Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Sunday Open Thread

Torn between the options of skiing our a** off again today, or sticking around the home to watch all the pre-Superbowl hype, we flipped a coin, and will be munching pizza, sipping suds and gazing at the Great American Sports Spectacle on the tube all afternoon, and well into the evening, we presume. Sports-wise, "this is definitely as big as it gets," as the old saying goes.

Consequently, we don't anticipate posting a main article today, and it's thus probably time to set up an open thread.

Possible topics from today's news, other than the Big Game itself, include two articles from the Salt Lake Tribune, and one from the New York Times:

If anyone has the burning desire to post thoughts on these topics, or any other subject under the sun, for that matter, please don't let the cat get your tongue. There hasn't been much "red meat news" these past few days, so perhaps it's time to "stir the pot."

What's up, everyone?



Anonymous said...

Holly Mullen's Salt Lake Trib article, TUITION LEGISLATION SHAMEFUL, fails to present the actual facts.

The immigrants who came to this country via the legal process are one thing. Illegals that are being called immigrants are another.

Illegals have failed to follow our process of law for immigration and therefore need to go to the end of the line and abide by the lawful process.

The illegals are responsible for the process which has caused the circumstances covered in the next article POOR UTAH: THE STORY WE DON'T WANT TO READ.

Every illegal who is working for much lower wages in order to survive brings down the prevailing wages for legitimate citizens trying to get employment in Utah.
The fact is that the illegals will bring down everyone's living standard. And have.

The politicians who are trying to open the door to illegals by any means they can are ignoring this basic fact of economics.

The politicians are also ignoring the fact that Utah's legal citizens are picking up an ever increasing tab for health care with free clinics and increased use of the hospital emergency rooms for the illegals.

We are providing the expense of educating illegal children in elementary and high school. We pay extra for tutors to be at the schools to interpret for illegals who speak no English. Even the ATC is hiring tutors because of the language problems.

Our law enforcement costs are escalating because of increased crime and sheer numbers of more persons to care for in our jails and prison.

The school enrollment in Ogden which is now over 50% Hispanic certainly did not come about through legal immigration.

It is time for those persons advocating open borders to wake up to reality.

I support Rep. Glenn Donnelson's HB7. He is one of the few persons holding public office that understands the reality of our situation.

And the situation prevails in every state in this nation because Congress and the Bush administration refuse to enforce laws that were passed in 1986.

The 1986 laws made it the responsibility of employers to check background data so that only citizens or persons with proper credentials could be hired.

We need no new laws...we should just enforce the ones already on the books.

My position is that my heart goes out to those persons wanting desperately to come to this country for a better life.

However, I am realistic enough to see clearly that we can not take care of the world and that any immgrant must abide by the lawful method of getting into the USA.

So in the meantime let's call illegals by the proper term "illegal" and quit trying to sneak them in by the back door.

They certainly should not come ahead of persons who have abided by the legal process and are still waiting their legal opportunity to immigrate.

The law is the law and must be followed.

Anonymous said...

The Indians of the America's had really bad immigration laws and look where it got them!

The Mexicans owned Utah before the Priesthood did.

The US economy would go down the shitter if it were not for "illegals" from Mexico.

Can any one truly imagine lazy assed young North Americans actually working in any of the millions of "menial" jobs that make the "American" way of life possible?

Anonymous said...

Two points:

First, vis. Ms. Littrell's post: seems to me it overlooks a not irrelevent point. All of those who will be punished by the new legislation were brought to this country not as adults, but as children, and some of them as toddlers or infants. Their parents brought them. The parents committed an illegal act, but it's hard for me to see how their children should be punished for their parents' actions.

Last year, the wire services carried the tale of a young man who was brought to this country as a one-year old. He's lived here ever since. Went to American elementary, middle and high schools. Graduated. Was arrested as an illegal immigrant and the INS began proceedings to ship him "back to Mexico." There is no "back" in Mexico for him. [The matter is on appeal and a judicial stay had been entered last time I heard.]

How the US benefits from this, how Utah does, escapes me. Having an ill-educated population of those who were brought here as children as opposed to an educated population of same cannot be good for Utah or the US. Since there seem to be only 174 or so who will lose in-state tuition rights who now have them under this proposed new law, I'm afraid I stand with Holly Mullen on this one. The act will have a miniscule impact, if any, on illegal immigration to Utah, and is mean-spirited, and designed to punish not those who came illegally, but the childen they brought with them. I am freqently embarassed by the actions of the Utah Legislature [can we all say "Buttars"?]. This time, I'm ashamed.

