Thursday, December 15, 2005

WalMart Buys Silence From The American Media

Via: The Left Coaster:

"Peter Hart and Janine Jackson make the case over at Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting that WalMart gets a lot more than advertising with their large ad budgets. They seemingly also get as an extra intended benefit -- an American media that is uninterested in doing balanced investigative journalism on WalMart's practices."

It seems to me the same can be said with respect ot our local home-town newspaper, too.

Disregarding the issues surrounding the eminent domain debate, do we really want to be a Wally-Mart Town?

Anybody have any particular thoughts on this?


Anonymous said...

The Standard is a third rate rag.

The Suits of Sandusky are only in it for the money.

Wall Mart has the money.

Apply simple arithmatic and logic.

Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart is Southern USA tacky. It smells like grits and cheap chip-oil. That's its main problem.

Although I don't actually shop at Wal-Mart, I've been there a few times, whilst slumming.

The cheesy, grinnin', banjo playin' southern-fried "yay Walmart attitude" gives me the creeps. It's something more closely resembling what I'd expect to find in the southern USA bayous, except for the little "colorful" polyester vests.

Walmart has no place in "The Ski Hub." I'm into the BEST version of the vision. Wal-mart doesn't belong in Ogden.

It's tacky as hell, as I said.

Walmart is an embarrassment, to those of us who have "the vision." This Southern-fried POS does NOT belong in our community.

Anonymous said...

Why don't yous guys want Wally playing in Pee Wee's playpen?

They got the finest Chinese made crap in the good old US of A. Common, lets welcome them to Ogden like good little comrads.

ARCritic said...

How exactly does this article about walmart and the media compare to the Std. Ex. and Ogden City?

Are you saying that Ogden City is paying the Std. Ex. lots of ad money or giving them breaks on taxes or fees for services (water, sewer,...) that are so high that it would compromise their journalistic ethics, or maybe it has something to do the their move into BDO and the deal they got there that would cause the compromise? But we have been through that alread, the Std. Ex. did not get anything special from the city there either.

So why has the Std. Ex.'s journalistic ethics been compromised?

ARCritic said...

And miss manners sounds like a snobby rich east sider, if you ask me.

I regularly shop at Walmart because they are convenient and less expensive for many of the things I buy.

Anonymous said...

"I regularly shop at Walmart because they are convenient and less expensive for many of the things I buy."

Exploitive Capitalist Yuppie Scum!

You'll roast in hell, after the revolution!

ARCritic said...

Yeah, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie Lee is right! Wal-Mart has the money and Godfrey has the power/influence or has someway managed to compromise the SubStandard Exaggerator. I know it has had a credibility problem long before Godfrey took office, but it has become ridiculous the way the newspaper withholds news or twists it if it is not what the Lord Mayor wants. You don't have to go back very far to find the proof of that last statement -- just to the last election. There were two endorsements of the 4 candidates who won, sent in to the newsroom, but the SubStandard refused to print them, stating that they weren't printing any endorsements of candidates. When the slummy editors were reminded that they had already printed an endorsement of the Roy candidates, then they didn't want to influence the election. What a laugh! When didn't they try to influence an election?!
That's the kind of raunchy reporting the article is referring to!

Anonymous said...

The connection?

Well WalMart spends a fair amount of money in news paper advertizing. In anticipation of that extra ad revenue, the Suits of Sandusky were willing to sell the people of Ogden down the river with their strong support of eminent domain - ie: kicking the poor folks out of their homes so Wally could take over their land on the cheap. When the legislature, in a rare act of sanity, thwarted this evil plan the Suits cried the blues over the loss of this "valuable tool" for weeks on end.

The once great Standard Examiner has been going down the tubes very steadily every since the Glasmann's sold it to the Suits. Bonnie is right, the Suits are only in it for the money and the decline of the paper's relevance demonstrates that.

If they had any integrity left they would investigate and truthfully report the details of these numerous losing schemes the mayor and his side kick Stu have foisted upon the taxpayers.