Thursday, August 31, 2006

Councilman Glasmann Jumps Ship; Resigns City Council Post - Updated

By Rudizink
I am one of those few who are fortunate enough to get into public office who believes that promises made to the people in order to get elected are sacred, and should be kept.
William Glasmann
Mayor of Ogden

From address to City Council
Jan 7, 1902
"This town is very exciting right now--developments are coming in droves." He [Councilman William Glasmann III] ended by "stating his willingness to serve Ogden in whatever capacity".
Focus on Downtown
Weber County Forum
August 22, 2006
We have just now received an Emerald City Council Press Release, confirming rumors that have been circulating for the past week:
"OGDEN, Utah (August 31, 2006)—On August 31, 2006, Council Member Bill Glasmann resigned from the Ogden City Council (At-Large Seat A) to take a position with the Community and Economic Development Department in the Ogden City Administration. The remaining members of the Ogden City Council will appoint a replacement for At-Large Seat A within 30 days, according to the defined process for Council Member replacement in Utah State Law and Council Rules of Procedure. The replacement Council Member will serve the remainder of Mr. Glasmann’s term (until December 2009)."
And what say our gentle readers about this not-so-surprising development?
Update 9/1/06 6:10 a.m. MT: The Standard-Examiner fills in some of the background surrounding Councilman Glasmann's council resignation, with this morning's informative Scott Schwebke story. Mr. Glasmann reportedly begins drawing a paycheck in his brand-new big-government job this very morning, wearing the very classy title "senior project coordinator" -- with Emerald City's Community and Economic Development Department. Ironically, he'll be wheeling, dealing and recruiting full-time for the very same Emerald City department that he repeatedly and vociferously slammed during the entire autumn 2005 municipal election race, when he told the voters Emerald City should get out of the real estate business. He'll be bringing down an annual $62,777 salary. And we're sure he'll earn every dime he brings home, as he grazes hungrily in the days ahead over the exceedingly bountiful Emerald City taxpayer trough.
The Salt Lake Tribune's Kristen Moulton also adds background to this truly poignant political story, briefly tracing the history of Councilman Glasmann's giant and highly-public political "flip-flop," and including a pithy quote from one "cowardly, scurrilous and anonymous" voice from the blogoshere who seems to have gotten particularly under the Std-Ex Editorial Board's skin, in recent days.
For our part, we now take Ozboy up on his suggestion to cut Bill Glasmann a "little slack," and hereby close the WCF book on Councilman Glasmann's short but notable political career. Having here provided our gentle citizen-voters of Emerald City a convenient discussion thread for the timely expression of their understandable disappointment and regret, we now cast Ex-councilman Bill Glasmann into political oblivion -- never to be again mentioned on the pages of Weber County Forum -- at least until the next time he royally screws up.
Update 9/2/06 7:02 a.m. MT: Council director Bill Cook has issued a second press release, correcting an error contained in his earlier press release of 8/31/06. The replacement council member who will be appointed pursuant to the city council process to fill Bill Glasmann's vacated seat will serve up to and including December 31, 2007, rather than for the full duration of councilman Glasmann's term (December 31, 2009) as was originally reported.


Anonymous said...

Should any one be suprized at this move by the little lord to buy off a Council person, who in past months was so critical of the administation.
when I say bought off, I mean with our tax dollars. now I would hope the the rest of the city council will let the little one know that they are still in charge of the direction of the city and not the mayor, or have they all so being looked at as maybe having some things in the closet to hide. well only time will tell.

Anonymous said...

The word is BETRAYED.

I voted for Mr. Glasmann because he promised to get in city government and stop the nonsense that appears to be going on. He promised that he would learn the truth and tell the public that truth about where the city stands in all of these troubled projects.

Instead he got in office only to use that office to land himself a cushy job in the very same area of city government he promised to clean up.

Shame on you Mr. Glasmann you have put a stain on your fine old family name that won't be erased for generations to come, if ever. You are a traitor to the people of Ogden and to your illustrious ancestors.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, mr glassmann, for the huge dissapointment you have turned out to be!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is everyone for sale?

Glasmann has made it clear that he is.

