Monday, December 10, 2007

The Shocking Truth About Ron Paul

Food for thought on a slow Emerald City news day
WCF Election 2008 kickoff

Thought provocative letter to the editor in this morning's Standard-Examiner, regarding this November 30 Doug Gibson column.

Being the curious type, we googled a little bit, in the hope that we could find something to set forth Ron Paul's case in a nutshell.

We came up with this:

Are there any Ron Paulophites within our WCF midst? Paulophobes?

Don't let the cat get your tongues...


Anonymous said...

Ron Paul will never even get close. His big problem is that he calls it like it is. Most people do not want the truth from their leaders, they want sugar coated pablum. They want their elected leaders to lie to them and make them feel all warm and fuzzy. Godfrey knows this, that is why he got re-elected, Bishop knows this, that is why his phony ass sits in a chair in the US Congress, Carl Rove knows this, that is why Bush is President (Bush apparently doesn't know Jack Shit). Rove incidentally learned this important lesson in Utah - the cradle of the concept.

Anonymous said...

"Honest politician" is an oxymoron.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice the article on page 2 of the SE this morning - GOP debate en espanol?

I am disgusted that candidates for the highest office in our country found it necessary to hold a debate in Spanish to try to attract voters.

The whole bunch came across as a group of prostitutes who are offering to sell their integrity for a vote.

My belief is that no one should vote who cannot speak English.

If you can't speak English then you do not have a clue as to what this country stands for and you certainly have never studied our constitution.

I was surprised to see that Ron Paul participated in the debate at the University of Miami.

I had him pegged as having higher standards than the rest of the GOP or Democrat candidates.

Anonymous said...

I like that Paul takes the constitution to the heart of his camp. However I don't think I can
support someone who doesn't support ANY government run programs that are NOT specifically in the constitution, even those that are there for the safety, education and well being of our country. For example; the Abolishment of the FBI?!

There are several things he says or believes in that make me say "HELL YA" but some that just make me say "ARE YOU NUTS?!"

But then on the other hand there isn't much else on the playing field that I really like. And I guess his out of this world veto's would probably be passed anyways, I don't see either Rep or Dem allowing him to Limit Government to the point of almost non-existence like it sounds like he wants.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I aslo believe him when he says he will not run if he loses the Republican Nomination. I think he is smart enough to realize if he loses the nomination, as a third party candidate he will just be pulling more votes from the Rep side than from the Dem, and I believe that is the last thing he wants to do.

OgdenLover said...

Not entirely a slow news day. The RDA meeting agenda was published today. Is this business as usual? Who is "25th Street Associates LLC"?

Ogden City Council and RDA

5 p.m., joint study session, 2549 Washington Blvd. 6 p.m., RDA meeting Proposed resolution approving and authorizing executive director to execute purchase agreement with Fresenius Medical Care Holdings Inc. regarding sale of agency’s interest in certain real property, 1415 Gibson Ave. Proposed resolution approving and authorizing executive director to execute and take all actions necessary to effectuate real estate purchase and sale agreement with 25th Street Associates LLC regarding sale of agency’s interest in certain real property referred to as phase 2 property of Union Square project in 25th Street Historic district Closed executive session.

Anonymous said...

There have been rumors at Union Square in the past month that the owners of the undeveloped property, 25th Street Associates, want to build Phase #2 of the project next year. And why not? The FrontRunner should drive the market.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul???? Good grief, Charlie Brown.

Don't throw your votes away on someone who cannot possibly win!

We don't want Obama, Clinton (2 for one again) or that dipsy hairdo Edwards!

Think! What is best for our country, our world reputation, and who will think twice in the axis of eveil before pushing us too hard?

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul???? Good grief, Charlie Brown.

Don't throw your votes away on someone who cannot possibly win!

We don't want Obama, Clinton (2 for one again) or that dipsy hairdo Edwards!

Think! What is best for our country, our world reputation, and who will think twice in the axis of eveil before pushing us too hard?

Anonymous said...

I just want to interject here, in case he reads this, that Kevin was going to introduce us, Rupert, but I had to leave after the event and you didn't show up in time.

Maybe at another event we can meet as you requested.

Anonymous said...

Hillary is the best deal!

Anonymous said...

Hillary? Shmillary!

We live in the age of the Ayatollahs. All rag-head nations have one, and we should have one of our own too.

Pastor Huckleberry for president!


Anonymous said...

Chris Dodd looks good to me.

