Sunday, July 16, 2006

Let's face it, it's WWIII, Gingrich says

By Rudizink

We swear we are NOT making this up:

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so.

Gingrich said in an interview Saturday that Bush should call a joint session of Congress the first week of September and talk about global military conflicts in much starker terms than have been heard from the president.

"We need to have the militancy that says 'We're not going to lose a city, " Gingrich said.

Gingrich said in the coming days he plans to speak out publicly and to the administration from his seat on the Defense Policy Board about the need to recognize that America is in World War III.

Via The Seattle Times
OK. While we normally try to limit ourselves here at Weber County Forum to the insanity of local politics, the above headline (and story) seemed so completely surreal and off-kilter, that we couldn't resist tossing it out to our gentle readership for contemplation and discussion. Of course, "all politics is really local," according to the old Tip O'Niell saw.

What about it general readers? Are we as a nation ineluctably locked into World War III, as the neoCON faction of our beloved Republican party seems to contend; or is this merely another sign that we're on the run-up toward another mid-term congressional election?

Comments, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Maybe Rush has been supplying Newt some of that "inspirational" OxyContin.

It's very popular with neoCON politicians, we hear.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure the liberals will have a hey day taking pot shots with their rifles! Wanted to say, AK's, but am not sure if those are ours.

Seeing what is happening with Israel and Lebanon right now and knowing Lebanon is backed by Iran and heaven only knows how many other American hating countries; Gingrich may not be wrong.

Certainly, with that idiot in N. Korea attempting to get his missiles here or anywhere to do damage, and Iran pretty close also, shouldn't we be paying attention?

Who can trust China and Russia?

Putin is a snake, not to be trusted.....remind you of someone in our city???

Anonymous said...

Put down the bong and step away from the Faux News Channel, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

marko.......should I put my hands up too, while stepping away?

I'm politically confused, rather like gender identity crisis I suppose, I'm reading your liberal posts so much, I hardly have time for O'Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh.

Sheesh! The problem is, y'all are so darned erudite I can hardly look at an elephant with the same adoring eyes of yore.

Anonymous said...

It is not WWIII - just yet. Rather it is the eternal struggle between the have's and the have not's.

It is also of course a clash of religious cultures that has been going on for over a thousand years in the middle east. The first crusades were about 1100 years ago, and were between the same sides, over the same issues on the same land.

As long as the western world props up Israel, as a thorn in the eye of the arab world, we will have this conflict. It is no different than the European powers of the day establishing Baldwin as King of Jerusalem.

America and the Jewish Christian western nations are invaders in the arab lands. A thousand years ago we were over there killing them to save their infidel souls and reclaim the land that Jesus walked. Today we just want their oil.

Anonymous said...

oh, Ozboy...bringing up the oil issue is just too simplistic.

You sound like we should abandon Isreal. Isreal is like a small child surrounded by malevolent bullies.

Except these are deadly bullies. They are deteramined to wipe Isreal off the continent.

How can America turn her back on a democracy?

Michael is right....this is a war we must win or we are destined to live under Islamic rule....if anyone survives the slaughter.

We MUST support democracy in the
Middle East.

Presdient Bush warned us that this war on terrorism won't be over in a couple years. I think this will be going on through our lifetimes.

We have to be vigilant! The enemy is attempting to hit America again. Thank God for the Intelligence Forces that have thwarted their attempts thus far.

I'm unable to access your link Michael.

Anonymous said...

Well, Rudi, that was interesting! Couldn't access the link while it was still up. Must be something, eh?

RudiZink said...

If Michael S. Class wants to sell his book on Weber County Forum, Sharon, he should arrange with our not-so-humble blogmeister for that, just like everybody else who would advertise here.

Contact information is in the upper right sidebar.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing the neo-cons would prefer more than more "preemptive" strikes on Arabic countries and begin World War III. After all, what better way to distract the public from the true issues at stake, like China holding the debt for our ballooning national deficit, unparalleled pork spending, unconstitutional extension of executive powers, and other anti-conservative initiatives.

I have to question the rationale and wisdom of "liberating" or "democratising" countries whether they like it or not. Americans and Israelis consistently complain about the fundamentalism in Islamic countries while committing acts of violence designed to drive non-combatants to the terrorist promoting mosques and mulas in droves. Are we purposely creating and maintaining foment? To what end?

