Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Patriots, awaken

San Francisco Chronicle
July 4, 2006

THE FOURTH of July is not just an occasion for throwback celebrations with parades, grilled food, cold beer and fireworks extravaganzas. It should be a moment for reflection on the vision and sacrifice that went into the Declaration of Independence, adopted by the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia on this day in 1776, and how well its principles -- and those of its most noble offspring, the U.S. Constitution -- are holding up today.

The health of American democracy, as envisioned by our Founding Fathers, is not measured by how much red, white and blue is displayed on any given day. It is the sum of all who stand up to be counted when the defining freedoms of this republic are under assault.

Perhaps it is the lingering shock effects of Sept. 11, 2001, or maybe it is the complacency of a half-century of growing affluence, but too many Americans seem all too willing to ignore Benjamin Franklin's admonition about the danger of sacrificing essential liberties for temporary security. The Bush administration has been adroit at invoking the war on terrorism to justify policies that should be setting off alarms in this democracy.

At what point will Americans draw the line at these intrusions on civil liberties and usurpations of power by the White House? Revelations that the National Security Agency eavesdropped on phone calls and e-mails without getting the required warrants didn't do it. The disclosure that the government has compiled a vast database of Americans' phone records didn't do it. The hundreds of examples of President Bush's unprecedented expansion of the number and scope of "signing statements" in which he gave himself the option to ignore parts of laws he objected to -- such as torture -- didn't do it.

Just last week, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Bush administration's system for military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay that openly defied congressional law and international rules on the treatment of prisoners of war. So, what was the reaction in Congress? Regrettably, but not surprisingly in this era, there were immediate moves to give the president such authorization.

The White House response has been to turn these issues against its critics. In the latest example, President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and their echo warriors across the land have questioned the loyalties of the New York Times for disclosing an international-banking database to track the movement of money by al Qaeda. Never mind that the administration simultaneously gave the story to what it thought might be more sympathetic journalists, and that there is no evidence to support the Bush-Cheney claim that the revelations would do great harm to the war on terrorism -- or that any terrorist would be the least bit surprised that the United States is tracking the flow of money, as it vowed to do after Sept. 11.

This is about power. This administration wants to decide what its government can know about you, and what you can know about its government.

Americans did not undertake a revolution against the reign of King George III to create a government that would spy on its citizens, torture enemy combatants, detain suspects without charges for extended stretches on an island beyond reach of U.S. law, invade foreign countries without just cause and attempt to edit not only the press -- but laws that have been duly crafted and approved by our elected representatives in Congress.

This nation is veering too far from the course of its Founding Fathers. Two hundred-thirty years ago, the Declaration of Independence reproofed that a government's power is "derived from the consent of the governed." Those words ring true today.

If Americans are ceding too many freedoms under the guise of a war on terrorism -- which, by its nature, may never officially end -- it is because their absence of outrage is taken as a nod of assent.

The men who signed the Declaration of Independence were not doing so to commission an annual party. They were making a covenant with history that requires day-to-day vigilance to defend the liberties it asserted. Honor them by speaking out.


So speak out, gentle readers.

Comments, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Will start the day by speaking out, as the Chronicle article is requesting we do.

I took a look at the Declaration of Independence yesterday. It is truly a timeless, or, I should say timely, document.

It states that we have the "certain unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness," and goes on to say that we form governments to secure these rights. Nothing in there about forming governments to spy on us, restrict us, repress us, or demand our money and spend it as they see fit. Nothing about that at all--in fact, more than a few statements against it.

This is a very human document. It is not dry or boring or full of legalese. In fact, the following accusation against George III bears thinking about for everyone who has suffered through interminably long meetings:

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

I think everyone in government should be aware of this---that these deadly long meetings are actually mentioned as untenable in the Declaration of Independence. Not saying that the Ogden City Council should rise up in revolt, but should possibly keep this in mind.

More seriously, we also have in the Declaration of Independence, this unlivable state of affairs:

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

Compare this situation with our own brand new Justice Court. Here is what Rudi the blogmeister wrote regarding it on WCF just a couple of days ago:

My main complaint about justice courts is that they operate under the direction and control of Utah Mayors and County commissions, and not under the direct control of the State Courts system. Justice Court "judges" are thus directly beholden to local administrations for their livelihood. This is not a good thing, I would suggest, in circumstances wherein greedy and prodigal local government executives are fixated on raising maximum revenues.