Second: Rudi is passing on the slopes to watch the pre-game show? Raises serious questions about his judgement. But then, he is a Republican....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Police Chief Jon Griener gave a talk a couple weeks ago about crime in Ogden.

I asked him the percentage of crime is committed by illegals. He said, " I don't know. We're not allowed to ask."

Same in CA...Ohio..and where else?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take advantage of the open thread to post something I've been looking at about Ogden's drinking water and sewer infrastructure. A couple of months ago, I was looking at Utah's $40 million transportation bill on Senator Bennett's webpage. Then I looked around on his site, and found this under Accomplishments, Environment:

Supported Ogden City's sewer and drinking water rehabilitation with appropriation money enabling the city to repair its deteriorating sewer and drinking water delivery systems.

Being curious about this, I e-mailed him using the form that requests that he respond, cited the Trib article about the rust in the water, and asked him when this appropriation was, how much it was, and what happened to it, because this was presently a crucial community issue. This was on about 25 November, 2005.

Receiving no response, I e-mailed him again a month later, referring to my previous e-mail, going into it all again, and asked the same questions.

Received no response, so began to hunt around on the internet. I found a press release from Senator John McCain, STATEMENT OF SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN ON S. 1596, THE DEPARTMENTS OF VETERANS AFFAIRS AND HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND INDEPENDENT AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS BILL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2000. This statement called many of the appropriations pork, and on the pork list, we see:

Earmark of $2,000,000 for the Ogden, UT, water, sewer and stormwater improvements.

I also found, on the Bennett page, dated 2 August, 2001, a press release of passed legislation which included:

$1,000,000 for Ogden, Utah completing final phase of sewer improvements

Addressing water and sewer needs at the newly acquired Defense Depot in Ogden City, funding has been secured to bring its infrastructure up to current standards. As a result, it is anticipated that the City of Ogden will be better prepared to manage the actual construction workload associated with this project.

So I would imagine these two things are what he means on his accomplishments page. I really wanted to know about this, because the statement sounds sort of like we have this all repaired, which we know is not the case.

Cannot find text of what McCain refers to, this S. 1596. I assume we did get $2 million in late 1999 to do a few things about the water and sewer system here even though Senator McCain did not agree with this allocation.

Anyway, thought you all might find that interesting, and maybe somebody out there knows a bit more about it--how it was used and how long it lasted. From remarks made at the end of 2005 by the council, it seems that our infrastructure repairs, when they happen, are now coming out of the general fund, so I suppose our $2 million is long gone. But it was something, at least.

Bennett's Accomplishments

McCain Statement

...Utah Projects Approved with Senate Passage of Spending Bill

Anonymous said...

In a story in this morning's SE on Ernest beginning the state licensing procedure for hospitals [for its Provo facility], reporter SCOTT SCHWEBKE wrote:

The company also will be required to submit a feasibility study for the hospital that describes its services, funding sources and estimated capital costs, as well as the possible effect on existing health-care providers, Hoffman said.

The public will have a chance to make written comments and review the feasibility study, but not the company’s confidential financial information. In addition, the state Department of Health will review the feasibility study, summarize public comments and prepare a written evaluation to Ernest Health regarding the viability of the hospital.

Neither the contents of the feasibility study nor public comments will affect the outcome of the company’s licensing application, Hoffman said.

Perhaps I am just thick [it has been suggested more than once], but I don't quite understand why, if "neither the contents of the feasibility study nor public comments will affect the outcome of the company's licensing application," why they are nevertheless required. Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

A friend in Public Television just sent me this news flash:

"To deal with the threat of bird flu, President Bush has ordered a  preemptive bombing of the Canary Islands"

Anonymous said...

I believe that the article further states that the State agency wants details about Ernest's Board, their history, and other financials....just like out damn, aggresive and hostile RDA Board asked for.

Now how the hell will Ernest and Godfrey blame if the helath care concern goes South?

Our elected gnag of 3 was way ahead of the curve, it appears. Good on ya!

Anonymous said...

Way to go again Glassman! You out-witted, out-lasted, and anticipated the very things that need to be done. Why the hell they would walk away from the table upset with you is clearly crazy on their part. Must of been a behind the scenes political move by Pee-Wee Mayor Godfrey. It was inevitable that the questions about their financials was going to come up. Jerk!

Keep up the good work Bill. Those greedy businessmen need a dose of what it like to deal with some people who aren't going to bend over for a buck. Let'm do that is S.L. or Provo. Ogden's better than that!