Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday Sermon

The LDS Church, extremism and our leadership vacuum

By Jerold Willmore

Utah Voices
Salt Lake Tribune

2/18/2006 12:35 PM

During the waning months of Eisenhower's presidency, I was in Washington, D.C., working for Sen. Frank Church during the day, pursuing a graduate degree at night and campaigning for JFK against Nixon on Saturdays.

Sundays, I presided over the Sunday school in the LDS Washington Ward, attended by Secretary of Agriculture (and LDS Apostle) Ezra Taft Benson and his family.

America was locked in the Cold War. Worse, the fires of nuclear fear were fanned by McCarthyist "red-baiters," none more rabid than Robert Welch, president of the John Birch Society. Welch saw a communist behind every tree. He even called President Eisenhower "a communist dupe."

Benson's son, Reed, was the Washington representative for the Birch Society and a frequent speaker at Sacrament meetings, although his talks often reflected extremist right-wing political ideology.

During one such talk, he invited everyone to "an important conference" at the Marriott Hotel. About 40 of us showed up. Reed ran a 30-minute Birch Society recruiting film - a jingoistic diatribe by Welch himself.

Then Reed enthusiastically invited our questions but got an awkward silence. So, I rose to say that I found Welch's presentation demagogic, that Reed's super-patriotism was making an Americanist political front out of the LDS Church and that I wanted the record to show that he didn't speak for me. The meeting erupted in applause and broke up.

The Salt Lake Tribune ran the AP story the next morning. To its credit the LDS Church First Presidency responded with a statement strongly disapproving of its members supporting extremist organizations, whether of the right or the left.

The worldview of extremists is toxic because it's distorted by juvenile, two-valued thinking. They see everything simplistically, as black or white, good or evil, "you're either with us or the terrorists," etc. Real world subtlety, nuance and complexity are lost on extremists. For them the end justifies the means - even if it divides our country against itself.

Right-wing extremist fixation has shifted from anti-Communism to anti-terrorism. But their divisive tactics are unchanged. Their professed ends are still national security and cultural purity - and their means are still chauvinism and sanctimony. But if, as Samuel Johnson said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel," then surely, moralizing is the first. For history teaches that those who wrap themselves in the flag ("Mission Accomplished!") and parade their religiosity (Terry Schiavo?) are neither patriotic nor spiritual. They're sitting in judgment on the "moral decline" of everyone else.

The self-serving claims of the self-righteous to "moral clarity" and "super-patriotism" are the tactic; neoconservative extremism is the result. Unfortunately, neo(new)conservatism and the New Testament have nothing in common.

Would Jesus do, even reluctantly, what the neocons do zealously - enrich the rich and impoverish the poor, bury our grandchildren under public debt and violate the law to lie, spy, torture and commit unprovoked aggression? Hardly.

The neocons have prostituted the press, distorted science, compromised government and religion by entangling one with the other and stained America's reputation for moral leadership.

Worse, neocons persist in raping God's green Earth instead of protecting it. Result? Catastrophic global warming will soon be irreversible. The true enemies of humankind are neocons who would drill or war for more oil - instead of ending its consumption altogether. Neocon denial, while pretending to be pro-life, is extremist, because pro-life begins with pro-environment.

Utah's congressional delegation is a virtual rubber stamp for this faith-based, counterfeit Bush administration. Might this be a good time for the LDS Church to reassert its leadership against extremism? Here in the reddest state of Utah, that leadership could repair the unconstitutional gerrymandering that has emasculated Utah's and the nation's checks and balances, return us to civil moderation and heal the religious divide - and the Earth.
Jerold Willmore is president of a leadership training company in Salt Lake City
The preceding article was submitted by one of our gentle readers. Standard-Examiner subscribers simply don't know what they're missing.

Don't let the cat get your tongue;)


Anonymous said...

Really interesting article, I thought. Very much so. I think it gets rid of quite a few smoke screens.