I remember waiting with bated breath to see the "WMD" and "mushroom cloud" smoking guns that awaited us in Iraq in 2003 and 2004. The war was over... the search was on... and oops... the "intelligence" community goofed... and Valerie Plame Wilson was "accidentally" outed as a CIA agent when her husband questioned the legitimacy of the Bush claim of WMD in Iraq. The neoCons went looking for war... the war did not spring out of the legitimate need to defend ourselves.

The War on Terror has been kind to ol' GW though. Why GW used that war to the hilt to maintain his ratings through the election... I think that the neoCons would love to see WWIII to maintain some of that sexy wartime mojo cachet to keep from losing all the seats in the Congress to true conservative Republicans and Democrats in the next election.

Anonymous said...

This is for the MAILMAN;

Received your package and letter.

Please send another letter to me.

Pleae identify the content of the pkg,. when you contact me.

Would like to talk to you on your terms.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Sharon said:

"We MUST support democracy in the Middle East."

Seems like there was just a recent election in Palestine. An election that was proclaimed by all the western world observers, including Jimmy Carter, to be fair and a great example of democracy in a troubled part of the world.

Trouble is we didn't like the outcome so we are completely ignoring it and making war on the Palestinian people even more.

So much for us supporting democracy in the middle east.

And yes Sharon, we should abandon Israel. It is not a small innocent child surrounded by bullies. It is a vicious pit bull armed and supplied by America in the midst of the Arab world.

We are the invaders, the arabs are the patriots defending their home land. Ya can't get more basic than that. We are every bit as much the baby killers as the terrorists are. I abhore the evil tactics of both sides with their brutal indiscriminate killing of innocents. I still say that the so called leaders of each side ought to be locked up in a big room with knives and let them settle their arrogant laden differences of opinions up close and personal. In a just world the only blood that would be shed would be by politicians.

You can question my patriotism all you want, but this is from one who wore the uniform of the US Army proudly for three years.

Anonymous said...

Sharon to Peres: "We Control America"

"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate." -- Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation".

Wake up, people!

Utah Peaknik said...

On Page 89 of "The Long Emergency," Kunstler writes concerning the Iraq war:

"Of course it was about oil. The Iraq invasion was a desperate attempt by the United States to establish political stability in the Middle East, where so much of the industrial world's oil comes from. But members of the antiwar lobby were just as likely to be car-dependant suburbanites as Bush supporters were. At least that was my observation among my fellow middle-aged yuppies in upstate New York. None of them had traded in their giant cars or scaled down their driving habits or moved closer to town or done anything to make their lives less reliant on liberal supplies of Middle Eastern oil. One family in my neighborhood had a sign in their yard that said "War is Not the Answer" - and had two SUVs parked in the driveway. The American public, including the educated minority, seemed eerily clueless about the connection between their own living arrangements and our problems overseas."

Yes people, the Iraq War was about setting up a strategic police station in the middle of the world's foremost oil producing region. Other than that, there's really no good reason for us going to war in Iraq as opposed to going to war with North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and a bunch of other countries with brutal dictators. But they didn't just stick cut-outs of all the bad nations on a dart board and land on Iraq. The administration chose Iraq for oil stability.

Go ahead, put your head in the sand, and repeat the "stay the course" mantras, but the truth hurts. You can either deal with reality, or reality will deal with you.

Anonymous said...

michael s. class said:

"World War III pitted the forces of freedom and democracy against communism. (We won.)"

No, we just didn't lose as badly as the other side!

Anonymous said...

Here the hypocrites tell everyone to be afraid. They flaunt religion, to cheat the tax-payer out of their hard earned money. They scare everyone that WWIII is here. They scared everyone against the Blacks, Jews, Mormons, Gays, and now against the Hispanics. Their scare tactics work. They can’t win on ethical issues, because they don’t have ethics. All they have is scare tactics. But when true Americans wake up they vote for the DEMOCRATS.

Anonymous said...

Yikes, STOP

You don't even make sense. What are you saying anyway?

So which picked on category do you belong?

Anonymous said...


And even more!

If i hit 'collapse categories' and come across Rudi, Lovely Jennifer, etc...I get your blog page.

