Thursday, December 29, 2005

Game-Day Open Thread -- Updated

Possible topics:

  • My Utah Utes lead the Georgia Tech Yellowjackets 20-10 going into the Emerald Bowl half-time, much to the suprise of even many diehard Utah fans -- and the national sports press corps(e). Despite suffering a 20-0 deficit early in the first two quarters, the "jackets" seem to have found their "game." What will be the final result? Disgruntled BYU losers fans are invited to chime in.

  • That uneducated moron Utah Senator Buttars has an "Intelligent Design" bill coming up in the next legislative session. Here's a link to his rank stupidity. Be sure to read ALL the comments.
I'm also graciously providing one Utah bloggers' local responses to Sen. Moron's flakey bill, here. As an added bonus, here's a little cheat sheet, for those of you who lack a "science" background, and might actually take the botched Sen. Buttars and his medieval moronic ilk seriously.

AND PUH-LEASE! Let's not have anybody here tell me Senator Buttars is NOT a moron. Some things in life are self-evident.

This is your forum, gentle readers. If anyone wishes to get something "off their chest" during the current Weber County Forum "Holiday Hiatus," besides any of the above, please feel free to "do" it here.

You can discuss any of the suggested topics, or start a jagged one of your own.

You know what to do.

Who wants to be the first to post his/her comments?

Update 12/30/05 7:57 a.m. MT: A tip of the hat to Brad Wooden, of Ogden, whose most excellent and rational rant appeared in this morning's Standard-Examiner letters section. He hits the nail squarely on the head, in a cranky style and tone, well-worthy of a Weber County Forum Gentle Reader.

Update 12/30/05 1:48 p.m. MT: For those interested in a lively discussion of the "Intelligent Design" situation, Utah House Majority Whip Steve Urquhart has one happening on his blog.


Charley Foster said...

Who am I, sir, a Utah man am I
A Utah man, sir, and will be till I die
Ki! Ki!
We're up to snuff, we never bluff.
We're game for any fuss. No other gang of college men dare meet us in the muss.
So fill your lungs and sing it out shout it to the sky.
We'll fight for dear old crimson for.....

RudiZink said...

Thanx, Charley. every time I hear the words of that song... I start sniffling... and get all misty-eyed.

Emerald Bowl Update: UTES up 38-10, with less than two minutes to play!


Anonymous said...

bramble is merely playing to his constituents. he's no dummy, he's from the most conservative city in the country.

RudiZink said...

So you're suggesting "playing to his constituents" is a bad thing?

Please explain.

I await yor answer with abated breath.

Anonymous said...

Utah is where people go when they're not smart enought to get into BYU or Weber.

RudiZink said...

LOL! Running for Ogden Mayor next time around, eh, Ozboy?

Telling 'em what they want to hear is always great propaganda, innit????

Anonymous said...

This "anonymous" dolt seems to have "Buttars" confused with "Bramble."

This is just another illustration of how certain Utahns are completely lame and uneducated.

It's frightening as hell that dopes like anonymous are even allowed to vote.

Unfortunately they do. This is a black eye on our local democratic society and demonstrates that most of the heathen are not fit for self-rule.

Former Centerville Citizen said...

We'll have to see if Sen. Buttars runs for office again. If he does, hopefully the citizens in his district will see that it's time to take the trash out.

Who would you rather have in control of what your kids learn in science class? Science teachers or some gasbag from West Jordan?

Anonymous said...

BYU fan said...

Rudizink wrote 3 days ago:

"I plan to continue working feverishly at the grass-roots to support Republicans with morals and ethics."

Let’s see: Butters is a Republican.

Let’s see: This is a moral issue, as morals do come from God.

Let’s see: Butters does not appear to be supporting one theory over the other, but his bill is rather saying the schools cannot endorse one above the other.

So here I sit alone, as an Alumni of the loser school who congratulates the victorious Utes (four distressing years in a row now, plus a nice bowl game win today) and a small thought pops into my wee little head (not Pee Wee mind you).

Let’s see: I wonder if Rudi (or “Diogenes” as Curmudgeon eloquently put it a few days ago) is being duplicitous here, or is Rudi simply playing the part of “Diogenes the cynic” when he says what he says above then flips over to calling Butters “stupid?”

Is not the real question: Should government really be in public education?

RudiZink said...

Re-labeling "creationism" as "science" ain't honest, moral or ethical, anonymous.

The discussion of tin-age mysticism belongs in "comparative religion" class -- NOT the Science Department.


(And thanx for not taking offense at a little good-natured inter-institutional "sports smack." Gawd knows I've heard plenty of the same from BYU grads & fans over the years;)

Anonymous said...

Here's another crusade that Senator Buttars should consider adding to his list.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a Big Time college campus to spend some time on....A UTAH MAN AM I!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Urquhart website link on ID/Evolution. Evidently, even among Republican legislators in Utah, pockets of intelligence have managed to survive. Will wonders never cease?

Thanks again. Am passing on to colleagues in other states who are, alas, drawing their conclusions about science in Utah from Buttars' inanity [which by the way is being widely reported on high-volume science and culture blogs nationwide.]

Anonymous said...


Saw Sen. Chuck Schumer on TV today. If he had his way we'd be having hearings to determine whether or not to issue arrest warrants on Al-Queida and that bunch. What a clown this guy is. Liberal Democratic pinko, just like they were labeled in the good old days!

Anonymous said...

Too many hangovers here, no action, back to the NFL.

Anonymous said...

Centerville Cit, what gives? You've been very fiesty lately and seem quite disconcerted about things. Not like the old you to slash & thrash about so....