Thursday, November 02, 2006

Senate 18 Contributors Lists

The Standard-Examiner provides a heads-up on 2006 campaign financing this morning with this interesting Jordan Muhlstein piece, from which we incorporate reporter Muhlstein's lead paragraphs:
Republican Jon Greiner has a big money lead on his Democratic opponent Stuart Reid in the race for the Utah Senate District 18 seat, according to state campaign finance reports.

Greiner had raised $70,900 to Reid's $37,116, as of Tuesday, when a pre-election finance report was due from each candidate. The amount of money raised was unexpected, Greiner said in an e-mail Wednesday. "I was quite surprised at the number of people willing to donate to this campaign, mostly since the primary," he said.
The article goes on to explain that candidate Greiner needed to kick in $20 thousand or so of his own money up front, in order to wage his primary campaign. Running against an incumbent is expensive in any campaign, of course, especially in an important district like Senate 18. Campaign donors don't just come flying out of the woodwork during primary campaigns. Donors are practical; they usually don't commit until the primary is over.

And in truth, a successful intra-party challenger like Greiner actually conducts TWO separate campaigns -- the primary race -- and the general election campaign. A primary race requires double the number of signs, fliers, mailers and such. A race that features a primary is doubly expensive, both in hard dollars and shoe leather.

So if any of our gentle readers are feeling sorry for poor old Democratic candidate Stuart Reid, please don't waste any tears on us. Mr. Reid has plenty of dough in his campaign war-chest, and judging from his contributors list, there's lots more "funding" available, if he needs it.

In that connection, reporter Muhlstein makea a game attempt (within limited column space) to distinguish some of the supporters who've kicked in contributions. Whereas "man of the people" Reid is supported by the School Voucher People, Greiner draws support from public educators, for instance.

And whereas Greiner received a $2,500 campaign contribution from home-town outfits like the Mt. Ogden Surgical Center, Reid's support is quite different, as reporter Muhlsten reports with this zinger:
Reid received $5,000 from developer Dave Earnshaw and $2,500 from the Boyer Company, two entities working to develop the old Ogden City Mall site.
Apparently there's at least one Std-Ex reporter who knows how to ask a follow-up question. The Std-Ex story goes on:
When asked if he felt obligated to developers who donate, Reid said he did not.

"There is not much a state legislator can do for a developer other than
creating a better environment for business and development," he said.

Creating that type of environment is one of his goals, Reid said.

"It is one of the main reasons I am running," he said. [Emphasis added.]
We won't complain Reid didn't warn us; and despite his otherwise good reporting, reporter Muhlsten fails to report whether Reid's lips were actually moving, when he made the unbelievable above utterances.

Being the curious type, we navigated to the Utah State election site, in the hope of obtaining a more complete list of each candidate's campaign contributors. We think we struck paydirt. For the enlightenment of our gentle readers, we provide links to those lists here:
Among the names appearing on Reid's contributors list: Boman Kemp, Dave Earnshaw, Kem Gardner, Sharifan Abdee, Wadman Corporation, Wells Fargo PAC and Zion's Bancorporation PAC. Candidate Reid, who resides in a rented apartment on Lincoln avenue, has committed a whopping $146 to this race which so deeply affects our community. Who knows, maybe that last $70 thousand check from his BDO "managership" hasn't cleared the bank yet.

Among the names appearing on Greiner's contributors list: Emerald City local hero, Curt Bramble, champion of last year's anti-eminent domain legislation crusade. And notably, Jon Greiner, at $20K+, is his own largest contributor, leaving little doubt about his personal commitment to our community..

Check out the lists. Draw your own conclusions. These lists tell all, we think. And the next time somebody suggests that it's Jon Greiner who's trying to buy this election, slap 'em upside the head.

Although we could go on and on, the floor is now open for your own comments.


Anonymous said...

I have a big question that needs to be answered.
So now that Jon Greiner has said that he will defy the law and run anyway, who sould pay for the $210,000 that the city will lose when the feds take that money from the city? Is it the Taxpayer? is it the Mayor? is it the police Dept? is it Jon Greiner that should pay for the loose of the money because this is what he has decided to do. So where does the money come from and who will be left to hold the bag? Can any one of an authorty Answer this? How about it mayor? should you be held accountible for this money because this is your stewartship. lets get answers, before the election.

Anonymous said...

Finally, after 3 months of bitchin' & moanin' from this wonderfully unbiased blogsite, THE VANGATE REPORT is released and a story run in the Standard, PAGE 1!

