Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Hearty Thanks to Councilman Kent!

Well, it's been a mere two months, gentle readers; and the Ogden City taxpayers are already getting big results. Why it seems like only yesterday that we were discussing the new $28,700/yr. public relations "communications specialist" who'd been employed by Veteran Public Relations Guru Kent Jorgensen, to put a happy face on our otherwise un-lovable Ogden City "gang of six."

And here it's only been a little over two months, and I've already received a blockbuster public relations story via email just this morning! Believe me; it was worth the wait.

It's a true "man bites dog" story, folks! Ogden City is planning to spend a little bit of dough again -- to fix up dilapidated infrastructure -- of all unpredictable things!

I am not making this up! You can read about it all here folks.

And I'm sure all of our gentle readers will join me in offering our hearty thanks to good, bold, daring "New Kid," Kent Jorgensen, whose ideas are always the best! He always knows the best ways to spend our money! He doesn't even need to ask us what we think! Why bother anyway? After all, Kent's a helluva lot smarter than us.


Would anybody else like to join me in thanking Kent for getting the council's priorities right, at least this time -- and for hiring a professional PR person to get this important story out?

Your comments are always welcome, gentle readers.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be cheaper to teach Councilman Kent how to do e-mail?

Anonymous said...

Lets see, they spent ten grand to study the hiring of the PR "expert" and twenty eight grand a year in salary, and this is the sum total of work the tax payers of Ogden have received for it?

This press release cost us $14,000.00 if my calculatiion is correct! We could have installed a whole lot of sidewalks for that much dough!!

Just one more example of the cavalier attitude these politicians have for the public's money.

Anonymous said...

I've been to 2 public forums, the Women's Legislative Council and last night's Jr. League Debate. Pretty good and informative stuff, those. What struck me as interesting was Kent Jorgenson, as at both forums, he had to "expalin" what his campaign sign meant to the audience. This, coming from a UTA marketeer.

Don't really know what that means, except that when a marketeer has to explain what his marketing is, it somewhat cooborates the reason he votes the way he does...."YES" to ANYTHING that the Mayor slides in front of him. Kind of like Radar and the Colonel in "MASH," when Radar says "sign this, Sir," and the Colonel does, without reading, without any questions, and you have seen the results.

Give us the plain, solid facts, no frills, no pauch, soon-to-be-X Councilman Jorgenson. You got a fire breathing dragon on your tail who tells it like it is and shoots straight from the hip and really does UNDERSTAND what the duties of a council member are. His name is Glasmann, I like his style, he's "found the stroke," and I'm voting for this guy.

Anonymous said...

Was also at the Junior League meeting last night. Boy was it long, hot and boring!

The best presentations were made by the incumbents - Burdett, Jorgensen and Garcia, with a strong showing by the Glasmann guy.

Unfortunately Burdett and Jorgensen's good deliveries was just a bunch of warmed over pap. They stayed with Godfrey's party line only they soft pedaled it significantly. They both demonstrated their love of Eminent Domain and defended their dismal rubber stamping of all of the incredibly stupid business decisions of the Mayor and Council. Both of course denied that they were rubber stampers, but the audience didn't seem to buy it.

The most alarming statement was by Burdett wherein she demonstrated her complete lack of understanding of the role of the Council. It seems that she perceives the Council as merely a powerless administrative body that is beholden to the Mayor! Donna - that's called Rubber Stamping!

Jorgensen was his normal oily and disingenuous self.

The clown of the evening award must go to Larsen. His evangelical delivery was most pathetic when he bore his testimony of his love for the poor folks. His attempts to quote Shakespeare fell flat when his little electronic prompter fritzed and he couldn't remember the quote. Probably no real loss as his other lofty quotes didn't fit what he was talking about any way. His love and dedication to the poor and disinfranchised of Ogden is only exceeded by his love of Eminent Domain to throw them out of their homes in favor of Wallo Mart. The only opportunity that he missed to let us know how connected he is with the down trodden is when he failed to tell us about how he (Censored by Rudizink.)

The Stephens guy seems like a very decent fellow. He was low key and pretty churchy, but he was right on in his approach to city government. Hopefully the voters of Ward 3 will have the good sense to send him to the Council where he will be a very pleasant change to the ever somnolent Filliaga.

Poor Dorene Jeske seemed a bit lost. She means well but sure didn't make much of an impact last night. Her heart is in the right place and she would be a definate improvement over the rubber stamping Burdett inspite of her poor showing in this forum.

Garcia was his usual soft spoken man of the people. It would be a great loss to Ogden if were to lose this election.

His opponent the red haired girl seemed earnest enough but she comes across as rather clueless and full of meaningless platitudes. Always searching for just the right cute phrasing which seemed to elude her. Couldn't quite figure out what she stands for except maybe a few more street lights.

According to the applause-o-meter Mr. Glasmann was the clear winner of the evening. He was the only one who layed it on the line with the issues of Godfrey's runaway administration, the rubber stamping council, the decaying infastructure and the wanna be big time developers that are currently running the show. He was quiet spoken but to the point and the audience seemed to agree with his position and suggested remedies.

So here is hoping for a clean sweep on Nov 8. Ogden has a chance to "throw the bums out".
For Ogden's future benefit we could do no better than to elect - Garcia, Stephens, Jeske and Glasmann!

Go to the polls on Nov 8 and vote for the candidate of YOUR choice, and may the best persons win...

RudiZink said...

Troll flame deleted

Anonymous said...

Let's end this thread right here and now.

Rudi is another HITLER with his double censorship!

This is a test...