Friday, February 17, 2006

"Godfrey's Revenge" Arrives in the House

Senator Scott Jenkins' Senate Bill 229 has cleared the senate by an 18-9 vote, as was reported yesterday by the Standard-Examiner's John Wright:
SALT LAKE CITY - One senator called Ogden's Civil Service Commission Mayor Matthew Godfrey's problem, but that didn't stop the full Senate from passing a bill Wednesday that would allow the City Council to abolish the commission.
Sen. Ed Mayne, D-West Valley, said during floor debate that he couldn't recall Godfrey's name. But Mayne said representatives from the fire service and law enforcement, as well as the Ogden City Council itself, oppose the bill.
This is an Ogden issue that particularly impacts the mayor of Ogden, he said.
Sen. Scott Jenkins, R-Plain City, the sponsor of the bill, reminded Mayne of Godfrey's name and said he is the son-in-law of former state Sen. Ed Allen.
It doesn't matter, Mayne replied. If it's his problem, let him deal with it. I'm just wondering why we're dealing with legislation to take care of one mayor's problem.
The Civil Service Commission oversees police and fire personnel matters and must approve hiring and firing.
Critics of the legislation argue Godfrey's administration requested it to remove a layer of insulation so the mayor can get back at Ogden firefighters, who did not back his candidates in November's City Council election.
But after the Senate passed the bill in an 18-9 vote, Ogden Management Services Director Mark Johnson said the Civil Service Commission is not Godfrey's problem, it's the city's.
Our ability to hire qualified firefighters and police officers is severely hampered, he said. This rumor that we're going to have mass layoffs is simply untrue.
For those gentle readers who are carefully following the progress of this bill, the following Real Audio files (from the excellent Utah Legislature Website) should be interesting:

Senate floor debate for day 30
Senate floor debate for day 31.

The bill has now been received and introduced in the House of Representatives, but has not yet apparently been put on calendar for debate. Thus, there still remains time to contact your house representatives, if you'd like to register your opposition to this bill.

For our readers' convenience, we are furnishing a link to the Utah House of Representative roster here, from which you can directly transmit your email message.

For those who have not been following this bill, you'll find a background article and many choice reader comments here.

Comments, Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Thanx, Rudi, for spotlighting Wright's excellent article and your comments on SB 229.
I've written on both articles below. I surely hope your readers will respond with emails to their rep's soon!
I received Bob Smith's nasty little letter to editor in my mail today....with a stamp, yet! Usually this coward just leaves articles in my mailbox sans postage. Always printed. This little coward wanted me not to overlook every untruth that this numbskill, Smith, wrote about the council and the Brockette interview on this website. Smith apparently can't understand spoken English, nor is he capable of writing the truth.
The coward who mailed his letter to me didn't enlighten me with facts. Innuendo never holds up in court, does it?
Three people come readily to mind who've accused me of all manner of dire deeds in relation to the mayor...but, usually they don't spring for a stamp! The post office must be grateful. I guess these good citizens haven't noticed that I'm not on the council! But, I'm in good company if they're scolding me also.
More cockroaches...deeds in the dark.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting tired of Godfrey's dirty little tricks, and was just about to wish that he'd grow up (I guess it's too late for that, but maybe he could mature to his chronological age.) But then I realized how boring Ogden would be -- what would we discuss on the blogs if Godfrey acted like a mature adult instead of the punitive little jerk that he is. If he were an adult, the Legislature would have had 3 less bad bills to deal with. Everytime he does something, it seems that he reaches a new low. I guess when has no ethics and no scruples, being despised by the majority of the residents doesn't make him bat one eyeball.