Yet nary a mention here, on THE site that alleges it has journalistic integrity and will scoop the Standard on everything.

Uh Huh.

What say you, gentle readers?!?

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Curious--

You were a bad boy and didn't check the blog yesterday for the e-mail report from County Attorney deCaria posted on this blog site.

This blog did scoop the Standard.

Anonymous said...

We should definely vote against Decaria and for his Republican opponent n November.

I know this because I'm involved in politics, read the Satndard-Exminer and vote in every election.

Anonymous said...


Yup, Pay Attention got it right. The WCF got the report up on line well before it appeared in the paper. And folks began commenting on it, one way or the other, almost at once. [Not the SE's fault, really; WCF is up 24/7 and the policy wonks and insomniacs who frequent the joint can, and sometimes do, post breaking items more quickly than any print source, since they're working on deadline and with a once-a-day publication schedule.] And of course you'll find on a blog [not just this one], rumors posted too, some of which turn out to be factual, and some of which do not. It's a mixed bag.

I applaud you for being a newspaper reader. Damn few of us left. But I'd also suggest you might want to check in with Rudi's WCF blog daily for faster reports, often, on what's happening in Ogden than you will find in the public prints... plus the occasional rumor or two..., and links to papers in town and out covering the same story, and very often, with links to the text of the actual documents being reported on by the MSM. The provision of which is, IMHO, a genuine public service provided by the blogmeister of WCF.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised there isn't a report about last night's 'til-midnight planning commission and the tabling of the sensitive overlay and mixed zone use amendments until January.

Wasn't Dian there? I rely on her expert reporting.

Anonymous said...


A couple of Dian posts on the meeting one thread down....

Anonymous said...

I've also just posted more about last night's PC meeting on the thread below this. Doesn't really fit with either thread, but the topic on that one had already shifted...

ARCritic said...

I notice 2 things about those reports. First all of Greiners contributions are listed as loans. So if he doesn't spend all of the money that has been contributed he will be able to repay himself. And if elected or not, he can continue to collect donations, though if he is not elected I expect it gets pretty hard. If he is elected he has 4 years before he has to run again, plenty of time to get 20K extra to pay himself back with. Not that that is what he will do but if everything he contributed is a loan he can easily pay himself back. Though it is my understanding that when the close their election campaign anything left over can be converted to personnal use.

The other is I bet an error but all of Reid's contributions are marked as in-kind.

Anonymous said...

A group of Ogden citizens and I had a great press conference today...on CH 5 at 6..prob Ch4 at 10? and 5 again at 10? catch the truck we had painted!!

Anonymous said...

This is Matt Jones.

Thanks Sharon for your support and all the other citizens that showed up. I have watched the news and it was a very nice gesture.

I know most of the readers on this site have supported me from the beginning and I really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

just went to the ksl site and the written report by sam penrod is there.

go to the comments section...there were 18 comments and everyone blasted the mayor and cheif!!!

You're welcome, of luck to you.

Anonymous said...

omygaaaaawd! Can't recall when I've been so insulted!!

Schwebke identified me as a...dare I say? fingers tremble over the keys....gasp...A DEMOCRAT!!!

Guess he figured I had to be one if I was standing out in the cold with Tom Owen holding a press conference about Greiner and Godfrey's hubris in the Matt Jones affair.

Gooooood deductions, there,
Scott. But, one...why was it important to your journalistic endeavors to identify any one of us by that scurrilous term? And, if it was important to you....why didn't you just ask?

Dang! And I have to show my face at the Republican Women luncheon too. How about showing up at church Sunday and being doubly scorned (again) for the above mentioned 'protest' of the double GG boys antics, AND coming out of the backroom as a DEMOCRAT?

Oh Scott...upon my name...a damnable blot.

No, Curm...don't be holding your breath for a contribution to Reid's campaign!

Anonymous said...

I once heard someone say "Have you ever heard of a stupid liberal?"

Aww, common Sharon. It is very obvious that you're a very intelligent, thinking person, just like many Democrats are. Now that the label has been Schwebkeed upon you, try it out for a while. You might come to like it.

- an anonymous Democrat

Anonymous said...


You think you're upset? What about us Democrats, who now have to go around explaining to people that no, you're not one of us. [grin]

But I understand you're being upset and on edge. Anyone who cruel fate required to attend Republican Women's luncheons would be. Patience, Sharon. This too shall pass....

