Sunday, December 30, 2007

Boss Godfrey Sticks it to Another Emerald City Business Owner

You're not a Friend of Matt? Tough Luck!

By Curmudgeon

If there was any remaining doubt that the Godfrey administration is primarily concerned with taking care of insider-owned businesses, and doesn't much care about the rest of the business community, that doubt should be removed by a Top of Utah front page story in this morning's Standard-Examiner.

The story concerns a raised median traffic barrier that has suddenly appeared on Washington Blvd. adjacent to the River Project redevelopment area in Ogden. Here are the opening graphs:

Residents and several businesses are angry about an access-restricting raised median that went up on Washington Boulevard last month without public hearings or prior notification.

A small yellow curb divides the state-owned Washington Boulevard between 18th Street and 20th Street and keeps drivers from making left turns in or out of businesses and apartment complexes.

Jim Koertge, proprietor of the Prairie Schooner Steak House, 445 Park Blvd., said the inconvenience has already hurt his business, which has its main access from Washington Boulevard.

"Locals will find a way to get here even if it's a long way around, but tourists won't," he said, adding that out-of-towners account for 80 percent of his business.

A half block away, at Nationwide Auto Glass, the sentiment is the same.

"I think it's terrible and it's damaging our business," said Chris Johnson, a manager at Nationwide. "I don't think it does any real good."
And why has the barrier gone up [and with no, repeat not public notice]? Why, to accommodate development in the River Project zone of course. From the story:

In 2006, Ogden applied for a permit from the Utah Department of Transportation to give Park Boulevard an access on the west side of Washington as part of a redevelopment agency project along the Ogden River. Before that, Park ended at the east side of Washington.
UDOT thought all this was not a good idea, particularly because the city wanted...

the intersection off-set to provide some space between the river and Park on the west side of Washington, said Adan Corrillo, a spokesman for UDOT". [...]

"This proposal would create unacceptable conflicts with the left turn movements. In order to mitigate these conflicts, a considerable length of raised median would have to be constructed. This would be a costly addition and would also have impacts on existing access in the area," Pope wrote in the July 10 letter. "If the City still desires to move forward with the original proposal, we will be happy to assist in recommendations for the raised median. We would also expect the City to take appropriate measures to inform adjacent communities of the change in access prior to beginning the project."
OK, to summarize: City wants new road alignment at Washington and the River, that UDOT thinks is a bad idea. But if the city insists, UDOT will comply but expects the city to do proper notification of pending change for businesses and residents. And what happened then?

According to its rules, UDOT must hold a public hearing "where the project would have a substantially different social, economic or environmental effect; or where the project would essentially change the layout or function of connecting roads or streets."

A public meeting should have been held, Carrillo said, but it was the city's responsibility, because it was the entity requesting the access to the state road.

Koertge said he never heard about the project until construction began last month. Patterson said the city did not hold any public hearings because they were unaware of the UDOT policy. He said the city intended to notify the affected residents and businesses before construction began, but there was a breakdown in communication.
"There was a gentleman in our office who was responsible for notifying the people," he said. "But he left and delegated it to someone else, and it didn't happen."
Gosh darn it, says Mr. Patterson, Godfrey's CAO, we just forgot. Sorry 'bout that. And what, you might ask, does the Godfrey administration propose to do about its failure to do what the law requires? Nothing:

At this point, Patterson said, there is not much the city can do."The median is in and it's not going to be coming out," he said. "We're just complying with what UDOT required."

For Koertge, the issue is not closed. He said he can't understand how UDOT and the city could be so careless concerning their taxpaying constituency.

"After 30 years of business, I've never seen anything like this," said the white-bearded Koertge at his rustic restaurant that has become an Ogden landmark. "Really, it hurts your feelings. It gives you a funny feeling in your stomach. Why would they do something like this to you?"
Why, Mr. K? Because the Godfrey administration does not much give a damn about already established local businesses. It is devoting its full energies to enriching its developer cronies and to concocting grandiose schemes to lure Paris Hilton to stay in Ogden to ride gondolas. If your business, and others, have to suffer to achieve great wealth for Godfrey cronies, well that's just the sacrifice you will, as a public spirited citizen business man, you will have to make, I guess.

As for the public hearings and public notice that never happened? Well, Mr. K, that's what happens when we have a Mayor who does not give a damn about public notice or open government, a Mayor who prefers to operate in secret. What this administration cares about gets taken care of. The rest it lets slide. And it doesn't much care about holding required public hearings about projects designed to enrich its developer buddies when those hearings are likely to raise complaints from existing businessmen not included in the Godfrey Enrich My Cronies Club.