Monotreme said...

I couldn't help but notice that the letter writers who supported Ron Paul today were the same ones I brought to task back in February for mis-representing the history of the Washington's Birthday holiday.

(It's too old to link, but some of my dedicated WCF fans may recall that little interchange. They claimed it was an attempt by Bill Clinton to glorify himself; I pointed out the enabling legislation was passed during the Nixon Administration.)

Monotreme said...

Oh, and the anarchist in me wishes for a Paul-Kucinich matchup.

Anonymous said...

True Republican,

"Don't throw your votes away on someone who cannot possibly win!"


Then don't vote in f*&#king Utah!!! The candidate who gets the nod from God's Own Party (GOP) will carry the state. There is NO sum of money I wouldn't lay against those odds. Learn how the electoral college works before you post your pathetic drivel! EVERY vote in Utah is a wasted vote when it comes to presidential politics. We're 5 ridiculous votes that are a foregone conclusion.

I say vote for Ron Paul just so the damned Republican candidate who carries the nomination will know we're not going to roll over every time he opens his lying mouth! And so the Democratic candidate who is going to win the election will know we're not party-line suck ups.

Anonymous said...

The lack of serious discussion over Ron Paul and his sensible platform reflects the slack-jaw mentality predominating in today's discourse. Even the sharpies at WCF reveal a lack of serious thought.

End the War on Drugs,
End the War on Terrorism,
End the IRS,
Repeal the Patriot Act ...

Anyone else have a coherent and acceptable platform.

Anonymous said...

It seems that when it comes to gondolas, crony land deals, downtown developments, there are passionate and thoughtful opinions.

When it comes to real worldly issues like undeclared war, bloated federal government, NSA snooping on citizens, lack of energy leadership, and more the local citizenry turn to the comfort of their CNN dictated views. The posters with the rapid-fire retorts are usually the ones with the least creative opinion, firing off tires neocon neabled one liners loaded with racist or America-centric overtones.

Think like a world-citizen people. We are NOT americans. We are world occupants. There are others out there who share this planet and it's resources who do not live on this side of the planet. Our nation has the ability and the responsibility to lead. We are now followers after China and we will likely fall right into the energy war trap that awaits without bold new steps to a sustainable energy future. Shake off your dusty old Rush Limbaughesque wise-crack based opinions and think of something new to say.

Anonymous said...

That should be "tired, neocon enabled one liners"

...and that's a mouthful...

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul shoots from the hip. Charles Gibson’s makes me laugh. He’s a hoot. Hoot Gibson has very little creativity. He is, however, fond of using tired cliches and memes, such as, “tax and spend liberal.” The Hooter conveniently overlooks facts, such as the obscene growth of the national debt under GW Bush. GW’s policy has been, “borrow and spend.” The Republican led Congress aided and abetted the Bush debacle because they cut taxes, in order to borrow money, to finance an elective war???

So who’s paying for GW’s elective war? China is financing it........for now. China is our loan officer. Think about that. China can call in the loan anytime. They’re using it as leverage...... for now. Our children’s children will be paying for Bush’s and the Republican Congress’ misdeeds. That’s the reality of the current Republican, so-called conservative, family values. The borrow and spend conservatives are out of touch with reality.

Increases in The National Debt Chart

GW Bush quote, "My plan reduces the national debt, and fast. So fast, in fact, that economists worry that we're going to run out of debt to retire." --radio address, Feb. 24, 2001

Anonymous said...

Tec, The platform you reccommend stands a snowball chance in hell, regardless of the many valid reasons it's built on.
Americans lack the ability to see thru the mythology and marketing they've swallowed their whole lives. How can you expect them to see that what they percieve to be values are being used to further enslave them to their unproven beliefs? Should they concider the fact that the one's shoveling that dribble, their leaders and the haves, don't buy it, and are currently engaged in expanding their holdings and control globally?
The war on drugs enables the terrorism of the domestic populus and is a very profitable undertaking. Forget the costs of encarcerating so many citizens.
The war on terrorism and the patriot act allow them to do what they damn well please, it puts them above the law.
And the IRS pays for it all, in an unfair manner.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to offer the candidate that will garner 90% of the Utah vote as an example.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is a shocking joke!

Anonymous said...

Doug Gibson is a Bill'O wannabe!!

Anonymous said...

My apologies to Charles Gibson, I meant to say that Doug Gibson makes me laugh and has very little creativity.

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