Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Free Candidate Web Pages at Weber County Forum

Get your candidate links and web pages here

Being veritable slaves to tradition here at Weber County Forum, we are pleased to announce this morning the continuation of a practice which we've been following here at WCF since clear back in 2005. Yes, gentle readers -- once again -- with the Emerald City municipal elections on calender this year -- we'd like to announce that we'll be assembling another hopefully robust "elections module" in our right sidebar.

In that connection, we invite our readers to avert their eyes to the right of their screens, and to click on the "Candidates for Office" link beneath the "Ogden Election 2007" header. What you'll find there is a complete 2007 Ogden City elections candidate roster, with contact information provided to us by the Ogden city recorders office. During the past week or so we've been contacting candidates, and madly googling the net. In the course of that effort we have augmented the city-provided information with additional candidate email and website links . Unlike the 2005 election, in which none of the candidates for municipal office operated their own websites, we have this year already identified four Emerald City candidate-operated campaign sites.

Additionally, we have installed several "candidate pages" within our own blog archives, containing information and photo images from two candidates for Emerald City Council seats who've decided not to set up their own sites. We anticipate setting up more of these pages in the days to come.

With this in mind, we now extend an invitation to all candidates for elective city offices in the year 2007:

• If you have established your own free-standing candidate website, please send us your site URL (via the email contact link in our upper-right sidebar,) which we'll link from our candidate roster.

• If you do not have your own website, feel free to send us your formatted text data (the MS-Word is easiest to work with) and any graphic image that you'd like to have displayed (JPG format is best.) Once this data has been received by us, we'll happily set up your web page in a manner similar to those already set up to date.
In short, there's no reason at all that any candidate for Emerald City elected office should NOT have their own web presence.

And to the rest of our Weber County Forum readership, we urge you to keep your eye on our election module as the September 11, primary approaches. Our election feature was one stop shopping for municipal election information in the year 2005, and it's our aim to pull off the same this year.

This project is of course a work in progress. And with this in mind, we also request that those gentle readers with friends or associates who are candidates for Emerald City elected office to alert those candidates to visit and submit their their information to this site. Hopefully, by the date of the September primary we'll have web data and email addresses for all Ogden City candidates, as well as useful links to other pages and sites pertinent to our primary election.

Take it away, gentle readers.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links. I noticed on the Royal Eccles website that his oppenent, Kevin Irons, has dropped out of the race and is supporting Eccles.

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's true, Kevin Irons is out, so the list (see below) has been modified.

Wicks, where is your website? Where are your yard signs? Are you serious about this race? Do you think you'll just waltz back in? Granted, Eccles is severely hampered by Godfrey-association, but he's making moves.

Pro-Godfrey, Pro-Gondola
Kent Peterson
Royal Eccles
Dennis Howland
Blain Johnson
Brandon Stephenson

Anti-Godfrey, Anti-Gondola
Amy Wicks
Caitlin K. Gochnour
Sheila P. Aardema
Dirk Youngberg
Jim Freed

Anonymous said...

Another good letter to the editor today in the S-E, this time from a Joseph Garcia.

Nice turn of phrase, Mr. Garcia.

My tote board has anti-Godfrey (therefore pro-sense and pro-Ogden) letters in 3 of the 4 days this week.

Let's keep up the good work, people!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this year's election becomes more than an anti-Godfrey v. pro-Godfrey campaign. I would like to see actual issues discussed that need discussing. A little of that has happened, but not much. Are there going to be any forums where any or all 5 canditates will be speaking? All candidates have been rather silent as far as things go thus far (a few have spoken on some issues). I think this is great what Rudi is doing here on the forum, but does anybody know if any live formal candidate discussions or debates have been planned? I haven't heard or seen anything. Less than a month until the Primaries.

Anonymous said...

I notice that according to Mr Eccles' website he wants to "aleve the conjestion" around Mt Ogden park. Could he possibly mean "alleviate the congestion"? It's one thing to mis-spell some words on a post to a blog, but quite another to have errors on your campaign website. This indicates either a lack of education, or a lack of commitment to do a thorough job.

