Saturday, March 18, 2006

Evil Godfreyites Attempt to Contaminate State Legislature With Multiple Grand Schemers

This is interesting. The Ogden city neoCON administration seems to have the stalwart Utah Republican Senator David Thomas surrounded by neoCON challengers for his senate seat in the upcoming elections.

We have the universally-despised Stuart Reid challenging him from the left, and the Godfreyite Ogden Chief Cop John Greiner coming in from neoCON political nowhere.

Senator Thomas's sin? He voted against S.B. 229, and stood up for rank and file firefighters and police. He's a thorn in the side of the Godfreyites, which is more a virtue than a sin, wethinks.

Beware of the "RINO" politicians who have deceitfully traded in their "donkey" lapel pins for Elephant ones.

Attend your caucus meetings on March 21, 2006, all good Republicans.

We can most efficiently oust the these Big Government poseurs at the grass roots level.

Good Republicans should attend their caucus meetings next Tuesday night, and keep the Godfreyites from gaining any foothold in the Utah Legislature.

The little guy will be voted out in 2007. Until then, it's time we all acted to prevent our errant Mayor from inflicting any further political damage to the Utah body politic.


Anonymous said...

Ah, this unrepentant, thoroughly unreconstructed Yellow Dog New Deal Democrat just loves to see Rudi still desperately trying to pretend that Hizzonah, the Republican Mayor of Ogden, is not really a Republican, but is in fact a closet Democrat!

Hoot and a half. Rudi, my man, you should write for Comedy Central. Steven Colbert has nothing on you....

But, seriously, I am in your debt. Person needs a good laugh on a grey late winter day like this. Thanks again, and keep 'em comin'!

RudiZink said...

Hoot and three-quarters, Curmudgeon.

There's a civil war going on in the Republican party, whether you're willing to recognize it or not.

We "paleo"conservative Republicans are aghast about big-spending, interventionist, civil rights-unfriendly usurpers like Bush and Godfrey, who've seemingly hijacked the party of Lincoln.

It's so easy for the "Big Government" types to campaign with an elephant lapel-pin, even though their attitudes toward Big Brother border on Stalinesque.

They are right-wing socialists, of the Trotskey stripe.

They're a new breed of commie that doesn't belong in either of the traditional American parties.

They've been "below the radar" until recently. True laizzez-faire Republicans are now acting to root them out.

Try to hold your breath and Lamaze through it. We're cleansing our party of the infestation of these Big Government socialist types one-by-one.

It ain't easy, because they are resistant to the usually efficacious pesticides.

And you're right. You will be in our debt... once the political housecleaning is complete.

Anonymous said...

Rudi, Rudi, Rudi. The good Utah Republican David Thomas? You meen the Senator Thomas who was trying to pass a law that wouldn't allow the media to have the right to access public documents of government agencies and meetings be they state, county or city who because he wants to continue to meet in secret and keep his constituents in the dark? Yeah that's the ticket Rudi. Keep your ear to the ground Rudinski it won't be long until you hear it from the bull elephants mouth that the county and state republican leaders want Comrade Thomas to move aside and make way for a "NEW" Senator. Goes to show even you a born again republican are out of touch. Rumor has it from the top leadership that they want Thomas OUT so bad that they will jump party lines to elect anybody but Thomas. See ya'll at the Caucus meeting Rudi.

Truth Justice and the American Way

Anonymous said...

Well now Curm,

The little lord's main backers are the Allens who are well known Demon's, er Demo's. His fater in law was a state legislator as a Donkey. Good folks herebouts had the good sense to throw his ass out.

Besides, being a very long term Repub, I can assure you, I never in all my years saw a true Elephant that had the arrogance and evilness of this bad seed.

Now don't get me wrong here, I do think the current crop of NeoCon Repubs are one sorry assed lot. Disgusting for the most part, Rudi excepted of course.

If it weren't for the Libertarians we wouldn't have any integrity in Utah politics. We owe a great thanks to both of them.

RudiZink said...

"You meen the Senator Thomas who was trying to pass a law that wouldn't allow the media to have the right to access public documents of government agencies and meetings be they state, county or city who because he wants to continue to meet in secret and keep his constituents in the dark?"

I didn't say he was perfect; and we'll be working with him on that one.

Looking at the big picture though, are you arguing that Herr Greiner or Comrade Reid would be better alternatives here?

Surely you CAN'T be THAT brain-dead!

Anonymous said...