He must be getting a free automobile and a hundred K in salary plus retirement and the other perks.

Oh, maybe the Mayor has cut him a very special deal off the official books like Reid had?

Can you think of anyone to replace him who has integrity or has that word been banished in Utah?

Anonymous said...


As he said, economic opportunities are coming in droves to Ogden city.

It is smart to help with the growth. Bill has decided to do so.

TRUTH...some people don't like to hear it.

Go gettm' Bill. You seem to know where the future is. Thanks for sharing it with the community and for having the courage to participate in it. ECONOMIC GROWTH FOR A CITY THAT HAS BEEN IN NEED OF IT!

OgdenLover said...

Does anyone happen to have a barf bag handy?

Anonymous said...

Well said Bill, er I mean anonymous.
Very lame and weak defense for your betrayal,
but well said.
You indeed are an embarrassment to
your family and the citizens of Ogden.

Anonymous said...

this does not come as a surprise. I have known Glasmann since Jr. High and he has always been a phony and a quiter.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when this Blog hailed Bill Glasmann's election to the city council.

He vowed to express the truth to you.

After a short while, he assessed the situation and is expressing the truth to you: "Things are going well in Ogden. The Mayor's got some good projects and momentum going. I'd like to help the rebirth of Ogden's economy. I'm going to work in the economic development office."

How fickle is your friendship and support? I guess it only extends so much as one is perceived to be an enemy of the mayor.

Hating the Mayor is a prerequisit for support and friendship here.

This is silly behavior.

If you knew Bill, you'd know that he is going to go forth and help the truth prevail in Ogden in the best place he can---Economic Development!

Why pound on him? No matter if he stayed on the council or moved into another area of the government, his assessment still stands: Things are going well, and support is warranted at this time. It is what is good for Ogden.

This is Bill's honest assessment.

You seem to be having a hard time embracing the truth that Bill promised he'd share once he found it.

The drool and foam seeping from your jowels can be felt over the internet.

The city is on the right track. The track it has been on for 20 years is your track, and it wasn't working all that well.

Anonymous said...

Who is a disappointment?

Bill Glasmann had the courage to run for office. You take pithy little shots at people anonymously on a Blog Site.

Take a moment and contribute something meaningful rather than taking personal shots at someone who has spent more time engaged in the details of this city that you have.

His assessments may have some merit. You just don't like to hear what he has to say.

Everyone has the capacity for self improvement. Bill Glasmann is simply someone who is making the effort.

There will always be critics though. Find them here at the WCF!

Anonymous said...

I have been critical of the whole CP proposal to Ogden City and remain so today.

That said, I can't go along with a lot of the comments above. Bill from what I could tell was trying to figure out what was going on with the proposal as much as and more so than some of the other council members.

Just because he accepted an opportunuty that might be better for him personally, does not automatically make him to be a bad guy.

I personally wish him the best and I hope that he encourages integrity within the city and an understanding to his new position that several residents within the city do have concerns that this might not be the right project for the city.

Bill for what it's worth, tell the mayor compromise is also an option.

Anonymous said...

What ever his price was to accept this position, that by the way was most certainly created for him, in a time when the City Leaders are screaming poverty, Glasmann is a cheap whore for doing this. He had his opportunity for power and importance. Now he will most likely get canned shortly after the Godfrey Admin gets their other Council member to rubber stamp everything that comes down the pike, including the Gondola. This whole thing smells of extremely rotton fish.

Anonymous said...

Relax people. This is not the end of the world. Who ever succeeds Bill will be appointed by the City Council. I have enough trust in those still left on the council to make a balanced choice. I doubt that Bob Giegercounter or Dustin
Chapassman will garner much support. On the other hand I doubt that Mitch Moyes or anyone from the anti Dogfrey side has much of a chance either. This is where public participation in the process is important.

It is important for all of us to remember that our Lord High Mayor, Emperor of Ogden and Violator of Civil Rights has run up against a brick wall. He no longer has a rubber stamp City Council that will approve all his dirty, unethical, corrupt, slime ball, back room, behind closed doors deals, at the drop of a hat.