I hate that! Then I have to start all over accessing the Forum, scrolling down to the thread, nd then all the comments again.

The only remedy is to scroll through all the comments, and when we have dozens of comments, that's the pits!

&*^%$#@$%^& There..that made ME feel better.

Anonymous said...

Why not try clicking on the "permalink" (time-stamp) on each article, annoyed?

You can read all the comments sequentially, or scroll through them REALLY fast.

Anonymous said...


Thanks, I think. I son't know how to do what you suggested. what is a time stamp?


Anonymous said...

It's the clickable highlighted link at the bottom of any article, to the right of "posted by rudizink." It shows the time of the post in date format.

It's also called a permalink.

Click on it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Power.

Did's just a way to skip 'show comments', but it does open up the posts.

You are smart!

Anonymous said...

That is true. and from what I was told that Jesse Garcia spoke out against it also. Who's side is he on anyway?
He really is not much of a leader if he doesn't look out for the people!

Anonymous said...

See...what ARE you talking about? I was talking about the war in the Middle East. Is Jesse doing that?

Do you have me confused with HUH?

Have a cuppa postum.

Anonymous said...

A few things we're not hearing about in the western media, (at least, I haven't seen them anywhere:)

The continued offensive came as the United States vetoed a UN resolution calling on Israel to halt its military operations in Gaza.

"This veto is an encouragement to the escalation of Israeli violence," Abbas was quoted as saying in a statement.

The Palestinian president further accused the United States of failing to use its global influence to "to take the peace process forward."

And also, this:

There were Lebanese media reports, which could not be confirmed, that Israel had used phosphorus incendiary bombs. The smoke from white phosphorus causes nasal and eye irritation, and breathing in a great deal of the smoke can be very hazardous and even potentially fatal.

"I've heard they're using phosphoric bombs in the South of the country," said Dr. Carl. "They've been telling people to use wet napkins as makeshift masks, and that would help reduce the absorption of phosphorus into the lungs."

Both these articles are in the Lebanon Daily Star, the English language newspaper for news in Lebanon. I have read it semi-regularly for years. If it can stay operative during this, it will give another view of the conflict.

There is an editorial in The Daily Star today that I would really like to reproduce in full here but don't want to because of possible copyright violations. The stance is very similar to Toadhall's post:

The people of the region have been glued to their television screens, watching the horror of Israel's bombs and missiles raining down on Gaza and Lebanon, destroying our infrastructure, our homes and our civilians' lives and livelihoods. Although these American-made weapons do nothing to diminish the resolve of militants, they steadily chip away our entire region's sense of compassion and morality. The moral vacuum left behind is filled with a palpable hatred, rage and desire for limitless revenge. Lest we forget, it was during Israel's bloody invasion of Lebanon in 1982 that a young Osama bin Laden watched the destruction of high-rises in Beirut and first resolved to take down the towers of the World Trade Center.

At the risk of offending some, I would ask---what are the Lebanese experiencing now if not terror? Middle Easterners fully understand the effects of generational warfare in the human psyche, and these attacks on civilian areas are simply spawning more aggression, more hatred, and more terrorism. Israel's response, in view of the border skirmishes that have taken place for years, is way over the top.

I believe it was less than two weeks after the United States and Israel walked out of the WTO Conference before the Palestinians presented their case for a separate country that the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed. The mainstream media addressed this, and stated that one had nothing to do with the other. I have always disagreed with this. Although the attack was planned prior to this event, the statement that it made to the Arab countries, that the US refused to even listen to the Palestinian point of view, in my opinion contributed much to what we are facing today.

It is a known fact that we need Middle Eastern Oil. Given this, wouldn't one expect us to do anything but support a country who is hostile toward those with whom we have trade agreements? Yet in the case of Israel and surrounding Arab countries, we have done exactly that. In my opinion, the support of the US for Israel and the aggression the US has shown toward Israel's "enemies" has done much toward fostering the situation we have today. It would have been much better had we tried to honestly mediate, if we really felt we had to get involved, than taking sides. It is my belief that the Arab countries feel this bias on our part toward Israel very keenly, and have concluded from it that there is no hope for help from us because of it. I don't think it had to be that way, and I don't think it has to be that way.

