Saturday, January 14, 2006

Naming of the Old Mall Site

By Dian Woodhouse

The Ogden City Redevelopment Agency (RDA) has directed that there Will be citizen input into the naming of the Old Mall Site.

To this end, it established a selection team made up of people from the community. This team, of which I am a member, will select five top choices from all the proposed names submitted, to be passed onto Boyer.

The Boyer Company will then mull this over and select One name, and incorporate this name into its final proposal to the Redevelopment Agency, which will then decide whether or not to approve the proposal.

It's good because, for once, we will not be pitted against each other. We're not on sides. It's not about winning or losing. We are simply invited, as an entire community, to participate. The names are to be submitted anonymously. And the whole point is that it is an opportunity for all of us in the community to get creative and be a part of this process.

The process only lasts two weeks--the deadline for submissions is January 27th. Surely those reading and participating on this blog can come up with novel and breathtaking names. The criteria for names being submitted is:

1. One, two, or three words.

2. Recognizes Ogden's History

3. Significance of the railroad in that history

4. Anything unique or distinctive to Ogden

5. Suggests a place rather than an activity or event.

6. A progressive or modern sounding name

We at WCF do positive things once in awhile, and this one doesn't even cost anything. So fire away. Let's see how many we can come up with from WCF, and Rudi can send them in.


Anonymous said...

Godfrey Plaza!

Anonymous said...

New Mall Site

Anonymous said...

Matt's Mudd Hole

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GodFree'd Ogden

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of an OGDEN Standard-Examiner column by the great Chris Hicks, back in the 70s, in which he entertained ideas for a new slogan for Utah license plates. Some of the suggestions included, "The Drive-Through State," "The Behave State," "Just East of Las Vegas," "Try Our Thick, Creamy Shakes," or even "The Campus is Our World."

Actually, this should be jolly good fun, and I wish Dian were a participant rather than a judge because she would ordinarily submit some humdingers.

Anonymous said...

Peewee's Playhouse!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For 'reals' as the kids say:


Anonymous said...

Ernest Rebound!

Anonymous said...

I want a new rule for the contest: whoever came up with the abominable "The Intermodal Hub" is banned from submitting names for the mall site.

Anonymous said...

See? Told you this would be fun. Nothing is banning me against submitting names, by the way--anyone can do this and submit as many times and as many names as you want, since they are keeping this anonymous.

Perhaps we shall come up with something usable, who knows?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

accost beech building

Anonymous said...

teenage hoodlum house

Anonymous said...


Envirocare Ogden

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for "PeeWee's Playhouse"

Anonymous said...

Good Godfrey's Theme Park

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Keep using my name...just keep it clever!

Anonymous said...

Mall Of A BEECH!

Anonymous said...

MallCom, Inc.

Anonymous said...

Mathew's Vinyard

Anonymous said...

You know, I am thinking that having Rudi submit these might be too taxing for our blogmeister. So those of us who are absolutely serious and want out choices to win, (and I am sure this includes all, of course,) hit the link at the bottom of this post. You will see a form to fill out that you can either print and mail or put your choice in and e-mail it right then.

They also want us to say why we think the name meaningful. This will give a chance to be even more creative, for sure.

And let's see how long we can keep the thread going, too. I think we need more railroad oriented names, but they're hard to come up with.

Anyway, here's the form link:

Anonymous said...

To be serious, I think the rules are an oxymoron! I can see "Recognizes Ogden's History" and "Significance of railroad in that history" being doable, but how can you take those two rules and work "A progressive or modern sounding name" with them? And do it in just 3 words?! To me, it's one or the other. Just call me

Anonymous said...

Very astute, Unimaginative. In fact, this was mentioned at the meeting--how do you do both history and progressive and modern? It was acknowledged, but general consensus seemed to be to do the best we can with it.

Am trying to think of something around Miles Goodyear, too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ogden Commons

Anonymous said...

All Farces West

Brigham’s Brineshrimp Beanery

Brokeback-Free Zone

Cumorah Commons

Decaffeinated Danite Delight

Family Night Flats

Filiaga’s Folly

Godfrey-Geiger Gulch

Golden Plates Empire

Lift-Ogden Landing

Mountain Meadows Mall

Planet Polygamy


Salty Saints Station

Scheme o’ Weber

Temperance Terrace

Anonymous said...


La Hola.

Anonymous said...

For a progressive and historical one, how about , "History Repeeweets Itself?"

Anonymous said...

Railroad Crossing

Anonymous said...

Bob, there's much GENUINE desire to make things work out for Ogden. As one side should not always take a negative position for toward the Mayor and his bunch, neither should one side assume that same position toward those who view the process differently than you do. Nobody wants Ogden to sit and stagnate. All most of your "opponents," shalll we say, is an expression that there should be an adjustment in process. The elections told us that and I'm proud of those who are working toward that end. and forever!