Bill Glassman has helped force the Dogfrey Goofy Gondola to Nowhere campaign into the open. The real estate doings of the city ( i.e. buildings that burn down mysteriously in the middle of the night), the RDA treatment of those forced out of their homes and the City of Ogden becoming a property renovation contractor will now have someone with a real estate business back ground in a position to "out" any of Dogfrey's illegal doings. Where does/is/has all the "RDA money" come from and gone to? One of Bills' campaign platform promises was to get Dogfrey and the "Slime Ball Gang" to provide some accountability for all the "it's not a tax increase, it's future revenue money" excuse.

In reviewing the platform that Bill Glassman ran on (& was elected for) were five things. I challange anyone to dispute that he has not been true to his goals:
They were (as paraphrased by me):

1. A friendly, more inclusive City Council, that both welcomes and asks for input from the people.

2. To investigate all aspects of the "RDA" (scam) and pass these results onto the people in clear and understandable language. (Look what he did to the Earnst
"Hospital" scam!)

3. Revue and engage a sensible plan to fix problems of the city infrastructure and Public Services (police and fire). (merit pay increases)

4. Consider the entire population. regardless of socio-economic status, race, and religion, when proposals are presented to the City Council by the Administration.

5. Have an educated City Council, with information to allow an informed vote. No more "rubber stamping.

It is also important for all of us to remember that public office pretty much eliminates any personal life one may have. I know that Bill has done his best given the effects this job has had on his income "real estate sales", his family, (i.e. parents, wife Pat, and children) and his health. As a personal friend I implor you not to jump to quickly to conclusions about his reasons for this decision.

I personally believe having Bill on the Administrative side of Ogden City will be good for all of us. I will be more apt to believe that we will now have some-one who will blow the whistle when Dogfrey and the Slime Ball Gang start playing fast and funny with Ogden City Resources.

Remember, Dogfrey only has a short time left to completly bankrupt Ogden City. Our "Little Fart" is only as corrupt as he can be, and still be legal.

Please remember that Godfrey swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States when he took the oath of office. The fact that he
forgot that and does not recognize the First Admendment as part of the Constitution doesn't mean we are forced to do what he wants. This is still America. Even if "das Furer" thinks this is the "Fascist Dictatorship of Gondolaland" and not simply a city behind the "Zion Curtain."

Anonymous said...

"Economic Growth" does not necessarily mean stupid gondolas and loss of valuable open space. I still believe good thing can happen in Ogden once we drop Godfrey. LIFT OGDEN - REMOVE GODFREY.

Anonymous said...

Well, Nate Pierce had INTEGRITY when he left the little diety's side. He couldn't stomach this little emporer any longer. I admire him for that.

I've been waiting to see if Harmer or Patterson would follow suit. Ashton got his big career move. "Here come da judge!'

But to willingly sign on with this little creep? No wonder Bill was 'too sick' to attend his Council meetings when the cops and firefighters needed the council's help. Was he another of the diety's backroom deals even then?

What a Judas.

Anonymous said...

Really Bill,

These are pathetic little attempts you are making here on this blog with your "anonymous" postings lauding your self and this incredibly selfish move you are making. What is it four or five now? Are you keeping count so you can delude yourself into thinking there is some support in the public for your betrayal?

You are what you are Bill. Those who have known you for a long time are not the least bit surprised at you ducking out on the people that elected you. You have never been known as a stand up guy. Most never expected much from you on the council anyway.

The Mayor will only keep you around long enough to satisfy appearances and then you will be gone. Enjoy your stay at the pig trough Bill, it will be a short one.

And please, spare us all the cheap talk about how much good you can do for the city in Economic Development. If your own life time economic development is any measure you will be completely worthless to the city in that position just like you were in the position you are quiting.

Anonymous said...

You know the upside of all this?

Glassman will be OUT when Godfrey is tossed in just a little while. And, the other sycophanats will be 'fired' Trump style when the new mayor is voted in.

This way, Glasmann will be out before the next CC election.

Always an upside. Another plus is not receiving Glasmann's patronizing emails. My neighbor has gotten them from Glasmann when writing about issues.

Anonymous said...


Let’s give Glassman a chance?

