Dang rights, WCF regulars... experience all the merriment and mirth!
Happy 2016, WCF clones. Our advice as we inexorably creep up on the year of our Year of the Lord 2016?
A. Don't celebrate like this. It's a mite inelegant, wethinks:
B. And YES! here's a nice 2015 retrospective folks, designed to allow you to "kiss off" the year 2015, with nary a tear in your eye:
Dang rights, WCF regulars... experience all the merriment and mirth!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
The Hill: Chrome Extension Scrubs Trump From The Web
Just a helpful technology tip from yer old pal, Rudi!
Encouraging technological news via the politically ambiguous TheHill.Com. Tired of the "saturation reporting" on The Donald from everyone from the NY Tims to the Cartoon Network? We have an encouraging story, peeps. Here's the lede:
Encouraging technological news via the politically ambiguous TheHill.Com. Tired of the "saturation reporting" on The Donald from everyone from the NY Tims to the Cartoon Network? We have an encouraging story, peeps. Here's the lede:
Americans tired of the media fixation on real estate mogul and presidential candidate Donald Trump have a new tool at their disposal, courtesy of a Brooklyn web developer.Read up!
The Trump Filter extension for Chrome, created by Rob Spectre and spotted by US News this week, will remove content on the web related to the Republican front-runner's candidacy. It includes three levels of sensitivity: “mild,” “aggressive,” and “vindictive.”
The extension, which was released last week, detected Trump-related headlines on a range of news sites and removed them when tested by The Hill. It also eliminated some non-Trump related content while on the "aggressive" setting.
Just a helpful technology tip from yer old pal, Rudi!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Obama: Happy Christmas, Everyone
Merry Christmas, peeps! Nobody but our hero, Barry O, could possibly say it better in so many ways, we do swear:
Let us @ Weber County Forum adopt these messages and simply say,Happy Christmas, everyone!
Monday, December 21, 2015
For Republicans, Bigotry is the New Normal
Check your party registration, Sane Utah Republicans
Top-notch Wapo OpEd, submitted for re-publication via long-time WCF reader/contributor Ozboy. "An interesting editorial in today's Washington Post, about Republican perfidy. Might make a good piece for the WCF," the ever politically savvy Ozboy sez, in a rare instance of understatement. Wethinks Ozboy doth not steer us wrong however. Check it out, folks:
Top-notch Wapo OpEd, submitted for re-publication via long-time WCF reader/contributor Ozboy. "An interesting editorial in today's Washington Post, about Republican perfidy. Might make a good piece for the WCF," the ever politically savvy Ozboy sez, in a rare instance of understatement. Wethinks Ozboy doth not steer us wrong however. Check it out, folks:
Added bonus: Ozboy also submits this additional gem for your consideration, folks:
Media Matters "nails it" in summary, wethinks:Fear-mongering and raw xenophobia were once the hallmarks of fringe candidates. Today the fringe candidates have stormed center stage, brandishing their zeal and hyperbole and, disturbingly, dragging the mainstream along with them.Check your party registration, Gentle Utah Republicans, now that the American GOP has become the official party of fascism and hatred.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Salt Lake Tribune: Republicans OK $14M Land-transfer Lawsuit, Say Utah Must Regain "Sovereignty."
Legal team urges Utah to go to court, estimating the cost at a mere $14 million.
Following up on our previous discussions in re this topic, The Salt Lake Tribune carries a story this morning reporting the latest development in Rep. Ken Ivory's American Lands Council Land-grab.
Here's the lede, Peeps:
Following up on our previous discussions in re this topic, The Salt Lake Tribune carries a story this morning reporting the latest development in Rep. Ken Ivory's American Lands Council Land-grab.
Here's the lede, Peeps:
The federal government has no constitutional authority to permanently retain millions of acres in Western states, latecomers to the federal union that have thus been relegated to "second-class" status instead of sovereigns on equal footing with the older states to the east of the 100th meridian.Read up, Peeps:
That's the conclusion of a 145-page legal analysis submitted Wednesday to the Utah Legislature by a team of outside lawyers hired to weigh Utah's legal prospects in its public lands fight with the federal government. The team urged Utah to go to court, estimating the cost at $14 million. [Emphasis Added.]
"We are a federal republic. The central government is run by the states. The members of the republic, the states, must be equal in power and sovereignty," New Orleans lawyer George Wentz told the legislative panel that commissioned the report at a cost of $500,000. Utah has been denied the promise of full sovereignty by federal policies that thwarted the "disposal" of public land, according to Wentz and his colleagues.
Citing the consultants' conclusions, the Utah Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands on Wednesday voted to direct them to prepare a complaint asserting a claim to 31 million acres of public land. It would be left up to Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes to decide whether such a case would be filed, mostly likely as a petition for original jurisdiction before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Just like clockwork, Pat Bagley nails it, no? Hold onto your wallets, O Gentle (and Ever-docile) Utah Taxpayers.
Monday, December 07, 2015
Screw These Fascist Republicans!
Screw these fascist Rebublicans!
"I personally, I have to say this honestly, have a hard time understanding how anyone could vote for tax breaks for billionaires, for millionaires, for large corporations and then say we don't have the resources to protect our veterans," said Senator Sanders, the measure's chief author."
Fascists should make you sick, eh, my fellow Americans?
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Trump Leads Latest Poll by Large Margin
Meanwhile...Sanders Beats All Top Republican Candidates In Latest Poll
Via Pat Bagley: "Gas is below $2, employment is good, dollar is strong, stock market is soaring. meanwhile, Trump vows to change all that."
Via Pat Bagley: "Gas is below $2, employment is good, dollar is strong, stock market is soaring. meanwhile, Trump vows to change all that."
Keep on voting against your personal economic interests, Peeps.