Hey, here's a topic you and the ladies can chew over at your next luncheon. Republican congressional leaders, behind closed doors and at the last minute, slipped into the military appropriateions bill President Bush signed into law two weeks ago a clause requiring the the office of the Auditor for Iraq Reconstruction to close next year. Who is that, you say? He is Stuart Brown, a Republican atty, appointed by Bush, to look for graft and corruption in the contracts to rebuild Iraq. He's put several businessmen in jail for looting the US reconstruction contracts, and has gone after Bechtel and Haliburton for massive incompetence and loss of funds. And he's won. A lot. And now, the only deadline Republicans seem willing to set in re: Iraq is one requiring the closing of the office that is investigating corruption and graft in the reconstruction effort, and that has so far saved or recovered millions of taxpayer dollars. Remind me again, I keep forgetting: which party presents itself as the party of fiscal reaponsibility?

That would be a fun thing for you and the Repblican women to discuss at lunch, don't you think? Full story can be found here.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, it's good for you to feel what it's like to be misquoted, misindentified, and suspected of something that you are innocent of.

Anonymous said...

My point is that, out of 33 comments under the Vangate thread, only 14 mentioned the thing....the rest were in the context of this blog's constant complaining about anything to do with the gondola, from Planning Commission meetings to Tom Ellison. And MOST of the words were Curmudgeon's with a sprinkling from the rest of the "gang."

But, that's the way of this blog. As a neutral observer, there was way more SPLASH in the Standard, with the WCF finishing a distant 2nd when it came to the real story and the facts.

Anonymous said...

Anon...this ain't the first time I've been misquoted, misidentified, and suspected and ACCUSED of something that isn't so!!

But, being labled a DEM O CRAT (gasp) is the unkindest cut of all.

Em barr as sin' what is .

I'll tell you how bad it is...saw Reid's billboard...and I almost smiled...just almost. Like when you spot someone you think you know, and then you realize you don't. So you glance away.

Thank goodness, I've already voted.

Curm...when your fellow dems wonder how the heck I was allowed into the inner sanctum...tell 'em I'm as much a Dem as Godfrey is a republican.

RudiZink said...

We at Weber County Forum believe you should demand a front-page retraction from the Standard-Examiner, Sharon.

Labeling a war-horse Republican like you a democRAT borders on libel, in our view.

Anonymous said...

Sharon: If you are such a staunch Republican, why are you so desparately and personally embittered with the two Republicans that are obvioulsy at the center of your universe, Godfrey and Greiner?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else received Democatic candidate Stuart Reid's latest flyer in the mail as I did???

It doesn't even mention that he's the Democratic candidate.

Nice work, Weber/Davis Democrats.

Anonymous said...

If I were Sharon, my answer would be:

Because they are both evil, dark, disingenuous, arrogant, manipulative, self centered, common folk hating imitation republicans. RINO's I think they are called.

And no Rudi, that does not equate to being a Reid lover. All of the above also applies to him only double!

Anonymous said...

My att'y is drafting the demand even as I type!!!

G and G in the center of my universe? I DO need to broaden my horizons, don't I?

G, G, and R belong to the party of Self Aggrandizement.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gimmee...
Who wants another ass on their flyer?

Anonymous said...

Dark and evil? That's a convenient substitute for substantial thought.
I'll bet their families think they're swell, just like yours.

Anonymous said...


Joseph Goebbels' family thought he was pretty swell also. Then he poisoned them - six young kids and his wife.

Anonymous said...

I expected a Hitler response from some open-minded commentator, but Goebbel's will do.

That's right, Godfrey, Greiner and Reid are all Nazis. No doubt Decaria is also the Boogey-man.

Anonymous said...


I have a foolproof way for you to redress the balance and refocus the discussion at WCF: weigh in your self and join the conversation.

Anonymous said...

Curious is apparently not curious or intelligent enough to do as you suggest Curm. However he does seem to recognize that the Standard is a much better and more capable news paper now with the Ohio folks running it than it was when the incompetent Glasmann's owned it.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't say. I wasn't here for the SE's years under the old ownership. But from others' posts on this topic, there seems to be some disagreement about your point. Some here claim a noticeable decline under the new ownership. As noted above, on that I don't know enough to even have an opinion. I know they've lost a columnist and/or reporter or two recently and the results have not been, IMHO, good. I think Pat Bean used to edit the letters pages, and I thought they were better under her gentle [and often amused and amusing] hand than under the present editorship. But that's only one small phase of the operation. Not enough to base much of a conclusion on.