We must have hope that he will choose the right?

Let’s see who can be the best person to replace him on the City Council?

Anonymous said...

Glasman had his chance! He failed.

If any one ever gets around to writing "Profiles in lack of Courage in Ogden" This Glasman episode will surely be in it. The man obviously lacks courage. He has no spine and very little brains.

Somebody alread asked the question: "What could he possibly do for Ogden as an employee?" A very good question as he has no discernable talents, skills, experience or education. Is there any one out there other than Glasman that can give a good and true answer to this question?

Anonymous said...

we have all seen what happen when there has been someone that runs for an elected post and then resigns, bobby hunter did it, marky Johnson did it and now the billy has done it. where is there intigrty when it comes to fulfilling there promise to the voters. I guess we might get another person like donna that thought her alegance was to the mayor and not the taxpayer. sdwil the next person be for the taxpayer OR THE MAYOR.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to see the reaction to this Glasmann affair.
A certain number of people believed Glasmann and his campaign retoric.
They invested their vote in him expecting that he would follow through
on those campaign promises. He did not do so thus he did not fullfill the voter's expectations. The laugh is on us for trusting our expectations to a person like him to begin with.

The positive side of the affair is that Glasmann will not be a principal in our city government any more. Any way you cut it that is a very good thing for us.

Anonymous said...

Shame Shame on you Billy Boy. Once again you have broken your word. You will never change.

ArmySarge said...

How about Curm for the open seat?

Anonymous said...

I would suggest that we all cut former councilman Glasmann some slack. I am sure he has his reasons and to him they are valid. That is all that ultimately counts.

Being on the council can be a very thankless job. There are endless meetings, boring piles of paper work to read and understand, calls at all hours of the night and day from people wanting a piece of your hide, People griping at you for everything the city does, folks hating you no matter which way you vote on any given subject, and all for a lousy $8 thousand bucks a year. No wonder the guy quit, I don't know why he didn't do it months ago. In fact I don't know why the hell he wanted the job to begin with.

I hope that the remaining council has the integrity and courage to replace Glasmann with some one who is untainted by Godfrey and this Gondola madness. Someone who has the business acumen, integrity and common sense to look at this Peterson project and judge it on its true merits. Someone who will call bull shit on Godfrey when it is called for and support him when he is doing something positive for Ogden.

If the mayor uses this opportunity to stack the council once again like he did the old one, then that will be the real tragedy of Glasmann quiting. As you may recall, Donna Burdett was appointed to replace that dolt Johnson when he won the council race and then promptly resigned to take a fat job with the city. Donna frequently pledged her alligiance to Godfrey instead of the citizens becaue "the mayor appointed her".

Godfrey does have a habit of going back to the putrid tricks that he has been successful with in the past. Although the council theoretically has the power to appoint Glasmann's replacement, you better believe that Godfrey will do everything in his considerable and evil power to dictate who gets the position.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Marvin G. that Glasmann's resignation is a good thing for the City -- he can't screw the votes up. He voted for the two floors that the Mayor wanted to add to the bank bldg. His perspective on things seemed to change after his private/secret meeting with GODfrey. I think those of you who are still supporting him are going to be disappointed in him. He takes the road of least resistance -- don't expect him to stand up to the Mayor. Someone should ask him when he intended to declare a "CONFLICT OF INTEREST" when he attended meetings with developers -- he backed himself into a corner where he HAD to resign.

Let us hope the Council appoints someone with integrity, courage and a good sense of what's right.

Anonymous said...

Are all of you forgetting that The position that Bill Glassman has accepted is what is known as a political appointment. In the short term the reality of it is.

He can be fired “at will” by the mayor with or without cause.

Now he has vacated his city council seat. This means he can not go back to that seat even if he changes his mind, until the next city election rolls around if elected again which is doubtful.

Further more, if he even give this little lord mayor any type of grieve by any means he can be tossed out at a seconds noticed.

This is their justification for their high wages, benefit packages, and severance packages.
Which mean even if he does everything that little lord ask him to do, there is no guarantee that he can count on collecting a paycheck month after month. In addition to moreover, if he leaves that position he got to keep his mouth shut if he wants his severance package deal.