Can any one imagine Mr. Patterson ever saying, "There was a gentleman in our office responsible for transferring the city-owned options in the River Project area to Mr. Leshem, but he left and delegated the job to someone else, and it didn't happen, so the options lapsed. Too late to do anything about it now."

No. Neither can I.

It's about time, in fact it's long past time, for members of the business community in Ogden not included Godfrey's Cronies Enrichment Club to wake up, smell the coffee and begin to act as members of the Chamber of Commerce and other local business organizations to protect their interests before they find out what next Godfrey plans to benefit the RDA zones at their expense.

Interesting that stories illustrating either the mendacity or incompetence of the Godfrey administration [in re: in this case failure to hold required public hearings on the traffic median on Washington] are breaking in the Std-Ex post-election.

Imagine that... .


Anonymous said...

Has Ed Allen been at it again? A man who doesn't even live in Ogden scolded an Ogdenite for speaking out against the Godfrey crookedness and daring to write a letter to the paper before the election!

This So Ogden person said that 'poor Matt has 4 children (sic), and lives in a very poor section of town, barely making ends meet".

Tsk Tsk...Godfrey lives in a very desirable section of town...and if he was so poor, then he didn't need to pump up his already inflated ego by running for a third term, did he?

The Allen's and Godfrey's and their churchified friends will stop at nothig to make this little crook look sympathetic.

Anonymous said...

koertge as i recall had a godfrey sign up at his establishment. now he knows just what kind of friend of matts he is.

Anonymous said...

When they break ground for WOW (Wal-Mart on Wall) then maybe the current business owners that will have to close for lack of business wake up. Why won't they let Mike Moyes open a restaurant on his river property on Washington when that is Binghams Cycle plan to open Peloto's Bistro fronting the river. How close to the rivers edge will they take the patio dining? Maybe the planning commission needs to establish a buffer from the rivers edge. Since the Mt. Ogden Park seems to be off the table, the river should make an excellent substitute for concerned citizens and scrutiny of Ogden.

Anonymous said...

I would venture to guess that the Prairie Schooner pays a hell of a lot more money into the Ogden City treasury than all the Geigers put together and any of the much vaunted ski companies that the little lord brags about incessantly.

Then when the city makes still another boneheaded and arrogant move that hurts some citizen or other tax payer, the CAO of the town shrugs his shoulders and says: "There was a gentleman in our office who was responsible for notifying the people, but he left and delegated it to someone else, and it didn't happen."

Just good old Patterson's way of saying "Let them eat cake".

It once again proves my theory that
Godfrey and his entire circle of empty suits, that cost the tax payers of Ogden more than a million a year in salaries and perks, ain't worth a bucket of warm spit. Ain't
none of them could hold a middle manager job at the Prairie Schooner!

Lunatics in charge of the asylum?

Anonymous said...

Patterson's disregard for the truth is surpassed only by lying little matty himself.
To point out how anyone with a memory can know he's lying, I offer this. The same street, Washington Blvd., Ogden City just went through a long proccess ealier this year, with U-dot and the City Council, including public announcement and all, to put the meridians in the downtown area.
They supplied very detailed plans that included the types of plants and how they would be watered and cared for. Some public input included concerns for existing crosswalks with increased,(more visable) pedestrian signage.
Also, if the administration had no idea of any policy, why the statement that someone had been assigned the task of notification of businesses in the area? They don't have a history of doing that, for anything.

Anonymous said...

well well, they all get their just deserts for not waking up and seeing what the big fat lair is doing to this town. I guess that the parrie schooner should just tare down the restaurant and build a new one out of Ogden.

Anonymous said...

Another Godfrey supporter has just been screwed.

Interesting how the lying little shit never brought up the Wal-Mart during the re-election campaign, I guess he dint want to offend his business supporters, he'll just wait till after the election and screw em all with the Wal-Mart while helping out the criminal from California, and his touch hole buddy Chris Petersen, while neglecting those who have been in Ogden through thick and thin churning tax dollars into the city coffers to aid him in his efforts to run them out of town.

What Irony!

Anonymous said...

he did mention his intent to move walmart to town during a luncheon. what was amazing was that that word didn't get out very far.
why because of our wonderful local newspaper.
godfrey controls what they publish and what they dont publish.
bet you never see the rda write off of 6.3 million dollars in the paper. godfrey will never let them publish that fact.

Anonymous said...

It's because he has Thornbergs wife on the payroll at the Charter School on 22nd st.

