Monday, August 13, 2007

The Topic of Ogden City Gang-bangers Dominates the Discussion

Boss Godfrey's worst pre-election nightmare

We have to hand it to the Standard-Examiner. When they get a bee in their bonnet, and sniff out a hot topic that will sell a whole lot of newspapers -- they commit themselves 110%.

We refer of course to yesterday's Std-Ex edition, in which our home town newspaper features no fewer than eight stories about the festering local gang problem, in and about our beloved Emerald City. In the course of compiling information for yesterday's newspaper, the Std-Ex editors assigned at least seven reporters and other staff to this herculean effort, according to our quick head-count. We'll make the tally "eight," if we count the fine Grondahl cartoon.

While to some readers this will seem like reporting yesterday's news today, your blogmeister took most of the weekend off, so all of this was news to us this morning when we arrived back in our plush and hi-tech Weber County Forum offices high on the hill overlooking Emerald City. For those readers (especially the out-of-towners who may not have already taken a peek at this impressive collection of articles, we've helpfully gathered the links below:

The Standard-Examiner 8/12/07 Emerald City Gangsta Article Compendium

(Chris Peterson was unavailable for comment.)

Not to let any grass grow under the Std-Ex's feet, the folks at the newspaper provide yet two more stories today, on the local gang-banger topic:

The first of these,"Suppression versus Prevention", consists of a somewhat predictable he said-she said crosstalk, on the issues framed in the headline, between a former Emerald City gang-banger turned criminal justice professor, and hard-nosed Emerald City cops (Chief Greiner, for instance.)

Today's second article, "Too many parents in denial, police say," is aimed at the family values segment of Std-Ex readership, and to those parents who have latch-key kids, we guess. Here's the gist of it:

OGDEN — A nurturing home environment is key to keeping impressionable kids out of gangs, says a veteran Ogden police officer.

Parents must be involved in their children’s lives and be willing to face the cold reality that certain kinds of tattoos, clothing and behavior are an indication of gang affiliation, said Sgt. Kevin Cottrell, head of the Ogden Metro Gang Unit.

“We deal with so many parents who are in denial,” he said. “They tell us to our face that their kids are not in a gang.”
Coming soon from the Standard-Examiner, we hope, will be a thoroughly-researched and information-rich expose' on the gang that operates from the ninth floor of city hall. The "Boss Godfrey Gang," is how they're known "on the street."

For that we can only hope.

We'll now abruptly shift gears to another subject that's near and dear to our Weber County Forum hearts, and focus on this morning's Tim Gurrister article, which reports that State Supreme Court efforts to overhaul the Utah Justice Court system are right on track. Good on ya, Tim. Thanks for the update.

The floor's all yours, gentle readers. Please don't hesitate to use this forum to clear out the weekend cobwebs.


Anonymous said...

It would appear the local press is genuinely concerned with the gang situation, they've devoted another large chunk of todays paper to the local gang problem.
One funny thing I picked up on though, no real quotes from lying little matty, but his picture is embedded in the body of one of the articles. I wasn't sure how to take it, the picture is placed right where dicussion of the value of the Marshall White Center is , with a statement that lying little matty recognizes the value of this facility.
These are either new reporters, or they are displaying one great amount of delicious sarcasm, just two years ago lying little matty tried to shut down the Marshall White center and sell the building.
The reporters are either so new they have no knowlege of this, or really sticking it to him.
Either way, just another example of why this lying little chump must not seriously be concidered for re-election.

Anonymous said...

My apology to Victoria and Jordan, the lead reporter on this one,(name under headline) is Mr. Schwebke, go figure.

Anonymous said...

Well, I see tht our crime fighting mayor is now touting the Marshall White Center as a 'good' place for our kids!!! Oh, how an election changes one's moral compass.
Remember the lovely ladies of MWC who came before the Council to plead for the resources to keep the place open?

Hypocrite Matt.

And Curm...don't bother telling me that I have a 'negative' attitude and should give the little guy a break...unless it's his tibia!

Anonymous said...


Small point, but Godfrey never proposed to shut down Marshall White, just to privatize its management.

Anonymous said...





OgdenLover said...