What a scenario for any employee to work under, that sounds like a mafia arrangement.

High wages, interesting benefit package, good perks, no guarantees, Keep your mouth shut, pretend you have high integrity so no one gets suspicious, and blend in with common folks as part of society.

Anonymous said...

Glasmann's position cannot be fired "at will." His position is not in the same category you are thinking it is. Stop the misinformation.

Anonymous said...

That position that Bill Glassman just been appointed to sure is not consider to be of a “Classed Position”, but is consider “Unclassified”. It sure isn’t a “Merit Position” which is protected from political fallout.
If it was, what is the merit pay range?
Please get your information correct please.......

Anonymous said...


You are just determined to paint a target on my back and shove me under the streetlights, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

bill you running a little nervous now that you know that you can be fire in a few days just because the mayor dosen't like your personality? ha ha ha ha ha ha....

Anonymous said...

hey mayor I triple dog dare you to fire Billy. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
and bill don't go hanging any banners up so the mayor wont have a reason to fire you....
free matt jones and give him his job back.

ArmySarge said...

Curmudgeon said...


Anonymous said...

Will some one please throw a bucket of cold water on Army Sarge and Curmudgeon before this blog gets a triple X rating!

ARCritic said...

First, I am quite disappointed in the news release by the City. The person need not remain a resident until 2009 to be APPOINTED to the CC. They only need remain to continue to SERVE as a member of the CC.

Second, the papers got it right even if the City got it wrong that the seat will be up for election in November of 2007 to fill the final 2 years of the term.

Third, the press release seems to imply that the majority vote to select the new council member will take place in a closed executive session. While it may be more or less decided in the closed meeting, the actual vote must be in open meeting.

There is an interesting point that I didn't see addressed in my quick read of the above comments. That is maybe this is a conspiricy by the Mayor to get Glassman off the council. Hire him in the city to get him to resign and then fire him. It will be interesting to see who gets appointed and where in relation to the mayor he/she stands.

Anonymous said...

I won't give Glasmann any slack.

He sold his integrity for $62,000.00 per year plus a free car. His integrity isn't worth much even in his own terms.

I wonder how he is going to coordinate anything when he can't even understand three sentences when you speak to him.

It is idiotic to keep bringing up Ernest Health and saving 4 acres of land for them.

Didn't anyone get the real message that they are owned and run by ex-officials and employees of HealthSouth who pulled off the biggest scam in Medicare history?

Why on earth would we want a bunch of thieves to come to Ogden when we have enough already!!

Besides Ogden planned to subsidize them $2 million to get them to come to town. Enough subsidies already.

ArmySarge said...

Questions: Did our mayor CREATE a NEW position? If so, by what authority and from where is the money to come.

Is this yet another mayoral action over which our city council has no control? come to think of it,is there ANYthing over which they have control? It sure does nto seem so!!

ArmySarge said...

1. Under what authority was
this new position created?
2. From where will the money
3. Is this yet ANOTHER action
over which the council has
no control?
4. Is there ANYthing over
which the council has

ArmySarge said...


Anonymous said...

These are questions to be asked at Council meeting Sept 5. I believe we can speak on the Dustin Chapman proposal for the Planning Commission then also.
Let's see if Garcia puts the comments before the vote!!!!
Yes, this is a NEW position. Galling, isn't it? Do you think Reid.uh...Glasmann and the emporer had a secret handshake for his big severance pkg when he's canned, but gets to say he resigned?

(sigh) more questions...always questions.

Anonymous said...

The council does not have the collective courage to take their rightfull place in city government. There are two, maybe three council members with any resolve to do the right thing. There is a a couple more that would like to but just can't find the courage to do it. And then there is the Godfreyite twins.

I agree with the previous poster who thinks that Godfrey's finger prints are all over this questionable deal. Why would he let the city hire Mr. Glasmann if he did not have pretty firm control of who would replace him? Our Mayor may be sneaky and cheaky, but he aint stupid. I doubt if Glasmann was in on any back room machinizations that most likely surrounds this deal, and I hope that he has not been setup for a big fall.