If we look at our situation here in Ogden, we have a predominantly Mormon, Republican administration. We therefore sometimes have a tendency to look at things within those parameters, as if all Mormons and Republicans are represented by its actions, and then choose religious and/or political sides for or against these parameters.

This article postulates that church and/or political affiliation is really not what we're talking about here, and if we think that's what it is, we've missed the point. The truth of the matter that I see from the article is that what we're really talking about is extemism. The writer of the article characterizes the neocon ideology as extremist, and I would tend to agree.

During the first days of the Iraq war, Queen Rania of Jordan spoke about this very eloquently, stating that the true conflict was not between Sunni or Shiite or Muslim or Christian or Hindu or Jew, but caused by extemism, which masked itself behind one or the other of these things. Extremism, the Queen said, is the ideology that causes harm.

The more I think about this, the more I think the writer of this article nailed it. Every political or religious body we can think of has its share of extremists. Normally, when things flare, the extremist factions or sects are denounced by the parent organization. The difference we see in our situation, nationally, locally, and religiously, is that neocon extremism seems to have been embraced by the parent organizations. This appears to be so simply because no parent organization has spoken out against it.

I agreed with Queen Rania then and I agree with her now. Extremism in power is the worst thing that can happen to the world, in that it is not inclusive, but separatist. From extremist views, humanity has received Nazi concentration camps, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, mass cult suicides, wars, and basic pain, suffering, death, and misery. Those not conforming to the extremist view are, (operative word,) persecuted. Since we all have our individual instances or histories of persecution from this sort of thing, wouldn't you think we would have learned something by now?

Maybe we're starting to.

Anonymous said...

Rudi, Rudi, Rudi

I read this article this morning and thought of you!

Is that spooky or what?

Anonymous said...

Ezra and his son were an embarassment to the LDS Church. Because the Church is not able to recognize fallibility in its leaders, Ezra was eventually elevated to the Presidency. Fortunately by the time he got there he was mostly senile and unconscience and his first councelor Gordon Hinkley effectively ran the Church.
The Church is very fortunate to have such an inspired and intelligent President as Mr. Hinkley, and under his leadership nonsense of this kind in discouraged.

Anonymous said...

I bet you all are either anti-mormon or excommunicated lds! You all act like you have an ax to grind and so does the author of the SLTrib article. I wonder if he is still an active member of the LDS church.

Anonymous said...

While I was reading this post, I could not help but compare it with the current Administration of Ogden.
"They see everything simplistically, as black or white, good or evil, "you're either with us or the terrorists," etc. Real world subtlety, nuance and complexity are lost on extremists."
My perception of Godfrey's point of view is that you are either in his corner (support the high rec center, the gondola, etc., NO questions asked) or you are the enemy to be dealt with as an enemy - malign them, make them to appear to be ignorant (they don't have all the facts) and are against progress. And he is successful in getting the SubSE to publish his point of view. Reasonable objections are not acknowledge because in his world, there are no reasonable objections -- you must accept his ideas 100%. "For them the end justifies the means - even if it divides our country against itself," Godfrey sees nothing wrong with his devious ways of accomplishing his goals, no matter who he tromps on and destroys their reputations with lies as long as it achieves his goals, ie., the rec center, Ernest, or the gondola. He divided the City over the rec center, and has done NOTHING to unite it! He is a dangerous, evil little boy who thinks he is a man, and he has the ego of giant.

I wish this article told us how to deal with such tyrants. The only way I know is at the polls in two years. But in the meantime, he wreaks all kinds of havoc on anyone who opposes him and tries to destroy their most cherished possession, their reputations and in some cases, their lives. Since this is a Sunday School sermon, may we be so bold as to admonish Godfrey to repent and become worthy of the Temple Recommend he holds as a result of deceit. He had to answer the question: "Are your dealings with your fellowman fair?" He couldn't have answered that question honestly and received his recommend unless he was admonished to change. It is evident by his actions since the new Council was sworn in that he has not changed.

