Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thanking Officer Hammond & His Numerous Associates

WCF Stands up unequivocally for Officer Hammond of the OPD.

Covering the crime beat has never really been our news niche here at Weber County Forum, but we're going to make a small exception here. As our regular readers already know, we're staunch supporters of Ogden's Finest. And on Monday night, at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City, Officer Ken Hammond showcased, for all the world to see, the courage and dedication to public service which we believe pervades our entire Ogden Police Department. We had the honor of meeting scores of Ogden City police officers last summer, during the notorious Vangate brouhaha; and if one theme constantly rang through for us in these meetings, it was the high level of idealism, public service motivation and law enforcement professionalism which was present in every officer we met.

During the course of the numererous newspaper stories and video-taped interviews we've all witnessed on this topic during the past three days, Officer Hammond has consistently revealed himself as the reluctant hero -- the off-duty policeman who merely did his duty -- just as any other police officer would have done. In this manner Officer Hammond gives his brother and sister officers a strong vote of confidence, a tribute which we believe to be well-deserved. It's clear that he believes that any other conscientious fellow officer would have displayed similar heroism, under different fact-sets. Having gotten to know numerous other highly-conscientious OPD officers in recent months, we'll forthrightly say we agree with him.

By this we do not mean to detract from Officer Hammond's individual accomplishment. He is truly an individual hero, in our view. Unlike the Std-Ex editors, we see no point in roundabout rhetorical exercise. To have retreated to a defensive posture within the restaurant where he'd just eaten would have been an entirely acceptable course of action under the circumstances. Taking the offensive, as he did, was a truly heroic act.

Ken Hammond is a genuine hero; and we thank and congratulate him for his courage and dedication to duty.

Having said that, we're going to offer our thanks to some of the other folks who we believe contributed to Officer Hammond's Monday night yeoman effort. In this we'll cast a broad net. There's plenty of vicarious credit to go around, we think:

  • Officer Hammond's lovely wife, who had the presence of mind to contact the SLCPD, and guide them to the combat zone;
  • Officer Hammond's fellow brother and sister OPD officers, who serve with him on a daily basis, providing ongoing inspiration and cameraderie;
  • Management level OPD staff, who somehow succeed in recruiting, training and retaining dedicated folks like Officer Hammond, in spite of the lousy pay and difficult working conditions. Yes, this would include Chief Greiner, whom we will not expect, judging from recent video clips, ever to master the subtle art of appearing either warm, fuzzy or cuddly on camera.
And what about Mayor Godfrey you ask? After all, he sits at the apex of the chain of command.

Yeah -- we caught those TV images Wednesday night, with Boss Godfrey grinning, preening and repeatedly nodding at the cameras. Somehow we can't wipe out last summer's lingering mental images, from a time when The Scowling Boss of Emerald City was busily -- and mean-spiritedly we think -- trying to stick a cheap-skate pay-plan to Officer Hammond and his public safety colleagues. And as ever-gentle regular reader Curmudgeon might offer on this topic regarding Boss Godfrey: "Further [this] deponent sayeth not."

And what say our gentle readers? Did we leave anybody out?

Feel free to use this thread to offer your further comments, kudos or critiques on the Officer Hammond topic. We think this story has definite legs.


RudiZink said...

For those readers following this topic, we'd like to highlight today's Deserat News article.

Reporting from the perspective of a Salt Lake County Sheriff's Deptartment Lietenant who was applauded for similar heroism in 1994, this article provides interesting perspective, we think, into Officer Hammond's current experience in the public limelight.

Anonymous said...

Very nice of you Rudi, NOT to insult the little Harrissville neoCON bastard.

Your political weakness has been duly noted.

Anonymous said...

We have to admit now our genetic experiment is a failure.

We're finding now that the "smallness gene" even flows down to the individual genetic experimentation unit.

Back to the drawing board, we guess.

Anonymous said...

I think Rudi hit the nail on the head here.

The only thing I'd add is that a time will come, a year or two or more from now, when we've all forgotten about Ken Hammond and his heroic actions.

