Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2012 Utah Senatorial Debate - Hatch v. Howell

Open the video player to watch Utah's U.S. Senate candidates Hatch and Howell rip each other to shreds

Just as we find seemingly ourselves up to our eyeballs in 2012 election debate videos, we'll throw a little more fuel on the fire with another one we've all been breathlessly awaitng, i.e., tonight's 2012 Utah Senatorial Debate, in which GOP Senator-for-Life Orrin Hatch squares off against Democratic Party challenger Scott Howell, for what's bound to be a very lively confrontation.

This debate, "[t]he only televised debate for U.S. Senate in Utah will be broadcast statewide on multiple public broadcasting stations...  as part of the unique VoteUtah 2012 collaboration between Utah public broadcasting entities," (according to the website)  is set for broadcast tonight (Wednesday, October 17) at 9:00 p.m..

We know all WCF political wonks are sitting on the edges of their seats... but why wait? To our great delight we've discovered that the recorded footage is already uploaded and available for on-demand viewing online. Click the "play" button on the video player linked below to watch these two U.S. Senate candidates rip each other to shreds, folks:
Your always-politically wonkish comments are invited as per usual.

Update 10/17/12 11:45 a.m.: Too funny.  The above linked video has been suddenly pulled from the website.  We guess our reader online previews were cutting into KUED's potential 9:00 p.m. viewership.

Our apologies to the crass commercial and political interests in the public broadcasting industry for "jumping the gun" on this, LOL.


Smaatguy said...

getting sick of hearing the scare tactic ads for Hatch about his seniority and how he can be the big man on campus....what is further nausiating is the the spin about thats how the Senate just works....

rudizink said...

 Exactly right, smaatguy.  If there's anyone in our federal congressional delegation who needs to go the the "rest home,"  it's gotta be that particular "addled senior."

Marco said...

"... The above linked video has been suddenly pulled from the website."

Perhaps Hatch objected to having people seeing him get his ass kicked.

Marco said...

" Live coverage of the debate will be available on-line though the VoteUtah website at beginning at 10:00 a.m. on October 17. "


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