Besides his maligning the Council members, he is purposefully and deceitfully progressing toward another head-on collision with the Council over the gondola. After talking with several members of the Council, I learned that he still has not given them any information or plans about it, but at all the civic and community clubs, his "flunkies" are promoting the gondola while smearing the reputations of the Council members. Wouldn't you think that an ADULT would bring the key players to his grandioso dream on board FIRST! He purposefully has set the stage so that he can make the those Council members who oppose the gondola look like "naysayers and obstructionists" trying to stop Ogden from progressing.

He couldn't be further from the truth! All the Council members have sworn to uphold the laws of the land and to serve the people of Ogden doing what is best and right for Ogden and its residents. I believe that is what they are all trying to do. Some of the Council members seemed to have been compromised by Godfrey, as he does anyone who gets too close to him. He is a man with no ethics or scruples, and it doesn't matter what it takes, he will do to get way or accomplish HIS dream, which on the other hand, may be Ogden's nightmare -- decades of debt for unrealistic schemes.

By the way, alma hinckley, I most certainly did NOT get that those making comments above were anti-Mormon with an ax to grind. I am a good Latter-day-Saint, and did not find their remarks offensive, only truthful. You need to open your eyes to the truth. There were a lot of things that happened in the Church's history that make all of us uncomfortable and wish that they hadn't happened, but they did, and it doesn't improve the situation to call people who point out the faults of members names. Also it doesn't mean that the Church isn't true just because some of the members have failings. We all do -- that's why we're here on this earth, working out our salvation. There's another Sunday sermon for you!

Anonymous said...

My hat is off to "the voice of experience" I cannot recall any entry on this blog that has been more accurate in describing Mayor Godfrey.

I too love the Church, I have complete respect for President Hinckley, He is a true inspiration and represents all that is good with the LDS Church.

And No, I am not an X'ed member, although I very well could be if the dark forces withing the fold had their way.

As a dyed in the wool son of the Church I have nothing but contempt for Mayor Godfrey who I consider to be a Son of Perdition.

Anonymous said...

I found the author's remarks way over the top and self serving. If all he wanted to talk about is extremism, why was it necessry to tell us about the meeting at the Marriott Hotel back in the day, and his 14 seconds of fame receiving applause from the group?
I also find his remarks to be insulting about this country. He's a damn democrat! That should make him suspect right there!! Yeah, I wonder if he's still a member in good standing.
Most of the world's ills are caused by greed. Ezra Taft Benson was a patriot....have you ever read his biography? An amazing man who helped Europe and it's starving masses after WWII. Lighten up.
Voice....right on about the l'il mayor!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Republican...This author, I am willing to bet is an excommunicated Latter Day Saint no doubts! And most folks here are too! They despise the church and it's influence for good! Godfrey a son of perdition??? Glad you are not the final judge, by the way I wonder what secrets you have hidden in your closet?

I have found that when folks like the SLTrib author and others here on this form attack the church, its organization, and its members it is usually out of a extremely deep bitterness caused by transgression in their life.

Anonymous said...

It is very fortunate for people like Alma and the Republican that the Church has plenty of room in it for idiots as well as Democrats.

I will second the notion that the little punk Godfrey is a true son of perdition. Check out the BOM for yourself and see if the discription doesn't fit!

Former Centerville Citizen said...

I agree that Godfrey isn't a good mayor, but calling him a "son of perdition?" Isn't that a little over the top?

Anonymous said...

Hey wait!! idiots as well as democrats????
oxymoron? or just morons? Sorry, some of you....but the biggest idiots I know in the LDS church ARE democrats!!!

And none of them have a sense of humor...always outrage.


Anonymous said...

Didn't know that Cris Butters, Orrin Hatch, Enid Green, Nancy Workman and Curtis the gas thief were all Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Voice of Experience-

You nailed it on the head! Mayor Godfrey and his "flunkies" are 100% extremists. I'd even go so far as to say they are "terrorists".

Gahndi- "Poverty is the most severe form of violence."

