bidder, and so on and so on.  We sure know who not to vote for. 
               While we’re on the subject of who not to vote for, I received one of Stephenson’s flyers.  It proves that politicians can get away with saying anything in their campaign literature, even out-and-out lying.  His flyer reads:  “Proven City Council Voting Record!”   ”. . . For continued, aggressive downtown economic rejuvenation,” he was a “yes man” for Godfrey.   “. . . For creating an economic environment where businesses can be successful!,”  maybe that was when he voted to increase the height of those old buildings on Historic 25th St.  “For filling empty office space and bringing in retail!” I don’t know what empty office space he filled, but I distinctly remember that he voted to add two more floors of office space to the Wells Fargo Bank building most of the original space there still needs to be  filled – mmmm?  “. . . For NO property tax rate increase!”  . . . But he voted for all fee new fees and fee increases.   “. . . For keeping, growing and improving our parks & open space!”   I remember that he voted just the opposite way when Godfrey wanted to give the golf course to Chris Peterson for his condo/hotel development at the top of 36th St.   “. . . For open government that is fiscally responsible!”  WOW!  I wonder how many inches his nose grew over that whopper!  I vividly remember that he kept pushing me to meet with just him and the mayor in the mayor’s office behind closed doors until I finally said, “Why in the world would I want to meet with you and Godfrey?”  Remember the days when Godfrey wanted to meet with one or two of the council members in his office about the development of Malan’s Basin and the gondola?  I guess Stephenson doesn’t remember that or Godfrey has trained him well in the art of lying.  We’ve had 12 years of being lied to, I sure don’t want to continue that agenda with Stephenson!

InterestedVoter said...

This sure perks interest...   "For more detail, be sure to check out our brand spankin' new 2011 Ogden Municipal Election campaign financial disclosure page", but I'm not seeing a link.  Don't you think that would be helpful?

rudizink said...

Here ya go's IV.  The link appears near the bottom of the page; but perhaps you're right.  I could have done a better job labeling it, I suppose. [sigh]:

2011 Ogden Municipal Election Contribution and Expenditure Forms - All Offices 

BlameJohnsonNotMe said...

Sure Bob, lets give Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors some credit for not being totally stupid!

Danny said...

Well well well.

So Mike Caldwell is a fraud, a Godfreyite, pulling in money from corporations leeching at the trough, including out of town entities that do business with the city - all while dodging questions that would reveal what he really is, all while pretending to be fresh, all while pretending to be independent, all the while fooling the naive, just like Blaine Johnson did. 

Can you say, "Mike Caldwell, bought and paid for" by the crony corporate elite?

Just like the monkey said.

Click Here


Dan S. said...

It's certainly fair to judge any candidate by where he gets his money. But I don't see any support for your accusation of "fraud". When has Caldwell ever claimed to be something he's not?

Danny said...


Only a PhD would differentiate between "lack of good faith", and "fraud".

But here you go:  Caldwell is the establishment candidate, so the money shows.  It's not Stephenson.  Nobody is writing these big checks to Caldwell for "good government".  They plan to get that money back and much, much more. 

So Caldwell is the new puppet, to replace Godfrey, anointed by the holy water of big money, paying for all those yard signs.  He will do what the big money says, which is more debt, and they will bulldoze the bench.

And does he promote himself that way?  No, quite the opposite.  Failing to disclose important information is bad faith - same thing as fraud to me.

But is the same to you?  Are conclusions drawn from data the same as fact to a college professor?  Probably not.  If I may say, that's why some teach, and some do, as the old saying goes.

Dan S. said...

Thanks for the ad hominem attack. Always appreciated.

I basically agree that candidates tend to do what their donors tell them to do. But as I look down Caldwell's list of donors, I see plenty of folks who would skin him alive if he bulldozed the bench. So I doubt there's any fraud in his promises to preserve open space. (For that matter, all the candidates are promising to preserve open space. They know where public opinion is on that issue.)

Perhaps you should give a better example of the "important information" that you think Caldwell has failed to disclose. And by the way, I do agree that "material omissions" can constitute fraud. That's why Godfrey should have been prosecuted for his Envision Ogden solicitations.

blackrulon said...