Who ever gets appointed to fill out the remaining 16 months till the election will be a true test of just who controls the council and its agenda, the Mayor or the Council?

That election in 16 months from now will be the mother of all referendums on all things Godfrey. The Mayor's chair and FOUR council seats! We will at last see just exactly how much love of the people the Little Lord really truly enjoys!! I am very much looking forward to that election. It will be the season of the "Truth Tellers" here in Emerald City. Hell, maybe we can even get Rocky to come home from his cushy UN job in Geneva and give us a good old fashioned fire and brimstone speach against his old home town's very own little bush like NeoCon tyrant. All we gotta do is show Rocky all the similarities between Lord Godfrey and King George and he would probably pay his own way to get here.

I have faith that Ogden will survive this Godfrey madness if we can only make it through the next 14 months without Godfrey giving the cities crown jewels away to his hustler buddy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sure there were backroom machinations..Oz.
Do you really believe Bill when he says that he just 'sent in his resume'? How about Harmer flattering Bill noting his 'real estate expertise'? Then Bill puffed up, stuck out his chest and cleared his throat most importantly, harrumph...THEN he voted FOR the two extra floors Godfrey wanted!! Glasmann was the ONLY yea vote that night.

Yeah...Godfrey ain't stupid. He's just amoral. He's got another scheme afoot and Bill fills the shoes of his gopher.
Is Glasmann getting a car allowance of hundreds of dollars? A car? what?
Gargle first...makes one more kissable.

Anonymous said...


I think the extra floors on the office building motion was defeated by a 4-3 vote. Glassman's vote could not have been the only yea vote, in that case.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember it that way..curm. But I could be wrong on that. ARE correct. Safsten struggled and then voted no. You win.

Anonymous said...


Not a "win", Ab. Just recalled it differently and wanted to get it right. I get corrected on facts here [and elsewhere] now and then. Glad of it and I don't consider it, when it happens, a "loss."

Anonymous said...

Heard today that Bob Lonsberry of KNRS radio was talking about Glasmann on his show the other morning. He was saying what a rotten thing Bill had done to his constituents. He made a 'contract' to represent them and then ditched them.

Anonymous said...

The really outrageous thing about that situation the way Lonsberry is looking at it, Wally, is that if one believes a contract with the constituents has been broken, one then must look at the fact that those constituents are now paying the salary of the individual who "broke" the contract.

This really opens up the question of whether or not these actions of elected officials leaving their positions mid-term to take a job with the city are ethical. They certainly wouldn't be in the private sector--it wouldn't even happen there. No company would, after having someone break a contract with it, turn around and give that person a reasonably high paying job.

Obviously there is no law against this. But if viewed in that light, it serves to point out the unpalatable reality that "the city" is not really working in our best interests, if it turns around and rewards people who break contracts with us.

Not too favorable a way to look at that situation, I must say.

Anonymous said...


It is obvious that the city government is not working for our best interest.

Just look at the long history of abuse toward the citizens from the Godfrey Administration.

For the city to hire Glasmann is just one more example of this lack of concern for the citizens. The man has never held a real job in his life. His entire career, if you can call it that, has been mooching off his family and pretending to be a successfull real estate broker. Show me one successfull real estate broker who would take a low caliber job like this that pays $60,000. Any decent realtor makes more than that by a long way.

Glasmann has always been lazy, dumb and dishonest. This is the true Bill we are seeing.

Anonymous said...

You siad that no company, after someone breaks a contract with it, turns around and gives that person a reasonably high paying job.

Well, look at Reid. Will Glasmann go out with the rest of this gang of theives, or will he be fired, then resign, receive a severance pkg, then be rehired in a new position?
No honor among theives. It will be interesting to see how long Bill Glasmann lasts as the mayor's newest lackey. Glasmann has betrayed the people who trusted him , and the mayor is so dishonorable that he is glad to get Glasmann onboard to do some dirty work. This mayor does nothing that isn't advantageous to him and his nefarious schemes.

ARCritic said...

Armysarge, The new position was in the budget. This years budget increased to 3 from 2 the number of 'Senior Project Managers'.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering too about how the job was created. Apparently done in the regular way as part of the normal budget process and with Council approval. That answers that question. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

So it was in the budget! So what? The mayor makes up the budget and submits it to a dim wit council who, not knowing what any of it really means, rubber stamps it.