The Gondola deal is all about the rich and those who own property. It will be built on the backs of the average Ogdenite, and it will not profit him in the least.

Mayor Godfrey and the business interests who are promoting all of this must be stopped.

Do you think that it was an accident that the cover the paper yesterday quoted the Hotel managers as being highly optimistic that the Rec Center will bolster their occupancy rates? This is all coreographed B.S. that is setting the stage for the Gondola push!

Godfrey's secrecy goes back to Geiger's statement that it is better to withhold the facts so as not to give the opposition any ammunition!

They know that it is bad for us. They know that the Rec Center will destroy the future of this city. They know that the Gondola is going to be funded by the average Ogdenite. They know that the annexation of CHris Peterson's land will indebt the average citizen even further. They know that all of this is going to profit only one or two greedy men.

As has been said all along, these efforts, including the Rec Center, even though we're all now claiming it to be a good thing, are criminal, dishonest enterprises!

It is extremism at its best! Capitalist B.S. at the expense of the average Ogdenite.

Anonymous said...

I will hereby go on record stating that I do not think the rec center is a good thing.

Furthermore, the way the Junction site has been handled for the past four years is not a good thing either.

The situation as I see it is that we are currently involved in a deal where Ogden has made several agreements with private enterprise. To further complicate matters, these deals all hinge on each other like this:

Boyer stated before the rec center approval meeting that it would not do the development without the rec center.

So, I believe, did Larry Miller.

Earnshaw stalled on the condo/office/retail development until the rec center was approved, probably because his plan shares a wall with it, and also possibly not without Boyer.

From what Ozboy says, Boyer's contract with the city has tons of back-out clauses, whereas the city has no back-out clauses with the exception of the one that states that the contract will be invalid if Boyer does not bring Larry Miller on by May or so.

Therefore, we may also have Ogden City refusing to do the rec center without Larry Miller.

Who refuses to build the cinema without Boyer and the rec center.

And Boyer refuses to build without the rec center.

(Go back to the top and repeat.)

Can anybody say house of cards? Does anyone play dominoes?

It appears to me that Larry Miller is the pivot point for the whole deal, and it also appears to me that Larry Miller may be balking, maybe changing his mind about a few things, maybe putting things off. Maybe.......?

Could this be why we have no construction start date for the rec center?

This is what I see as the major flaw in this whole extremist central planning way of doing things. I find it incredible that none of these megabuck enterprises has the confidence to stand on its own, and also that a very few people are in control of the future of that whole site.

Which is why it seems stalled, I think.

If instead we had allowed private enterprise a private foothold in there, instead of making all the projects, (may I say co-dependent?) then if one backed out, the others could still go. What this looks like is that if one goes, they all go.

I see two things going on here---one, with the lack of a Miller signature and the lack of a start date on the rec center construction, things may be shakier with this whole deal than we are being led to believe. And two--the Council approved one portion of the Boyer development, but there was no start date given there either.

If the whole deal "goes south," as Safsten put it once, with some kind of domino effect, then we're pretty much opened up again.

And does anyone know if the bonds for the rec center are out on the market, or what went on there? The last thing I remember reading is someone stating that "things should be ready to go by this afternoon." or something like that, but I didn't see any follow-up on whether things did actually go and where they went.

Interestingly complex situation, isn't it?

Anonymous said...


Boyer does have the option of bringing in another Theater developer if Miller flakes out.

Has anybody seen Larry lately? Seems like he has taken a powder since he came up here and told us what a bunch of losers we were if we didn't share Pee Wee's vision.

Any body wanna place a bet on this whole thing going to hell in a hand basket just like every thing else that Godfrey and Reid has come up with in the last six years?

Anonymous said...

