Monday, April 24, 2006

Comparing Words and Deeds

Your humble blogmeister begs his gentle readers' indulgence this morning for neglecting to post any new material over the past several days. Rudi has been immersed in local partisan politics since late last week, and the demands of his political party have temporarily interfered, unfortunately, with his self-appointed obligation to supply his Weber County Forum readership with ample quantities of fresh, intellectually nutritious "red meat."

Several interesting items were deposited in the WCF email inbox over the weekend, though; and we thought it would be fitting to launch a new discussion thread this morning with one of those: a Standard-Examiner reader letter that appeared in the Saturday edition. Cal Hansen of North Ogden posits that the Ogden Townsfolk ought to judge Chris Peterson NOT by his many promises, but by his proven performance to date. Mr. Hansen asks the important question, Do we want Chris Peterson for a neighbor?

Mr. Hansen refers to some Sierra Club documentation. You can view some of that material here on the Ogden Sierra Club website. Perhaps these photos constitute evidence relevant to Mr. Peterson's most recent meme -- that he intends to develop his property only according to "green development principles."

Chris Peterson is glibly making many promises to this community, in order to induce us into transferring our last remaing east bench undeveloped property to him. For a quick rundown of Chris's sales pitch, you can find summations here, here and other places on the web. Whether it is proper for Mr. Peterson's promises to be aggressively displayed on the Ogden City website (The Ogden City Council expressly denies having come out in favor of the project) presents a separate question, of course.

We at Weber County Forum believe however that Mr. Hansen's letter raises a very fundamental question that is worthy of careful examination.

Do Chris Peterson's past deeds demonstrate that he is worthy of our future trust?

Please chime in, gentle readers. We believe it's time for a full discussion of this issue.

Anyone who can offer examples of circumstaances where Chris Peterson has ever performed as promised are invited. So far we have no evidence that Chris Peterson has accompished anything notable in life... save marrying a Billionaire's daughter.

The floor is open for your always gentle comments. It's time to roll up our sleeves -- and get back into the blogging groove.

Comments... anyone?


Anonymous said...

We're still waiting for Chris Peterson to give us his resume. Who is he, and what developments has he done during his life? So far, all we know is he's Earl Holding's son in law, Earl's daughter's squeeze, and mayor godfrey's Europen travelling buddy.

It's hard to know his deeds until we know about his accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

From the photos it looks like the area was vandalized by drunken teenagers with a chainsaw.

Does Chris Peterson actually have any security up there?

Or did he do the damage himself?

Anonymous said...

Ever since Chris Peterson came to Ogden, I have been trying to find out what he's accomplished. It seems to be as big a secret as the Mayor was making this whole project to be. I mentioned this to Ms. Jeske and asked if the Council had any information on Peterson, and her reply was: "When I asked questions of Peterson's supporters, I was told, 'It doesn't matter. What counts is what he is going to do for Ogden.'" Does this sound smart to anyone? I really would like to know: WHAT HAS CHRIS PETERSON ACCOMPLISHED? WHAT OTHER DEVELOPMENTS HAS HE BUILT? IS HE TRULY FINANCIALLY SOLVENT? IF SO WHY DOES HE NEED THE MONEY FROM THE SALE OF THE $1 MILLION HOMES AT HIS PROPOSED GATED COMMUNITY?

A writer in the SE asked today if Ogden was suspicious of everyone who offered to help them. My answer to him is: Yes! We have years of experience and a "gut feeling" to testify to the necessity of being cautious and diligent in checking people out. I seem to remember a song that goes, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." I can't believe this gentleman has gone this far in life and never been stung. Prudence is always the better part in making a decision.

Is there any hope of learning about Chris's business dealings and achievements? The most I've able to find out is that he worked for Earl Holding at Snowbasin for years before going off on his own. Why did his father-in-law not want him involved in the family business any more? Is he even still in the family?

I need some answers!

Anonymous said...

On Peterson's experience:

You quoted the SE in which someone asked "if Ogden was suspicious of everyone who offered to help them." We need to keep in mind that Mr. Peterson's offer is not a charitable donation for the good of the city. It's an investment proposal that he contends will be mutually beneficial for his bottom line and for Ogden's municipal revenues, jobs situation and quality of life.