The only thing that ARcrtic's brilliant answer indicates is that the mayor's plot to dump Glassman was a little longer in the cooking stage.

Even if this was a legit new job the basic question still remains - why would any person who knew him appoint Bill Glassman to any job that required any intelligence or knowledge? It is pretty well known by every one that knows him that Glassman doesn't have any of either one.

This was just another sneaky Godfrey project. The mayor has a plan about all this or it wouldn't have happened. In the end the mayor will in fact have a councilman in that position that is with out question a Gondola backer.

The good part is that it has totally marginalized Glassman and returned him to the position of no influence and importance from which he came. Something that I am sure is not lost on the Mayor.

The sad part is that Glassman, for the first time in his otherwise failed life, was in a position to be important. Something he has always longed for, and now he has given it away for some petty chump job popping pimples on the mayor's ass.

It is much better that we have learned the truth about Glassman now instead of two or three years from now. His seat will be up in two years and we can get some one in it that we thought we were getting with him. So in two years we at least have the chance of getting someone in that office with some intelligence and integrity. That is much better than having to suffer through three more years of Glassman's stupidity, dishonesty and posturing.

ARCritic said...

Well marv don't shoot the messenger. And remember this guy that doesn't have the 'intelligence or knowledge' for the job, convinced enough citizens of Ogden that he had the 'intelligence and knowledge' so that they elected him. Maybe you are saying it takes more 'intelligence and knowledge' to work for the city than to serve as an elected official. With your obvious regard for the 'dim wit council' I can understand your statement.

As for the rubber stamp thing, I didn't follow your budget process much (I had my own cities budget to dig into) but I did read the mayor's budget transmittal letter to the council and found the following interesting in light of the increase for Glassmans position:

************ quote from mayors letter
Reduction in Force

Two positions from various departments are recommended for reduction (one reduction at MWC
and one reduction at Mt. Ogden Golf Course). If approved, these position changes will be
effective June 30, 2006. Both positions will be vacant on June 30, 2006.

Modification Requests

In this budget there is one new full-time position. The council office has recommended a new
full-time council communication specialist.

*************end of quote

Maybe overall there was only one new position? Haven't looked that deep.

ARCritic said...

OK one more point about the budget. Proposed budget had the position as "Special Event Coordinator" while the final budget has it as "Senior Projects Coordinator".

Also the totals in the proposed budget for the Community and Economic Development department don't add up. 2005 has 49 full time positions budgeted, 2006 has 50 full time positions budgeted but that should be 49, and 2007 has 49.77 full time positions budgeted which is correct.

Full time equivalents went from 10.70 in 06 to 17.94 in 07. WOW that is quite an increase.

Anonymous said...


The citizens in Ogden that voted for the now disgraced Glassman did so for the most part because he represented himself as someone who could and would get into city government, find out the truth about all these complex and failed projects of the mayor's and report his findings to the people.

He also promised to stand up for the people against all of these ridiculous schemes and anti people moves of the Administration, and to bring integrity back into Ogden city government.

That is what the people voted for, but
most people didn't know that he was too stupid and dishonest to actually do what he was promising. An old trait of Glassman's incidently.

And yes, it does take more brains to work for this city than it does to get elected to its council. Ogden proves that every Tuesday night at 6PM. Bill Cook works for the city and he appears to have more brains than the whole council combined. Unfortunately he is loyal to Godfrey and not the council or the citizens of Ogden.

Between Cook and the new lawyer they will lead the council into giving the mayor and Peterson every single thing they want. It appears that the way Goddfrey has the deck stacked that he will push this gondola scheme down our throats no matter what.

There is very little integrity in Ogden City government. Godfrey has set the moral tone for the last 5 years and this is the results.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I'd mention, since you guys are discussing Glassman, that the SE on Wednesday had an editorial on Glassman's resignation from the Council to take a job with Ogden City. Its general conclusion is that Glassman broke faith with the voters who elected him. It's an interesting piece.

Serve when elected