Thursday, July 28, 2005

How Costco Became the Anti-Wal-Mart

Daily Kos alum Steve Gilliard published an interesting article a couple of days ago, contrasting Costco's employee-friendly business model with that of the evil Wal-Mart, which can only be characterized as nickel-dime stingy.

Costco of course draws continuing flak from Wall Street analysts, who claim Costco CEO Jim Sinegal fails to captain a tight ship. Sinegal, on the other hand, is pleased with his company's performance, and believes Costco's excellent salary and benefits package goes far beyond altruism, and is merely "good business."

Check out Steve's article here. Treating employees with generosity is really nothing new in the business world, although it's a business philosophy that's quite recently fallen out of fashion.

Via Democracy for Utah

Comments, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Good article about a good company. What do you think the deal with the "F" bomb was all about?

The only problem I see with Costco is that infernal yearly membership fee. I suppose it wouldn't matter much if you are a spending junkie in those sorts of stores, but to me it is like paying a cover charge to get in some sleazy bar. Not that I hang out in sleazy bars or anything!

Why doesn't the big guy on nine and his flunkies on the politburo go after such decent companies as this instead of WalMart? Could it be that they don't give a squat about the working people of Emerald City?

What is Costco's history in relation to this evil RDA and eminent domain business? Do they get involved with arrogant and deceptive politicians like WallMart does to exploit the people?

Anonymous said...

I would have bet the ranch that ozboy would be the first to comment on this thread. His comments were about what I expected to boot.

Seems like some can't win for loosing. Wallmart and Mayor Godfrey were soundly beaten last year. It might be time to give all of this canned evil stuff a rest.

Anonymous said...

It was a great article, Ozboy, but did you read the comments section? This Gilliard guy has 86 comments on his post so far, and they're all very good.

I'll bet Rudy's eating his heart out, what with the mindless bickering and this new troll who cropped up this morning on Weber County Forum, bitching about everything.

If you didn't read the article comments, go back and take another look.

One other thing. If you're offended by potty-mouth, DON't read Gilliard's comments section.

Anonymous said...

I've run quite a few small businesses in my time. One thing I've learned in this process is that no business will ever sustain itself, if my employees don't believe they're part of the business. The way to attract and keep good employees is to pay them well, and offer as many benefits as possible.

Companies like Wal-Mart have lost sight of the fundamentals that make for stable companies, in the long run.

Their "business plan" is a feudal one, designed for the thirteenth cenury, where all workers were "serfs."

Wal-Mart will be a blip on the radar screen in the years to come.

Wal-Mart has a defective business model. Costco's is the one that works.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why then, that WalMart is #1 in the world. Obviously because of their shitty business plan.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder why then, that WalMart is #1 in the world. Obviously because of their shitty business plan."

Their Shitty business practices show up in their stock charts, "anonymous."

It looks to me that Costco is at least holding its own.

And Costco doesn't treat its employees as "serfs."

Wallymart v. Costco 1-year chart

Thanks for playing.

Anonymous said...

If the two "anonymous" contributors today are one and the same it would be a relief that there are not two ignoramouses running around with computer access.

He seems to be taking umbrage at Ozboy being the first to respond. I can't see where that would be a negative. Is there any one out there that could?
I rather enjoy Ozboy's observations on events here in Utah and just because he was first to log in does not diminish the value of his comments - does it?

I don't think Wal-Mart or the Mayor was "soundly beaten" last year. They did have a minor set back this year with HB184, but I certainly would not count either one out just yet.

As to giving the "evil stuff a rest", I think that is a bit foolish also. Did Hitler quit being evil after he was defeated in the Beer Hall Putsch? Did the Mayor and council quit being who they are after HB184? Do they now champion the cause of the common man?
Have they had a change of heart and are they now going to restore funding to the Marshall White center?

On the last comment it would appear that "anonymous" does not comprehend what Stanley O. was getting at. Maybe ignorance really is bliss?

"Anonymous", at least the one referred to herein demonstates one of the unfortunate truths about blogs, and that is that there are the lame brained and moronic amongst us who will always try to interject their inanities into otherwise intelligent dialogue and truly think they are being brilliant and witty.

In this anonymous venue we must suffer these fools. When they are at least a bit funny it makes it more bearable but in this case we don't have that previledge.

Rudizing, Oz boy, Thomas Luke, Enthuzed citizen, Utmorman, Bonnie Lee, Kevin, Althepal and all the rest of you intelligent contributors - thanks for the intertainment and education.

To "anonymous" and the rest of you un-funny and stupid sounding turd throwers I will be glad when it's nap time in the nursery so we will all be spared your pathetic little attempts at being grown up.

Anonymous said...

OK Darrell O, you've thoroughly thrashed Anonymous 1 and Anonymous 2. Splendidly, I might add. You were even able to slip Adolph in there someplace, although I doubt that the RDA, MBA, and Gang of 6 mirrors or emulates the National Socialists. Therefore, be careful of emphasizing "extremes," for like "resentments, they can kill ya.