Why haven't Hansen and Van Hooser either phoned the SE with their take on the gang issue or been contacted by the paper? I want to support these candidates but it's really difficult when they keep so quiet.

All I can say to people who might support them is that they're not Godfrey.

Anonymous said...

Nice semantics mwc, please explain how selling the building to the sermon before eating homeless aid, Salvation Army, would not eliminate all the federal programs and secular functions that reside now under the umbrella of the exsisting Marshall White Center.
These kids are not homeless, in the true sense, the two missions are not compattable, and the Salvation Army, for all the good they do, would have no expertice in operating the much needed programs provided by the Marshall White Center. Lying little matty was deffinately trying to shut down the Marshall White Center.
If you have any better take than the mayor expressed at the time,(which failed to convince the people to go along with his hairbrained scheme) please share it with us. We'd love to hear how disuading future gang bangers, structured after school activities,the big brothers and sisters programs and sermons,food and clothing for homeless folks go hand in hand.
Oh, and I also forgot all the senior activities that go on at the Marshall White center.

Anonymous said...

Lying Little Matty Gondola Godfrey initially proposed removing the sum of the center's operating budget from the city's budget, hoping to lure a private NPO into leasing the facility and running some programs; the cost of the lease would have been negligible and, since the city (we the public) owns the property and facilities, he thought it would be attractive to such an NPO. This is similar to the sweetheart deal he gave the lardass gym owner at the JACKASS CENTER. As it turns out, groups such as the Junior League, are not instituted to provide social and recreational services, just implement their specific programs that are dictated by their organizing 501(c)3s and grants. Someone finally convinced the weeny liar that it is, in fact, the city's business to provide these necesssary SERVICES to the community and at community-owned facilities. This was during Gondola Godfrey's privatization phase, wherein he contracted out to have several parks maintained and lost $30K a month more than it cost to have, yet again, the city provide facilities and services to the people who live, work and pay taxes there. What a concept. Later, after hiring a dispicable elfin Squirrel Patroller, Patterson, as his main executor of fantasy, he tried to swap the far-more-valueable Marhsall White property with the Salvation Army, but thankfully that deal was nixed because it was discovered that the land swap didn't bear out, nor does the SA have the capacity to provide community services that we pay taxes for the city to provide. Little Matty Gondola Godfrey is such a visionary and business genius!

Anonymous said...

As I recall, the request for proposal explicitly required that each of these programs be continued by any successful bidder. That the proposal did not produce a succesful bidder may prove that it was "hair-brained", as you say. But, that is much different than saying, as you and Sharon have, that the mayor wanted to abandon all of these programs at Marshall White.

Anonymous said...

In light of this recent rediscovery of the size and scope of the gang activity in our comunity, it sure seems like terrible judgement to try to eliminate funding in this arena,when all along it should most likely have been increased.
Who's to say, had attention been paid to this for the past 7+ years, with adequate funding, we may not have been burying beatiful young people like we have.
Prior to lying little matty's taking office, Ogden City ran it's own after school and summer programs for the disadvantaged and iner city kids. He got rid of it by turning it over to the boys and girls clubs. He has since reduced their funding with every budget.

Anonymous said...

Some of you will surely accuse me of mixing apples and oranges, but here goes.
I've noticed for the past 4 or 5 years, that any FOM that wants to buy proprty in an rda zone, or the airport, instantly expects and recieves huge tax increments. Free tax money,present and future. Now the new owners of the Windsor Hotel want more from the city than they paid for the building.
Mel Kemp has received 2 so far at the airport, and expects to receive another at the next phase.
The gift of these millions seems ludacris given the need of those resourses in our city.And I'm not even talking infastructure,, which has been donated to Boyer for the next 50 years.
Mel Kemp has received more $$$$ than the Marshall White and all it's programs received over the last 5 years. Priorities, if your the praying sort, please ask the almighty to deliver this town from the clutches of this evil corrupt wannabe demigod.
Better yet, take matters in your own hand and vote him out.

Anonymous said...

Curmudgeon, you wrote in previous thread about Godfrey campaigning and having campaign displays at the "Take a Bite Out of Crime" event: "t payne, Sorry, but it was a public event, on the city's schedule. They knew about it, or should have without the Mayor's invitation. Unless you know that the other candidates announced to the city their intention to be there, doing what the Mayor was there doing, and were told by the city they would not be allowed to, I don't think your criticism stands."

