Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Demos Field a Full Slate of Legislative Challengers

Check out our new 2008 candidate roster

The Standard-Examiner has a couple of stories this morning, concerning the upcoming Weber County election 2008 legislative races.

Weber County Democrats announce that a full slate of nine Democrats have filed to run for the state legislature in this Marshall Thompson story; and Charlie Trentelman reports that incumbent GOP Congressman Rob Bishop faces two announced challengers for his 1st Congressional District seat, including one from within his own party.

As the April party conventions approach, we'll make a conscientious effort to keep our readers informed about who the candidates are for each party; and in this connection we've set up a Weber County legislative candidates page, which we'll keep updated as the final candidate selection process occurs. We'll also add this page in our upcoming elect 2008 module, in our right sidebar, shortly.

At present, we've added page links for those candidates who have web pages available through the public domain; we also invite all candidates to submit their own web pages, through the email link in our upper right sidebar.

Looks like a robust election season coming up.

And what say our gentle readers about all this?

Update 3/12/08 11:05 a.m. MT: This is too funny. This morning's Marshall Thompson story reports that a seeming political newcomer, "Ted Allen" has entered the House Leg. Dist. 10 race, upon the retirement of Democrat incumbent Lu Shurtliff. Being the curious type, we navigated to the Weber County elections page. And who is this Ted Allen guy? None other than Emerald City Gondolist D. Edger “Ed” Allen. That's right gentle readers... Boss Godfrey's father-in-law hisself!


Anonymous said...

I read that Jesse "do nothing" Garcia didn't even show up. But yet he says he is a democrat. Well this is another fine example of why Neil should be the one to keep the seat in Leg. 9

Anonymous said...

Are you sure about this Ted - Ed thing Rudi?

I mean why wouldn't the Standard pick up on this and report it? For a former state senator, father in law of the mayor and major architect of the Godfreyite empire to file for a new office under a slightly different name certainly seems like a big story to me.

Another curiosity is how do you get "Ted" from Edgar? On its face, if it really is Ed, it looks highly suspicious. Are you sure Rudi?

If this is true, another major HaHa is "Ted's" statement "I have a great respect for Democracy". This from the Little Lord's guru! My gawd, doesn't he know that this is not a democracy! Any one who is familiar with the Little Lord's political philosophy knows that this is a Republic!

RudiZink said...

Strange Std-Ex reporting, granted, Oz. But Marshall Thompson is a new reporter and probably isn't familiar with Ed Allen.

And if you still have some lingering doubt, open the Weber County Election page which I linked, and scroll down to the filings for Leg. Dist. 10.

I also confirmed that it is "Ed" and not "Ted," with one Weber County Democratic Party official this morning.

Let the fun begin. I knew I was going to enjoy this election ;-)

Anonymous said...

Are you going to donated some money to him like all the other candidates that you promised.

Anonymous said...

Funny Ed Allen story:

At Peterson's dog and pony show at WSU a couple years ago, big Ed was overheard expressing his opinion of the professors and administrators who weren't so enthusiastic about the plan. His exact words were: "They're all idiots up here."

Anonymous said...

Sigh. What really disappointed me about the candidates report is the downright wimpy statements that got reported. "I believe in democracy." Jesus. How the hell did he manage to leave out Motherhood, Apple Pie and The Flag?

If the WC Dem Party candidates don't come out swinging, it's going to be another grim year. Campaigning on a platform of "I believe in democracy" just won't cut it for a non-incumbent. WCD needs candidates who know how to roll up their sleeves and take the fight to the opposition. Generalized statements of belief in democracy, liberty, freedom, puppy dogs and being nice to your momma just won't cut it.

Where the hell have all the populists gone?

Anonymous said...


All the "populists" around these parts drank their kool aid and went to NYC to work for the Emperors Club VIP at five grand an hour.

Anonymous said...


Hmmmmm... then I wonder what kind of Kool Aid the "girls" Family Values Christian Right Republican U.S. Sen. Vitter hired for his fun and games in DC were drinking. Hey, Vitter's still is in the Senate, isn't he? Still holds all his committee assignments from the Republican leadership. Hasn't been forced to resign or threatened with sanctimonious calls for his removal by his Republican colleagues unless he does? Imagine that....

Anonymous said...


Only Democrats sin to the point that they have to be removed from office.

When Dems hook up with hookers it is a resignable and possibly prosecutable sin. When Repubs do it the penalty is a slap on the wrist and a return to writing laws to control the bad guys - who of course are all Democrats as we all know.

Anonymous said...

Did somebody say male hookers?

Anonymous said...

Come out swing now and nobody remembers in on Labor Day. Sure, we political junkies want it now, but most people don't decide who to vote for until the Sunday before election.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I need to lay of the burbon!

Go ED!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Dermatoligist Dr. Ed Allen can remove the wart from the ass of Ogden we call Godfrey.

Anonymous said...

Dr Sholls

Maybe Dr. Ed could just put some Odor Eaters in the diminutive mayor's shoes. Within twenty four hours the little stinker would simply disappear!

Anonymous said...


You wrote: When Repubs do it the penalty is a slap on the wrist and a return to writing laws.

True enough, but you left out one crucial step in the process. This:

"When Repubs do it and get caught, they immediately place a call to Jesus, who assures them that He forgives them, and that the punishment is a slap on the wrist, after which they return to writing laws." The phone call to Jesus is a very important part of the process. Can't believe you left it out.

Recall the Congressman, Rep. Hutchinson -- Republican of course --- from Arkansas, prominent in the Bill Clinton impeachment proceedings, who, it turns out, was at the time canoodling with a legislative aide. As I recall he divorced his wife of some 20 years or so shortly after the impeachment proceedings to marry his aide... and run for re-election, telling the voters that he'd spoken to Jesus and that Jesus had forgiven him. [Yes, he really did say that on the campaign trail.] Sadly for Hutchinson, Jesus apparently forgot to speak to the voters who turned the hypocrite out of office. [He quickly received an appointment to federal office in the Bush administration. Surprise!]

Anonymous said...

Hey, Oz...

On prostitution and government, I thought you might enjoy this. It's about a press conference the soon-to-be-governor [come Monday] of New York gave yesterday when Sptizer announced he was resigning. It's from NY Magazine:

"Just so we don't have to go through this whole resignation thing again," one ballsy reporter asked, "have you ever patronized a prostitute?" Paterson thought for a minute. "Only the lobbyists," he said.

Anonymous said...


Just proves that Jesus is a republican in spite of the long hair and sandals. The Dems don't call on him because they know he don't like them anyway. They are just too damn forgiving of their fellow man's shortcomings for his taste.

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