Anonymous said...

Royal Eccles is a royal joke!

Like Glassman before him, he pretends to be from the rich side of his family.

He ain't!

They are both poseurs and always have been.

They are both incompetent and always have been.

Anonymous said...

Dear English teacher, I would like to remind everyone that this self claimed civic minded eccles punk, was 100% behind alleviating the majority of the Mt. Ogden Park complex from public ownership, for pennies on the dollar.
This guy has all ready sold his soul to the devil,(lying little matty gondola godfrey) drank the lift ogden kool-aid and should recieve no futher concideration as an acceptable candidate for any public office.
This guy can't even be a decent neighbor. He sercretly trapped his neighbor's pets and haul them off to the pound and tapped into another neighbors pineveiw water lines without asking, and eliminated their water pressure.
Is this the kind of guy you want for a representative? Hell no.

Anonymous said...


I generally agree with you, but this time, f*** it, I'm going Turdblossom Karl Rove.

Why? Because Godfrey wants to sell off big chunks of Mt. Ogden Park to private developers and ruin 23rd Street with a gondola-to-nowhere. Oh, and put Ogden into massive debt without improving infrastructure. So it's WAR! All other issues are a distant second.

So, just for you Mr. Barney, here's the modified list:

Pro-Gondola, Pro-public-land-giveaway, Pro-massive-public-debt
Kent Peterson
Royal Eccles
Dennis Howland
Blain Johnson
Brandon Stephenson

Anti-Gondola, Anti-public-land-giveaway, Anti-massive-public-debt
Amy Wicks
Caitlin K. Gochnour
Sheila P. Aardema
Dirk Youngberg
Jim Freed

Anonymous said...

"Mao Tse Tung said
Change must come
Change must come
Through the barrel of a gun
Not through talkin'
And not through waitin'
And sittin' around
Just contemplatin' the facts."
-- British band Alabama 3, "Mao Tse Tung Said"

Anonymous said...

And just in case you're wondering, I'm not threatening anyone.

I truly believe in the power of the ballot box, and I take "the barrel of a gun" to be a metaphorical construct.

What I'm saying is, the only way this city's government is going to change for the better is if the citizens make use of the power given to them. The time for talkin' and waitin' and sittin' around just contemplatin' the facts is done.

Anonymous said...

good on ya, mono

we have the power to change this city, but griping won't do it. let's get out and tell everyone about Neil....his experience, his standing up for our civil servants, fighting for them in the legislature, great workable ideas for our city.....not 'visions' and pouring money into his own 'legacy'.

If you meet someone who isn't registered, give them the papers to sign up right then...or send them down to the recorder's office!

Put up Neil's signs...

encourage everyone to VOTE! What a privilege...blessing, and our responsiblility!

We can do it!

Anonymous said...

Well, Rudi, just checked out the candidates' websites.

Susan's doesn't say a thing about experience or knowledge. It appears to be a high school campaign 'feel good' piece. Hey, guys, vote for ME...I'm Susie!

Liked Neil's. Look at that guy's combined city and legislative experience!

What a difference!

Go Neil Go!

Anonymous said...

Dear Native:

A "shit orb", attached underneath GONDOLA CARS, is what Lying Little Matty Gondola Godfrey and Wayne Peterson, leader of his famed Squirrel Patrol, and his eflin agent of evil, John "I am an Asshole who Pretends to be an Adulterer who Found God" Patterson, proposed to use to haul sewage from Malan's Basin to an OTown treatment plan. Ha! Also, I chuckle at the Squirrel Patrol and their attempts to distance themselves from THE GONDOLA and LYING LITTLE MATTY GONDOLA. Fess up, douchewads: Eccles, Peterson, Johnson, Howland; "Brandon," who "wins in a walk," according to genius observer "Little" Bill G., who has no idea how big I am, but I know how big you are, 'cause I saw you today, is unopposed, and you and Short-deck should remember the following: Bring it, don't sing it.