Ogden Municipal Code plainly states that no campaign signs can be placed on PUBLIC LAND. The park where the "night Out" was held is public land, so Godfrey SHOULD NOT have had his campaign signs there, and he violated his own City's ordinance! It's ridiculous when the Mayor breaks his own laws!

Anonymous said...

I'vee been to MWC...even held a press conf there.

What a group of dedicated folks who only have the best interests of the community they serve at heart.

If you have some cash, clothing, food, TIME, etc....pls donate.

Matt thinks dissing this place would just make the problem of latch key kids, poor parenting in the inner city...those parents need help!, and cutting programs is a way to hide the problems.
I've worked with these families thru the courts.....lovely people in crisis.

Matt....refurbish your house in Harrisville....far from our 'slum' city of Ogden....that you reminded us of so many times. G'bye

Anonymous said...

I think it altogether fitting and proper that the Little Lord Mayor's office on the ninth floor is in the exact same space as the Juvenile jail used to occupy back in a simpler time. Surely Godfrey is the most smarmy, disingenuous "juvenile" punk in Ogden's history.

It was either intentional on some wise person's mind to put the little prick's office there, or it was a great cosmic joke!

Perhaps after the election the city can merely keep him in his office and put the bars back up. If there is any justice in all of this, he surely will be charged with numerous crimes and misdemeanors for his eight year rape of the citizens of Ogden.

Yes, I know Mr. Curmudgeon, "do you have proof of these crimes, yada, yada, yada." To your inevitable question I would say there seems to be plenty of indications over the last several years that there are indeed crimes being conducted by this circle that controls city hall. Where there is smoke there is fire, as the old saying goes.

If you don't believe that, just look at the skies over Farmington these days!

Anonymous said...

I was the happy recipient of a "push poll" phone call this evening.

The opinion research firm (politely so called) really, really wanted me to support Gov. Huntsman's call for school vouchers. Over and over again, the "pollster" evinced surprise, with barely disguised hostility, that I would oppose such a wonderful program that Prince Jon and the Legislature have crafted for me.

"You mean you would be 'strongly opposed' to vouchers, even if I told you that it would bring $5000 per student to the public schools?"


Anonymous said...

Warning to all of you bloggers, Boss Godfrey has made it a point for all the business men that might be doing business in Ogden to read this blogg, because he wants then to know that he is the one that is trying to get them to relocate in Ogden. As far as all of you Nay Sayers are only ruining it for yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Godfrey would ELIMINATE funding for the MWC. However, I do believe that he would make moves to REDUCE funding for the MWC, through outsourcing or direct budget cuts. Indeed it is purported that this is (was) his intent.

I spent parts of two summers at the MWC (I know I'm slowly giving away my identity...) and I benefitted from it. Mostly, I didn't spend time on the streets and we were relatively organized and supervised there. This is part of the solution to our gang and organized crime problems in this city. Welcome to the cause, Godfrey. It's good to have you on board.

Also, I'm thrilled that y'all are back to discussing Ogden's gang ills. I honestly didn't think you cared much about anything other than taxes, open space and property values. Would y'all like to hear my opinions again about gangs and meth?

Anonymous said...

J-Dub, do you know if it was Gondola Godfrey's, or the Salvation Army's idea to do the NPO lease thing?

Anonymous said...

boy, how the lies just keep on comming....
Just where are the facts to support these figures?

Crime has dropped more than 23% since Matthew Godfrey became Mayor, including a drop in violent crimes of 43% compared with an increase of 21% during the 7 years before he took office. Moreover, the Mayor has put in place a zero-tolerance policy for gang-related crimes. He’s even asked for more immigration officers to come to Ogden to deport criminals that are caught here illegally. Without a doubt, Mayor Matthew Godfrey is tough on crime.

“I’m thrilled with the 23% reduction in crime but I know we can achieve more. And as your mayor, I will continue to work hard to make your neighborhood even safer.” – Matthew Godfrey

Anonymous said...