Ozboy,for once I partially agree with what you said that being "Good folks herebouts had the good sense to throw his XXXX out" in reference to Brother Allen. Don't tell him I said that, I am in his ward.Isn't it interesting that even money can't buy an election which will soon be attempted by the Greiner/Lindquist fams. Something ya'll and Rudinski might want to do and that is sit down and have a chat with Stuart Reid. It will be time well spent. Unfortunately he is guilty by association with Matthew. BTW, Stuart resigned in that he had to get out while the gittin was good to avoid going down with the Titanic. Stuart is really is a straight up guy. If you would have observed closely he was not part of the good ol' boys and maintained a very low profile on purpose. That nonsense about a pittence of a severence pay is pure rubbish. BTW, did you know that the future "Republican" County Commissioner Nate Pierce got, (make sure you are sitting down) $100,000 because Godfrey fired him? No newspaper coverage about that, I wonder why? That is the only way he was allowed to collect the severence. According to inside info from his buds people who retire do not get severence pay. Rumor has it that he also got a brand spanking new pick me up truck that the city was leasing and the tax payers paid thousands, thats right thousands of dollars in extras for so he could pull his horsey trailer and camper? With all these mud flaps and coon tails his buddy in the motor pool made a truck valued at almost $50,000 available to him for less than $40,000.00. Rumor has it that it was $33-$36 grand.

Isn't like great. Off to dinner with the little woman.

Truth Justice and the American Way

Anonymous said...

Ah, tis a lovely sight, it is, it is. Genuine card-carrying Republicans feuding over who is a real honest upstanding Republican, and who is sneaky, low-down double dealing one. [Curmudgeon recalls the sounds of Ebbitts Field in his youth: "Score card! Score card! Hey, getcha ya score card! Can't tell the players without a score card!"]

Think I'll settle back with some Polygamy Porter and watch ya'll brawl over the dubious distinction of who gets to be called a "real" Republican. Lovely lovely show.

[Curmudgeon opens his Porter and grins happily, thinking of the tales he'll have to tell at his Democratic Caucus meeting Tuesday night.]

Anonymous said...

Well now, Superman. Jump out of that phone booth and reveal yourself! Brother Allen is in my ward!
With your powers you should be able to wrap the whole sorry lot of these donkeys in your cape and drop them in the middle of Krypton.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of phone booths, that is where Curmudgeon will be having his Democratic Caucus meeting tuesday night.

No sense in hiring more space than you need.

Anonymous said...

whatsamatta rudinski? Cant stand to have truth about the golf course made public. Oh I forgot it is your site and you can censor whatever you want.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't so long ago that the common assumption among Salt Lakers was that a person from Weber County would be a Democrat. But no longer. I actually thought former Senator Allen was a credit to this county and to the state, and I know local Republicans who contributed to his campaign. It wasn't so much that he was voted out as gerrymandered out.

Meanwhile, as the GOP brawls over who is "real," there can be no doubt as to which former Utahn is running the party. Nice company. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure for it's at all legal for The Chief to be involved in this campaign: see, e.g., Hatch Act .

ARCritic said...

ernie, Would the chief be considered to be employed in a program fully or partially funded by the federal government? I can see an officer who is hired as part of the COPS program being subject to the Hatch Act.

I don't know but if he is covered by the Hatch act, he has already violated it by filing for candidacy.

Anonymous said...

From the Hatch Act:

"Employees who work for educational or research institutions or agencies which are supported in whole or in part by a State or political subdivision of the State are not covered by the provisions of the Hatch Act."

Wouldn't this cover Griener? 

In any event, I have a hard time imagining Griener being elected to anything around here.

Anonymous said...

not only are we graced by brother Allen, but Geiner is in my ward too!

Superman, do you have room for another one on Krypton?

Anonymous said...

Ed Allen, AKA Aunt Bea, is the reason Ogden has a fascist dictator, AKA Ophie, for a mayor. Godfrey is Ed Allen's revenge for not cutting it as a good representative. On the other hand Stuart Reid, aka Floyd, is just a shill for THE BIG CHURCH. His association with Godfrey automatically put him in the skid row class. I wouldn't trust him with a nickel to get candy from the corner store. A true snake-oil salesman if I ever saw one. Don't blame Dave Thomas for not wanting us to know what goes on behind closed doors. He just does what the church tells him to do.

Anonymous said...

miss daisy.
you're guzzling too much moonshine!