Anonymous said...

J-Dub, you have GOT to be kidding me! This was thier proposal for the disposal? That is BEYOND ill.

And what did the Web/Morg Health Department have to say about this? Although, I suppose a development of that magnitude would actually fall under State DEQ-DWQ jursidiction. Hmmm... That just is unbelievable.

Yeah, don't let the SQUIRRIL PETROL, I mean, SQUIRREL PATROL, distance themselves from the big DEVELOPER LANDGRAB of Mount Ogden Park, the DESTRUCTION of 23rd Street (in ma po 'lil hood), and the subsequenting [sic] massive PUBLIC DEBT for the GONDOLA TO NOWHERE.

Kent Peterson, you are FOM.
Royal Eccles, you are a FOM.
Dennis Howland, you are a FOM.
Blain Johnson, you are a FOM.
Brandon Stephenson, you are a FOM.

And Kevin Irons, you are a FOE! (friend of Eccles).

Anonymous said...

Yep....that's exactly how the poop was coming down the mountain....remember: no roads.

Have you seen Godfrey's website? What a sociopath, IMHO......he can actually lie like that about his accomplishments, while the city is rotting underneath and about a hundred million bux in debt!

Can't wait for the Feds to cuff the little dictator!

Anonymous said...

O.K., I'll be board nanny. These fecal transport devices were decribed to us in full detail, by the vest wearing squirrel phobic wonder him self. The funniest thing was that the transport was one of the lesser unbelieveables of the complete fantasy. Wayne somehow maintained a straight face thru out the spinning of the yarn,and lying little matty continued telling this fabrication when he forced wayne to go behind the scenes, because wayne wasn't near as effective as lying little matty when it came down to bold faced lying in public. This despite the fact that wayne never would do any public Q&A.
The full story goes something like this. In order to construct a 350 unit South Tyrolian Dollhouse replica in Malan's basin without the use of a road, something must be done with effluent. Now this not being lying little matty's first rodeo, he knew that big bad Dan and the tree hugging sect would get around to inquiring about this problem, someday.(they never did figure out where they were going to get the water) So, they conjured up a new high adventure remote selfcontained sewer treatment facility. Not quite pocketsize because potato nose's Japanese bosses haven't experimented in their Chinese testing facility with this model, yet.
As to the functionality of this high adventure remote selfcontained sewer treatment facility, it was described like this. After the European tourist pulls up their funny looking shorts, and puts his suspenders back on, he pulls the flushing device. This sends the discharged fecal matter, accompaning urine and waste water rushing down a schedule 30 pvc pipe till it crashes into a screen/filter device that separates the liquids from the solids. Note, this proccess also applies whenever Wolfgang Puck would be doing dishes or scrubbing potatoes.
After separating the discharge, the liquids would be returned to Waterfall Creek to continue on their way to provide the beautiful attraction we know today as the waterfall.
The solid fecal matter would be retained in a large holding tank, till the lounge closed and all the foreign tourists had retired for the evening.
Then a very high paid technician with rubber gloves and safety goggles would spread it out on a large cement pad and proceed to drive off the moisture with an industrial strength blow torch. The only downside of this proccess step is the fecal ash cloud that would ride the nightly downdraft and cover cars, homes and yards of residents from 26th to 36th streets. This step had to be performed at night due to the awful smell and favorable winds that would carry it away from the big spending foreign tourists.
After removing the moisture, the high adventure fecal blowdrier would use a scoop shovel, purchased locally at IFA, to load the dried fecal matter into 4 industrial size Sears trash compactors.Sears being the only retailer left in Ogden.
After the compacting and bagging operation is completed they would just have to wait for the beginning of the next gondola business day. As the maids and service help would arrive on the gondola, highly trained technicians would mount compressed bags of fecal mtter to the gondola cars, to be offloaded at the imaginary street straddling hotel at 23rd and Washington Blvd. and tossed into the dumpster there.
There you have it, just as the vest wearing thorazine sedated dude told us, and almost verbatum as retold by lying little matty himself.

