Friday, July 05, 2013

Standard-Examiner: Are Allegations of an "Affair" Behind "Probe" of Roy Police Chief?

More official non-information in the Roy Police Chief Greg Whinham "administrative leave" matter, forcing Standard-Examiner reporter Tim Gurrister and  a handful of  Standard-Examiner readers to speculate on whether the current anonymous accusations may relate to a "discarded" State Division of Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) "sexual misconduct" complaint, and raising the thorny question of whether Roy City government may have a lot more in common, mis-behavior wise,  with its small-town neighbor to the North (Brigham City) than any of us ever could have possibly imagined.

“I look at it as rumor control,” Roy Mayor Ritchie said, referring to the "limited" public announcement, which includes the reassuring info that the ongoing investigation is "noncriminal" in nature.

“We’ve agreed as a council that all comments on any investigations go through (the city administration)” said tight-lipped council veteran Dave Tafoya. “Unfortunately, I’ve got no comment.”

“I’d be one mad honcho if I thought I’d been cheated on” “All this talk about an affair offends me. It’s just not the case,”  said Winham's newly divorced ex-wife, Cindy, "laugh[ing] out loud at the thought of him [of all people we guess] engaged in sexual misconduct."

Here's the full lowdown, such as it is. Readers with an allergy to small town gossip should avert their eyes from the S-E reader comments section, of course:
A Weber County Forum Tip O' The Hat to the anonymous S-E copy editor who came up with the "amusing" and "devilishly clever" double entendre headline.


Wonderin' said...

I'm Wonderin'! So howcome dominant-faith Utah Officials (and present & particlarly former LDS "Bishops") have so much of a problem with "keeping it in their pants?"
Just "wonderin."

blackrulon said...

This is off topic but the S-E does not seem to have anything on this story. Nominees have been announced for the 2nd District bench seat. It is to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Michael L. Lyon, effective September 1, 2013. The nominees are Catherine Conklin, domestic relations commissioner; Weber County Attorney Sanda Corp;, Robert Froerer, partner Froerer & Miles; Weber County Attorney Dee Smith; and Ogden city attorney. Gary Williams. Written comments can be submitted to 2nd District Judicial Nominating Commission
Chairman Brian Namba at Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, P.O. Box 142330. Salt Lake City Utah 84114-2330. The deadline for written comments is 5 p.m. July 10, 2013

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