Saturday, October 28, 2006

Something to Chew Upon During the Weekend

We find several very interesting items in this morning's news:

1) From Kristen Moulton's Salt Lake Tribune story:

Two environmental groups are taking issue with the number of jobs Ogden City contends would be created by a gondola system and mountain ski resort above the city.

In a news release Friday afternoon, Save Our Canyons and the Ogden Sierra Club said that the number of jobs the city expects will be directly created by the proposed gondola and resort falls far short of what the city has been projecting.
For the convenience of our gentle readers, we've obtained and uploaded a JPEG version of the subject non-public document obtained by these two activist groups via their GRAMA request. The document is available for viewing here. Perhaps a few of our gentle readers will chime in, and expand upon this purported disparity.

2) It appears that the long-awated Mark Decaria "Vangate" report will actually be made public prior to the election, according to this morning's Standard-Examiner story:
OGDEN — Results of a nearly three month investigation into the suspension of a police officer whose wife was spotted driving a van adorned with a sign criticizing Ogden Mayor Matthew Godfrey and the city’s ticket writing policy is expected to be released Monday, according to Weber County Attorney Mark DeCaria.

DeCaria was applying finishing touches Friday to the report that is expected to run several pages. He declined to disclose the investigation’s findings, pending the release of the report.
While we've received unfulfilled teasers on this subject before, we spoke with County Attorney Decaria yesterday, who personally confirmed that his report will be available early next week. Mr. Decaria also assured us that your ever-humble blogmeister is right there on his media email list, so we'll post whatever information we get, as soon as it becomes available. Presumably, you'll be reading about it here, in advance of the print media.

3) In related news, The Standard-Examiner reports that Ogden City, along with a pair of Ogden's Finest, have been named as defendants in a lawsuit stemming from last year's fatal collision, in which a fleeing suspect recklessly broad-sided a vehicle at the intesection of 24th Street and Grant Avenue, killing two occupants. Among the named defendants is the unfortunate OPD officer Matt Jones, whose recent professional experience seems to painfully demonstrate the truth of the old folk axiom" When it rains, it pours."

4) Inasmuch as we took the day off yesterday, and thus failed to report the latest developments in our again-simmering Senate 18 race, we link yesterday's Standard-Examiner story, which reports that the evil neoCON Stuart Reid is once again back on the campaign trail, with Chief Greiner expected (by us) to return to the hunt early in the week. And yes, gentle readers, Mr. Greiner's legal counsel appears to be well aware of the Richard Perkins case, which you read about first, right here on our Weber County Forum electronic pages.

Have at it gentle readers.


Anonymous said...

On the inflated projection of jobs that the gondola/gondola scheme will "create" in Ogden, the wonder is Mayor Godfrey's PR flacks did not claim all the jobs involved in the Frontrunner Commuter Rail system as gondola related, since clearly the Frontrunner Commuter rail line was authorized by UTA only because it would link up with the Ogden City Gondola. How could the Mayor's flacks not have added all those train driver jobs, conductors jobs, track and engine maintence jobs to the "gondola created jobs" list. Somebody really dropped the ball on this one.

I noticed too that SLC is increasing flights to the SLC International airport and is bidding for a non-stop Delta route from Europe to Salt Lake City. It should be obvious to all but the willfully blind that Delta is anticipating high demand from Europe for swift transit to SL International so visitors can take a cab and the Frontrunner to catch the Ogden downtown gondola. In fairness, then, shouldn't all the jobs associated with the increased SLC air traffic and with the Delta non-stop to Europe when it is established, be credited to the Godfrey Gondola scheme too?

I mean, fair is fair, after all.....

OgdenLover said...


Following your thread, I'd like to add the jobs in Europe that would provide the income to get the people to SLC so they could take the cab which goes to the Frontrunner which connects to the gondola to get to the second gondola to get to the resort that Pete built?

Anonymous said...

Rube Goldberg, anyone...for the long way around.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Matt Jones... When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions

Anonymous said...

accomplishing by complex means what seemingly could be done simply

as in... the choice between renting a minivan at SLC to reach Ogden or Snowbasin in 40 minutes or...

Ride Taxi from airport to downtown SLC Hub. schlepp bags from curb to train platform, load luggage on train and ride to Ogden...unload luggage from train and schlepp from platform to the hub, hop on gondola with bags if you are staying five-star? at either the Grand Gondola hotel at 23rd and Washington or Malan's Basin Resort and 180 acre ski area. Will they stay at Malan's if they truly came to ski? No way. The attraction for skiers is on the other side and they will not be staying at Malan's and riding the gondola down the hill to catch a ride around the mountain to Snowbasin.

Ahh...So many tattered seams in this seamless plan.

Anonymous said...

Despite his sleazy promises, Reid went negative the last seven days, smearing Chief Greiner as a scofflaw through the slavish performance of the Standard-Examiner, the House Propaganda Organ of the Boss Godfrey RDA-diseased Ogden Republik.

Trust me. Chief Greiner, despite his possible political warts, is the "lesser evil."

If ya like Godfrey and right wing socialism though, Reid is definitely YOUR CANDIDATE!

Anonymous said...

I hope someone is accumulating a bet pool on Mark de Caria's actually making a decision on Monday.

Since the last of September he has been consistently saying that he would announce on the following Monday.