Anonymous said...

Bill C., J-Dub, thanks for explanations, but I just find that to be completely unbelievable and I think y'all are yankin el nativo's chain. Guess I wasn't there for the original telling of the story, so I'll have to look it up or just leave it to mystery. Just unbelievable...

Anonymous said...

To be fair, both the solids and liquids coming out of the "package plant" facility in Malan's Basin would be treated. Peterson's promise was that the water going over the waterfall would be of "irrigation quality", whatever that means. But it's absolutely true that when asked how the solids would be removed, they responded that you could pack 'em out on the gondola.

On the other hand, keep in mind that this whole "roadless" business has been a clever (and successful) attempt to mislead the public. Neither Peterson nor Godfrey has ever promised that the resort would be truly roadless. Peterson has proposed "ski trails" coming down off the mountain which would, in fact, be 15-foot-wide unpaved roads. These would have to cross onto National Forest lands, by way of Strong's Canyon, Taylor Canyon, or both. These roads could be traveled by pickup in the summer and by snowcat in the winter, so they would provide a possible way to get rid of solid waste.

Anonymous said...

native....wake up....are you one of those assinine LO's?

Anonymous said...

I was annoyed by the article in today's S-E regarding spending on the mayoral election.

While I experienced some anger at the amount the Mayor is spending, and his ersatz justification for it, what really chapped my rear was Mr. Schwebke missing the boat on the real story here.

It's irrelevant, as the article says, whether Stuart Reid is a Democrat or a Republican. That's a non-issue.

What is relevant, and was not mentioned, was the sweet severance package Mr. Reid received simply for being an FOM.

C'mon, Mr. Schwebke, that wouldn't have taken much of your time at all to research. It's certainly relevant, a heck of a lot more relevant than party affiliation, and it's a perfect example of the stench emanating from this administration.

I really feel the S-E missed the boat on this one.

I'm also curious whether charging for fulfilling GRAMA requests is allowed under the law. Are other municipalities doing this, or just the ones that are trying to pull a fast one on their citizens?

Anonymous said...


The GRAMA law is pretty clear on what they can charge for and what they can't. They can charge for copying costs, and they already do that. They can also charge for "compiling" records, when you're requesting them in a form that's different from the way they're stored. I think this would include the process of searching through a large email archive and extracting emails that are responsive to a request--though I'm not entirely sure. The burden of proof is always on the government to demonstrate that the fee is appropriate.

In any case, the prospect of having to pay a little more for GRAMA responses is the last of the Sierra Club's worries. The more important issues are the timeliness of responses and whether the responses are sufficiently complete. I'll try to post more about this soon--stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

I am both appalled and heartened by Lying Little Matty Gondola Godfrey's campaign tack: vote for me and my lifetime membership in Wayne "Thorazine" Peterson's famed Squirrel Patrol or all these "investors" will leave; none of Lying Little Matty's Squirrel Patrolian messengers have ever muttered anything about the Teeny Bastard's job, which is to serve the people of Ogden, not court investors like the Provident asshat, who is ruining my neighborhood. Oust Lying Little Matty Gondola Godfrey.

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder about this new twist in the GRAMA arena. This revelation comes on the heels of a letter I just received from the city, informing me that I will not receive my request till the end of August. My request was submitted on the 1st of August.
I have to suspect that the administration is trying to curtail any more damning revelations like their e-mails, in the gondola study. More stuff like that could prohibit lying little matty from getting thru the primary.
It also makes me wonder if they need more time to cover their asses and possibly produce false documents, where none exsist. These guys have no credibilty and I wouldn't, for a moment put it past them to do something as criminal as that.

Anonymous said...