What he contends about the proposal may or may not be so. But Ogden's City Council, planning commission, and Mayor have not only a right, but an obligation as wise stewards of the public trust, to examine the proposal carefully to see if it will, in fact, be mutually beneficial. This is not nay-saying or CAVE-ing. This is simply prudent business practice. No investment bank would think of laying substantial money on the table for a development plan like this without seeing a feasibility study and detailed financials first. The city should be no less prudent in conducting its business with Mr. Peterson.

Now, as to his experience: certainly his experience [or lack thereof] in developing , as opposed to managing, resort properties and residential properties is a matter of some importance. Boyer and Co.'s experience in downtown development certainly mattered in the competition for choosing a developer for the old mall site. Certainly Mr. Miller's experience in developing entertainment venues played a role in his appeal as a participant in the mall-redevelopment. And I am absolutely certain that if Mr. Peterson had substantial experience in developing resort and residential properties, he would be touting that experience [and properly so] as evidence of his ability to carry this project off. His lack of such experience [presuming he does lack it] is not necessarily a deal-breaker. Even the most successful developer had to start some place. But asking questions about his experience in this regard is in no way improper on the part of the city.

As for other questions raised about Mr. Peterson's "experience" --- such as his relationship with Mr. Holding, etc.... well, that seems to me over the top. He has made a business proposal to the city of Ogden. The city's officials need to examine it as any other business proposal. That means asking all the pertinent questions, and avoiding questions that are not relevent.

Anonymous said...

The LJ:

Nice catch on the Geiger claim. Gotta watch him. He'd no doubt point out that if WSU has lost enrollment this year and last, then it has, literally, "been losing enrollment for years" [that is, for more than one]. But it's playing with the numbers to create a false impression beneficial [he believes] to the position he's advocating. And you nailed him on it.

You would think that the Lift Ogden folks would understand, this being a project that absolutely requires a great deal of government cooperation and support to make happen, that they do themselves no favors when they promote it like tv pitchmen shilling for time shares. For a public project, the course of wisdom would be, seems to me, to lean the other way. To make absolutely sure your numbers are rock-solid and in no way deceptive, even by implication. In fact, to bias your assumptions against the conclusions you want to reach in order to build public confidence in what you say. Straight-arrow is the way to go when you are trying to convince the public to spend public funds.

Sadly, Mr. Geiger and the LO crowd seem instead to be treating this as if they were carnival barkers trying to hook the rubes into the bearded lady's tent. And when the gimcrackery gets revealed, as it almost always does, folks become far more suspicious of the whole enterprise. And with good reason.

Nice work, Jennifer.

RudiZink said...

Your attention to detail is much appreciated, LJ. I confess my own eyes glaze over when I read the Lift Ogden propaganda. It's amazing what is revealed with a little careful fact checking, innit?

Anonymous said...

If this Gondola business really did stand close public and financial scrutiny, it most likely would not pass muster. Therefore the need for the carnival show.

I say let the public decide! Put it up for vote in November!. Make the issue, or issues, very clear pro and con. Let's see once and for all what the citizens of Ogden think of the Lord Mayor, his million bucks a year team and all their grandios money losing schemes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Good question. I don't think there is a provision for citizen-initiated referenda in the city plan of government. But I'd suggest you contact your city council person or one of the at large members and ask.

I'm not even sure the plan of government permits the City Council to put something up for a referendum, though it can ask for an advisory public poll or vote [non-binding]. I think former Mayor Meacham did something like that with respect to the tram proposal then being considered, and when it came back lopsided against the tram, he simply announced that as far as he was concerned, the public didn't want it and the matter was settled.

Be interesting to know whether there is any procedure for binding public referenda in the city plan of government.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone recall the doomed petition drive asking for a "yes" or "no" vote on the bonding for the rec center?

If successful, that called for a vote by the people on the November ballot LAST year!

However, Godfrey's employees and family, friends and thugs threatened those brave owners who placed the petitions in their businesses. I know of one who is still feeling a loss of patronage.

There were so many petitions stolen that the final count was not enough to place the vote before the people.

But, like Mayor Meacham rightly saw, there were enough signers to send a clear message that the voters wanted to VOTE on whether or not to be bonded for 25 years!!!

Godfrey is no Meacham....he just ignored the citizens and considered his foul deeds of intimidation and chicanery a WIN!