But it is.

Washington vetoes proposed UN resolution to halt offensive in Gaza strip

Doctors warn of hidden injuries

Editorial: Israel's action threatens to reopen moral vacuum of war years

RudiZink said...

Eye opening reading

Anonymous said...

As far fetched as WWIII sounds, is it really that far fetched. The two sides that are currently in conflict are supported by sides on opposite sides of he argument. The U.S. and Iran have volleyed rhetoric for years and I could easily see the current battle pushing towards something far greater. Statements have already been made that any type of attack on Syria is a direct attack on the entire muslim world. These are the type of statements that are made to excite and rally people into irrational thinking. Once that happens, “God Bless Us All.”

Onlooker -

Anonymous said...

What ... everybody wants to see is a cessation of violence," said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack.

"But nobody wants to see a cessation of violence done in such a way that you end up back where we are today at some point in the future...."

...The official's comments bolstered the view of analysts who have interpreted Washington's statements on the crisis to mean that the Bush administration wants to allow Israel space to wipe out Hezbollah's infrastructure.

But it's not only Hezbollah's infrastructure Israel is "wiping out."

Eye-opening reading, indeed. It does seem like that article Rudi cited and the sources within it point to the grand plan.

Like this, from the 1996 document:

An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran...

First and foremost, Israel’s efforts to secure its streets may require hot pursuit into Palestinian-controlled areas, a justifiable practice with which Americans can sympathize. ...

The 1996 document is a creation of the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, and says of itself:

"The Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studies (IASPS) is a Jerusalem-based think tank with an affiliated office in Washington, D.C."

US cool to immediate Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire

Strategy For Securing the Realm

Anonymous said...

Who is reacalling the years of car bombs, suicide bombers in Isreal? Bombs in restaurants, buses, department stores, etc?

Who recalls torn bodies of innocents?

Who reclls all those Palestinian youth throwing rocks at Istaeli soldiers? Is the whole country a rock quarry?

Where DO those rocks come from that are conveniently piled in front of tv cameras?

Isreal has been a target since its inception. Anyone recall the Jews floating around on ships looking for a welcome harbor?

The Israeli's left Gaza! I hope that next we won't read how benevolent Arafat was.

My head aches from all this pro Lebanon rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

"My head aches from all this pro Lebanon rhetoric."

Bolton: Lebanon civilian deaths don't count
Photos of War taken by Lebanese People

Anonymous said...

At least you have a head. It hasn't been blown off by a high powered American made weapon in the hands of a young Israel Soldier acting on the orders of some suit is a safe and secure office.

Anonymous said...

so, you are showing the Lebabon Media's pictures? Where are you when the bodies and destruction of Israeli's, Iraqui's, Afghani's are shown?]

I may add that your head hasn't been blown off, perhaps. (Thank your President). But, it is full of holes, I think.

Anonymous said...

OH SHIT, The sky is falling

Anonymous said...

yeah....and the shit is filling up the holes in your head.

Anonymous said...

My head aches from all this pro Lebanon rhetoric.

This is not about nationalism. This is not about favoring one country over another.

This instead is about countries using the "war on terror" for the purpose of invading other countries under the guise of routing out terrorists and destroying the infrastructure and harming the civilian populations.

The US itself has within it several organizations on lists as being terrorist ones, and several cells of foreign terrorist organizations. Ireland has the IRA, but England has never, in spite of many attacks, bombed Ireland for weeks, destroying its infrastructure and killing Irish civilians.

That's what we're talking about here, at least I am.

Anonymous said...

And I thought Isreal has been RESPONDING to these tactics for eons.

Call it whatever you want, Isreal has been the target of preemptive strikes, and suicide bombers...who are the most dstardly cowards of all.

Why is it when Isreal strikes back, she's wrong?

Then the handwringing liberals jump on the bandwagon to say, "BAAAAD Isreal...sit...stay! be devoured.:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pro Israel.
Name one liberal that is against Israel?

Anonymous said...

Hey Pro Israel.
Just because rush, hannity, oriley say them there liberals against Israel doesn't mean its true. because we know their on the up and up.

Anonymous said...

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so.
We will win this one (easy) just send in Newt and Rush. they'll eat everyone in the middle east.