I can just repeat: Lift Ogden! and Go! Go! Go! squirrel phobia! Maybe OTown will again become the gem of my youth when we have gondolas strung from block to block, a marked absence of squirrels, and billionaire "investors" to fund our high-adventure Whack-A-Mole games for which our weensy dynamo of a mayor traded our sidewalks!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and one coment on the Stuart Reid quote in Schwebke's article, where he say's not re-electing lying little matty would send a wrong message to investors.
By far the biggest investor in all of lying little matty's efforts has been the tax payer. Probably 90%, and all the other private investors have been given at least their initial investment in return with grants and tax increments. The suspects of the Windsor Hotel scam are asking for more than they bought the property for.

Anonymous said...

I suspect the number of GRAMA requests City Hall receives would be substantially lower if we had in office a Mayor and administrative staff for whom keeping their actions hidden from the press and public was not a passion bordering on the pathological. Public officials committed to open government and full public disclosure as a matter of principle do not normally engender the kind of suspicion that leads to large numbers of GRAMA requests.

When such suspicions are aroused, and GRAMA requests produce indisputable evidence that an Administration has in fact been working overtime trying to keep public matters hidden from the press and so the public --- think of what Dan. S's GRAMA request for documents involving the Federal/UTA funded "gondola study" revealed --- a new and enhanced flood of GRAMA requests is (a) all but inevitable and (b) completely understandable.

The Administration's apparent hope now to make it so expensive to uncover, via GRAMA requests, what it has been trying to hide, should receive short shrift from the Council.

If there is a problem with excessive GRAMA requests, or a potential problem, sadly the Godfrey Administration long ago forfeited whatever moral authority it might have had to address that particular problem and to suggest solutions. When we have a mayor and an administration committed to open government and full disclosure as a matter of principle, perhaps the question can be visited again. But not until then.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I have to say that I think that Hansen is right on the money, when He said that the taxpayers have all ready paid for those doc. though their taxes. So why is it that they get to hit us again with a fee. Just who owns this government any way? Is it not the taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

More Good Ink For Ogden:

From this week's Salt Lake City Weekly:

8/17 • Once a year, otherwise sane individuals lose their minds and compete in the XTERRA MOUNTAIN CHAMPIONSHIP. People from around the world participate in a 1.5K swim, 30K mountain bike and 10K trail run race—and you can see it all. Catch the opening festivities in downtown Ogden on Friday while the Mountain Championship and the (shorter) Sport Start race begin on Saturday at Pineview Reservoir. After the races, it’s back to Ogden for the awards celebration—where you can sit in the Pacifico beer garden and count your lucky stars that you only had to drive to get there. XTERRA Mountain Championship @ Amphitheater Park, downtown Ogden, Friday, Aug. 17, noon-8 p.m.; Snowbasin Resort, 3925 E. Snowbasin Road, Huntsville, Saturday, Aug. 18, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; downtown Ogden, 6-9 p.m., 877-751-8880,

Full listing, plus listing for the Ogden Valley [aka "Ogden's Hole"] Balloon Fesival on Sunday 19 August, can be found on the City Weekly's web edition here.

Anonymous said...

History of Ogden:

Yup. He was right on the money in part at least. Documents subject to GRAMA requests are by definition public documents. That means in Utah usually one of two things: (a) they were generated by public employees in the course of [actually or ostensibly] carrying out their public responsibilities [e.g. the Mayor's document retroactively waiving of the city's biding requirements for the gondola financial analysis the City contracted for]. Or [b] they were not generated by public employees, but became public documents when they were sent to city employees in their capacity as city employees [e.g. the Ellison Ordinance, drafted by Mr. Peterson's attorney, and sent to city planning staff in hopes of having it adopted to serve the particular needs of the rumored soon-to-be-submitted "Peterson Proposal" --- which Hizzonah has since announced was not a viable plan from the start.]

So Rep. Hansen is right that the people have already paid for some of the documents involved... and have a right under state law to know the contents of the rest.