Things that make you go "hmm," indeed.

Other accusations against George III:

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

Many such "new offices" come to mind here that function in the present day, sometimes doing good things, sometimes performing actions not so good.

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

No comment required here.

Most interestingly, in the beginning of the document it is stated that it is much easier to simply submit to such abuses than it is to try to do anything about them:

...all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

This also is true today. We most commonly call it "apathy." Our founding document goes on to say, however, that there is a duty and an obligation to shake ourselves out of this condition.

It's good to know who we are and where we've come from. Worth celebrating, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...


These terrorists are not PRISONERS OF WAR WHO WEAR THE UNIFORM OF A COUNTRY and they have not signed on to the Genevea Convention determining treatment of REAL prisoners of war.

These thugs are financed thru a whole network of nefarious deals. They aren't goosestepping for one dictator.

They don't deserve the protections that should be afforded to all legitimate prisoners of war.
BTW, how many liberals were protesting the TREATMENT of our soldiers who were so badly tortured, starved, beaten, dragged thru the streets to be viciously abused by the Vietnamese villagers?

FAMILIES and friends protested...but not that ragged, drugged out group of 'intellectuals' of the Kerry movement.

Kerry and his ilk protested the war...but I don't recall any organized protests to release our POW's.....Bob Dole and John McCain have crippled arms to this day. (just two of the many).

Where were the liberal protestors standing for the humane treatment of our prisoners of war during WWII? Want to meet a real hero? Ace Christensen lives near Tremonton. He was a 'guest' of the extremely INhumane Japanese for 3 1/2 years. Lost part of a limb and the ability to father children!

Who the hell do these liberals think THEY are? Patriots?

The N.Y. Times, in the most egregious act of arrogance has, in my opinion, committed a treasonous act. Are the liberals screaming for their heads?

Did you know that 800 men....EIGHT HUNDRED American soldiers were killed in one day, in one campaign, in one area during WWII?

Thank GOD, we didn't have CNN and the current editors and management of the N.Y. Times snarling retreat and spilling strategy.

"Loose lips sink ships"...So true.

Here is marvelous piece by a Marine General which I received by email. I'm linking it here for the benefit of my fellow gentle readers.

We have a president who, thank God, doesn't make every move by putting his finger in the wind to see if Kennedy, Reid, Kerry, H. Clinton, Pelosi and Murtha are blowing kisses in his direction so he can make a decision in this WAR against terroists.

Shame on all who cannot see past trite phrases that have been proven wrong. Bush lied. About what? Other countries, and those liberal darlings of the media in Congress ALL said they believed Saddam had WMD's and were ready to launch.

Please see what is good over there. How critical the freedom of Iraq is critical to it's neighbors.

We were attacked. That is an act of war. We've been attacked by these radical, American hating Muslims for many years. We finally have a president with the spine to strike back.

Stop your whining. It undermines the morale of our soldiers.

Pontificate in your backyards...but try praying for the strength and the Lord's discernment to be with our President and his cabinet.

Pray for our VOLUNTEER Armed Forces and the new Iraqi government to be safe, successful and strong.

Don't waste your tears on terroist thugs who blow up babies, moms, dads, buildings, and destroy liberty at every turn.

When these evil scumbags are caught instead of beheaded, don't scream for their humane treatment. If they don't get a soft mat on which to kneel and pray to Allah...well, save your tears for our mutiliated, bomb stuffed, beheaded, booby trapped young American boys.

The Supreme Court ruling? BAH.

Thank goodness, Congress will debate this.

You debate too...and when you're thru...try standing for America.

When you[re pontificating about what's wrong with America....try counting your blessings because of WHAT'S RIGHT WITH AMERICA.

ONE of those 'rights' is your blessing of being able to gripe publicly without your head being blown off.

Anonymous said...

Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning.

He told Bush that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. To everyone's amazement, all the color drained from Bush's face, then he collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly shaken, almost in tears.

