Saturday, March 11, 2006

Residents Have Their Own Vision for Ogden

Great letter in the Standard-Examiner letters section today:

As usual, it's not downloadable from the Std-Ex website, so we're entering it manually, in full:

Residents have their own vision for Ogden

I'm tired of hearing of Curt Geiger's vision for Ogden, which is to run a tram down Harrison Boulevard (Feb 27 news story, "Snow business: Ogden's "ski hub" plan picks up speed") What's worse is the characterization that his is the only vision, and that people who don't share it are defective. Worse still is that its the most stupid idea to ever come out of city government, and that's saying something.

Perhaps Curt has only stated his opininion. Perhaps Curt appreciates that others have a different vision for Ogden, and that we live here, too. In the last election, we shared our collective vision with those politicians we dumped.

Like him, I and others choose where we live, and we chose Ogden. We like it here. And for most of us, happiness does not depend on the latest socialist scheme being cooked up at City Hall by the self-important idlers who continually swarm there. Any good idea is not good because some political jade thought it up.

But giving Curt the benefit of the doubt here, let me remind him of something. While we appreciate his business being here, our city was a nice place already. If he would now tend to his business and shut up, the city could even be better.

"Shut up and take better care of your own business."

How's that for an exciting vision for Ogden?

-David Smith

We belive David makes a very good point.

As an aside, here's an interesting web aberration BTW. They're trying to sell friggin t-shits, jerseys and coffee mugs:

And how figgin stupid is this?

WE say again: They're trying to cash in by selling t-shirts and coffe mugs. Sheesh!

Are these people dumber than bags full of hammers?

Nevermind. The question was merely rhetorical.

Comments, anyone?

Let's discuss this NOW!


Anonymous said...


Was hoping you would allow me to pass along that there is a new website dedicated to the gondola subject which we know is beginning to heat up again.

Please visit

Anonymous said...

I don't know how websites the city, I mean the taxpayers, paying for that website? Pushing a petition? "Stuff for Him and Her?"
Sheesh....I was part of a petition campaign SAVE people money! To give people a chance to decide by BALLOT if they wanted to be bonded for millions for a rec center or not! Our petitions were stolen, business owners who displayed the petitions were threatened with loss of customers, AND some were visited by a city hall employee and told, "don't even THINK about the mayor's award next year!" Now, THERE'S a threat, eh?
I wish I'd been savvy enuf to know we could have had a website for our petition! Kinda like a smack on the forehead and crying, "I coulda had a V-8!"
So, who is paying for this? Who bought the T shirts and mugs, etc?
How about if WE come up with a shirt and slogan of our own? And, we all purchase one from a T-shirt print shop??
I like the letter to the editor!!!
Wonder he if wrote it back on Feb 27th? Must've been a slow letter day at the SE and Porter was tired of the 'hate homophobic Larry Miller', and 'intelligent design devotees aren't'.
BTW, Dian Woodhouse and her Reader's Theatre presentation tonite was a showcase of her superb writing and mesmerizing acting!
Kudos, Dian!

Former Centerville Citizen said...

I just went to, and I clicked on "Ogden Gondola layout plan." And wouldn't you know, when you click on that, all that comes up are three pictures of gondola cars and cables above streets. And there's no map of what streets it will go above, no information about where the gondola stops will be, etc. What a crappy "layout plan."

Anonymous said...

It is a real tragedy, and I am deeply saddened, that my hundreds of relatives have lived in Ogden for over a hundred years and apparently, if you believe the gondolists, they all were deprived and lived in a state of inferiority because there was not a gondola. In spite of their successes and happiness, they were all losers because they didn't have the Geigers here to show them how to be important and fullfilled.

Equally sad is all the thousands of Ogdenites who have thought they were perfectly happy in this beautiful place only to find out from the Geigers, Allens and Godfrey's that they have actually been deprived, miserable losers because they didn't have a gondola, or fenced off foothills. Further more we have found out since the Geigers moved here that we all suffer from a massive inferiority complex because we do not share in their visions of grandeur.

It is really hard to believe that there are actually people like these guys that have the pure unadulterated gall to place themselves in such superior positions and tell the rest of the city what a bunch of losers we are because we don't accept them as some sort of superior beings sent here to save us from our own uninspired selves.

In England they call people like this "Cheeky Bastards". In Bellevue Hospital they call them dillusional. Here we just know them as dumb asses, or self important dip shits.

Curt, Bob, Bernie, Matt, Edgar, etc - why don't you guys just shut up already and save yourself's further exposure as the self dealing sleaze balls that you really are?

RudiZink said...

Sure, gondolaboy. I'll add your website to my links as a courtesy... although your site looks like a "work in progress" right now.

I don't normally link websites where most of the pages give me a link to "Coming soon."

If you ever decide you need a competent website designer who knows what's up, BTW, I can give you a real good referral, heheh.

It'll cost ya "real money" though.

Anonymous said...

Centerville Citizen....I have no doubt that that gang of thieves you mentioned by name really do read this blog! Good for you CC!!
I have been feeling a little sleazy and inferior, but just thought my gall bladder was acting up. I never knew that I needed to lift mine eyes overhead and I would be heealed! immediately of all that's been ailin' me!
Ed Allen is a dr, isn't he? I misjudged him and his democrat thugs....they wuz jest tryin' to make me feel a real Ogdenite shud.
I never knowed I wuz dee prived til them Geiger boys started prescribin' (without a license) fancy cures and sech like thet.

Anonymous said...

I was feelin' so frisky for bein' heeealed of my inferiority (ain't used to sech big words) that I ment to say FRANK when I wuz larnin' why I am so dumm. FRANK named all them Godfry goons. But, CC you are o.k. too.
My eyes is strained from lookin up envisionin that big gondola over my head. I ain't seen it yet, but I jest know I'll be feelin right perky when the Geiger boys git it agoin. I wanna be impotent too!

