Thursday, October 18, 2012

Standard-Examiner: Ogden Opts to Bulldoze Blight

7-Eleven will replace buildings on Washington

By Smaatguy

I am beyond PO'ed... A 7-11 is now the gateway to Ogden's Riverbend development and downtown area?!!! AND we the fine taxpayers of O-town are giving the developer (AKA "hot tubbers Inc.") a hundred grand to do it!
What the &%$#??? The only one on the council that got it right was Amy Wicks:
I have a real hard time giving somebody $100,000 to develop a 7-Eleven when we have somebody else just down the road, who on their own dime, demolished a building and built a convenience store,” she said. “I can’t support putting the funds toward a development that ultimately ends up with just a convenience store on the corner.
Man if this isn't cronyism I don't know what is! So, we dish out $100k and get back $96k (supposedly) in the proposed budget and Brandon says it's essentially free to the city...since when is $4k free?

It will be interesting to see where on the property the 7-11 actually goes...on the the middle on Washington?....there is more to this than meets the eye because that 7-11 isn't going to take up that whole site.

Can't wait to see the 50 temporary construction jobs created by the demolition of the existing buildings and construction of a 7-11....the place should just be crawling with activity....

Excuse me while I go regurgitate....


TheLovelyJennifer said...

8 - 12 permanent jobs -- as 7-11 clerks?

woot. scoot over SG ...


Blackrulon said...

It's not all bad building a 7-11 convenience store. At least they do not have a drive through window so people will be forced to exit their vehicles to shop. Another step towards making Ogden a walking comunity

Smaatguy said...

was down on the Vard today....interesting thing is that location is in my opinion a bit out of range in terms of dishing out 100k to help "downtown"....good grief take out some other eyesore close to the "gateway"....

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