Why are you thinking Reid is okay, but Godfrey corrupted him?

Can't he discern 'good from evil'???

Go check your still, and watch out fer them revenooers.

Ain't nothin wrong with want GREINER???????

Anonymous said...

Well, ask, and you shall receive! Curt asked what else is the evil little mayor scheming? I just learned that the City administration is NEGOTIATING THE SALE OF THE MARSHALL WHITE CENTER TO THE SALVATION ARMY!! In fact the negotiations are so far along that they are discussing the retainment of the current employees after the sale!

The patrons are up in arms and held a meeting last Friday with Council Chair, Jesse Garcia and Council Members Dorrene Jeske and Bill Glasmann. The information that they were given refutes the figures and numbers that the administration are stating. One fellow said, "Godfrey can make the numbers say anything that he wants, but that doesn't make them right." Someone asked who was attending programs at the MWC for health reasons and almost everyone there raised their hands. Because of the after school programs started by Butch and his staff, the crime in the area has dropped significantly. The Center has had an immense impact on the Community for the better and the citizens of Ogden. The Mayor's claims that the facility isn't being used enough, need to looked into, because the rolls and records of the Center will reveal the true number of attendees.

Some of the gals at the Center have begun circulating a petition.


Anyone else got any suggestions of what we can and should do to save it?

Anonymous said...

Why does Ogden need to own the Marshall White Center? The Salvation Army has more cash than Ogden City and will do a great job overseeing the place.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Duh, Anonymous! Marshall White is a community center and provides services and programs to the citizens of Ogden and the surrounding areas. You're a Godfreyite! They don't think it's the responsibility of the City to provide services, but should be in a profitable business! WRONG!! CITIES/TOWNS PROVIDE SERVICES!! Marshall White Center is the ONLY community center in Ogden -- it provides activities and programs to keep the youth off the street, it provides programs for the seniors and a whole lot of other services in between. If the City sells it to the Salvation Army who is going to make sure these programs that are so popular continue? The Salvation Army has their own agenda and clientele, and some of them may not be the kind of influence we want around our youth. We need a place that the youth can go to and feel comfortable, and parents can feel comfortable letting their kids go there. Larger cities who are reputable and caring provide a community center for their citizens. What kind of an image would Ogden portray to potential businesses thinking of moving to Ogden if they didn't list a community center as one of their assests? The Marshall White Center is successful, so why try to fix something that ain't broke?

Anonymous said...

Seems like I remember not too long ago that the Salvation Army was tapped out and had to shut down it's Drug treatment programs?

The SA is a great organization, but is this the right thing for the citizens of Ogden? Or is this only the right thing for Ogden the future Ski Resort at the bottom of the Gondola?

In my opion it is only one more indication of Godfrey's contempt for the poor and people of color in Ogden. I think he is an arrogant little racist pig.

Anonymous said...

Can the SA maintain the MXC from "kettle donations?"

Will the drunks and addicts really understand that their programs have been moved to SLC and not seek refuge their after a weekend bender?

Will the current activities at the MWC remain the same and will the cost of entry remain the same?

Will the youth of Ogden be welcome there and feel welcome there?

Many questions to answer, these being a few to start with.

Obviously this Anonymous clown again has absolutely no conception about what this proposal is all about. Rudi should ban the chump!

Anonymous said...

The MWC and Mt. Ogden Golf Course being the exception, Godfrey has made some inroads on some of the obsolesence that has grown and taken our city to the brink of being a ghost town. There has to be some credit given here, like it or not. In a prefect world, Trump and his gang would swoop down on us in their helicopters, turn those newly hired apprentrices loose, and privately resuce our downtown. But that hasn't happened, yet. Maybe there's a little motive and meaning to the perceived madness, as now that a couple of Godfrey's controversial projects have begun, some of the private sector have arrived and are feeling things out, something that wasn't occuring in the immediate past (15-20 years).

There are some questionable things that have happened during this build-up, regarding the method, etc., but there's a better feeling in downtown and some serious activity going on by the private sector today.

Anonymous said...

Serious activity, neutral? Sounds more like 'secret' to me. And, you don't sound too neutral, either.
Are you looking for knights on white chargers to gallop into Ogden and save our town?
Say, do you think those white horses would fit into a gondola? Now THAT would bring in the least 10% of those 3 million that drive by Ogden every day! We'd need a lot of troughs tho. No room for the horses at the troughs, because of Godfrey and his 'serious' influential friends dipping into them.