Monday, October 03, 2005

Another Story the Std-Ex Refused to Print

I received this press release over the weekend from the Ogden Firefighters' Association, announcing their four Ogden city council endorsements. Following up on this, I phoned Dirk Youngberg, to flesh out a little more detail.

What he told me is quite alarming. He tells me he's had conversation with the Std-Ex editors; and get this: they've refused to run the story because they didn't want to influence the upcoming primary.

Yeah! That statement nearly rendered me speechless too.

I notice they didn't hesitate to run this story though. As per usual, the citizens of the Std-Ex's home town are fully informed of the intricate political nuances in places like Roy, Layton and Fruit Heights; but for the local Ogden townsfolk -- the Standard-Examiner election news blackout yet persists.

Of course the Roy firefighters endorsed all the incumbents, unlike the situation here. Then again, Roy firefighters are probably treated much better there in Roy.

I'd placed the news release in the right sidebar on Friday; but I suppose it deserves front page treatment here -- under the circumstances. I only wonder what else the Standard-Examiner editors aren't telling us about.

Is there anybody left in our fair town who still believes the Standard-Examiner even marginally fulfills its proper First Amendment role of informing the citizens of the facts?

Gawd do we native Ogdenites ever miss Abe Glasmann's home-town newspaper.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I quite like the standard.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant for this comment to go on the previous string.

RudiZink said...

Thanks for the excellent comment, Jeff.

I moved it to the other article where it was obviously intended.

Thanks for participating in Weber County Forum

Anonymous said...

I recall this Stein idiot, aka "the president," a complete dolt who would most certainly back such blantant disregard for the news because the Firefighters' endorsements are not those whom he supports. This kind of generic, obtuse, behavior, from both Stein and the Sub-Standard, run hand in hand with the other.

This is nothing but desperation and shows the mentality of someone who would favor this prejudicial, unworthy news reporting. The citizens should be able to have ALL the facts at hand, know who backs who, know the platforms of each candidate, not be subject to a bias or prejudice that so often, ever since the Sandusky carpetbaggers took over, is the fact.

Freedom of press is one thing, but a blatant disregard to inform the public probably is not included in that genre. Only fools like Stein would like something like that. It goes to his mental capacity, which, from reading his posts over the last couple of months, is severly lacking.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Kent Jorgensen is delighted with the news that the Sub-Standard is not running this article, as it certainly doesn't speak well for him, the incumbent. What is tells me is that the Standard is a biased media and the people are screaming for change. Anyone who has opposed eminent domain from taking people's homes for the good of WalMart will fall prey to an obviously biased rag. Jorgensen, on the other hand, is a person who plans to "educate" the Legislature on eminent domain, and then ruthlessly execute that tool at the expense of liberty, especially the owning and enjoyment of one's proerty.

This whole thing stinks, as the Standard Examiner obviously puts its advertising revenue before its news content. I'll bet Abe Glasmann is rolling over in his grave, wondering where the ethics of his media has gone.

Anonymous said...

If ye are not willing to give up yer land for yer city you should be deported to either Russia or Mexico. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Some of the few need to be sacrificed for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

Aw come on you guys, your all acting like this is some kind of betrayal, a big surprise!

We have all known for a long time just where the SubStandard's standards are. The suits of Sandusky could give a squat about the citizens of Ogden. They are only interested in extracting as much cash from our market as they can. They had a sweet heart deal with the Godfreyites over their old and new offices and now your all acting indignant that they are censoring the news that doesn't support this gang of incompetent crooks? Birds of a feather do in fact flock together.

After Porter and the other low talents on the editorial board cried crocodile tears for months over the loss of eminent domain this new betrayal of the citizens of Ogden surely isn't any thing new for them.