Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ogden Canyon Transportation Use Study

Whatever you do today, please don't hesitate to throw in your own 2¢

Via Ogden City Mayor Mike Caldwell, who sez, "Very important opportunity to have your voice heard":
Please take this survey and support a safe Ogden Canyon path for pedestrians and cyclists!

Whatever else you do today, please don't hesitate to throw in your own 2¢.


RebelWithACause2 said...

The best place I can think of for a safe bicycle or foot path up Ogden Canyon would be on the north side of the river. There was a streetcar that traveled that route years ago. So They would have the width of the tracts, at least, and that should be sufficient room for such a trail.

AWM said...

There is a one word fix for this issue....Tunnel...Not saying it's a realistic fix due to the cost but everything else is just a Band-Aid...

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