I'm pleased to see that Rep. Hansen is making "open government" a key element of his campaign platform.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this has already been posted/commented on. Been out of town and playing catch up now. But some more good ink for Ogden it seems in this recent SE story:

MacKenzie follows Amer to Ogden
Canadian firm makes trade show exhibits for outdoor companies
Standard-Examiner staff

OGDEN — A Canadian company that has designed, built and managed trade show exhibits for dozens of companies in the outdoor sports industry over the past 20 years is getting ready to open its first American office at Business Depot Ogden.

PW MacKenzie Exhibit, based near Vancouver, British Columbia, is renovating 50,000 square feet of space in a building at 113 N. 700 West. The company expects to be in full swing in the new office by Nov. 1.

President and Chief Executive Rick MacKenzie said the decision to establish a branch in the United States, and specifically Ogden, was based on a similar move by one of MacKenzie’s top clients, Amer Sports Corp.

Amer Sports is in the process of consolidating its North American operations at the downtown American Can Co. complex. Three of Amer’s major brands — Salomon, Atomic and Suunto — will be based in Ogden, and all three are clients of MacKenzie.

“That was kind of the catalyst for this new office,” MacKenzie said. “We weren’t looking at this kind of move before.”

The full story is available here.

Anonymous said...

If we didn't have a lying, sneaky, corrupt piece of Matt Godfrey....then SE, Schroeder, Hansen, and Littrell, wouldn't have to file Grammas to see what the back room dealing sneak has done with our would we?

More fees? Give us a break! If this puke can do it...he'll thwart state law, ethical and moral and legal law every time!

Right on Mono!

Schwebke, as he often does, did not see the bigger more relevant picture! That FOM, Reid, who took the city for many thousands in collusion with Godfrey, is only handing back the taxpayers' money for Godfrey's campaign!

Why aren't the talking heads at the SE who are always giving themselves awards for excellent jounalism (ahem)...on this Reid/Godfrey connection?

This is a NON partisan gawd...Greiling and Howell, get some thyroid into Schwebke, give him a new # 2 pencil and send him on real stories, asking questions, and the follow-up questions.

It's YOUR duty...serve this town...the mayor doesn't!

Anonymous said...

Recently I had a conversation with Gloria Barret. You will remember that she was the city recorder who lost her job for not doing her work.According toGloria, Not so not so notso. The real story was that Godfrey wanted her to hold up on all of the Grmma requests and partiiculaarly one from Dan S. Gloria said that she couldln't do that and then he told her to hole on to the docuements until the end of the month and then tell him that it would cost him $1oo.oo for them. Gloria said that she could not do that and he wanted her to hide others that she might be asked for. There is much more to this story, but I am afraid of getting her in trouble for telling it. Gloria is the sister of my daughter-in-law and I have known her for over twenty years. Rudi, you knbow wh I am and I believe you have my phone number.You may call me if you want more of this I wish there were some way that you could get this information out without naming me.

Anonymous said...


You wrote: Why aren't the talking heads at the SE who are always giving themselves awards for excellent jounalism (ahem)...on this Reid/Godfrey connection?

As I recall, the SE did cover the retroactive decision, by the Mayor, that Mr. Reid had been terminated in his public job [rather than having resigned it voluntarily] in order to justify a fat "separation" package.... and on a handshake, without the Council being informed in advance of the... well, let's just say "special arrangement." The paper reported the story, the Council's unhappiness with what had happened, and the Council's changing the rules to make sure that particular kind of Godfrey skullduggery could not occur again.

The story today was, in essence, that the Mayor is attempting to buy the election, pouring massive amounts of money into it... unprecedented amounts in fact. It reported that Mr. Reid, a former member of his administration, has been raising a lot of that money for him from the business community.

The only question then, to me, seems to be one of news judgment: was it bad reporting not to have rehashed the Reid "special arrangement separation pay" story in this story? That's a judgment call. I'd probably have included a line about it. But I hardly think Mr. Schwebke not rehashing that means that he missed the real story. The story he wrote establishes pretty clearly the close financial relationship between the Mayor's former appointee and the Mayor's reelection war chest.