Opinion is what we have here, with the Anonymous brothers and many of these so-called intellectual posters, and it's probably better to relax and just deal with these umbrageous postings by following the example George Bush has set regarding newspapers....he doesn't read 'em and therefore, doesn't spend a lot of time dealing with the inanities (is that a word?) much less letting such nonsense get under his skin. Remember, were speaking of the U.S. President, not the blog president now. That guy's still trying to obtain a pass from the nursery.

Entertainment factor rating for this week: EXTREMELY HIGH!!!! Keep them cards and letters coming, folks.

Anonymous said...

There are some who would say that George Bush doesn't read the paper because he can't!

Also wouldn't be so sure that the big guy on nine and HIS council are not similiar to the Nazis. I believe they would take it that far if they had the power. What they have shown on a local level would seem to indicate that.

Otherwise a good post. But damn man, your going to make me run for the dictionary with that "umbrageous" word! Jeeze give a guy a break will ya?

Anonymous said...

I hate Wal-Mart. They suck.

Anonymous said...

I hate Wal Mart, but would support bulldozing that hell hole of a blighted area for an Albertsons, Target or Costco.

Anonymous said...

How bout we just keep it simple, anonymous? We can bulldoze your place first, and then let our visionary mayor and his zombie gang of five decide what to do with it later.

Whatever they decide will be inspired and totally wonderful, I'm sure.

Former Centerville Citizen said...

Hey, I just have to say that this blog is great. I'm not even a resident of Weber County but I love reading all of the comments. I wish Davis County could get a real active, thought-provoking blog. Until then, I'll just keep hoping.

Anonymous said...

You seem extremely touchy lately, Althepal, ready to do battle at the drop of a turd, er, I mean hat. First, there's that other thread, where you and those other two lunkheads, Merle and Frank, continue to loose face and position over nothing, constantly flailing and whining over the goading and ribbing by "the new troll," rising, as he says, to the bait like a carp to manure floating on the surface.

And now you're at it again right here, doing desperate battle about who'se the best, Costco or WalMart, with "anonymous." You even provide a cute little comparison chart, as if anyone really gives a damn about these so-called "stock charts" (clue: it's the cash chart, not the stock chart, that determines the world's #1).

Then you wrap it all up in a neat little bundle called "Gilliard," trying to stir up some more crap between blogsites, and present this drivel to the readers.

Somebody should knock some sense into you, huh?

Anonymous said...

Once again we are subjected to a lame assed attempt at humour by "anonymous". Stupid stuff from an apparently stupid individual.

Althepal - keep it coming, your sciblings are great to read.

Anonymous - maybe a critical thinking and creative writing course might help you in your Quixotic quest at being smart and clever.

Meanwhile please be advised that you are extremely amatuerish and booorrring. Right there in the same league as "president" and "Lionel".

Anonymous said...

Billy G Funk or Bill Assman you are just mad that you can not sell anymore Hud Homes below Harrison to investors. That is when you really started getting riled up, admit it you old fogie.

Anonymous said...

Boy o Boy Mr. Anonymous you better turn in your detective license! You missed by a mile in identifying my identity.

I am NOT the Bill G you seem to think I am!

I know who Bill Glasman is, and I think you are a fool to malign him as you are attempting to do. He is a fine and concerned citizen of Ogden, and unlike you he has the courage to use his own name when making comments on this site.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Glassman:

Thank you for the lesson in this area of real estate. It was rather informative. I am confused a bit however. Maybe you can clarify. On the one hand you seem to indicate that you do on occasion buy and rehabilitate HUD homes, and then later you say you have never directly bought a HUD home. I'm confused.

Why don't you or some of your rich buddies run for council and staighten this mess up. After all, Ogden has been real good to your families over the years. Maybe it's about time some of you guys gave back to the city. This is a great time as the city has never been in such dire straights as now. If my memory serves me correctly you and that Feeny guy I see at council meetings have ancestors who served this city well politically in its early years. Maybe there is a streak of public service somewhere in your souls?

Anonymous said...

Hey Glassman - Quit beating around the bush! Buck up and throw your hat in the ring. The city needs you. The Tax payers need you. The Dog Pound needs you. Hells bells man what do you have to lose? What do the citizens of Ogden have to lose? You sure as hell couldn't do worse than these clowns that are running the show now days. If you don't do it talk one of your buds at the country club into it. You don't have to know squat about politics. The only requirement is that your not infected with that horrible RDA disease and you have some integrity and honor in your life. That is what is missing at city hall these days.

You only go around once so why don't you get on that council and kick some of those bloated asses around for the sport of it?

Anonymous said...

Ya sure got it right there Bill you are not very savy. I don't know anyone who would vote for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know a load of people that would vote for Glasman. In fact they would vote for Glasman's dog if it meant replacing these horrid Godfrey suck up's we have now.

The city is careening toward financial disaster, some one needs to step forward and put on the brakes.
Glasman just might be the one to do it, I sure hope so.

Is there any one else out there with half a brain and a little bit of integrity that could run? There are legions of anxious Ogden citizens looking for you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I read your simple postings every now and then and nothing changes. You can't spell, you can't string over 4 words together to make a proper sentence, your vulgar and insulting, and you are really not taken serious by anyone, not even I'll bet, your own mother.

If you want to play with the older kids, grow up, use your head, and post something articulate instead of this sad commentary to humanity.

You are nothing but a bore.