Finally, he composed himself and asked Rumsfeld, "Just exactly how many is a brazilian"?

Anonymous said...

Interesting question you raise about the Geneva Convention, Sharon. And you're right, they didn't sign it. However, we did, and by signing it we pledged to abide by it no matter if the other side is signatory or not.

Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations,...

That is what I think that means---that if one signs it, one has to abide by it.

A more interesting question is what we're calling them, and also, of course, what they are calling themselves as there are probably differences here. There are two parts to the Geneva Convention--one having to do with treatment of prisoners of war and the second having to do with treatment of civilians. There are differences in them.

Still more complicating is that it is recognized that there may be civilians with hostile intent.

And furthermore, that members of organizations not part of an army but whom are nevertheless commanded by a person, bear arms, and act as if in war can be deemed prisoners of war.

There are different ways each are supposed to be treated. Both parts of the convention mention repatriation upon the end of hostilities.

Very interesting to look through these two documents. Perhaps someone who has more knowledge of the current situation than I can add to this.

Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (2nd part)

Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War

Anonymous said...

Thanx, Dian.

These terrorists bear no allegiance to any one country and do not wear the uniform of any one country's military.

They appear to be 'hostile civilian' thugs. Would we treat street gangs armed with bombs and IED's, acting as suicide bombers, etc. because they think their grievance against the government is just, as POW's?

No. We'd toss their butts in prison, and I bet we wouldn't have a trial that is a mockery of our justice system dragging on for years.

Thanks again. Wasn't that storm something? We have an oak tree that is the largest in the south end of the city. Our backyard looks like Tikrit after the idiots did a sidcide mission! Huge limbs strewn all around and parts still hanging from the tree.

We just cooked inside, and had a lovely time. Hope everyone else was able to adjust their plans and be safe!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for a good laff. I thot I had all the funny jokes coming on my email...but that one was new.

You told it so well too.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone watched the Simpsons tonight at 10. It was the prophetic monorail episode.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't meant as a joke.

GW Bush is by far the dumbest and most dangerous President in U.S. history.

Bush makes Nixon look like a saint.

The Founders shed their blood to give us the Fourth Amendment, Right to Council, Due Process of Law, Habeus Corpus, etc.. Yet the overly-comfortable and complacent flag-waving, raghead hating, Jerry Falwell worshipping U.S. citizens of the 21st century are ready to piss it all off for a false perception of safety, like a hutch full of overfed and frightened rabbits.

Thank GOD for outspoken journalists like those @ the San Francisco Chronicle.

God save us from the flag waving psuedopatriotic mob.

Anonymous said...

These terrorists are not PRISONERS OF WAR WHO WEAR THE UNIFORM OF A COUNTRY and they have not signed on to the Genevea Convention determining treatment of REAL prisoners of war, they are children of god and should be treated as such.

These thugs are financed thru a whole network of nefarious deals, like the Iran-contra deal of Ronald Reagen. They aren't goosestepping for one dictator just G.W. Bush.

They don't deserve the protections that should be afforded to all legitimate prisoners of war but should be treated the same as Sadam Hussan treated his People with no Respect to human life.
BTW, how many Conservitives were protesting the TREATMENT of our soldiers who were so badly tortured, starved, beaten, dragged thru the streets to be viciously abused by the Vietnamese villagers? OH that was Nixon!

FAMILIES and friends protested...but not that ragged, drugged out group of 'intellectuals' of the consevitive movement.

McCain and his followers protested the war...but I don't recall any organized protests to release our POW's......Over 15,000 of our troops have been maimed because of G.W. Bush

Where were the conservitives to protest for the inhumane treatment of our prisoners of war during WWII? what about all those fatherless children!

Who the hell do these conservitives think THEY are? Patriots?

The N.Y. Times, in the most egregious act of arrogance has, in my opinion, committed a treasonous act. Are the conservitives screaming for their heads?

Thank GOD, we didn't have fox news back then tell us to kill some more!

We have a president who, thank God, doesn't make every move by putting his finger in the wind, no. he is just picking his nose with it.