What he's trying to do to the Firemen is so despicable -- it's too bad tar and feathering has become a punishment of the past, but I think even that's too good for Godfrey. He should burn in HELL for things that he's done.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is...WHERE THE *(^%$#$#@! ARE THE FIREFIGHTERS AND POLICE???? (Seems there's never a cop around when you need one!)
THEY need to be flooding their Rep's with letters against SB 229. ALL of these men and women all over UT will be harmed...just so Godfrey can 'punish' the Ogden firefighters for putting in Jeske, Stephens and Glassman. Jesse too.
Mark Jounson told Wright (St. EX) that the council hadn't actually gone against SB 229. The council sent notice to the senate...and also JESSE went down and testified in committee.
Geez. people...stop whining about Godfrey...he's so "whinable about", I know...but do something pro active here.
You know 'they' read this let that crooked administration know that SB 229 will be defeated by our efforts to educate the legislture. You voted in a 'new' get SB 229, Godfrey's devilish attack, VOTED DOWN.

Anonymous said...

I agree. It's good to undermine Godfrey's rotten and wicked schemes at every turn.
Sharon is right. Let's get behind SB 229 and watch it go down in flames of defeat.

Anonymous said...

All the Council has to do is contact the CIty's lobbist and tell him to pull the bill, it's that simple.

They need to let Mr. Jolley who employees him. At the same time it will send a message to the Mayor, that the Council will set policy, and he can enforce it. Dont let the Mayor bully the council any more. Make a stand and show him who is settieng policy, and let the lobbist know what direction he has in his efforts for the $45000. he is being paid by the Council.

Mr. Jolley is an extremely talented Lobbist, however he is being misguided by the Mayor and his flunkies. The Council just needs to give him the proper direction.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of revenge...

"It's just terrible to think in another year [Ogden] could take our land away," Rodriguez said.

Audit: Restore condemnation power to RDAs

Anonymous said...

ANON.....the council DID let the legislature know that as a body they oppose SB 229! The vote was 6 to 1 against....Stephenson did not vote! Any suprise here??

Don't count on the lobbyist...he hasn't been on the ball yet. Jesse went down last week and testified in committee....still it passed the senate.
So, it's up to the citizens to knock this down. By the way, Johnson is quoted by Wright as saying the council hadn't really gone against SB 229. The chicanery in that admin is appalling.
Understand Harmer gave quite a pitch for the gondola Tues...was that at the Exchange Club luncheon?
A few old skiers there who'll embrace that with open arms. Fine...let Peterson build the &^^#$^&* more on the taxpayers' backs.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Council should Call the Lobbist their on their own. And let him know who pays his wages, dont count on Bill Cook to do it, I am pretty sure he is taking his marching orders from someone other than the Council. Maybe they should ask Bill Cook where his loyalties are.

I know that if I was making 45k a year and my bosses asked me to do something, I would surely do it.

Has the Council talked to Jolley personally? and Senator Jenkins?

I believe that if Jolley doesnt do what the Council asks, that they shouldnt fund his position next FY.

RudiZink said...

Just call upon Republican Rep Joe Murray. I taked with him today about it; and he OPPOSES it. He was the Ogden City Fire Chief for decades, before he was elected to the house. He believes in preserving a corpse of professional firefghters; and there are plenty of House Representatives who owe him favors going back years.

Email Rep. Joe Murray here. Scroll Down to find his email addy.

Here's his Ogden telephone ( He takes his own calls): 393-7062

ARCritic said...

Did anyone see the Std. Ex. article sunday about the food desert in Ogden?

If Ogden city wanted to put assist a development that included a grocery store in the downtown area (and the grocery store was not WalMart) but one or two of the property owners refused to sell at any price, would emminent domain be useful in that case?

I would have to look long and hard at that if I were having to make the decision to use ED but that might be a situation where it might be warrented.

Anonymous said...