"a dynamically diverse group" is diverse in regards that some are realators, some are lenders, and some are builders. All are looking forward to a favorable position of influence within a Mile Caldwell adfministration. Who represents the taxpaying citizens of Ogden? Certainally not a candidate who is another puppet of former Godfrey financial campaign investors.

Bob Becker said...

Sorry, BR, but there are a number of names on that list who are neither realtors nor lenders nor builders.  Your point about realtors, lenders, builders being on the list is valid [and obvious since the list is public]. Your suggestion that that's the only kind of diversity Mr. Caldwell's  donor's list represents is not. 

Bob Becker said...

In re: their not being totally stupid:  let's not jump to conclusions.  If I remember correctly, they were all over enthusiastic supporters of the Mayor's loony flatland- gondola-to-WSU-and-let's-sell-the-park-to-build-it wet dream. 

blackrulon said...

Why the name change? Have you forgotten how to post as Curmudgeon? It is still basically the usual gang of usual suspects that heavily supported Godfrey?

rudizink said...

Excuse me, Professor Becker, but how can you seriously make a blanket statement like that?

It'll be interesting to see the results, once the several of us who are
researching  the backgrounds of these individual Caldwell donors, reveal
why these rich Ogden East bench citizen/campaign individual donors are
abandoning the ship with Ms. Van Hooser, and are instead falling all
over themselves to donate big bucks to the Mike Caldwell Corporo-fascist

Bob Becker said...

Reply to Rudi post beginning "Excuse me Professor":

   Did you mean your comment to apply to this post by me, just above?  Surely you don't mean to suggest  that the Northern Wasatch Association of Realtors was not totally stupid to support the Gondoal/Park Sale/MiniSkiResort Godfrey nonsense?   So I suspect your comment was meant to reply to something else I posted, higher up. Right?

Bob Becker said...

Reply to BR below:

   Sometimes when I'm quick cruising the comment boards at the SE and here in an idle 15 minutes, I post something fast under BB name instead of Curm, forgetting to switch registrations. Having started commenting under one name, I continue using it on whatever thread I'm on here. Don't want to appear to be two people commenting on the same thread, or to be accused of sailing under false colors. That's all. Nothing more sinister than that. 

Danny said...

Well, let me try again.  So hard to communicate by typing compared to speaking.

It's not an ad hominem attack to say you, and professors in general, rely on left brain thinking, as opposed to the right brain kind others do.  It's an observation, and indeed, a stereotype based on observation.

Now let me, having said that, roll my eyes at your naivete.  You say MIKE CALDWELL has some east bench support that would skin him alive if he bulldozed the bench.

1. Many of these people were also Godfreyites, and Godfrey tried tirelessly to find reasons to bulldoze the bench. Your connection doesn't hold.

2. Is it not possible to be an east bencher, and to be graft-addled, and looking FORWARD to cashing in on said bulldozing?

3.  Could not some of these people be simply, naive?

So rather than say you tend to rely on facts rather than conclusions and reason, I should have said your facts are sound but your reasoning appears vacuous.  And yes, we all know and love professors, strengths and weaknesses notwithstanding.

What we have here is a "preponderance of evidence" building up against Caldwell.  MIKE CALDWELL is the corporate-fascist candidate in the race.  His money, his donors, say so.  It is not Stephenson, it is Caldwell.

Finally, wake up.  (Picture me slapping your face in a mild and harmless way.)

Dorrene Jeske said...

Dan & Danny,  In my book, neither Caldwell nor Stephenson will be good for Ogden.  I've said before that Caldwell is too involved in Ogden politics and knows all the dirty little tricks that they play to get what they want.  He will forget the little guy once he gets his/her vote and is in office for the next decade.  I'm finding out that Brandon has learned a few of Godfrey's tricks.  While I've been trying to place signs for Susie, I keep hearing, "Oh, I've heard things about her that I don't like."  So he is doing a smear campaign in my end of town.  I don't think that Brandon is smart enough to be mayor so he will appoint Godfrey to a position on his staff.  That is just  Jeske's take on two of the mayoral candidates,

Dan S. said...

(Responding to your response to me, but coming up a level to make the space a little wider...)

"1. Many of these people were also Godfreyites, and Godfrey tried tirelessly to find reasons to bulldoze the bench. Your connection doesn't hold."