Anonymous said...


Don't worry. If he decides he's said he believes something that will impede his election chances, he'll have a sudden change of mind. Again. And again. And again. And again....

Anonymous said...

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

Anonymous said...

"There was a gentleman in our office who was responsible for notifying the people," he said. "But he left and delegated it to someone else, and it didn't happen."

What does that mean. Who was this "gentleman"? Is (or was) he not a city paid employee? Where is the accountability for this fiasco? "OOPS" does not quite cut it. If other "city" employees were to fail they would be held responsible. If any city employee "embarrasses" or "anger's" the mayor they are held accountable. Just ask a few of the police officers who have had to "apologize" to his royal ego-ness for speaking their minds....

maugham said...

Change of subject

Ogden Wilderness: The Time is Now
presented by Sierra Club Volunteer, Dan Schroeder
Universe City, 2556 Washington Blvd
6:30 pm • Saturday, 5 January 2008

What is the purpose of Wilderness?
Wilderness status protects federally owned lands from road construction and other activities that would spoil their natural character.

Why would Ogden want to have Wilderness areas?
As our cities grow, it is important to preserve some places where we can go for a while to find quiet and solitude. Also, designating Wilderness would tell the world that Ogden is a community that cares about its natural environment.

What can I do to promote Wilderness near Ogden?
Wilderness designation is a lengthy process that culminates with passage of a law by Congress. At this time, our goal is to find local consensus over how much of Ogden’s mountains, if any, should be protected. Please discuss this issue with your friends and neighbors: When/Where?

Universe City, 2556 Washington Blvd
6:30 pm • Saturday, 5 January 2008

Universe City presents
Art as a Vehicle for Social Commentary
WHO: Universe City
WHAT: Basin and Range III:
An Artistic Response to Our Mountains
WHERE: In the Strawberry Gallery
2556 Washington Boulevard, Ogden
WHEN: January 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19:
Fridays, 5:00-8:00 pm, Saturdays, noon-8:00 pm,
or by appointment: 458-8959.
Opening night music by Cristine Jennings & Sue Hallin.

The focus of this exhibit is that part of the Basin and Range province that provides the beauty of our own backyard - or front yard, depending on which way your front door faces. The exhibit will include, among others: photography by Steph B. Parke, Dayle Record, Tom Szalay and Charles Trentleman; paintings by LeRoy Jennings and Roberta Glidden; ceramics by Suzanne Storer and poetry by Rob Carney and Ken Brewer.

Three special events are planned during the exhibit:

Saturday, January 5, 6:30-7:30 pm:
“Ogden Wilderness: The Time is Now,” presentation by Sierra Club volunteer Dan Schroeder beginning the discussion of how much of our local mountains we want to preserve as wilderness.

Friday, January 12, 6:30-7:30 pm:
Rob Carney, award-winning poet, recites “The Mother of the Mountains” and other poems.

Saturday January 19th, 6:30-7:30 pm:
Basin and Range Geology and Ancient Peoples, by Jeffrey Eaton, WSU Geology and Linda Eaton, WSU Anthropology.

maugham said...

Ogden is much more than dirty politics!

Weber State University College of Arts & Humaniies,
Honors Program,
Department of Performing Arts and others

One Book,
One Campus,
One Community:
Weber Reads Beowulf

Kick-off Events Thursday, January 10th, 1:00 pm
other activities continue through April, 2008

Where: Shepherd Union Building Atrium

What to do now: Read the Book! Buy it from a local bookstore or check it out from your local library.

Get Ready!
Weber State University Department of the Performing Arts joins with the College of Arts and Humanities, the WSU Honors Program and Weber County Libraries to encourage local communities to participate in “Weber Reads: Beowulf.” Giving the book as a gift this holiday is a good way to start. Local book sellers and libraries are participating in this project and copies are available now.

Get Set!
The idea of “One Book, One Campus, One Community,” originated several years ago as a Weber State University Honors project, mentored by Dr. Kathryn MacKay. It has a natural tie to a similar program initiated by the Library of Congress and brought to this community by the Weber County Library. The two Webers are joining forces to fulfill the description.

The Thursday, January 10th, kick-off event at Weber State will be a Beowulf Read-a-thon, beginning at 1:00 p.m. in the Atrium of the Shepherd Union Building. Students, faculty, staff and friends are invited to take turns reading the Seamus Heaney translation of “Beowulf” straight through. This program is sponsored by the College of Arts and Humanities.