I was in the Capitol most of the day today...lobbying against SB 229. Arranged for Rod Decker to interview a fireman about that rotten bill...don't know if the sound bite will make the news tonite or not.
But, said we should contact the lobbyist Jolley, etc....well guess who is NOT lobbying against the Mayor's revenge and is not lobbying FOR the firefighters?????
Jolley! He admitted to me and Jeske today that he only works for the administration and Sandy City! He told Johnson and Godfrey that the 'eminent domain' bill would not fly this yr', and so Jenkins pulled it. However, he said looks like Bramble will take a go at it NEXT yr!! Jolley's colleague, Jodi, told me that she talked to Johnson and Bill Cook who were down there, and that Johnson said to're on board with that, right? meaning SB 229...I had her repeat it to me three times...wanting to know exactly! Bill purportedly said "yes".
The "old" council okayed Jolley's salary...but he isn't working for anyone but the administration. Also, on the agenda is the gondola. Jolley tried to tell us the mayor doesn't have a 'plan'....REALLY? Then why are he and his henchman at so many luncheons touting the &*^%$#@%^ thing as a done deal? And let us not forget the UK PR!!!, videos, etc. But, the council has yet to be apprised of just what the 'gondola' deal entails. Sound familiar?? Jolley mentioned TFI and other funds for the gondola between downtown and Weber. One of the reporters asked me 'why Godfrey is pushing this gondola?" (most smirk_...'looking for a legacy" Clinton...except he was trying to find his under the oval office desk and on a blue dress.
If you want SB229 defeated, you all will have to get on the ball. It's in the Rules on it.

Anonymous said...

I saw the article about the 'food desert in Ogden'. I've said many times at council meetings that a supermarket is needed downtown for those who don't have transportation and don't have easy access to a grocery store. I used to work with single parent poor families and have seen the need for years. Anyone recall being told that a grocery store IS in the plans for the Junction? One of those expensive specialty stores? A Walmart Neighborhood Grocery would be welcomed and used by so many...not chi chi enough...but, oh the businesses that have sprung up around the one in So. Ogden!!! Once again, your benevolent administration is reaching out to the poor and needy among us. Think how those tenants in the rental apts that Boyer is building at the Junction would utilize a grocery store within walking distance WITH affordable prices for families. Boyer says that the average age of the kids in the rental apts will be pre-school....those families probably won't support a 'chi chi' grocery !

Anonymous said...

I agree that the food desert needs a grocery store, but I don't think it should be downtown. I mean, they can have one there too, but I really think one is needed that is more centrally located in the middle of the food desert.

The reason I say this is that when the need for a grocery store is mentioned, those without transportation are always cited, which I have taken to mean that these people need a store within walking distance. A grocery store downtown would entail people walking downhill to it and then toiling back up carrying bags. I grew up here, did walk to stores, sometimes even walked downtown and back, and these hills are not what one would call gentle slopes, especially the one between Washington and Jefferson. It can be done, of course, but it's not the easiest thing in the world.

If instead there were groceries at the site of the old IGA, at 24th and Monroe, the terrain is more level there and it would be easier. Or, I read that they were considering closing Central School at 25th and Monroe. This would perhaps be a good site, if they are going to level it, which they generally do. People living west of it would be able to walk downhill after shopping, which is easier than carrying bags up, and the slope between Monroe and Harrison is really not that bad.

ArmySarge said...

It seems to me that the prudent thing would be to use the old IGA store on 24th we have been told several times is "happening soon."

Anonymous said...


I agree. What we need down town is something to support Ogden's real people, not the Mayor's big business cronies!

We need a nice grocery store downtown. If a subsidy is needed for this, then do it! Its the responsible thing to do. I think that it will happen if we can get the Mayor off this "SKI VILLAGE" kick and back on to some responsible civic leadership:

1) More buses when necessary.
2) Nice low income housing developments.
3) A low-price grocery store.
4) An updated Marshall White Center.
5) More money for firefighters, education and police forces. We all know that we can't keep going with high drop out rates and Ogden high and compromised firefighting and police forces.

When are they going to Listen to reason and not special interests?

Stay strong Sharon. We're going to get this done in the long run. The Mayor has just a bit more time in office and we'll get this city back on track. If we can only keep our city council from buying into his pipe dream. You know as well as I do that we didn't support them to help bolster the pee wee's plans and to serve big business special interest.

Thanks for the civic leadership Sharon.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous....I think I'm in love again!!!

Thanx for your encouraging words!