Anonymous said...

Gateway Junior

Anonymous said...

Bob's Fun House

Bobby Gee's Fantasy

TIF Plaza

Increment City


Toxic Fun House

Tax Payer's tragedy

Almost Lagoon

Former Centerville Citizen said...

I'm thinking that maybe the word "junction" should be in the name somehow, like "Junction Center" or something.

Anonymous said...

Bob G, calm down. I don't recall writing anything about the WCF. It all isn't about blogs, my friend. It's simply a place where a person can occassionally voice his thoughts. Just like you do.

This blog is a forum. It is not a political philosophy group or such. It's a venue wherein one can extoll one's virtues, enter into dialoge or debate, discuss issue and share thoughts. Because one choses to use this particular medium for that, don't make the mistake of funneling that person into a certain persuasion that you have dreampt up. When you do what you are now doing, lumping everyone who contributes here into some anti-growth, anti-progressive mind set, you do an injustice to the intent of the blog and become no different than those you have taken upon yourself to scorn.

You become you own enemy.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I used to admire you for your efforts to make things happen in Ogden, and for the efforts you have expended to get companies to locate here, but your negativity, your narrow-mindedness towards and efforts to belittle those who don't agree with you, has definitely changed my opinion of you.

Can't you see that those who are writing sarcastically on this thread are just venting their frustrations with the system and leaders? I don't know of one real OGDENITE who doesn't want Ogden to be revitalized and return to being the center of business/shopping in Northern Utah again. They're just unhappy with the way Ogden's Administration is going about achieving it. Everyone has a right to their opinion and to express it. They shouldn't be belittled because it differs from yours. The last time I checked Ogden was still a part of the U.S. where freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Constitution and is defended.

Maybe you and Godfrey both need to grow up.

Moroni, I got a chuckle out of some of your suggestions, and I take it anonymous did also. Keep the names coming!

Here are a few from me:

Golden Ogden Center
Great Union Square
West's Crossroads Center
Ogden's Crossroads Center
Ogden's Union Square

Anonymous said...

How about "The Hood?"

Cuz of 'neighborhood' and the gangbangers who'll be hanging around....kind of like the 'hoodlum' that wag attached to my name!

Or: "The Yard", a tip to the RR and also a nostalgic nod to the convicted teen loiterers who remember their exercise 'yard'.

Anonymous said...


(2) The PLUME;

(3) Mineral Rights

(4) HazMat Plaza

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Harmer Charmer

Reid's Feed

Stuart's Folley

Jorgenson's Jolly-Go-Round

Damn, this is fun, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Geiger Eiger (Sanction)

Ski In

Snow Job

Branch Office

Descente's Descent

Hotel/Motel Time

Anonymous said...

Geezer Gala

Anonymous said...

Silver hair square

Anonymous said...

Denture Venture

Anonymous said...

Mad Matt Megaplex?

Anonymous said...

Jello Junction

Champs Elle d' Esse

Anonymous said...




No Mon-No Fun

Anonymous said...

Center for Erectile Dysfunction
Tunnel of Love
Climber's Wind Square
Xtreme Stupidity Plaza
Shifty Crossroads
Hot Air Mall
FreeDumb Square

Some other names:

Soul Destination Pointe
Adrenaline Ogden
RealX Mountain and Sky
Trek West Crossroads
Elemental Union
Loco Motion

Anonymous said...

La Hola Gondola

Geigerian Gorge

Allentown Galleria

Boyertown Mall

B-Town Plaza

Anonymous said...

Junction City Station

Junction City Center

Anonymous said...


Severance City

Ola Bondola

Bondola Gondola

Anonymous said...

Rudi, have your own contest, pick the winner and submit it to the committee to Name the Mall. I'd bet your choice would win.

Anonymous said...

Woodbury Town Center

Anonymous said...

Ogden Pioneer Rail station

To honor the great pioneers and rail road heritage of Ogden

To make it three words

Ogden Pioneer Station

Or two words

Pioneer Station.

Anonymous said...

Okay, it's countdown time!!!

Seven more days until the deadline for these name submissions.

Since we have so many, as I said earlier, it might be best if we do this on our own by direct electronic submission to the city offices. When you submit, remember to write a few words about what the name means to you and why you chose it.

Electronic submissions are to be e-mailed to Linda Fonnesbeck:

If you go to the Ogden City Webpage, there is an announcement of the name the mall endeavor, and you can access the e-mail from there also. Here is the Ogden City link:

Carry on.

Anonymous said...

No Mo Mall

Rubber Stamp Spot

Anonymous said...

NeoCon Nirvana

Gaza Strip Mall

Contaminated Commons