At 6:30 p.m. that evening at the Ogden City Amphitheater activities will continue with “Hwaet! In the Dark,” featuring selected portions of “Beowulf” read by Tracy Callahan, WSU Theatre Professor, and Joe Crnich, Ogden High School Arts and Humanities teacher. Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism’s local chapter, Griphon’s Lair, will help set the mood beginning at 6:00 with costumes, music and some sword fighting demonstrations. The audience is encouraged to dress warmly - but to consider coming in costume, too. Warm drinks will be provided by Grounds for Coffee.

WSU is presenting many faculty members as well as a visiting scholar in events scheduled January through April in the Hetzel-Hoellein Room of the Stewart Library. Added to events planned by the Weber County Library, Ogden Nature Center and the Treehouse Museum, the entire community will know a lot more about Beowulf by springtime. The mystery of why it continues to be a part of our education will be revealed!

A complete listing of events can be found at

For more information about the Read-a-Thon contact Caril Jennings, 626 6431 or

For more information about the lecture series at WSU, contact Kathryn MacKay, 626-6782 or

Anonymous said...

In response to an earlier thread:

Jason W, regardless of your affinity for the drug-fueled, egocentric drivel of HST, I'll side with Sonny Barger's assessment of the man when lumping him together with Peter "the RUB's RUB" Fonda: "They both went to Chickenshit High."

My assessment of Gonzo: he was the ultimate self-promoting clown. He was a figment of his own imagination, and remained "relevant" only due to the public's infatuation with style rather than substance.

However, Jason, I was very impressed with your list of favored authors. I imagine everyone at the coffee house enjoys smoking cloves and drinking lattes as you recite some of their more important passages. I do so love being edumacated by real intellectuals.

Anonymous said...

From the department of dumb questions:

What *&^%$-ing Walmart on Wall?!?!

Anonymous said...

Beav, you're back, I thought you may have fallen victim to some vicious form of geigerian geigery.
Blessed relief, happy new year.

Anonymous said...

I just googled the Prairie Schooner website:

The Praire Schooner


Once Ogden is transformed into the high adventure capital of the world, a place like this will not do. I can't imagine Paris Hilton dining here at all. Can you? This restaurant must be immediately run out of business, for the greater good.

Anonymous said...

Lovely Jennifer, way back in the late summer or fall, lying little matty boasted to a gathering of self proclaimed execs at a luncheon that Mr. leashem and friends were bringing Walmart to Downtown Ogden. Some of us went balistic, it's placement as far as we can tell will be in the area of the transportation hub, yup, the front runner.
With this in mind, imagine what's really planned for what's being billed as gadi's river development.

Anonymous said...


I drank reebs at the City Club, you clown, and smoked Marlboro reds. I recited only passages of the masterworks of Ceeb.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bill, I'm still here, though, I've been mired in a state of sorry resignation after Napoleon's victory in November. It's kind of sapped my desire to post.

I just couldn't resist needling ol' JW, though. I relish the moments when he reminds us all of how intellectually superior he is. God love ya, little buddy.

On a bright note, though, I was told that once the Mayor was re-elected, I could hope to sell my house in a matter of days, seeing how the community saviors have be reassured of the continued momentum.

Alas, it's still for sale–potential buyers must be waiting for the first gondola pole to be planted on 23rd before they commit. Once that happens, though, I have to say my price will skyrocket. Paris and Wolfgang will certainly be looking for O-Town accommodations.

Happy New Year to all of you–professors, tree-huggers, ne'er-do-wells, activists, saints, heretics, heathens, golf bums, and parka hawkers alike.

I raise and sunshine soda to your good health and good fortune.

-From the office of Peter & Paul, CPAs and real estate speculators

Anonymous said...

thank you. So what you're saying is we'll have a Walmart on the river, and people using the Front Runner will be parking there?

How quaint it aint.


Anonymous said...

The Wal-Mart will be convient for those heading to Salt Lake for a get away weekend. They can drop in and pick up those last minute items they forgot to pack. Condoms, Feminine Hygeine products and such.

Anonymous said...

I suppose most of the new inhabitants of gadi's developement will need the Walmart nearby, it'll be 90% cheep apartments, they'll probably need the front runner to commute to the various fast food establishments that will employ them along the Wasatch front. What more could one predict from the vision of one of the worst slumlords in Ogden.(lying little matty's resume)
I guess we're destined to have 3 clothes shopping options in Ogden, Mervins, Walmart and the DI.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bill, the Ogden Rennaissance Village will be much like a West Bank settlement; that's the experience the Gondola Examiner tells us he has. No word on whether Leshem will erect concrete barriers and post machine-gun-toting guards in east and west towers to protect inhabitants from the Clinton chapter of Hamas. On the plus side, when passengers get off FrontRunner in beautiful OTown, they'll step right down to Wal-Mart. Perhaps an onion field will take shape west of THE GONDOLA "launching pad."


