Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Do you feel "Safe Yet," or What?

"The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live - did live, from habit that became instinct - in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and except in darkness, every movement scrutinised."

George Orwell,
Nineteen Eighty-Four

The U.S. government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of "terrorist activity."

US plans massive data sweep
Christian Science Monitor
February 9, 2006

Are we citizens of Weber County Forum the only ones "getting the creeps" here about the massive and obtrusive socialist government that we've brought upon ourselves in the name of "Big Brother security"?



Anonymous said...

I wonder what this Godfrey administration and all the closed door, secret henchmen are doing behind the scenes. I'm sure he's got the Boyer company spying on all residents of Ogden. That's why we got all the camera's on traffic lights so they can track where we go everyday. Control is what these central planners want...control of our lives and our hard earned money so they can build their Disneyland, theme ride, gondolas and bowling alleys for all the hoodlim teenagers. My theory is that the geigers, boyers, and petersons and the ernests are all secret agents of the mayor in his attempt to take over our lives.

Anonymous said...

Bush - Godfrey
Both cut from the same cloth.

Anonymous said...

I would like to quietly remind the company assembled that the regime --- national and local --- that is now being branded by some on this site as "socialist" is a Republican one. My my my. Imagine that. Well. Hardly surprising. Folks who bought Newt Gingrich as a family values kinda guy can be sold anything.

Anonymous said...


You nailed it. Bush is a criminal and so is Godfrey. Fascist criminals!

Swebske is to Godfrey as O'Reilly is to Bush!

Go Wildcats!

Anonymous said...

Maintaining our rights is the most important thing of all! If another 911 happens, so be it... its not worth losing our rights over.

When I saw the twin towers fall, my first thought was that the Republicans would use 911 as a leveraging tool for taking my rights away in the name of security.

Everytime I make a phone call, I'm petrified that the Federal Government might be listening in.

Safety is a matter of perspective. I'm more afraid of my government than I am of another terrorist attack that could kill 50,000 people.

Who does George Bush think he is using the thtreat of terrorism as a way to dimantle the constitution and my rights?

Its sickening to me. I have the right to have a private conversation with my wife without concerns over government intrusions. Find another way to counter possible terrorist threats, if there even is such a thing.

The whole idea of tapping conversations is ludricrous and scary to me.

Anonymous said... nailed it too "Swebske is to Godfrey as O'Reilly is to Bush" And I might add Godfrey is to Bush as Chris Peterson is to Bin Laden!

Anonymous said...

Glassmann is to Godfrey as Hillary is to Bush!

Anonymous said...

You said it about Chris Peterson! Poverty is the greatest form of violence - Gahndi (Professor Dorsey, WSU) Chris Peterson is a terrorist to this community.

Anonymous said...


The "new republican" party, especially as constituted in Utah, is just a warmed over version of the old "tax and spend" liberals of the 60's and 70's. The only real difference is that these new wonks have no heart for the poor, and they have absolutely no sense of honor or social conscience.

Godfrey incidently is a "RINO" that being Republican in Name Only. He is a product of the Allen Democrat poliitical machine. They knew they couldn't get him in office as a Democrat so they played their disengenuous card and registered him as a republican. Most real republicans in Weber County see him as a carpetbagger and hate him as much as most citizens of Ogden do.

Anonymous said...

Any thoughts as to the John Birch Society? Seems that there's a come-back coming back, doesn't it?

And my, is this blog getting extreme, or what?

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly, Anon! Would you really rather face an attack by 50,000 terrorists? Methinks you need to listen to O'Reilly every night...twice a night until you can stop being so petrified. I think your brain has dead wood in the Arizona desert.
Is your wife as subversive as you? Maybe we should all be listening and Oz Boy, et all sound verrry unbalanced to me. That happens with liberals. Turn off CNN immediately and on with Fox News Channel!!!
Say, what do you think of the court case against 5 thugs from the Kerry campaign in WI? They slashed 40 tires at Republican headquarters...a felony. tsk tsk.....When you're right , you're right, and when you're wrong, you're left.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Orwellian Cameras . . . what happened to the Jorgenson Toxic Dump Cam? I liked it.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all will contact your legislators ASAP regarding Senate Bill 229.
This terrible bill, spawned by Godfrey and sponsored by Scott Jenkins of Plain City is out of committee.
This will abolish Civil Service Commissions and leave hiring and FIRING of firefighters and police officers to city administrations.
We KNOW how deadly that would be here.
Control, control, control....and can you just imagine the abuses of this admin, in particular, if this happens?
These brave men and women sacrifice for us daily and don't know if their children will be orphaned and spouses widowed when they leave home each day.
Even if another city does have a fair and balanced administration NOW, who knows what revengeful, controlling, favor buying mayor lurks in their future?
Please support our firefighters and police officers all over Utah by urging the Senate to kill this bill. At the very least, it should be amended to read that all cities of qualified size WILL HAVE Civil Service Commissions. Godfrey wants the 'hiring field level"....that would do it! But, defeating SB229 would be better!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...Police and Firefighters, who needs them? They are never around when you need anyway! I was accosted by teenage hoodlums at the old Ogden mall and there was no firefighter or policemen in sight!

Anonymous said...

Not a Pinko -

The U.S. government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of "terrorist activity."
US plans massive data sweep
Christian Science Monitor
February 9, 2006

Are we citizens of Weber County Forum the only ones "getting the creeps" here about the massive and obtrusive socialist government that we've brought upon ourselves in the name of "security"?

You need to read a bit more WCF and Rudi and watch a bit less Fox News! - Can't you see the threat? It is right before your eyes? George Bush and the U.S. Government are the real threat to your safety and security. The terrorists are but a fly on the wall. George Bush has got more people killed than the terrorists did on 911---and you think I'm crazy that I'd rather take may chances with the terrorists than I would with eves dropping facist U.S. Presidency!