Anonymous said...

Screw you peons!

We own Ogden City Government, and now we even have Glassman in our back pocket.


Anonymous said...

Once again, let me say that selling off public lands in the foothills to build fortified enclaves ["gated developments"] for the super-wealthy so they will not have to mix with the rest of us is no way to build any sense of community in the city, and is absolutely poisonous to development of any sense of public spirited envolvement in city management or, broadly speaking, urban development.

I have to confess, I suspect there is hunking down in the shadows behind all this, some element of racism. I suspect the "them" the gated developers want to keep at a distance are members of the city's rapidly growing largest minority community. They'll have passes, of course, letting them through the gates to clean and do the gardening, just so long as they're gone by sundown each day.

City government should not be encouraging the development of gated private enclaves in Ogden, and it absolutely should not be even considering selling off public recreational land for the development of private gated developments.

Anonymous said...

It seems like some here are getting a little frisky when it comes to slapping Glasmann and Prisbrey around!

I don't believe Glasmann is in any ones pocket. He is from the wealthy class, but I also believe he is a man of the people. He walks a very fine line between the two. He is savvy enough to realize where the power really lies, and that is in both camps. I would hope that people can withhold judgement on him until we see which way he votes on the issues that are so important to all the people of Ogden.

As for Prisbrey - hey he is a young turk, he is just feeling his way into this political game. He is honest, and means well. I am confident that he will come in from the dark once he learns what is really going on in the Godfreyite movement.

Anonymous said...


I think you misspelled 'turK'

try the 4th letter of the alphabet.

You have a lot of faith in this little priss.

He thinks he's SOMEBODY because he is a Geigerite and a pal of the faded redhead, who IS a confidante and gopher of Godfrey. Infamous by association.

Anonymous said...

Frank, I really appreciated your comments -- you hit the nail on the head. Has anyone else noticed that the pee wee keeps the Geigers better informed and involved in his plans than he does the City Council? When did we elect the Geigers to make decisions for Ogden City? SUCH DAMNEDABLE GALL, I've never seen anywhere!! And for Bob Geiger to come right out and say if you don't want the gondola then you're missing some gray matter!! Ogden wouldn't be better off if these so-called "Saviors of Ogden" found another city to save!

Curm, we both agree that Pee Wee is very successful at dividing the community. Instead of acting like an adult and a real mayor, he goes behind the City Council's backs, undermines their credibility, while spreading his B.S. on the city's business leaders. In my opinion, he has reached a new low in government corruption! -- Trying to blackmail/bribe City employees to support his gondola! We know he has had plans for the gondola for years, but this new "vision" to grease the palm of Chris Peterson by selling him the Mt. Ogden golf course in order to pay for the gondola going up the mountain to Malan's Basin stinks to high heaven of neopotism since Pee Wee's brother is now an employee of Chris's. Tsk! Tsk! Are you going to break a State Law, as well, Pee Wee?

When are we going to stop this despot's reign and start a recall of Matthew of Godfrey?! I've had enough of his chicanry and I've heard others make similar statements. What are we waiting for? We know he will stop at nothing (save murder -- I haven't heard of anyone being physically killed yet) to get his way!

Let's get a sane leader as Mayor, who doesn't have nightmares for Ogden's future. A leader who will listen to the residents instead of trying to keep everything from them by meeting and planning behind closed doors!

Anonymous said...

Asque is right. = Steven Prisbrey

Network Solutions WhoIs

And he seemed like such a nice boy.

Anonymous said...

The plot sickens-

Word on the street is that Kami Geiger (wife of Curt) will be working in Ogden's department of economic and community development.


Could this be a case of you push my agenda, I'll employ a family member???

Anonymous said...

People...anyone can go out and register a domain name. I just happened to be the first one to "", it's called capitalization, and it's what makes America so great!

This site is not a collaboration of "Godfreyites", "Geigerites", or any "ites" for that matter, just little old me who saw an opportunity.

Domain names are like real-estate claims...first come first serve.

Anonymous said...

See, this just goes to show you how incredibly naive the young Prisbrey is.

"I just happened to be the first one to "", it's called capitalization, and it's what makes America so great!"

Yikes! If getting this silly domain name is what makes America great, we are all in deep doo doo!

I think I must start selling off my worthless real property and investing in domain names.
I think I will start with ""

Anonymous said...

Curt and OzBoy,

You both have it right! IF a recall of the boy mayor is possible, I will be first to sign on.

Prizzby....take your bride to dinner...your time will be better spent.

Anonymous said...

"Ogden wouldn't be better off if these so-called 'Saviors of Ogden' found another city to save!"

Oops! Meant to say: Ogden WOULD BE BETTER OFF if these so-called "Saviors of Ogden" found another city to save!"

I'll buy them a one-way ticket to wherever they want to go!

What other devious scheme can Godfrey come up with -- don't we have enough Geiger's working for Godfrey -- we have to have one at City Hall?! Maybe he's thinking that this way he can just say, that he didn't tell Curt his little scheme, Curt's wife did. Takes care of us who complained about the Geiger's being better informed than the Council.

Anonymous said...

boy I can't wait to get up in the gondola and have the power go off and be stranded and be looking out the window into some house on 23rd street and or better yet to be a target at the shooting gallery for the thugs here in ogden to shoot at me as I could not escape or chase down the yo-yo that was doing that to me.
this is such a great idea and we should elect mayor goofee again!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the PROPER term is "capitalism," NOT "capitalization." That's something you do with the letters of the alphabet. The other one is something that has to do with the Free Enterprise System, you know, that system that is one of the tings that makes America so great.

Lord have mercy!