Anonymous said...

Jason, I heard that gadi's developement experienc was as follows. Gadi leshem, expatriated Isaeli, built the first, only, and not successful Honey Cured Ham outlet in West Jeruselem. The establishment consisted of 700 sq. ft. retail area with a 500 sq. ft. kitchen and process area attached.
In an interview after the businesses failure after 1 month of opening gadi responded, I thought we'd do well, I thought we were providing something very unique, with an element of vice.
This was some years ago, gadi is well aware of Jewish and Islamic dietary laws, and should not reflect poorly on his current interpretations and judgements. His top advisers now include lying little matty gondola godfrey, potato nose and short deck geiger, gregary peccary montgomery and g train wilkerson. All the way baby, sound judgement always.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been particularly a contrarian in a few days, so, just to keep my hand in....

a. I notice nobody gave kudoes to the SE for running the story about Hizzonah's administration dropping the ball on the Washington Blvd traffic median. The story did not redound to the Administration's credit in any way, since the only way to explain what happened on the city's part is that the Administration deliberately avoided holding the required public meeting in order to avoid criticism of the planned move or it was simply incompetent in not doing what the law requires. And the SE ran the story. Prominently in the TOU section. Worth a nod or two, seems to me.

b. SE also recently reported that the big Macy's stand-alone store [the old M and F store] in Riverdale is closing. I notice that those on WCF who constantly praise the intelligence of Riverdale's government in re: snarfing business away from Ogden, and who treat any business closing here, or locating somewhere else as the personal failing of Mayor Godfrey, have not chimed in about the incompetence of Riverdale's government in "losing" Macys.

Hmmmmmmm.... do I detect a bit of a double standard at work?

[There. That should keep my contrarian credentials in order well into the new year.]

Happy new year, people, and remember to serve blackeyed peas and cabbage on New Year's day to insure health and wealth for the coming year.

Anonymous said...

Curm, the rag you refer to as the SE, fluffed the piece big time. They covered the lane reduction meridian earlier this year, quite extensively. (most likely to divert attention from the mayors wrong doings) They could have called BS on patterson in print, or at least reminded him. They didn't.
As for the Meyer and Frank. They were the ones that located across the street from Walmart. My only comment might be to take note of what Walmart could do to any retail in the downtown area.
And Curm, my hopes for you in the coming year had risen so high when you refered to blaine johnson as a " miserable toadying shit for brains onion eating godfrey ass kisser". Oh well, it was a highlight for 2007.

Anonymous said...

Bill C:

Ah, recall, Bill, that the description you quote was offered as an example of ineffective invective such as was likely to be posted by some in these parts.

Ciao, paisan, and happy new year.

Anonymous said...

Curm, I understand the context, but it was brilliant all the same. It probably couldn't really be concidered an accurate description of johnson however, given his position and personal benefit from the whole AMCAN Ogden Community Foundation scheme.
He may ingest large quantities of onions, is driven by greed which may not be rightfully concidered shit for brains, and as far as ass kissing, well, thats probably a mutual activity amonst those participants.
But it was intoxicating to know that from the mind of one such as you could come such a profound word grouping, truely inspiring.

Anonymous said...


You wrote: But it was intoxicating to know that from the mind of one such as you could come such a profound word grouping, truely inspiring.

Ah, Bill, what can I say? All that historical training in wordsmithing paying off at last, I guess....

Anonymous said...

It’s befitting that Mayor Godfrey has apparently chosen a Walmart as the “anchor store” for downtown Ogden. Nothing shouts out dedication to outdoor adventure like a Walmart superstore. Residents and visitors can equip themselves with the wonderful outdoor gear and accessories that Walmart is famous for. Walmart’s attention to quality products from China is renown.

Local businesses will certainly welcome the competition from an additional Walmart because there’s currently only two in the area. Small business owners will, no doubt, praise the mayor’s visionary tactics with utmost enthusiasm. Kudos to Mayor Godfrey for his commitment to excellence, and for his steadfast devotion to the local economy.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think we should just trust Mayor Godfrey in every decision that he makes and we should just support that.

Anonymous said...

Screw Godfrey, my new year resolution is to throw a stick in the spokes of Godfrey's trike every time I get a chance.

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