You're right, crime is down, and therefore drug trafficking, production, and consumption is down too. And so is gang activity. That's down too, because crime is down.

Folks, ANOTHER IDEA is right, things have actually IMPROVED since Godfrey became mayor.

ANOTHER IDEA, you'll have to pardon me, us, we were unduly influenced by all the lies the cops have been telling us. But thanks for clearing that up, and now we can just move on to something else.

NEXT TOPIC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Another Idea

I will take the liberty of paraphrasing a Twain? saying:

There are lies, then there are damn lies, and worst of all there are statistics.

And I might add, morons like you that glomm onto, manipulate and hide behind those "statistics".

Anonymous said...

If only those so called investors WOULD read this blog!

Understand the SE folks read it religiously. Well, one can be convereted to truth if one listens and studies long enuf, eh?

What does anyone know about the shoddy workmanship at Gold's Gym....that world class anchor of the Junction?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem quite honest for Mayor Godfrey to be taking credit for some statistical reduction in crime.

This is a situation that is happening all over the country. Most experts attribute it to the tougher sentencing laws, especially the three strikes laws that some states have instituted. The theory is that a large percentage of the people that commit most of the crimes are in prison and being held for longer periods This applies to Utah as well.

A big problem with "statistics" on crime is the methodology used to compile these numbers. Some police forces with politically ambitious commanders and mayors have many opportunities to manipulate the numbers, and very often they do just that to make themselves look good to the voters.

Another factor that most likely effects the Ogden crime numbers is the fact that the current administration has placed police emphasise on traffic enforcement and revenue generation at the expense of patrol and the detective divisions. These reduced divisions are composed of the officers that directly interface with those committing the crimes. Thus if you have fewer officers chasing criminals you have the high possibility of artificially low crime statistics. This does not explain all of the reasons for the current, and alledged, lower crime rate in Ogden, but it may very well be a major element of it.

Given the serious ethical lapses of the Godfrey administration I do not think it is unreasonable distrust them on these statistics, or anything else they say for that matter.

Regardless of what Mayor Godfrey and Chief Greiner are claiming, there is plenty of evidence that crime is running rampant and is a major problem in Ogden. Ask around your neighborhood and talk to Ogden residents about how much they think crime has been reduced in the last several years. I think you will be pretty shocked just like I have been recently.

In my 40 plus years in Ogden I have never seen crime so prevalent at it has been the last few years.

Anonymous said...

Good Mornin' Earlybirds

Lt Gov Gary Herbert is filling in as host for Bob Lonsberry on KNRS 570 AM rite now (6:50 am)

They'll be discussing vouchers, for one thing, surprised?
And other 'topical issues.

Give a listen.

BTW I agree with Agatha: Anyone catch the news clip on the community crime meeting last nite? Perhaps you were in attendance?

Try telling the residents of crime-ridden neighborhoods that crime is down and they are so much safer.

I love our cops...I hate manipulation.

I am so heartened to see citizens coming together.

Anonymous said...

Well Sharon, I know a lady that lives in the neighborhood immediately adjacent to the much touted and renovated Jefferson Ave District. That being Adams and Porter between 25th and 27th.

She sees drug and crime activities virtually all of the time on those streets. She has called the police on uncountable occasions, sometimes 20 to 30 times a day when things are really cooking in that area. She virtually never gets a response.

The police have apparently written off this particular area as not being worth their time responding to. I would guess that is because their crime fighting forces are so depleted and have to spread over such a large area that they just simply have to be selective in what they respond to.

The bottom line to this is that all of these crimes in this lady's neighborhood are going unreported and thus do not show up on the mayor's much vaunted lower crime report.

Like "Agatha" said:

"A big problem with "statistics" on crime is the methodology used to compile these numbers. Some police forces with politically ambitious commanders and mayors have many opportunities to manipulate the numbers, and very often they do just that to make themselves look good to the voters."

Anonymous said...

Hellooo Ozboy!

A sad commentary indeed. Remember the little man in the crime fighting cape is making noises cuz ELECTION time is here!

Get his head out of the gondola cars and see what's going on. Put that money into cops, cars and gang units and the resources they need. sheeesh.

It'll take Jesse and the rest of the Council to step up. Where were all the CC members last nite?

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