If wire tapping is required to stop the next attack, you won't find me upset if we get attacked again if we could unload ourselves of the power of the government in the name of security.

Its all about rights here! That's what makes America great.

Anonymous said...

Confidential to Curmudgeon:

I'm alarmed at how much I like your posts. What you said about Gingrich has to have taken courage within Weber County's borders.

Rudi, my most respected Republican friend, laments "the massive and obtrusive socialist government that we've brought upon ourselves in the name of 'security.'" With all due respect, for those of us who saw "W" for the simian phony he is, right from the first, THIS IS NO SURPRISE.

Anonymous said...

we have lived in a fascist nation for many years now, and you people are just starting to realize it? well i'm glad to see you're finally awake. and yes, it is fascist, not socialist. it's a fascist, oligarchical theocracy.

Anonymous said...

As much as I shrink from the task of un-indoctrinating any of out gentle readers, I feel compelled to correct you this one time.

The statist government that exists in Washington, D.C. is every bit as "socialist" as the army fatigue-clad commies in army fatigues down there in Cuba.

The only difference: The new style commies can afford expensive woolen, lightly-pinstriped suits.

Nevertheless... THESE GUYS ARE THE ONES who advocate Big Government as the Savior from Christian Mecca.

We have a batch of central planning socialist aparatchiks running our government now... From the Puppet in the White House to the Little Napoleon on NINE.

What you've failed to digest, apparently, is that most of the lumpenproletariat want to see "The little Shit" ridden outside of Ogden on a rail.

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

you need to look up the definition of socialism, because apparently you have no understanding of what's going on. this is fascism, plain and simple, and the democrats are every bit as culpable as the republicans, although perhaps slightly less forgiving. frankly, you people have some good thoughts, but you really need to get your shit straight

Anonymous said...

sorry, i meant the democrats are a little more forgiving, as opposed to less, at this point in utah. but they're still way off the mark.

RudiZink said...

The broad definition of "statism" son, includes right and left wing socialists.

We have the leninists on the left, and the trotskeyites in the right.

We have a new brand of socialists with Dubya, et al., i.e, right wing socialists. Big governmentr neoCON Republicans are merely another form of Marxists.

You neoCONS believe the socialist state should act aggressively, spend aggressicely and Kill civil liberties.

LOL! You're a commie, and you don't even know it.

Too funny.

Smart patriots will fight you big governemnt commies tooth-and nail.

Anonymous said...

Ah, life in Zion....

A spirited debate in WCFORUM over whether the Republican mayor of Ogden is a socialist or a fascist.

I mean, is this a great country, or what?

PS: typing while laughing is really hard....

Anonymous said...

Even is 229 passes, the CSC is in the hands of the Council and I'd have a hard time believing that they'd vote it down.

Anonymous said...


He aint either one!

What he really is - is a self important, self appointed saviour of a town that doesn't need saving. He is an arrogant little prick that oozes contempt for the poor and disinfranchised of Ogden!

Anonymous said...

Anon...and Leg. Advisor:

Anon...don't worry about the "intelligence"'ll never be found in one!!!

Leg. Advisor...I agree with Beech, and you. The council has already come out against SB 229. However, Firefighters and police officers need more support than that!! All these men and women in UTAH will be affected and put at a show Godfrey he cannot dictate and control the entire state!!! Email your legislators now!

Anonymous said...

Please don't complement Godfry by calling him a socialist, liberal or democrat. Most of the people in these catagories give a damn and think that the goverment should too. Remember Scrooge was a free market capitalist!

As for the original post, we badly need an Admendment to protect our privacy not only from the goverment but private individuals and companies.

Anonymous said...

Tell me if this does not sound like our country:

Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Anonymous said...

Anon… do not look up.
The sky is falling…. da

Anonymous said...

No, it's merely just another spy satellite.

Anonymous said...

Those of you "Non-Weber County Forum" citizens who seem to think that wire tapping and civil rights intrusions are OK! Get a clue. The debate over whether or not America is Facist or Socialist is silly. We are a little of both. And, if you are not willing to accept that your rights might be worth 50,000 dead in a terrorist attack, then you are a hypocritical dim-wit if you think it is crazy for a person to think 50,000 lost is better than an intrusion of privacy on the phone. How many have been lost defending the constitution and our way of life? What you don't like to think about is the fact that your rights may come at a cost. Have George Bush not listening in may result in the loss of innocent life in a terrorist attack. THIS IS A FACT. And as Rudi so eloquently notes and recognizes, the readers here don't feel get the creeps more from their government's intrusion than they do from the security threats that are being used as a leveraging tool to dismantle freedome and individual rights. Get a clue! The most serious threat is our government! You can learn a lot by following this blog and the thoughts of its readers and participants. We're not paranoid---we're patriots.

(Are we citizens of Weber County Forum the only ones "getting the creeps" here about the massive and obtrusive socialist government that we've brought upon ourselves in the name of "Big Brother security"?) -Rudi

Anonymous said...

I mean't to say:

And as Rudi so eloquently notes and recognizes, the readers here get the creeps more from their government's intrusion than they do from the security threats that are being used as a leveraging tool to dismantle freedom and individual rights.

Anonymous said...

For those with an attention span of over three or four main articles, here are a few more thought-provoking links on the Big Brother topic:

The Pentagon’s War on the Internet
Bush Tags Bloggers As Terrorists
Every Move You Make

ArmySarge said...

Marko - read closely: "underground hackers and bloggers", not bloggers in general!

Anonymous said...

the constitution is what this country is all about, now that bush didn't know what the constitution was about when he signed on to the service back when he was in the vacation of national gaurd. he would then know that his is breaking the oath of office and should be impeached right now.