Monday, July 18, 2005

A Provo Senator with Chicago Attitude (Updated)

Provo State Senator Curtis Bramble has developed into something of a Utah legislative powerhouse of late. As anyone who's been following Weber County Forum for more than a couple of days knows, Senator Bramble is responsible for last year's Senate Bill 184, which put a 1-year moratorium on new Utah RDA projects, and entirely stripped the power of eminent domain from the RDA toolbox. I also mentioned part of his 2006 legislative agenda in a previous Weber County Forum article.

For anyone who'd like to know a little more about this State Senator from Provo, the Salt Lake Tribune has a thumbnail biography of Senator Bramble in this morning's edition. His background is very interesting: He's a Chicago native, Notre Dame alum, BYU grad, LDS convert, career tax-accountant and ex-collegiate varsity wrestler. We're going to be hearing a lot more about Sen. Bramble in the upcoming year, as he builds up a head of steam for his ambitious upcoming legislative agenda. This SL Trib piece sheds some light on some of the factors that contribute to his effectiveness, I think. Those readers who don't have access to a hard-copy version of this morning's SL Trib article can read it online here.

I thank an alert and early-rising WCF reader for the heads-up on this article.

Update 07/20/05 8:07 a.m.: Utah House Representative John Dougall posted some interesting comments about Senator Bramble yesterday, on his Dynamic Range blog.


Anonymous said...

The more I hear about Senator Bramble the more I like him. He sounds just like what the Neo-Con dominated state legislature needs. Hell, he is what the whole country needs. A leader with some common sense and a heart.

These go along to get along Repuclican politicians that have a strangle hold in this state need some body with a Chicago attitude to shake them out of their stupor and stupidity once in a while.

With their herd mentality there is no other way to keep them from totally eliminating all of our freedom and free agency. The greedy bastards want to control every aspect of every moment of every one's lives.

This Bramble guy could end up being the very best thing to happen to Utah in modern times, and we had to go to Chicago to find him!

Anonymous said...

We need to permanently remove our local neocon "Republican" house member, Joe Murray.

He's another neocon a-hole.

He voted against Sen. Bramble on SB-184.

Words to the wise are sufficient.

I don't care how personable and "nice" the schmuck is. He needs to be put out to pasture, because he votes against the people almost every time.

We need local legislators more in tune with Sen. Bramble.

Anonymous said...

You're right, anonymous!

Bramble's in tune with the mood of the public, and he's upsetting the applecart with the nicey-nice "business as usual" Utah legislative bums. If he has to beat these dummies over the head with a tire iron, that's fine with me, so long as they finally fall back to their supposed "good moral values" and "Christian principles."

For some of these legislators, it takes a pretty good knock on the head to do that.

It's refeshing to have a legislator who does what he promised he'd do, and doesn't try to BS anybody.

Trust a "convert" to remind the locals what personal morality is supposed to be.

Most horse-trading Utah legislators oughta be horse-whipped for their passive-aggressive mandacity and pure sleaziness.

Rep. Joe Murray of Legislative District 8 comes to mind when I say this.

Anonymous said...




Don't anyone know a different word?

I just had a go at a bunch of whacked out "Neo-cons" in the pubic library!