He has probably been getting his plans completed to leave the country before he publishes the verdict because he knows he will be making one side of the dispute very angry whichever way he rules.

RudiZink said...

Mark Decaria did reveal something "special" during yesterday's telephone conversation:

He's wishing now that the problem hadn't been dropped in his lap.

The poor guy is so torn by conflicting loyalties, that he feels like a gumby(tm) political figure.

Our description... NOT his.

Sharon was right.

Regardless of the decison; the investigation ought to have been shipped to the Washington County D.A.

RudiZink said...

"I hope someone is accumulating a bet pool on Mark de Caria's actually making a decision on Monday."

We have absolute confidence in Mark Decaria.

He promised us there would be no more delay.

Anonymous said...

Which week was that, Rudi?

And what will happen to Matt Jones? Will he be carved and served up before T'giving?

RudiZink said...

To be specific, Sharon...

Mark Decaria promised that YESTERDAY.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the third week in a row that DeCaria has promised to release his report on "friday" or "Monday" or???

DeCaria does not have the political will or the integrity to be handling this matter.

Having Godfrey appoint DeCaria to invesigate this is like having a bank robber pick who investigates his crimes.

The fix is in!. There are no politicians or government functinairies in Ogden or Weber county that can be trusted with the peoples business. They are all playing politics with justice.

And Rudi, having you suck up to Greiner like you have been doing just makes me want to puke. Being a lawyer like you are makes it even more disgusting. I would think you would rise above the Utah Republican party and defend the rule of law. Instead you fawn over this evil and dark personage of Greiner. What's the deal, you angling for Jones' job after greiner fires him?

Anonymous said...

Ozboy for Justice Minister after the revolution!

Rudi for Propaganda Minister!

Greiner for Dogcatcher!

Godfrey for Town Dog!

Marko for your American Political Conscience!


Anonymous said...

Cripes, Ozboy!

You're starting to sound like somebody from the party of Nancy Pelosi.

Don't be a fag.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Stuart Reid the fellow who advised Matt Godfrey to tear down the mall? Isn't he the guy who's responsible for the still pending Union Square lawsuit because he verbally authorized "change orders," and then renegged? Isn't he the 'church authority" who lives in a downtown Ogden apartment who tried to convince his downtown neighbors that they should sign over their homes to Wal-Mart because that was the "will of God?"


Anonymous said...

As an adolscent Mo-mo boy playing on mommie's computer I say:

hot dig lickity shit sharon

Anonymous said...

All this heartburning over Mr. Decaria and his [presumed] motives and [alleged] angst and his [absent or present] integrity seems a little premature to me. Either the report will be issued as promised on Monday or it won't, and then we'll know, one way or the other.

I feel a little sorry for the dilemma Mr. Decaria finds himself in. He is a Democrat. If the report he issues finds fault with Mr. Geriner's actions, it will be dismissed by Repubicans as motivated by partisanship. If it does not, it will be dismissed by those who have already decided that Mr. Greiner is guilty, guilty, guilty as a good ol' boy currying favor with those in power by protecting another good 'ol boy.

I don't know Mr. Decaria, I don't think I've ever met him, though I may have at one Democratic function or another, but I'd like to suggest, merely as a possibility for consideration, this radical notion: that he might, just possibly, be giving the report his best shot, drawing whatever conclusions he will draw as honestly as he can, and letting the chips fall where they may. [And I have no idea on what "side" his report will come down.] At least we ought to consider that as a possibility, que no?

Anonymous said...


Well, we disagree on who to vote for. Neither candidate is attractive. [And I recall you denouncing Chief Greiner as a Matthew Godfrey sock puppet not long ago when Vangate was breaking news.] If there were a "none of the above" option, this Yellow Dog Democrat would take it.

But there isn't. So I'll vote for Reid in hopes of reducing the Republican majority that consistently favors highway over schools [despite the electorate preferring the reverse by a wide margin, year after year], and Chris Buttars' sad vaporings over sensible debate and substantive legislation, by one. If that is the only thin and ragged fig leaf of public benefit I can find to cover my party's embarassment at having given the nomination to Mr. Reid, then that's what I'll have to don.

Greiner so far as I can see is neither better nor worse than Reid as a candidate, but Greiner would increase the already lopsided Republican majority in the Senate by one. With no other basis on which to distinguish between the two, I'll have to take that as the deciding matter and I'll have to, as H.L. Mencken said when he concluded once that duty required him to vote for Warren G. Harding, "hold my nose and do the dirty deed." And vote for Reid.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi is a pretty hot looking granny! She sure has that baby killer Bush's number don't she! The best thing about her is that she is not a Republican and if she comes to power she will put the bastards to the sword! That's enough for my vote these days.

The down side is that I spent so many years as a Republican. The modern Utah version of the Elephant herd has cured me of those foolish leanings of my youth. The morons who have co-opted the GOP have taken it down the road to perdition and have left any sense of decency in their past.

As to me being a fag - well I don't know why anyone would want to be an English cigarette, but I do suppose that would be preferrable to being a Hatch supporter, or worse Greiner.

And speaking of the evil one, I'm with Curmudgeon on this one, Reid, poor choice that he is, is still infinately better than one more Republican Nazi at capitol hill.

Anonymous said...

whutchoo talkin' 'bout, willis Anon...what did I do NOW??

speak English, boy.

Anonymous said...

Comment moved to new thread

Anonymous said...

comment moved to new thread