Tuesday, November 08, 2005


The Ogden Townsfolk have spoken.

They're tired of having grandiose and hare-brained projects shoved down their throats.

They're tired of city councilpersons who get elected, and then tell the voters "shove it," and then taunt the people who voted for them, based on their political lies.

They're tired of ego-maniacal mayors, whose idea of the constitutionally-guaranteed "republican form" of government is the same as the old one in the Roman Republic, when Rome was ruled by a dictator -- or the one that Plato, inventor of the "republican government form concept" had in mind when he made this memorable quote:

"Just as it would be madness to settle on medical treatment for the body of a person by taking an opinion poll of the neighbors, so it is irrational to prescribe for the body politic by polling the opinions of the people at large." —Plato

Mayor Godfrey says something like that constantly at almost every city council session.

Ogden citizens are tired of arrogant elected public servants who consider "the people" to be "rude" and uninformed.

The Ogden voters apparently got tired of even looking at the botched likes of Jorgenson & Burdett, and rejected Steve and Dori out of hand.

Why did they get rejected? Perhaps the Godfrey "taint."

Go figure.

Can you say "Referendum?

Anyway, here's the hand-carried rough vote, which I received tonight by from City Recorder Gloria Barret:

At Large "A"
Bill Glasmann -- 3,751 -- 56.05%
Kent Jorgenson -- 2,941 -- 43.95%

At Large "B"
Donna Burdett -- 2,906 -- 43.35%
Dorrene E. Jeske -- 3,786 -- 56.48%

Municipal Ward 1
Jesse M. Garcia -- 499 -- 59.05%
Dori Mosher -- 346 -- 40.95%

Municipal Ward 3
Steve Larsen -- 701 -- 41.19%
Doug Stephens -- 1,001 -- 58.81%

The People of Ogden 4; Gang o' Six 0.

There may remain a few uncounted votes.

The message remains the same though.

The voters decided to put FOUR COMMON SENSE ADULTS on the next city council.

I think the people have spoken; and I offer them my heartfelt congratulations for their Ogden common sense.

Let's hope the outgoing lame duck council doesn't do anything "really stupid" as their "last revenge."

And what say our gentle readers about this?


Anonymous said...

Congrats winners!

Anonymous said...

There is no joy in Mudville tonight!

But there is joy in the hearts of all freedom loving people of Ogden city because this arrogance and financial foolishness at the top will finally stop.

Thank you to all of the candidates for stepping forward and stopping this madness that has been going on with our tax dollars.

Now comes the hard part!

I'm also proud to say we kicked some serious NeoCon ass here in Farmington tonight also!

Anonymous said...

The deplorable Standard's website this morning shows no trace of election results. What kind of paper is this? Everyone knows at this point about the governorships of Va. & N.J., the meltdown of Ahnold's ballot initiatives in Calif., and yet the dumb-assed Standard finds it too difficult to carry local results the morning after.

Thank you very much for posting them. And AIN'T IT GRAND?

Anonymous said...

You have to dig to find the article on Ogden City races:

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, Tom--especially the bit about "Now comes the hard part."

I think it would help immensely if those of us who care about the conditions in our city would continue to make our views known. There might be a tendency for people to turn their backs on these issues and go about their business, now that this "clean sweep" has occurred, and that would make the road more difficult.

The winning candidates have shown themselves up to this point to be interested and receptive to the opinions of the citizenry. I think it is extremely important that that door be kept open, and that the dialogue between our representatives and us continues. This forum is a great way to do that---Thanks again, Rudi!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a good fight and don’t feel too bad Steve. I couldn’t even make it out of the primaries. On the bright side, I really think this will lead to good things in Ogden, which will make us all winners in the end. This City was getting too divided, and I think this is the first step to helping us mend the division. In a couple years, we’ll get rid of Godfrey, and Ogden will once again be able to be united and at peace.

Anonymous said...

now is the time for us as ogdenites to set the goal of making ogden the number one city in the state and show what can happen when the citezen get involed the discusion of what is going on in the city and not blindly be lead by a person that is from harrisville that has come to destoy our town to make his home town the talk of the town. way to go people in finding what is good in the town.

Anonymous said...

If the current City Council votes to go ahead with funding for the Rec Center on November 22nd, what recourse do the newly elected Councilmembers have if they do not agree with this decision?

Lancer said...

Former Candidate, As I told Rudi earlier... Give the new council a chance to see how they can work TOGETHER with Godfrey. You sound like the stinkin' politicians in D.C. who want to remove ALL of the opposition. The best progress occurs when people with opposing ideas are in power together and have to learn COMPROMISE. Save your darned "let's get rid of Godfrey" for two years from now and give the new administration a chance to show us all a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

Yo Larsen:

I think your signs would be better for the floor of the chicken coop.

Anonymous said...


That’s the question of the day isn’t it? If last night’s overwhelming cry from the majority of the citizens doesn’t give a hint to the Council that Ogden is NOT in favor of this move, I don’t know what will. Does the administration need a divine manifestation burned into the sky? How dense can they be? If they have any sense of moral obligation to carry out the will of the people, I can only imagine they will do the right thing and vote against issuing the bonds.

It will be interesting to watch Safsten, Stephenson, and the Mayor. Do they serve the people of Ogden or not? If they don’t see the light, they’ll all be out in two years.

Anonymous said...

Interesting position that you NOW seem to have adopted, Lancer. Where was it yesterday and back when the Gang of 6 was in charge?

Anonymous said...

What will happen now...

Well, seems to me the current council members, still serving, still fully possessed of their responsibilities, will go ahead and vote as they think [and thought] best for their vision of Ogden's future. They will vote to issue the bonds.

Unless, of course, Ubergruppenfuhrer Godfrey rummages around deep inside and finds some integrity, and asks them not to, pending the seating of the newly chosen council members.

Anyone want to post odds on that happening?