Of course, Dian....everything is in danger of going south....or beyond. Who remembers Godfrey crying, "use ir or lose it", over the 7.3 million that HAD to be used for construction by Dec. 31 (05)???
Well, there has been no construction...and was it Harmer or Patterson last week who replied that no one knows when contruction on the rec center would begin. Some 'internal things' were going on, but they didn't even know what was happening.
But, of course, Godfrey, using his crisis management syle HAD to have that rec center approved, or we'd lose all that money!
Larry hasn't signed on....who, besides Boyer, for the housing, has??
Watch how the gondola will be handled...the same crisis mode. Gotta have it....we have businesses ready to build...we have to have the gondola. Hurry, hurry, hurry it in!
Let's get some viable candidates out there for mayor and get their names out before the voters!

Former Centerville Citizen said...

Here's my two cents on the mall site. Yes, it's probably oversimplified and too naive, but I still think that it would have been better than the mess Ogden has gotten into.

As soon as the City purchased the mall site, the City, first of all, should have approached the Church of the Good Shepherd and said "You've been boxed in too long. Tell us how much surrounding property you want to buy, and we'll work out a deal." Having a historic church with beautiful expanded grounds downtown would only help downtown without competing with any existing businesses.

Then once the Episcopalian Church had bought the property it wanted, the City could've approached the LDS Church with the idea of the church buying the rest of the property, and maybe the church would have been interested in creating something not unlike Temple Square in SLC, maybe with a little commercial space, like a nice reception center, etc.

I think that having the above scenario play out on the mall site would definitely bring more people to downtown, without creating a lot of commercial space that either won't do well or will compete with already struggling businesses.

Like I said, it's seeing the situation through rose colored glasses, but maybe it could have worked.

Anonymous said...

Wellll, from the mouth of babes!

Centerville Citizen seems to have the key to this whole sordid affair - in Ogden.

The Mo"s!!!

Like it or not, (and believe me I do) almost every thing that is good in Utah come from Temple Square.

If the only true Church had taken the bull by the horns and directed this whole mess from the beginning, we would actually have a viable deal going here.

Instead they put their trust in this weasle of a false prophet Godfrey, and look where it has gone! They also sent us Stuart Reid, a big mistake. It is now high time for a true statesman to come to the front.

It is time the powers that be step up to the plate and take control. The saints of Ogden are in dire straights. We needs help, the city of Ogden needs devine intervention.

It is now time for the brethren to send us a true son of God to calm the troubled waters and lead us into prosperity. Godfrey and his million dollar a year group of incompetents are leading us into bankruptcy.

We deserve better than this...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have been in touch with someone in LHM's camp who says construction should start this spring. They are inticipating a April 07 opening. Once Boyer got involved there were some delays. Something to do with the plans and engineering needing to be worked out. Which would make sense being that they are right accross from each other. I dont know how many of you have a construction background but you have to know that these things take time. The drawings look good and all, but those plans have to be engineered and the general contractor has to get bids and choose the sub-contractors. Long story short...these things take time. I am also very encouraged about is the response that Mr Earnshaw has had to the condo's. If there was one part of the whole project I was sceptical about, it was people paying that much to live downtown. According to the articlel in the SE that does not seem to be a problem. Oh yeah. Ozboy...that whole church and state thing that the leftist are shouting about all the time. I am sure they would be totally quiet about the church "Taking the Bull by the horns"

Anonymous said...

Sharon and Dian!

Finally---We've got some sincere WCF members on here! I thought that we were marching toward the past with acceptance of the new city council's "Gang of Six" approach!

The Rec center is a flop. Larry miller ain't comming. The Gondola is a criminal enterprise that will be jammed down the publics through at the public's expense!

Finally--some rationality back!

Sharon and Dian--your leadership is inspiring and we love you!

Keep up the good work.

Can you please reminde Bill Glassmann and Jeske of all of this? Since Ernest, I've had a difficult time distinguishing them form the Original Gang of Six!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous.....are you on Zoloft or something?
Sometimes I have a difficult time figuring out if you are for or against rationality.
You aren't bisexual are seem to swing both ways quite often.
Most of the time I think I understand you....cripes...maybe I should look at my sexulaity!