Let's give the SE a little credit for running the story at all, and not concentrate instead on them having left out an old story element, years old now. You suggest the SE needs to focus on the "big picture" so to speak. Well, so do SE critics: the big picture element here is, they ran the story about the mayor pouring money into his re-election bid, money raised by his cronies like Mr. Reid.

What I suspect, Sharon, is that some on WCF would like to see is not coverage of the election [as this story was] but editorials attacking the Mayor only very thinly disguised as stories. That would be bad journalism.

Anonymous said...

When I read about the 100,000 that the mayor will spend to get re-elected, that tells me that he will buy you vote and not earn it. and it also tells me that he is very foolish with others people money. This should tell all of you that this is how he treats your tax dollars.

Anonymous said...


What I was questioning, and I think Sharon was too (though I would not presume to speak for her) is that the S-E saw fit to report that "Stuart Reid is a Democrat and Matt Godfrey is not".

I'm saying, if you're going to report something noteworthy about Stuart Reid, it's not his party affiliation (darn close to totally irrelevant, in my opinion) but rather his relationship to the Mayor.

By the way, have you ever heard of someone keeping the identity of their campaign manager a secret?

Anonymous said...

I think that reason that godfrey is keeping his campaign manager a secret is because it is the geiger boys.

Anonymous said...


OK. I see your point. As a card-carrying, Yellow Dog New Deal Democrat who is driven to the point of distraction by the WC Dems reluctance to stand up on much of anything locally, to campaign [if we can call it that] on a platform of "we're just like those other guys, except maybe a little bit around the edges," I concede I actually like to see people identified by party. Even Democrats like Reid. At the very least, it reminds people that there is a Democratic Party in Weber County, all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding. So that didn't annoy me as much as, clearly, it did you and probably Sharon --- who we both agree needs absolutely no one to speak for her.

And no, I've never heard of someone refusing to identify his election campaign manager. Usually, you want people, especially the press, to know who he or she is so if a quick reaction to something unhelpful in the news is wanted, the press will know who to contact and fast. I figure this is just another example of the Mayor's pathological desire for secrecy in all things. It's getting to the point of true weirdness.

Anonymous said...

Tax Revolt in Ogden's Hole?

From the SE's Midday Update:

Ogden Valley residents speak out against tax increase

EDEN -- Angry residents from the Ogden Valley didn't want to listen to the Weber County assessor talk about her job description. They wanted answers explaining the tax valuation process and why some properties have seen eye-popping hikes this year.

"We didn't come here to listen to you bramble on about what you do," said Dennis Olson. "You're running the people out of here because you're increasing our taxes. No one will be able to afford to live here. People have lived here for years and you are taxing us right out of the valley."

Residents packed Snowcrest Junior High School Wednesday night to express their concerns about sky-rocketing taxes in their neighborhoods to Weber County Commissioner Craig Dearden, county Assessor Cheryl Madson, real estate manager Joel Olsen, chief deputy Doug Larsen and state Rep. Gage Froerer, R-Huntsville.

During the two hour hearing, residents alternately threatened to pay their taxes with pennies, nickels and dimes. Some threatened a Proposition 13-style tax revolt, a few threatened not to pay the tax at all while others said they were going to appeal the assessment.

"It's obvious you people sitting down there ... what you're doing is wrong. We want a commitment from you to go back to what you were charging us in 2005," said Richard Evans.

Evans said last year he saw an increase of 50 percent and 100 percent this year.

SE's midday update page is here.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm...a stranger with a threat to the Mayor for showing up at the stranger's door?

Well, Chief Greiner will, appropriately, take this threat to the Mayor's life seriously.

However, not being under the same obligation......I'm jest wonderin' this a campaign ploy? A sympathy tactic? A "let's inject some excitement into this dull race"? "Let's deflect criticisms of my MO while deflecting bullets from this rabid fiend and his two authorized neighbors"?