That's when it would be good for all of us to take a moment and thank a police officer, whether it's Ken Hammond or another OPD officer or just a random police officer one meets.

And if I have occasion to meet Ken Hammond at some future date, I'll be sure to let him know my admiration of him has not dimmed with the passage of time.

Anonymous said...

Unles he is writing out a quota ticket to you from Godfrey

Anonymous said...

There re many heroes from Monday nite...the SWAT team that ran into Trolley Square not knowing what they'd confront, AND Officer Hammond. Our policemen/women deserve all our thanks and support.

Each time I see a cop on the roadside next to a car they've pulled over, I wonder if that cop will be shot by some drugged out felon. They are exceptionally bra ve men and women to face the unknown on every shift. And, even off duty as recently experienced by Officer Hammond.

Shame on Greiner for not giving audible and very public kudos to Hammond.

If so, HE may have been invited to Larry King and Inside Edition with Hammond!

I'm disturbed to read that Talovic was removed from school by his mother in order to work. The young man must have been so lonely and frustrated in 'go nowhere' jobs. He was a true cypher...unseen, unheard, and not a blip on anyone's radar. As a psychiatrist noted in the Trib today, he was the 'poster boy for a random shooter'.

Was the school concerned about him when mother removed him?? A horrific childhood and a new country without friends or acomplishments. I wonder how many more Talovics are out there?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice Godfrey's ineptness at the news conference for Officer Hammond? (Besides his attire -- no suit coat, no tie)

He got up, stood at the mike and said, "It is Great To Have You All Here!!" No class.

Anonymous said...

I am glad I am not the only one who noticed Boy Mayor Godfrey standing next to the podium acting like he supports the Police Officers. He has not supported public safety during his tenure.

Anonymous said...


You wrote: "Shame on Greiner for not giving audible and very public kudos to Hammond."

You know I hold no brief for Greiner [R-Godfrey Administration]. But I think the poor guy can't win for losin' here sometimes. He stayed out of the limelight at the press conference, and is getting pasted for it. I can't help suspecting that if he had stepped to the microphone and spoken, even in praise of the officer, he'd have gotten flak here for trying to muscle in on the officer's press conference.

From my POV, it was the officer's press conference, his moment in the spotlight, and rightly so. The press [and people] wanted to hear from him, not his boss, and Chief Greiner stayed, properly, in the background.

Anonymous said...

Rudi and all. On behalf of all Cops. Thanks for your kind words and support.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I've worked side by side with Hammond and Jones. I hope I can be half the Cop these two guys are.

Anonymous said...

Dear gracious of you to include Matt Jones in your praise. Greiner said that Jones was 'the most deceitful cop I've ever known'.

Curm...Hammond's commanding officer would not have hogged the limelite if he'd praised this young man!! A few well chosen words about this young officer were expected by his own chief. The SLC chief managed to say good things about Ken Hammond and no one has accused HIM of hogging the spotlite.

I would not have given Greiner 'flak' for doing the right thing! gimmeeabreak.

A young officer with so many commendations would be an asset to any police many of our other Ogden officers would be. I wonder if Officer Hammond will be hired away by an agency whose chief is humble enuf to give honor to such a hero?

Anonymous said...

I am surprised Godfrey didnt try to sell the Gondola to the News media while he had the chance.

The little twerp has a lot of balls standing next to one of Ogdens finest after the screwing attempts he dished out last year.

Has any one forgotten the bill passed at the legislature the would eliminate the Civil Service Commission, that one was dreamed up by Boss G and sponsored by his little buddy Sen Jenkins.

Remember the hose job that the Administraion shoved up the butts of the public safety employees concerning merit pay tied to unmeasurable performance standards.

Godfrey has not been friendly to any of the employees on the city payroll.

But he does like to get a little attention when ever he can.

Anonymous said...

Humble servant...
If you would really like to make a differance in the election this year, get a hold of Rep. Neil Hansen and let him know of his support. His email is I know that he would welcome your support