Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Marshall White Center Needs Our Help

I received this missive in this morning's email:


I've been helping the staff at the Marshall White Center provide some assistance during the holiday season to those in our community who truly need it. They have selected very needy families with children that participate in their programs or live in the area adjacent to the Marshall White Center.

There are several children selected for their Sub for Santa Program that are still in need of sponsors. I have listed their needs (and wants) below. Non perishable food items are also appreciated.

1 year old female wears size 12-18 mo clothes and diapers
Needs age appropriate toys and books.

3 year old male wears boys size 3-T clothes
Loves anything with motorcycles or Spiderman

5 year old female wears size girls 4-5 slim clothes
Loves Carebears and Strawberry Shortcake

7 year old female wears girls size 8 regular shirts and
Likes Bratz toys and board games.

Do you think this is something WC Forum readers may wish to participate in?

If so, let me know how I can help facilitate this. The staff at the MWC would need the items by Thursday evening.


Amy Wicks

I phoned Marshall White Center and spoke with Fritz Backman, who is in charge of the Marshall White Sub for Santa program. He confirms that the details that Amy mentioned are still un-filled as of this morning, and that there are several other children who also remain in need of donations, in addition the ones Amy mentioned.

Donations may be made by donating pre-purchased items, by "gift card" or the old-fashioned way -- cash. Unfortunately it's too late to submit a donation by check; it takes about two weeks for check funds to wind up in the Sub For Santa fund. I suspect there may be other methods, however. Your donations are of course tax-deductible. To make arrangements for your sponsorship, please call Fritz on his mobile phone at 598-5170. Marshall White's main number is 629-8346, (although the telephones seem to be monitored by one of those damnable "voicemail systems.")

If you'd like to make a holiday difference for some of our community's less-privileged folks, dig into your pockets and contact Fritz directly. Let's support the Marshall White Center, and the people who depend upon it, even though it's not part of the administration's "vision." Time is of the essence, of course. Be sure to designate that your donations with the reference: "Fritz Backman -- Sub For Santa Program."

Fritz thanks us in advance for our support.

And thank you, Amy, for the "heads up."


Anonymous said...

I pledge $200 which will be delivered in person to the Marshall White Center today. I challenge all participants in the WC forum to match that pledge, or to donate any amount they can to this very important organization.

As you know, the Marshall White Center is one of those "success" stories that Mayor Godfrey's apologists have conveniently left off his victory list.

Anonymous said...

I will match this challenge. I will deliver the check this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

I contacted Fritz Backman and it is a little more complicated than it seems.
The Marshall White Center cannot receive the check because it takes two weeks to process and for Backman to get the money.
He wants gift certificates to stores which I do not want to do.
Please try to clear this with the Marshall White Center so I can just drop off a check.

Anonymous said...


After talking with Amy myself, and getting assurances that all was kosher with Fritz and the program, I went by and gave them my $200 bucks.

After talking with them in person I feel very comfortable about the money going to where it is intended.

So any body out there that has a saw buck burning a hole in their pocket, I can't think of any better place for it to go at this time of year.

Ho Ho Ho, and a merry Christmas to every one (except Pee Wee who I hope rots in hell!)

RudiZink said...

I'd suggest that Descent N.A. donate a suitable amount to Marshall White Sub for Santa...

Say... 250 bucks.

Just to demonstrate their commitment to our very diverse community, mind you.

What say our gentle readers about this?

Anonymous said...


I will match anything the Samurai of Osaka - through their local representatives - donate to this worthy cause.

This would be in addition to the two hundred bucks I already gave.

What about it Bob?

Anonymous said...


It has been over twenty four hours and our challenge to Geiger and the Samurai has not been accepted or acknowledged. Christmas is fast approaching and the poor kids are getting closer to that bare spot under the tree that won't be there.

Do you suppose they are: (take your pick)

Too cheap

Too broke

Too arrogant

Too racist

Too uncaring

Too Godfreyite (whoops, that is too all of the above)

Anonymous said...

Just maybe he hasn't read today's blog?????