WHO authorizes neighbors to kill the Mayor?

Ah, methinks the scrawny frame of the little dictator is in no danger.

It wouldn't take three men with would take one swift kick from a kid starting martial arts to disable this little crime fighter!

Let's not get our panties in a twist over this, girly men.

Anonymous said...

Jest Wonderin'

Greiner had better take the threat seriously. Anyone in a high profile public office [and sometimes not so high profile, like school board member or even principal] can draw such threats. And some of them come from demented people who actually do attempt a murder.

Any such threats needs to be treated as a real ones and taken as deadly serious threats until proven otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Quick question here. Is Stuart Reid a "card carrying" Democrat or did he jump on that bandwagon when ran against Greiner (R) for State Senator? If memory serves, did Reid not run against Rocky Anderson for SLC Mayor? Not sure if Rocky is Dem or other, but definately not Republican. Basically I am just wondering if Reid is just a wolf in sheep's clothing (ie. Republican disguising as a Democrat) to help out his little buddy.

Anonymous said...

Reid, like Godfrey, is a political opportunist. He has no loyalty to any creed, code or political ideal.

It is all about greed and self promotion for this particular brand of scum.

Their MO is to transfer wealth from the great uninformed public to themselves and their cronies. This is why they like to operate in the dark with the upmost of secrecy.

None of them could make it to first base in private industry where one has to make a profit. They are life time public trough sloppers of the worst and most worthless kind. None of them has ever had an honest job! If they didn't have access to the tax payers money none of them could even hold a low level manager job at McDonalds.

Incidently, SLC has a non-partisan mayor like Ogden. Rocky is a staunch Democrat, SLC is a democrat and liberal town. Stuart Reid was percieved, rightfully so, by the voters of Salt Lake as a phony and an incompetent. Rocky, (Ogden boy) kicked Reid's corrupt little ass in that election.

Did I miss something on this "threat" business? Who even suggested such a thing vis-a-vis Godfrey? In my opinion the worthless little piece of shit aint even worth the price of a bullet! Besides, why would any one want to off him? His own karma will work him over with time. I hope he lives a very long time with his own corruption and worthlessness haunting him every minute of every day.

Long live the Little Lord!

Anonymous said...


There's a short item in today's SE about the death threat.

Anonymous said...

Yep....that's where old 'Jest Wonderin' " started wonderin'....ain't putting much stock in it tho. Transit ain't exciting...but having a bull'eye on the butt may be...if only in one's tiny mind. eh?

Anonymous said...

Lying little matty had no problems tailing a cops wife a mile or two, yet a former track team, long distance runner, as the mayor is, couldn't follow a 50 year old pedestrian? Sounds sort of fishy at best. No wonder he won't name his high priced campain manager, this was probably his brilliant idea, nothing more than some stupid hoax. If it were truely serious and lying little matty and ostrich griener really believed it was, you wouldn't have heard anything about it untill the dude was in handcuffs. Then there'd be big headlines. face it, lying little matty is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Bill C:

As for the Mayor following the whacko who confronted him at his home with death threats... bad, bad idea, Bill. This is Utah, remember, where according to the SL Trib, four state legislators had to give up their hidden handguns [one in an ankle holster] before touring a petroleum refinery. If the nut was packin' --- and this is Utah after all --- following would not have been a good idea. This is one call the Mayor got right.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the dude wasn't packing, and
too bad the midget didn't have the balls to follow him!

Ah but we ain't lucky enough to have providence step in and rid us of this bad smell called Matt.

Guess we'll have to do it at the ballot box after all.

Anonymous said...

Related to Bill C. and his comment about Mr. Eccles trapping neighborhood pets and tapping into water lines. It's all true... How do I know? It was my Mother that he stole from and verbally acousted on numerous occasions.

Royal, you're a fraud, a thief, and a self-consumed egomaniac. You have no business representing Weber County taxpayers with your shady past. You may have thought your family name put you above the rest, but your actions from the past will always haunt you.

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