Many were, but many others weren't. And even many of the Godfreyites eventually convinced Godfrey not to bulldoze the bench. If they can convince Godfrey, they can convince Caldwell."2. Is it not possible to be an east bencher, and to be graft-addled, and looking FORWARD to cashing in on said bulldozing?"

Sure it's possible. I never claimed that all east benchers are against bulldozing. I said that there are plenty of particular individuals on Caldwell's donor list who would skin him alive for bulldozing."3.  Could not some of these people be simply, naive?"

In general, yes. On this particular matter (whether Caldwell intends to bulldoze the bench), I don't think so. There's just too much political opposition to bulldozing the bench for any astute politician to attempt it, and Caldwell has better credentials than most when it comes to protection of our trails and open space.

I think it's time to move beyond the simplistic question of "bulldozing the bench". The publicly owned bench areas are safe for the time being. The remaining privately owned open space is much less safe, but there are economic barriers to development and the right mayor could help put other protections in place. To do so will require not just good motives but also considerable skill and commitment. As I look at the candidates, it's not at all clear to me which (if any) would be most likely to accomplish something like this.

shadow valley said...

maybe a little off topic but i think there are 2 relevant questions...since I assume being Mayor is a fairly full-time job ... 40+ hours a week, 1)which of the candidates has actually had/has a full-time job in the past year and 2) are any of them currently making close to the new salary that this position will pay.   I'm not interested in "hiring" someone that has never managed a budget and will end up getting a huge bump in pay by getting elected (like Rob Bishop, but that's a whole 'nother story).

Danny said...

So if I'm understanding you, basically you're saying I'm right, but you want to vote for Caldwell, cross your fingers, and hope, right?

Susie is the only one saying she will oppose development of the bench, and will look to put it into the hands of foundations.

As far as Caldwell, he has passed time on Weber Pathways.  (But then, what committee hasn't he been on?)

Godfrey liked the trails too, or so he said.  And so much for that.

As far as anybody skinning the mayor alive, yeah, sure.  When he's paying back all those heavy-hitter donors, the only thing getting skinned will be the open space people when Caldwell's office door hits them in the face.

BlameJohnsonNotMe said...

The better question is who is milking the tax payers every opportunity they get versus who will be conscientious about and willing to make sacrifices in a tight economy? The sockpuppets are on the same ridiculous, vicious and incoherent ride as the current administration and Susan VanHooser is a candidate who exhibits the highest level of fiscal responsibility. Salary for the mayor position? The city could not possibly pay enough for most people to accept this unenviable position, especially post Envision Ogden, FNURE, River Project, downtown debacle, unauthorized spending, sockpuppet paradise, etc. You really think anyone is in this for the money? Okay, Mike Caldwell might be.

shadow valley said...

I was looking for facts.  I guess I came to the wrong place or at least the person who answered me didn't have any handy.

Bob Becker said...

Your point about experience managing a budget is one worth thinking about.  I'm not sure I'd let it eliminate a candidate on those grounds alone, but I'd look at the issue as one among many to consider. 

 I don't think your point about not wanting to elect someone who'd be getting a boost in pay is worth much thought at all.  The job pays what the job pays.  I want the best candidate in that job and it matters not at all to me if that means he or she will get a pay boost on election, or be earning about the same, or be giving up income to serve. 

shadow valley said...

Very fair comments.      I guess if I was to ask the 8 candidates only one question, it would be "what's the largest budget you've ever managed?"

Just Wondering said...

Seems to be a lot of 84403 zip codes that are really 84401.  How many other errors are there?

Dan S. said...

Danny, in reply to your latest, I haven't decided whom to vote for. But no matter who it is, I'll be crossing my fingers and hoping.

Dan S. said...

Standard-Examiner's summary of the disclosure reports:


BlameJohnsonNotMe said...

No, the better questions are"how large were the budgets you were responsible for" and "did you stay within the budget you were given" and request documentation as this can be easily embellished. shadow valley, are you a current or retired employee from tax payer money? Check out what Obama and his administration are doing with the USA budget! That qualifies him for what??? (reply to shadow valley comment below)

shadow valley said...

Since we are talking about this town's election I would be more interested in knowing how the current candidates would respond.     If I had asked Obama the question before he was elected he probably would have to admit that he hadn't managed any size budget.   That's what I'm trying to find out.   

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