Shame on all who cannot see past trite phrases that have been proven wrong. Bush lied. About what?
He said they believed Saddam had WMD's and were ready to launch.
That is the biggiset lie ever to get our troops to go to war. Bush should be impeached just for that alone!
Please see what is good over there.
How critical the freedom of Iraq is critical to it's neighbors.
should you see how some father who is treating his family, go and have him put in prision for it, because that is not how I would not raise my Family!

We were attacked. by the afgaistans, not the Iraqi's. That is an act of war. We've been attacked by these radical, American hating Muslims for many years. We finally have a president with the spine to strike back. At the neighbors.

Stop your whining. It undermines the morale of our soldiers. Just send them some girl scout cookies.

Pontificate in your backyards...but try praying for the strength and the Lord's discernment to be with our President and his cabinet he really needs it.

Pray for our VOLUNTEER Armed Forces and the new Iraqi government to be safe, successful and strong. and not girly men.

Don't waste your tears on terroist thugs who blow up babies, moms, dads, buildings, and destroy liberty at every turn, espiecally our own nation.

When these evil scumbags are caught instead of beheaded, don't scream for their humane treatment. So what if they are children of god, we don't need to forgive them, is that what we learn in church? Thank goodness, Congress will be voted out for this one.

You debate too...and when you're thru...try standing for America or the french.

When you're pontificating about what's wrong with America....try counting your blessings because of WHAT'S RIGHT WITH AMERICA or the french.

ONE of those 'rights' is your blessing of being able to gripe publicly without your head being blown off. or having to see G.W. Bush in the whitehouse.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, you whiny liberals. The Constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper:

Bush: Contsitution 'just a goddamn piece of paper'

Anonymous said...

Larry and Baseball...
Have you stopped foaming at the mouth yet? BOUNTY paper towels are absorbent...American made too.

Appears y'all love 'ragheads'...aren't they the 'children of god' who are blowing up babies and anyone else in their way?

Aren't they the same ones, without the rags on their heads, who attaacked our cities and killed thousands on September 11??

I don't know anyone who 'worships Jerry Falwell'. What the &&^%$#^&8 does he have to do with Iraq and environs anyway?

BTW..who IS the person who claims that " I talked to three persons who were there and heard the President say...." Just like creeps who send anonymous mail and make obscene phone calls. They don't identify themselves, but their vitriolic words are taken as truth, justice and the Murtha way' by the slobbering, ranting , 'raghead' loving and forgiving rabble.

Whether or not your joke wasn't funny to you...it was to me and to probably many others who DO have a sense of humor and not seething outrage consuming them.

Take a cold shower...and thank a soldier that you have a choice of cold or HOT water! Also that you have electricity to spew your vituperative rants to the rest of the world!

Anonymous...thanks to you for the link to the Simpson's Monorail!!!

ARCritic said...

Sharon said;

They appear to be 'hostile civilian' thugs. Would we treat street gangs armed with bombs and IED's, acting as suicide bombers, etc. because they think their grievance against the government is just, as POW's?

No. We'd toss their butts in prison, and I bet we wouldn't have a trial that is a mockery of our justice system dragging on for years.

Like Timothy McVeigh?

Anonymous said...


And your point is?

Anonymous said...

Well, you can say what you may about these captives. Most of them are true patriots in their own muslim world. They are profound hero's to several hundred million people on this earth. They are willing to put their life on the line for what they believe in, or rather what some very sinister "leaders" has packed into their heads for their whole lives.

Sort of like our own young patriots who are laying their lives on the line for what some other sinister force cloaked in robes of religious and self rightousness has packed into their young absorbent brains.

Tis a real shame that these two opposing evil forces do not meet personally on the field of battle. George, Karl, Rummy, Condie, and that great marksman Dick Head on one side and facing them would be El Sistani, Sadr, Bin Laden, Sahawari, and them other "truth spouting" turban wearing self rightous bastards.

Lock em all in a large room, a fight to the last man standing. We then could encase that lone victor in brass and put him on display in the National Mall as an example of what happens to war mongers who win.

It is a war, they are prisoner's of war. The Geneva Convention seems to be pretty clear on that.

Anonymous said...

Ed - congratulations on such intelligent comments!