Sunday, November 13, 2005

Gone But Not Forgotten

Those unfortunate informationally-deprived people in faraway places, who don't receive hard-copy Standard-Examiner Sunday editions delivered straight to their doorsteps, may have missed one hum-dinger of a Mark Saal "Life at the Top" humor piece this morning. Bookmark this under "Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction."

Life at the Top: Hmmm, maybe we should get these guys to rank humor columnists . . .

I'm hoping our gentle readers will get as big a kick out of this as I did. Too funny.

Utah Business Online Link


Anonymous said...

Who has time to laugh?

Check out Charles Trentelman's Wasatch Rambler in today's Standard.

He makes excellent points about the so-called silver-bullets that are supposed to solve all our problems.

He stopped too soon as he could have made an excellent point about the proposed silver-bullet for Ogden in the guise of a Gold's Gym - Fat Cats.

Anonymous said...

Just a little note of interest that was in the Standard Examiner today. I noticed that Farr West has billed several surrounding Cities for some flood damage correction measures.

It was really interesting that the response from Ogden city was that Mayor Godfrey attended a meeting where the charges was discussed.

Upon reciept of the bill, John Pattersons comments....

"We're not objecting to paying, but we need documentation, like minutes of a meeting where it was discussed and approved by our mayor," he said. Mayor Matthew Godfrey remembers a discussion about the matter, but doesn't recall a solution to it, Patterson added.

How does Matt remember a hand shake deal with Stuart Reid 5 years ago, but cant remember the details of a meeting he attended a few months ago?

Sound a little strange? Maybe he doesnt really remember the deal from five years ago, maybe it was just before Stuie was terminated or resigned, which is it?

Anonymous said...

Our course is clear. We must abandon the rec center scheme and begin rebuilding the Ogden City Mall at once.

Anonymous said...

This is par for the course for Utah Business Magazine. I worked for a company at the time the tech bubble burst. Our OTC stock dropped to around $.07/share. We were Hemorrhaging cash and laying people off weekly, but Utah Business ranked us among Utah's Top 40 publicly-traded companies.

So much for journalistic integrity.

Anonymous said...

ANON, your completely off base you better reread that article, don't just pick out the stuff you want to fling. Papageorge Farr west's mayor never attends the WACOG meetings did not ask the mayors to chip just complained about the problem, and sent them bills how would you feel if I sent you a bill for my rectal surgery because I told you, you were a pain in the ass. Godfrey and Pattersen are being fair compared to the other cities who just refuse to pay the bill. You guys continue to prove the same point over and over. Your beer my friend is always empty even the second it is refilled.

Anonymous said...

By reading the last anonymous' comments, it appears it is he whose drinking WAY too much beer. I can't make out what the hell this drunken drivel says....